I managed to keep backwards compatibility without really cluttering the code so here is the patch http://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4874 too. Please keep in mind that this is my first piece of code for openbox and that I'm not a die hard openbox user (yet), not to tell the patch was not exhaustively tested. Anyway I think it's pretty much in a good shape but any criticism will be welcome. Basically the patch add the following theme options for controlling buttons in osd prompts: %%%% colors % % for the text inside the button osd.button.unpressed.text.color osd.button.pressed.text.color osd.button.focused.text.color % % for the line art around the button % (if you don't wan't the box just make box.color = bg.color) osd.button.pressed.box.color osd.button.focused.box.color %%%% textures % osd.button.unpressed.bg osd.button.pressed.bg osd.button.focused.bg The buttons can be in three states: unpressed: neither clicked nor selected focused: selected but not clicked pressed: clicked (and of course selected) I discarded the previous distinction between press and pfocus as in fact it was only a formal distinction, in that both appearances mimicked each other in every sense. It think that it was just inherited from the way titlebar buttons are managed so I decided to simplify it a bit. All the options default in a way that preserves backwards compatibility: osd.button.unpressed.text.color -> osd.active.label.text.color osd.button.pressed.text.color -> osd.active.label.text.color osd.button.focused.text.color -> osd.active.label.text.color osd.button.pressed.box.color -> window.active.button.pressed.image.color osd.button.focused.box.color -> window.active.button.hover.image.color osd.button.unpressed.bg -> window.active.button.unpressed.bg osd.button.pressed.bg -> window.active.button.pressed.bg osd.button.focused.bg -> window.active.button.hover.bg Notice that a good deal of locs where added to theme.c but in compensation prompt.c is pretty much simpler now because the appearances and textures are created while loading the theme.
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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
theme.h for the Openbox window manager
Copyright (c) 2006 Mikael Magnusson
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License.
#ifndef __theme_h
#define __theme_h
#include "render.h"
typedef struct _RrTheme RrTheme;
struct _RrTheme {
const RrInstance *inst;
/* style settings - fonts */
RrFont *win_font_focused;
RrFont *win_font_unfocused;
RrFont *menu_title_font;
RrFont *menu_font;
RrFont *osd_font_hilite;
RrFont *osd_font_unhilite;
/* style settings - geometry */
gint paddingx;
gint paddingy;
gint handle_height;
gint fbwidth; /*!< frame border width */
gint mbwidth; /*!< menu border width */
gint obwidth; /*!< osd border width */
gint cbwidthx;
gint cbwidthy;
gint menu_overlap_x;
gint menu_overlap_y;
gint menu_sep_width;
gint menu_sep_paddingx;
gint menu_sep_paddingy;
/* these ones are calculated, not set directly by the theme file */
gint win_font_height;
gint menu_title_font_height;
gint menu_font_height;
gint label_height;
gint title_height;
gint button_size;
gint grip_width;
gint menu_title_label_height;
gint menu_title_height;
/* style settings - colors */
RrColor *menu_border_color;
RrColor *osd_border_color;
RrColor *frame_focused_border_color;
RrColor *frame_unfocused_border_color;
RrColor *title_separator_focused_color;
RrColor *title_separator_unfocused_color;
RrColor *cb_focused_color;
RrColor *cb_unfocused_color;
RrColor *title_focused_color;
RrColor *title_unfocused_color;
RrColor *titlebut_disabled_focused_color;
RrColor *titlebut_disabled_unfocused_color;
RrColor *titlebut_hover_focused_color;
RrColor *titlebut_hover_unfocused_color;
