# [[ zenUtils ]] ### --refined UI helper scripts-- #### Derek Stevens ## About This is a simple collection of helper scripts to round out my two common desktop sessions: Plasma 'lite': * kwin * alacritty * plasmashell * tint2 * dunst * xbindkeys Ryudo: * ryudo * alacritty * nitrogen * xosview * xclock * dunst * xbindkeys ### extdisplay Wrapper script around `xrandr` to handle a second monitor on a laptop. ### nmtuiWin Wrapper script around `nmtui` to aid in network configuration in the absence of nm-applet. An alacritty config file hardcodes the colors for the `ncurses` interface. ### t2stats Status script to run in an Executor of `tint2` which gives network and battery status. * __network__ is given as any of `offline`, `wired`, or `wifi/`. * __battery__ is given as a progress/HP bar like so ` ` where each block character (``) represents approximately 20% of charge. Battery alert notifications are handled by `tint2` natively, even when the native battery applet is hidden, so that functionality is not present in the script. Network connection/disconnection notifications are planned. ### desks Helper script to run in an Executor of `tint2` which allows scrolling of desktops on the executor. ### logout Dmenu script to provide session/power management menu. ### batAlarm Simple script to tell you when your battery's running out when you don't have a panel. ### sleepy Lightweight ACPI handler to put a laptop to sleep when you close the lid and it's not plugged in. ### transsetter Background script to apply translucency to terminal and editor windows with `transset`, `xshove`, and `xcompmgr` ### ztabelle Generate a timesheet for a given month by manipulating the output from `zeit` ## License This collection is released permissively under the MIT License. You can do whatever you want with it, as long as you leave my name on it.