cleanup : generic resize function (in area.c)

git-svn-id: 121b4492-b84c-0410-8b4c-0d4edfb3f3cc
This commit is contained in:
thilor77 2010-09-22 22:01:37 +00:00
parent b4fb372f52
commit e68c361951
5 changed files with 63 additions and 168 deletions

View file

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ int resize_clock (void *obj)
strftime(buf_date, sizeof(buf_date), time2_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time2_timezone));
get_text_size2(time2_font_desc, &date_height_ink, &date_height, &date_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, buf_date, strlen(buf_date));
if (panel_horizontal) {
int new_size = (time_width > date_width) ? time_width : date_width;
new_size += (2*clock->area.paddingxlr) + (2*clock->>border.width);

View file

@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void init_panel()
p->area.on_screen = 1;
p->area.resize = 1;
p->area.size_mode = SIZE_BY_LAYOUT;
p->area._resize = resize_panel;
p->area._resize = resize_by_layout;
p->g_taskbar.area.parent = p;
p->g_taskbar.area.panel = p;
p->g_task.area.panel = p;
@ -301,96 +301,6 @@ void init_panel_size_and_position(Panel *panel)
int resize_panel(void *obj)
Panel *panel = (Panel*)obj;
int size, nb_by_content=0, nb_by_layout=0;
Area *a = (Area*)obj;
int paddingx = a->paddingx;;
if (panel_horizontal) {
// detect free size for SIZE_BY_LAYOUT's Area
size = a->width - (2 * a->paddingxlr) - (2 * a->bg->border.width);
GSList *l;
for (l = ((Area*)obj)->list ; l ; l = l->next) {
a = (Area*)l->data;
if (a->on_screen && a->width && a->size_mode == SIZE_BY_CONTENT) {
size -= a->width;
if (a->on_screen && a->size_mode == SIZE_BY_LAYOUT)
if (nb_by_content+nb_by_layout)
size -= ((nb_by_content+nb_by_layout-1) * paddingx);
//printf("resize_panel : size_panel %d, size_layout %d\n", panel->area.width, size);
int width=0, modulo=0;
if (nb_by_layout) {
width = size / nb_by_layout;
modulo = size % nb_by_layout;
//printf(" content %d, layout %d, width %d, modulo %d\n", nb_by_content, nb_by_layout, width, modulo);
// change posx and width for all taskbar
int i, posx;
posx = panel->>border.width + panel->area.paddingxlr;
if (panel->launcher.area.on_screen && panel->launcher.area.width)
posx += (panel->launcher.area.width + panel->area.paddingx);
for (i=0 ; i < panel->nb_desktop ; i++) {
panel->taskbar[i].area.posx = posx;
panel->taskbar[i].area.width = width;
panel->taskbar[i].area.resize = 1;
if (modulo) {
//printf(" width %d\n", panel->taskbar[i].area.width);
//printf("taskbar %d : posx %d, width, %d, posy %d\n", i, posx, panel->taskbar[i].area.width, posx + panel->taskbar[i].area.width);
if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP)
posx += panel->taskbar[i].area.width + panel->area.paddingx;
else {
// detect free size for SIZE_BY_LAYOUT's Area
size = a->height - (2 * a->paddingxlr) - (2 * a->bg->border.width);
GSList *l;
for (l = ((Area*)obj)->list ; l ; l = l->next) {
a = (Area*)l->data;
if (a->on_screen && a->height && a->size_mode == SIZE_BY_CONTENT) {
size -= a->height;
if (a->on_screen && a->size_mode == SIZE_BY_LAYOUT)
if (nb_by_content+nb_by_layout)
size -= ((nb_by_content+nb_by_layout-1) * paddingx);
int width=0, modulo=0;
if (nb_by_layout) {
width = size / nb_by_layout;
modulo = size % nb_by_layout;
// change posy and height for all taskbar
int i, posy;
for (i=0 ; i < panel->nb_desktop ; i++) {
panel->taskbar[i].area.posy = posy;
panel->taskbar[i].area.height = width;
panel->taskbar[i].area.resize = 1;
if (modulo) {
if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP)
posy += panel->taskbar[i].area.height + panel->area.paddingx;
return 0;
void visible_object()
Panel *panel;

View file

@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ void cleanup_panel();
void init_panel();
void init_panel_size_and_position(Panel *panel);
int resize_panel(void *obj);
void set_panel_items_order(Panel *p);
void set_panel_properties(Panel *p);