RrColor *titlebut_toggled_hover_focused_color;
RrColor *titlebut_toggled_hover_unfocused_color;
RrColor *titlebut_toggled_focused_pressed_color;
RrColor *titlebut_toggled_unfocused_pressed_color;
RrColor *titlebut_toggled_focused_unpressed_color;
RrColor *titlebut_toggled_unfocused_unpressed_color;
RrColor *titlebut_focused_pressed_color;
RrColor *titlebut_unfocused_pressed_color;
RrColor *titlebut_focused_unpressed_color;
RrColor *titlebut_unfocused_unpressed_color;
RrColor *menu_title_color;
RrColor *menu_sep_color;
RrColor *menu_color;
RrColor *menu_bullet_color;
RrColor *menu_bullet_selected_color;
RrColor *menu_selected_color;
RrColor *menu_disabled_color;
RrColor *menu_disabled_selected_color;
RrColor *title_focused_shadow_color;
gchar title_focused_shadow_alpha;
RrColor *title_unfocused_shadow_color;
gchar title_unfocused_shadow_alpha;
RrColor *osd_text_active_color;
RrColor *osd_text_inactive_color;
RrColor *osd_text_active_shadow_color;
RrColor *osd_text_inactive_shadow_color;
gchar osd_text_active_shadow_alpha;
gchar osd_text_inactive_shadow_alpha;
RrColor *osd_pressed_color;
RrColor *osd_unpressed_color;
RrColor *osd_focused_color;
RrColor *osd_pressed_lineart;
RrColor *osd_focused_lineart;
RrColor *menu_title_shadow_color;
gchar menu_title_shadow_alpha;
RrColor *menu_text_normal_shadow_color;
gchar menu_text_normal_shadow_alpha;
RrColor *menu_text_selected_shadow_color;
gchar menu_text_selected_shadow_alpha;
RrColor *menu_text_disabled_shadow_color;
gchar menu_text_disabled_shadow_alpha;
RrColor *menu_text_disabled_selected_shadow_color;
gchar menu_text_disabled_selected_shadow_alpha;
/* style settings - pics */
RrPixel32 *def_win_icon; /* RGBA */
gint def_win_icon_w;
gint def_win_icon_h;
/* style settings - masks */
RrPixmapMask *menu_bullet_mask; /* submenu pointer */
#if 0
RrPixmapMask *menu_toggle_mask; /* menu boolean */
RrPixmapMask *down_arrow_mask;
RrPixmapMask *up_arrow_mask;
/* buttons */
RrButton *btn_max;
RrButton *btn_close;
RrButton *btn_desk;
RrButton *btn_shade;
RrButton *btn_iconify;
/* global appearances */
RrAppearance *a_focused_grip;
RrAppearance *a_unfocused_grip;
RrAppearance *a_focused_title;
RrAppearance *a_unfocused_title;
RrAppearance *a_focused_label;
RrAppearance *a_unfocused_label;
/* always parentrelative, so no focused/unfocused */
RrAppearance *a_icon;
RrAppearance *a_focused_handle;
RrAppearance *a_unfocused_handle;
RrAppearance *a_menu_text_title;
RrAppearance *a_menu_title;
RrAppearance *a_menu;
RrAppearance *a_menu_normal;
RrAppearance *a_menu_selected;
RrAppearance *a_menu_disabled;
RrAppearance *a_menu_disabled_selected;
RrAppearance *a_menu_text_normal;
RrAppearance *a_menu_text_disabled;
RrAppearance *a_menu_text_disabled_selected;
RrAppearance *a_menu_text_selected;
RrAppearance *a_menu_bullet_normal;
RrAppearance *a_menu_bullet_selected;
RrAppearance *a_clear; /* clear with no texture */
RrAppearance *a_clear_tex; /* clear with a texture */
RrAppearance *osd_bg; /* can never be parent relative */
RrAppearance *osd_hilite_bg; /* can never be parent relative */
RrAppearance *osd_hilite_label; /* can be parent relative */
RrAppearance *osd_unhilite_bg; /* can never be parent relative */
RrAppearance *osd_unhilite_label; /* can be parent relative */
RrAppearance *osd_pressed_button;
RrAppearance *osd_unpressed_button;
RrAppearance *osd_focused_button;
gchar *name;
/*! The font values are all optional. If a NULL is used for any of them, then
the default font will be used. */
RrTheme* RrThemeNew(const RrInstance *inst, const gchar *theme,
gboolean allow_fallback,
RrFont *active_window_font, RrFont *inactive_window_font,
RrFont *menu_title_font, RrFont *menu_item_font,
RrFont *active_osd_font, RrFont *inactive_osd_font);
void RrThemeFree(RrTheme *theme);