project( tint2 ) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.5 ) option( ENABLE_BATTERY "Enable battery status plugin" ON ) option( ENABLE_TINT2CONF "Enable tint2conf build, a GTK+2 theme configurator for tint2" ON ) option( ENABLE_EXTRA_THEMES "Install additional tint2 themes" ON ) option( ENABLE_RSVG "Rsvg support (launcher only)" ON ) option( ENABLE_SN "Startup notification support" ON ) option( ENABLE_TRACING "Build tint2 with tracing instrumentation" OFF ) option( ENABLE_ASAN "Build tint2 with AddressSanitizer" OFF ) option( ENABLE_BACKTRACE "Dump a backtrace in case of fatal errors (e.g. X11 I/O error)" OFF ) option( ENABLE_BACKTRACE_ON_SIGNAL "Dump a backtrace also when receiving signals such as SIGSEGV" OFF ) if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux" ) option( ENABLE_UEVENT "Kernel event handling support" ON ) endif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux" ) include( GNUInstallDirs ) if(NOT docdir) set(docdir ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR}) endif() if(NOT htmldir) set(htmldir ${docdir}/html) endif() include( FindPkgConfig ) include( CheckLibraryExists ) include( CheckCSourceCompiles ) pkg_check_modules( X11 REQUIRED x11 xcomposite xdamage xinerama xext xrender xrandr>=1.3 ) pkg_check_modules( PANGOCAIRO REQUIRED pangocairo ) pkg_check_modules( PANGO REQUIRED pango ) pkg_check_modules( CAIRO REQUIRED cairo ) pkg_check_modules( GLIB2 REQUIRED glib-2.0 ) pkg_check_modules( GOBJECT2 REQUIRED gobject-2.0 ) pkg_check_modules( IMLIB2 REQUIRED imlib2>=1.4.2 ) if(ENABLE_BACKTRACE) check_c_source_compiles( "#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <execinfo.h>\nint main () { backtrace(NULL, 0); }" BACKTRACE_LIBC) if(BACKTRACE_LIBC) set(BACKTRACE_LIBC_FOUND TRUE) set(BACKTRACE_L_FLAGS "-rdynamic") else() pkg_check_modules( UNWIND libunwind ) find_library(EXECINFO_LIBRARIES NAMES execinfo) if(EXECINFO_LIBRARIES OR EXECINFO_LIBRARIES_FOUND) set(EXECINFO_FOUND TRUE) set(EXECINFO_LIBRARIES "-lexecinfo") set(BACKTRACE_L_FLAGS "-rdynamic") else() set(EXECINFO_LIBRARIES "") set(BACKTRACE_L_FLAGS "") endif() endif() if( NOT BACKTRACE_LIBC_FOUND AND NOT UNWIND_FOUND AND NOT EXECINFO_FOUND ) message( WARNING "Backtrace support not available. You can enable it by installing libexecinfo or libunwind." ) endif() else() set(EXECINFO_LIBRARIES "") set(BACKTRACE_L_FLAGS "") endif() check_c_source_compiles( "#define print(x) _Generic((x), default : print_unknown)(x) \n void print_unknown(){} \n int main () { print(0); }" HAS_GENERIC) if(HAS_GENERIC) add_definitions(-DHAS_GENERIC) set(CSTD "c11") else() set(CSTD "c99") endif(HAS_GENERIC) if( ENABLE_RSVG ) pkg_check_modules( RSVG librsvg-2.0>=2.14.0 ) endif( ENABLE_RSVG ) if( ENABLE_SN ) pkg_check_modules( SN libstartup-notification-1.0>=0.12 ) endif(ENABLE_SN) find_library( RT_LIBRARY rt ) if( NOT X11_FOUND OR NOT PANGOCAIRO_FOUND OR NOT PANGO_FOUND OR NOT CAIRO_FOUND OR NOT GLIB2_FOUND OR NOT GOBJECT2_FOUND OR NOT IMLIB2_FOUND ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Not all dependencies fulfilled. See" ) endif( NOT X11_FOUND OR NOT PANGOCAIRO_FOUND OR NOT PANGO_FOUND OR NOT CAIRO_FOUND OR NOT GLIB2_FOUND OR NOT GOBJECT2_FOUND OR NOT IMLIB2_FOUND ) string( REPLACE ";" " " FLAGS_REPLACED "${IMLIB2_LDFLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${FLAGS_REPLACED}" ) check_library_exists( "${IMLIB2_LIBRARIES}" "imlib_context_set_display" "${IMLIB2_LIBRARY_DIRS}" IMLIB_BUILD_WITH_X ) if( NOT IMLIB_BUILD_WITH_X ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Imlib is not built with X support" ) endif( NOT IMLIB_BUILD_WITH_X ) add_definitions( -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -D_WITH_GETLINE ) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") add_definitions( -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L ) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") include_directories( ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} src src/battery src/clock src/systray src/taskbar src/launcher src/tooltip src/util src/execplugin src/button src/freespace src/separator ${X11_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PANGOCAIRO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PANGO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CAIRO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GOBJECT2_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${IMLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${RSVG_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${SN_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) set( SOURCES src/config.c src/panel.c src/util/server.c src/main.c src/init.c src/util/signals.c src/util/tracing.c src/mouse_actions.c src/drag_and_drop.c src/default_icon.c src/clock/clock.c src/systray/systraybar.c src/launcher/launcher.c src/launcher/apps-common.c src/launcher/icon-theme-common.c src/launcher/xsettings-client.c src/launcher/xsettings-common.c src/taskbar/task.c src/taskbar/taskbar.c src/taskbar/taskbarname.c src/tooltip/tooltip.c src/execplugin/execplugin.c src/button/button.c src/freespace/freespace.c src/separator/separator.c src/tint2rc.c src/util/area.c src/util/bt.c src/util/common.c src/util/fps_distribution.c src/util/strnatcmp.c src/util/timer.c src/util/cache.c src/util/color.c src/util/strlcat.c src/util/print.c src/util/gradient.c src/util/test.c src/util/uevent.c src/util/window.c ) if( ENABLE_BATTERY ) set( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/battery/battery.c) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") set( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/battery/linux.c) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "DragonFly") set( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/battery/freebsd.c) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "FreeBSD") set( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/battery/freebsd.c) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "OpenBSD") set( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/battery/openbsd.c) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "NetBSD") set( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/battery/openbsd.c) else(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") set( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/battery/dummy.c) endif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") add_definitions( -DENABLE_BATTERY ) endif( ENABLE_BATTERY ) if( ENABLE_RSVG ) if( RSVG_FOUND ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_RSVG ) else() message( FATAL_ERROR "SVG support enabled yet dependency not fulfilled: librsvg-2.0" ) endif( RSVG_FOUND ) endif( ENABLE_RSVG ) if( ENABLE_SN ) if( SN_FOUND ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_SN -DSN_API_NOT_YET_FROZEN ) else() message( FATAL_ERROR "Startup notification support enabled yet dependency not fulfilled: libstartup-notification-1.0" ) endif( SN_FOUND ) endif( ENABLE_SN) if( ENABLE_UEVENT ) add_definitions( -DENABLE_UEVENT ) endif( ENABLE_UEVENT ) if(ENABLE_BACKTRACE) if(BACKTRACE_LIBC_FOUND) add_definitions( -DENABLE_EXECINFO ) endif() if( UNWIND_FOUND ) add_definitions( -DENABLE_LIBUNWIND ) endif( UNWIND_FOUND ) if( EXECINFO_FOUND ) add_definitions( -DENABLE_EXECINFO ) endif( EXECINFO_FOUND ) if(ENABLE_BACKTRACE_ON_SIGNAL) add_definitions( -DBACKTRACE_ON_SIGNAL ) endif() else() add_definitions( -DDISABLE_BACKTRACE ) endif() if( ENABLE_TINT2CONF ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_VERSION_H ) add_subdirectory( src/tint2conf ) add_dependencies( tint2conf version ) endif( ENABLE_TINT2CONF ) if( ENABLE_ASAN ) SET(ASAN_C_FLAGS " -O0 -g3 -fsanitize=address -fno-common -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -Wshadow") SET(ASAN_L_FLAGS " -O0 -g3 -fsanitize=address -fno-common -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold ") else() SET(ASAN_C_FLAGS "") SET(ASAN_L_FLAGS "") endif() if( ENABLE_TRACING ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_TRACING ) SET(TRACING_C_FLAGS " -finstrument-functions -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=tracing.c -finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=get_time,gettime -O0 -g3 -fno-common -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic") SET(TRACING_L_FLAGS " -O0 -g3 -fno-common -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic") else() SET(TRACING_C_FLAGS "") SET(TRACING_L_FLAGS "") endif() add_custom_target( version ALL "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" ) link_directories( ${X11_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${PANGOCAIRO_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${PANGO_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${CAIRO_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${GLIB2_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${GOBJECT2_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${IMLIB2_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${RSVG_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${SN_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) add_executable(tint2 ${SOURCES}) target_link_libraries( tint2 ${X11_LIBRARIES} ${PANGOCAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${PANGO_LIBRARIES} ${CAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${GLIB2_LIBRARIES} ${GOBJECT2_LIBRARIES} ${IMLIB2_LIBRARIES} ${UNWIND_LIBRARIES} ${EXECINFO_LIBRARIES} ) if( ENABLE_RSVG ) target_link_libraries( tint2 ${RSVG_LIBRARIES} ) endif( ENABLE_RSVG ) if( ENABLE_SN ) target_link_libraries( tint2 ${SN_LIBRARIES} ) endif( ENABLE_SN ) if( RT_LIBRARY ) target_link_libraries( tint2 ${RT_LIBRARY} ) endif( RT_LIBRARY ) target_link_libraries( tint2 m ) add_dependencies( tint2 version ) set_target_properties( tint2 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wpointer-arith -fno-strict-aliasing -pthread -std=${CSTD} ${ASAN_C_FLAGS} ${TRACING_C_FLAGS}" ) set_target_properties( tint2 PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-pthread -fno-strict-aliasing ${ASAN_L_FLAGS} ${BACKTRACE_L_FLAGS} ${TRACING_L_FLAGS}" ) install( TARGETS tint2 DESTINATION bin ) install( FILES tint2.svg DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps ) install( FILES tint2.desktop DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/applications ) install( FILES themes/tint2rc DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_SYSCONFDIR}/xdg/tint2 ) install( FILES default_icon.png DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/tint2 ) install( FILES AUTHORS ChangeLog doc/ DESTINATION ${docdir} ) install( FILES doc/manual.html doc/readme.html DESTINATION ${htmldir} ) install( DIRECTORY doc/images DESTINATION ${htmldir} ) install( FILES doc/tint2.1 DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/man1 ) if( ENABLE_EXTRA_THEMES ) add_subdirectory(themes) endif( ENABLE_EXTRA_THEMES )