View file

@ -95,8 +95,6 @@ void init_systray()
void init_systray_panel(void *p)
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
systray.area.parent = p;
systray.area.panel = p;

View file

@ -217,90 +217,78 @@ void refresh (Area *a)
int resize_by_layout(void *obj)
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar*)obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel*)taskbar->area.panel;
Task *tsk;
GSList *l;
int task_count, border_width;
Area *child, *a = (Area*)obj;
int size, nb_by_content=0, nb_by_layout=0;
//printf("resize_taskbar : posx et width des taches\n");
taskbar->area.redraw = 1;
if (panel_horizontal) {
// detect free size for SIZE_BY_LAYOUT's Area
size = a->width - (2 * (a->paddingxlr + a->bg->border.width));
GSList *l;
for (l = a->list ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == SIZE_BY_CONTENT) {
size -= child->width;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == SIZE_BY_LAYOUT)
if (nb_by_content+nb_by_layout)
size -= ((nb_by_content+nb_by_layout-1) * a->paddingx);
//printf("resize_panel : size_panel %d, size_layout %d\n", panel->area.width, size);
border_width = taskbar->>border.width;
if (panel_horizontal) {
int pixel_width, modulo_width=0;
int taskbar_width;
// new task width for 'desktop'
task_count = g_slist_length(taskbar->area.list);
if (!task_count) pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
else {
taskbar_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * border_width) - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingxlr);
if (task_count>1) taskbar_width -= ((task_count-1) * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingx);
pixel_width = taskbar_width / task_count;
if (pixel_width > panel->g_task.maximum_width)
pixel_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
modulo_width = taskbar_width % task_count;
int width=0, modulo=0;
if (nb_by_layout) {
width = size / nb_by_layout;
modulo = size % nb_by_layout;
taskbar->task_width = pixel_width;
taskbar->task_modulo = modulo_width;
taskbar->text_width = pixel_width - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->>border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingx;
// change pos_x and width for all tasks
for (l = taskbar->area.list; l ; l = l->next) {
tsk = l->data;
if (!tsk->area.on_screen) continue;
set_task_redraw(tsk); // always redraw task, because the background could have changed (taskbar_active_id)
tsk->area.width = pixel_width;
// TODO : move later (when posx is known)
// long value[] = { panel->posx+x, panel->posy, pixel_width, panel->area.height };
// XChangeProperty (server.dsp, tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)value, 4);
if (modulo_width) {
// resize SIZE_BY_LAYOUT objects
for (l = a->list ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == SIZE_BY_LAYOUT) {
child->width = width;
child->resize = 1;
if (modulo) {
else {
int pixel_height, modulo_height=0;
int taskbar_height;
// detect free size for SIZE_BY_LAYOUT's Area
size = a->height - (2 * (a->paddingxlr + a->bg->border.width));
GSList *l;
for (l = a->list ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == SIZE_BY_CONTENT) {
size -= child->height;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == SIZE_BY_LAYOUT)
if (nb_by_content+nb_by_layout)
size -= ((nb_by_content+nb_by_layout-1) * a->paddingx);
// new task width for 'desktop'
task_count = g_slist_length(taskbar->area.list);
if (!task_count) pixel_height = panel->g_task.maximum_height;
else {
taskbar_height = taskbar->area.height - (2 * border_width) - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingxlr);
if (task_count>1) taskbar_height -= ((task_count-1) * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingx);
pixel_height = taskbar_height / task_count;
if (pixel_height > panel->g_task.maximum_height)
pixel_height = panel->g_task.maximum_height;
modulo_height = taskbar_height % task_count;
int height=0, modulo=0;
if (nb_by_layout) {
height = size / nb_by_layout;
modulo = size % nb_by_layout;
taskbar->task_width = pixel_height;
taskbar->task_modulo = modulo_height;
taskbar->text_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingy) - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->>border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingx;
// change pos_y and height for all tasks
for (l = taskbar->area.list; l ; l = l->next) {
tsk = l->data;
if (!tsk->area.on_screen) continue;
set_task_redraw(tsk); // always redraw task, because the background could have changed (taskbar_active_id)
tsk->area.height = pixel_height;
// TODO : move later (when posy is known)
// long value[] = { panel->posx, panel->posy+y, panel->area.width, pixel_height };
// XChangeProperty (server.dsp, tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)value, 4);
if (modulo_height) {
// resize SIZE_BY_LAYOUT objects
for (l = a->list ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == SIZE_BY_LAYOUT) {
child->height = height;
child->resize = 1;
if (modulo) {