128 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file
128 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import argparse
import sys
# Returns true if `value` is an integer represented as a string.
def is_int(value):
# type: (str) -> bool
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def get_mappings(pid):
mappings = []
with open("/proc/{0}/smaps".format(pid)) as f:
mapping = None
for line in f:
if ": " not in line:
# Header
# 00400000-00447000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 11667056 /usr/bin/tint2
if mapping:
mapping = {}
mapping["path"] = line.strip().split(" ", 1)[-1].strip()
elif mapping:
# Entry
# Size: 4 kB
# VmFlags: rd mr mw me dw ac sd
key, val = [s.strip() for s in line.split(":", 1)]
if val.endswith(" kB") and is_int(val.split(" kB", 1)[0]):
val = int(val.split(" kB", 1)[0]) * 1024
mapping[key] = val
print "Cannot handle line:", line
raise RuntimeException("Parsing error")
if mapping:
return mappings
def extract_mappings(maps, select_func, group_func):
parts = {}
for m in maps:
if "Rss" in m and is_int(m["Rss"]) and m["Rss"] > 0 and select_func(m):
group = group_func(m)
if group not in parts:
parts[group] = 0
parts[group] += m["Rss"]
parts = parts.items()
parts.sort(key=lambda p: -p[1])
total = sum([p[1] for p in parts])
return total, parts
def print_histogram(name, maps, extractor_func, detailed):
total, histogram = extractor_func(maps)
print "{}: {:,} B".format(name, total)
if not detailed:
max_size_str_len = 0
for item, size in histogram:
size_str = "{:,}".format(size)
padding = max(0, max_size_str_len - len(size_str))
max_size_str_len = max(max_size_str_len, len(size_str))
print " * {}{} B: {}".format(" " * padding, size_str, item)
def extract_total(maps):
return extract_mappings(maps,
lambda m: True,
lambda m: "Total")
def extract_code_size(maps):
return extract_mappings(maps,
lambda m: "ex" in m["VmFlags"],
lambda m: m["path"])
def extract_heap_size(maps):
return extract_mappings(maps,
lambda m: m["path"] == "[heap]",
lambda m: m["path"])
def extract_stack_size(maps):
return extract_mappings(maps,
lambda m: m["path"] == "[stack]",
lambda m: m["path"])
def extract_mapped_files(maps):
return extract_mappings(maps,
lambda m: "/" in m["path"] and "ex" not in m["VmFlags"],
lambda m: m["path"])
def extract_other(maps):
return extract_mappings(maps,
lambda m: "/" not in m["path"] and m["path"] != "[stack]" and m["path"] != "[heap]" and "ex" not in m["VmFlags"],
lambda m: m["path"])
def show_mem_info(pid, detailed):
maps = get_mappings(pid)
print_histogram("Total", maps, extract_total, detailed)
print_histogram("* Heap", maps, extract_heap_size, detailed)
print_histogram("* Stack", maps, extract_stack_size, detailed)
print_histogram("* Memory mapped files", maps, extract_mapped_files, detailed)
print_histogram("* Executable code", maps, extract_code_size, detailed)
print_histogram("* Other", maps, extract_other, detailed)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prints the memory allocation information of a process.")
parser.add_argument("--detailed", action="store_true", help="Show a breakdown for each category.")
parser.add_argument("pid", help="PID of the process whose memory is to be analyzed.", type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
show_mem_info(args.pid, args.detailed)
if __name__ == "__main__":