# [[ zenUtils ]] ### --refined UI/workflow helper scripts-- #### Derek Stevens ## About This is a simple collection of helper scripts to round out my two common desktop sessions: * ryudo * fluxbox ### extdisplay Wrapper script around `xrandr` to handle a second monitor on a laptop. ### nmtuiWin Wrapper script around `nmtui` to aid in network configuration in the absence of nm-applet. An alacritty config file hardcodes the colors for the `ncurses` interface. ### logout Dmenu script to provide session/power management menu. ### batAlarm Simple script to tell you when your battery's running out when you don't have a panel. ### sirius Background worker to sync an imap mailbox. ### ztabelle Generate a timesheet for a given month by manipulating the output from `zeit` ### riosh Shell script to loosley emulate `rio` behavior in a EWMH-compliant WM ### desks shell script to facilitate desktop switching via a tint2 executor ### xtraKeys common keybinding operations with notifications ### t2stats tint2 system load/memory, battery, and network info ### dynacal displays either regular or arvelie clock in a tint2 executor, with an action to switch them as well ## License This collection is released permissively under the MIT License. You can do whatever you want with it, as long as you leave my name on it.