#!/usr/bin/env python2

import argparse
import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time

ansi_brown = "\x1b[0;33;40m"
ansi_yello_bold = "\x1b[1;33;40m"
ansi_lblue = "\x1b[0;36;40m"
ansi_pinky = "\x1b[0;35;40m"
ansi_reset = "\x1b[0m"

log_ts = None
def log_time():
  global log_ts
  if log_ts == None:
    log_ts = time.time()
  ts = time.time()
  delta_ms = int((ts - log_ts) * 1000)
  log_ts = ts
  return "{0: >6}".format(delta_ms)

def log_prefix():
  line = inspect.stack()[2][2]
  function = inspect.stack()[2][3]
  return ansi_lblue + "{0} {1}:{2}".format(log_time(), function, line) + ansi_reset

def debug(*args):
  parts = [log_prefix()]
  for s in args:
  logging.debug(" ".join(parts))

def info(*args):
  parts = [log_prefix()]
  for s in args:
  logging.info(" ".join(parts))

def cmd(s):
  logging.debug(log_prefix() + " Executing: " + ansi_brown + s + ansi_reset)
  return s

def run(s):
  proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd(s), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
  ret = proc.wait()
  out = proc.communicate()[0]
  for line in out.split("\n"):
    debug(ansi_pinky + line + ansi_reset)
  debug(ansi_pinky + "Exit code: " + str(ret))
  if ret != 0:
    raise Exception("Command failed!")
  return out

def natsorted(ls):
  dre = re.compile(r'(\d+)')
  return sorted(ls, key=lambda l: [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s.lower() for s in re.split(dre, l)])

def get_last_version():
  tags = natsorted(run("git tag -l 'v*'").split("\n"))
  return tags[-1]

def inc_version(v, feature=False):
  if v.startswith("v0."):
    assert v == "v0.14.6"
    return "v15.0"
  # v4.11 -> v4.12 or v5.0
  parts = v.split(".")
  while len(parts) < 2:
  assert len(parts) == 2
  if feature:
    parts[-2] = "v" + str(int(parts[-2].replace("v", "")) + 1)
    parts[-1] = "0"
    parts[-1] = str(int(parts[-1]) + 1)
  return ".".join([s for s in parts if s])

def assert_equal(a, b):
  if a != b:
    info(a, "!=", b)

def test_inc_version():
  # auto
  assert_equal(inc_version("v0.14.6"), "v15.0")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15"), "v15.1")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15.0"), "v15.1")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v16.1"), "v16.2")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v16.10"), "v16.11")
  # fix
  assert_equal(inc_version("v0.14.6", False), "v15.0")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15", False), "v15.1")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15.0", False), "v15.1")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v16.1", False), "v16.2")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v16.10", False), "v16.11")
  # feature
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15", True), "v16.0")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15.0", True), "v16.0")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15.1", True), "v16.0")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15.2", True), "v16.0")
  assert_equal(inc_version("v15.10", True), "v16.0")

def replace_in_file(path, before, after):
  with open(path, "r+") as f:
    old = f.read()
    new = old.replace(before, after)

def update_man(path, version, date):
  with open(path, "r+") as f:
    lines = f.read().split("\n")
    # # TINT2 1 "2017-03-26" 0.14.1
    parts = lines[0].split()
    parts[-2] = '"' + date + '"'
    parts[-1] = version
    lines[0] = " ".join(parts)
  run("cd doc ; ./generate-doc.sh")

def update_log(path, version, date):
  with open(path, "r+") as f:
    lines = f.read().split("\n")
    assert lines[0].endswith("master")
    lines[0] = date + " " + version

if __name__ == '__main__':
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument("--feature", action="store_true")
  parser.add_argument("--undo", action="store_true")
  args = parser.parse_args()
  logging.basicConfig(format=ansi_lblue + "%(asctime)s %(pathname)s %(levelname)s" + ansi_reset + " %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
  # Read version from last tag and increment
  old_version = get_last_version()
  if args.undo:
    info("Revering last commit...")
    run("git tag -d %s" % old_version)
    run("git tag -d %s" % old_version.replace("v", ""))
    run("git reset --soft HEAD~")
    run("git reset")
    run("git stash")
    os.system("git log -1")
  info("Old version:", old_version)
  version = inc_version(old_version, args.feature)
  readable_version = version.replace("v", "")
  date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
  info("New version:", readable_version, version, date)
  # Disallow unstaged changes in the working tree
  run("git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules --")
  # Disallow uncommitted changes in the index
  run("git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --ignore-submodules --")
  # Update version string
  replace_in_file("README.md", old_version.replace("v", ""), readable_version)
  update_man("doc/tint2.md", readable_version, date)
  update_log("ChangeLog", readable_version, date)
  run("git commit -am 'Release %s'" % readable_version)
  run("git tag -a %s -m 'version %s'" % (version, readable_version))
  run("git tag -a %s -m 'version %s'" % (readable_version, readable_version))
  run("rm -rf tint2-%s* || true" % readable_version)
  run("tar -xzf tint2-%s.tar.gz" % readable_version)
  run("cd tint2-%s ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make" % readable_version)
  assert_equal(run("./tint2-%s/build/tint2 -v" % readable_version).strip(), "tint2 version %s" % readable_version)
  os.system("git log -p -1 --word-diff")
  print "Does this look correct? [y/n]"
  choice = raw_input().lower()
  if choice != "y":
    run("git reset --hard HEAD~ ; git tag -d %s ; git tag -d %s" % (version, readable_version))