update tintwizard : added button Apply and Close

git-svn-id: http://tint2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@258 121b4492-b84c-0410-8b4c-0d4edfb3f3cc
This commit is contained in:
thilor77 2009-11-05 19:48:26 +00:00
parent ac61a62958
commit 8e52784453
3 changed files with 55 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ tint2 is developped by :
- Thierry Lorthiois <lorthiois@bbsoft.fr>
- Andreas Fink <andreas.fink85@googlemail.com>
- Euan Freeman <euan04@gmail.com> (tintwizard)
- Christian Ruppert <Spooky85@gmail.com> (autotools build system)
tint2 is based on ttm source code (http://code.google.com/p/ttm/)
- 2007-2008 Pål Staurland <staura@gmail.com>
Christian Ruppert <Spooky85@gmail.com> : autotools build system
Kwaku Yeboah <kwakuyeboah@gmail.com> : wiki page
Daniel Moerner <dmoerner@gmail.com> : man page and debian package
Doug Barton : freebsd package

View file

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static void menuAddWidget (GtkUIManager * p_uiManager, GtkWidget * p_widget, Gtk
static void menuAbout(GtkWindow * parent)
const char *authors[] = { "Thierry Lorthiois", "Christian Ruppert (Build system)", "Euan Freeman <euan04@gmail.com> (tintwizard)\nSee http://code.google.com/p/tintwizard/", NULL };
const char *authors[] = { "Thierry Lorthiois <lorthiois@bbsoft.fr>", "Andreas Fink <andreas.fink85@googlemail.com>", "Christian Ruppert <Spooky85@gmail.com> (Build system)", "Euan Freeman <euan04@gmail.com> (tintwizard)\n See http://code.google.com/p/tintwizard/", NULL };
gtk_show_about_dialog( parent, "name", g_get_application_name( ),
"comments", _("Theming tool for tint2 panel"),

View file

@ -1237,11 +1237,24 @@ class TintWizardGUI(gtk.Window):
# Add notebook to window and show
self.table.attach(self.notebook, 0, 4, 2, 3, xpadding=5, ypadding=5)
if self.oneConfigFile:
# Add button Apply and Close
self.box1 = gtk.HBox(False, 20)
self.table.attach(self.box1, 0, 4, 3, 4, xpadding=5, ypadding=5)
temp = gtk.Button("Apply", gtk.STOCK_APPLY)
temp.connect("clicked", self.apply)
self.box1.pack_start(temp, True, True, 0)
temp = gtk.Button("Close", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE)
temp.connect("clicked", self.quit)
self.box1.pack_start(temp, True, True, 0)
# Create and add the status bar to the bottom of the main window
self.statusBar = gtk.Statusbar()
self.updateStatusBar("New Config File [*]")
self.table.attach(self.statusBar, 0, 4, 3, 4)
self.table.attach(self.statusBar, 0, 4, 4, 5)
@ -1415,39 +1428,52 @@ class TintWizardGUI(gtk.Window):
def apply(self, widget, event=None, confirmChange=True):
"""Applies the current config to tint2."""
if confirmDialog(self, "This will terminate all currently running instances of tint2 before applying config. Continue?") == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
if not self.save():
# Check if tint2 is running
procs = os.popen('pidof "tint2"') # Check list of active processes for tint2
pids = [] # List of process ids for tint2
#shutil.copyfile(self.filename, self.filename+".backup") # Create backup
for proc in procs.readlines():
pids += [int(proc.strip().split(" ")[0])]
# Check if tint2 is running
procs = os.popen('pidof "tint2"') # Check list of active processes for tint2
pids = [] # List of process ids for tint2
for proc in procs.readlines():
pids += [int(proc.strip().split(" ")[0])]
# If it is - kill it
if self.oneConfigFile:
# Save and copy as default
tmpSrc = self.filename
tmpDest = os.path.expandvars("${HOME}") + "/.config/tint2/tint2rc"
shutil.copyfile(tmpSrc, tmpDest)
except shutil.Error:
# Ask tint2 to reload config
for pid in pids:
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR1)
if confirmDialog(self, "This will terminate all currently running instances of tint2 before applying config. Continue?") == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
if not self.save():
# Lastly, start it
os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, self.tint2Bin, [self.tint2Bin, "-c" + self.filename])
#shutil.copyfile(self.filename, self.filename+".backup") # Create backup
if confirmChange and self.filename != (os.path.expandvars("${HOME}") + "/.config/tint2/tint2rc") and confirmDialog(self, "Use this as default tint2 config?") == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
tmp = self.filename
self.filename = os.path.expandvars("${HOME}") + "/.config/tint2/tint2rc"
shutil.copyfile(tmp, self.filename)
except shutil.Error:
# If it is - kill it
for pid in pids:
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
#if confirmChange and confirmDialog(self, "Keep this config?") == gtk.RESPONSE_NO:
# shutil.copyfile(self.filename+".backup", self.filename) # Create backup
# self.apply(widget, event, False)
# Lastly, start it
os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, self.tint2Bin, [self.tint2Bin, "-c" + self.filename])
if confirmChange and self.filename != (os.path.expandvars("${HOME}") + "/.config/tint2/tint2rc") and confirmDialog(self, "Use this as default tint2 config?") == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
tmp = self.filename
self.filename = os.path.expandvars("${HOME}") + "/.config/tint2/tint2rc"
shutil.copyfile(tmp, self.filename)
except shutil.Error:
#if confirmChange and confirmDialog(self, "Keep this config?") == gtk.RESPONSE_NO:
# shutil.copyfile(self.filename+".backup", self.filename) # Create backup
# self.apply(widget, event, False)
def changeAllFonts(self, widget):
"""Changes all fonts at once."""