366 lines
8.4 KiB
366 lines
8.4 KiB
package adapter
import (
. "forge.lightcrystal.systems/lightcrystal/underbbs/models"
mkcore "github.com/yitsushi/go-misskey/core"
mkm "github.com/yitsushi/go-misskey/models"
n "github.com/yitsushi/go-misskey/services/notes"
tl "github.com/yitsushi/go-misskey/services/notes/timeline"
users "github.com/yitsushi/go-misskey/services/users"
type MisskeyAdapter struct {
data chan SocketData
nickname string
server string
apiKey string
mk *misskey.Client
// unlike the mastodon client, we have to manage combining resources
// from different API calls instead of streaming them in a single channel
cache map[string]time.Time
mtx sync.RWMutex
stop chan bool
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) Name() string {
return self.nickname
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) Init(settings Settings, data chan SocketData) error {
fmt.Println("initializing misskey adapter")
self.nickname = settings.Nickname
self.server = *settings.Server
self.apiKey = *settings.ApiKey
self.data = data
fmt.Println("getting ready to initialize internal client")
client, err := misskey.NewClientWithOptions(
misskey.WithBaseURL("https", self.server, ""),
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("misskey client initialized")
self.mk = client
self.cache = make(map[string]time.Time)
return nil
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) Subscribe(filter string) []error {
// misskey streaming API is undocumented....
// we could try to reverse engineer it by directly connecting to the websocket???
// alternatively, we can poll timelines, mentions, etc with a cancellation channel,
// keep a cache of IDs in memory, and send new objects on the data channel
// TODO: decode the filter so we can send data to the mk services
// same as in masto, we will want to close and reopen the stop channel
if self.stop != nil {
self.stop = make(chan bool)
// in the background, continuously read data from these API endpoints
// if they are newer than the cache, convert them to UnderBBS objects
// and send them on the data channel
go self.poll()
return nil
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) poll() {
var latest *time.Time
var notesService *n.Service
var timelineService *tl.Service
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-self.stop:
if !ok {
notesService = self.mk.Notes()
timelineService = notesService.Timeline()
// TODO: we have to actually decode and pass our filter criteria
// probe for new notes
probenote, err := timelineService.Get(tl.GetRequest{
Limit: 1,
if err == nil && len(probenote) > 0 && self.isNew(probenote[0]) {
if latest == nil {
latest = &probenote[0].CreatedAt
// this is the first fetch of notes, we can just grab them
notes, err := timelineService.Get(tl.GetRequest{
Limit: 100,
// if latest is nil also get mentions history
mentions, merr := notesService.Mentions(n.MentionsRequest{
Limit: 100,
if err != nil {
if merr != nil {
// check the cache for everything we just collected
// if anything is newer or as of yet not in the cache, add it
// and convert it to a SocketData implementation before sending on data channel
for _, n := range notes {
msg := self.toMessageIfNew(n)
if msg != nil {
self.data <- msg
for _, n := range mentions {
msg := self.toMessageIfNew(n)
if msg != nil {
self.data <- msg
} else {
for {
// get notes since latest, until the probe
notes, err := timelineService.Get(tl.GetRequest{
SinceDate: uint64(latest.Unix()),
UntilDate: uint64(probenote[0].CreatedAt.Unix()),
Limit: 100,
if err != nil {
for _, n := range notes {
msg := self.toMessageIfNew(n)
if msg == nil {
latest = &probenote[0].CreatedAt
self.data <- msg
if *latest == probenote[0].CreatedAt {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) isNew(n mkm.Note) bool {
timestamp, exists := self.cache[n.ID]
return !exists || timestamp.Before(n.CreatedAt)
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) toMessageIfNew(n mkm.Note) *Message {
return self.toMessage(n, false)
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) toMessage(n mkm.Note, bustCache bool) *Message {
timestamp, exists := self.cache[n.ID]
if bustCache || !exists || timestamp.Before(n.CreatedAt) {
host := mkcore.StringValue(n.User.Host)
authorId := ""
if host != "" {
authorId = fmt.Sprintf("@%s@%s", n.User.Username, host)
} else {
authorId = fmt.Sprintf("@%s", n.User.Username)
self.cache[n.ID] = n.CreatedAt
msg := Message{
Datagram: Datagram{
Id: n.ID,
Uri: n.URI,
Protocol: "misskey",
Adapter: self.nickname,
Type: "message",
Created: n.CreatedAt.UnixMilli(),
Author: authorId,
Content: n.Text,
Attachments: []Attachment{},
Visibility: n.Visibility,
ReplyTo: n.ReplyID,
ReplyCount: int(n.RepliesCount),
Replies: []string{},
RenoteId: (*string)(n.RenoteID),
for _, f := range n.Files {
msg.Attachments = append(msg.Attachments, Attachment{
Src: f.URL,
ThumbSrc: f.ThumbnailURL,
Size: f.Size,
Desc: f.Comment,
Created: f.CreatedAt.UnixMilli(),
return &msg
return nil
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) toAuthor(usr mkm.User, bustCache bool) *Author {
host := mkcore.StringValue(usr.Host)
authorId := ""
if host != "" {
authorId = fmt.Sprintf("@%s@%s", usr.Username, host)
} else {
authorId = fmt.Sprintf("@%s", usr.Username)
timestamp, exists := self.cache[authorId]
var updated *int64 = nil
if usr.UpdatedAt != nil {
updatedTmp := usr.UpdatedAt.UnixMilli()
updated = &updatedTmp
if bustCache || !exists || (updated != nil && timestamp.Before(time.UnixMilli(*updated))) || timestamp.Before(*usr.CreatedAt) {
fmt.Println("converting author: " + usr.ID)
if usr.UpdatedAt != nil {
self.cache[authorId] = *usr.UpdatedAt
} else {
self.cache[authorId] = *usr.CreatedAt
author := Author{
Datagram: Datagram{
Id: authorId,
Uri: mkcore.StringValue(usr.URL),
Protocol: "misskey",
Adapter: self.nickname,
Type: "author",
Created: usr.CreatedAt.UnixMilli(),
Updated: updated,
Name: usr.Name,
ProfilePic: usr.AvatarURL,
ProfileData: usr.Description,
return &author
return nil
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) Fetch(etype string, ids []string) error {
for _, id := range ids {
switch etype {
case "message":
data, err := self.mk.Notes().Show(id)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
msg := self.toMessage(data, true)
if msg != nil {
self.data <- msg
case "children":
data, err := self.mk.Notes().Children(n.ChildrenRequest{
NoteID: id,
Limit: 100,
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
for _, n := range data {
msg := self.toMessage(n, true)
if msg != nil {
self.data <- msg
case "convoy":
data, err := self.mk.Notes().Conversation(n.ConversationRequest{
NoteID: id,
Limit: 100,
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
for _, n := range data {
msg := self.toMessage(n, true)
if msg != nil {
self.data <- msg
case "author":
user := ""
host := ""
idParts := strings.Split(id, "@")
user = idParts[1]
if len(idParts) == 3 {
host = idParts[2]
var hostPtr *string = nil
if len(host) > 0 {
hostPtr = &host
// fmt.Printf("attempting user resolution: @%s@%s\n", user, host)
data, err := self.mk.Users().Show(users.ShowRequest{
Username: &user,
Host: hostPtr,
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
a := self.toAuthor(data, false)
if a != nil {
self.data <- a
return nil
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) Do(action string) error {
return nil
func (self *MisskeyAdapter) DefaultSubscriptionFilter() string {
return ""