2024-03-09T14:40:52Z - 2025-03-09T14:40:52Z


0 active pull requests
6 active issues
Excluding merges, 1 author has pushed 72 commits to main and 79 commits to all branches. On main, 66 files have changed and there have been 9560 additions and 4411 deletions.

6 issues created by 1 user

Opened #23 server: more robust AP deserialization 2025-01-10 02:24:32 +00:00

Opened #24 server: finish implementing nostrAdapter 2025-01-10 02:25:03 +00:00

Opened #25 server: finish implementing MisskeyAdapter 2025-01-10 02:25:22 +00:00

Opened #26 server: finish implementing MastoAdapter 2025-01-10 02:25:34 +00:00

Opened #27 server: implement follower actions in HonkAdapter 2025-01-10 02:27:06 +00:00

Opened #28 client: implement FollowComponent 2025-01-10 02:28:46 +00:00