Cleanup indentation with clang-format and changed a few variable names

This commit is contained in:
o9000 2015-11-20 23:28:37 +01:00
parent c0e62e2e79
commit 4a6937826c
51 changed files with 4145 additions and 3789 deletions

.clang-format Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View file

@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ endif( RT_LIBRARY )
target_link_libraries( tint2 m )
add_dependencies( tint2 version )
set_target_properties( tint2 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -pthread ${ASAN_C_FLAGS}" )
set_target_properties( tint2 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -fno-strict-aliasing -pthread ${ASAN_C_FLAGS}" )
set_target_properties( tint2 PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-pthread -fno-strict-aliasing ${ASAN_L_FLAGS}" )
install( TARGETS tint2 DESTINATION bin )

View file

@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
PangoFontDescription *bat1_font_desc;
PangoFontDescription *bat2_font_desc;
struct batstate battery_state;
int battery_enabled;
int battery_tooltip_enabled;
gboolean battery_enabled;
gboolean battery_tooltip_enabled;
int percentage_hide;
static timeout* battery_timeout;
static timeout *battery_timeout;
static char buf_bat_percentage[10];
static char buf_bat_time[20];
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ char *battery_uwheel_command;
char *battery_dwheel_command;
int battery_found;
void update_battery_tick(void* arg)
void update_battery_tick(void *arg)
if (!battery_enabled)
@ -81,48 +81,44 @@ void update_battery_tick(void* arg)
if (old_found == battery_found &&
old_percentage == battery_state.percentage &&
old_hours == battery_state.time.hours &&
old_minutes == battery_state.time.minutes) {
if (old_found == battery_found && old_percentage == battery_state.percentage &&
old_hours == battery_state.time.hours && old_minutes == battery_state.time.minutes) {
if (battery_state.percentage < battery_low_status &&
battery_state.state == BATTERY_DISCHARGING &&
if (battery_state.percentage < battery_low_status && battery_state.state == BATTERY_DISCHARGING &&
!battery_low_cmd_sent) {
battery_low_cmd_sent = 1;
if (battery_state.percentage > battery_low_status &&
battery_state.state == BATTERY_CHARGING &&
if (battery_state.percentage > battery_low_status && battery_state.state == BATTERY_CHARGING &&
battery_low_cmd_sent) {
battery_low_cmd_sent = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nb_panel; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) {
if (!battery_found) {
if (panel1[i].battery.area.on_screen == 1) {
panel_refresh = 1;
if (panels[i].battery.area.on_screen) {
panel_refresh = TRUE;
} else {
if (battery_state.percentage >= percentage_hide) {
if (panel1[i].battery.area.on_screen == 1) {
panel_refresh = 1;
if (panels[i].battery.area.on_screen) {
panel_refresh = TRUE;
} else {
if (panel1[i].battery.area.on_screen == 0) {
panel_refresh = 1;
if (panels[i].battery.area.on_screen == 0) {
panel_refresh = TRUE;
if (panel1[i].battery.area.on_screen == 1) {
panel1[i].battery.area.resize_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
if (panels[i].battery.area.on_screen) {
panels[i].battery.area.resize_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
@ -200,13 +196,14 @@ void init_battery()
char* battery_get_tooltip(void* obj) {
char *battery_get_tooltip(void *obj)
return battery_os_tooltip();
void init_battery_panel(void *p)
Panel *panel = (Panel*)p;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)p;
Battery *battery = &panel->battery;
if (!battery_enabled)
@ -217,7 +214,7 @@ void init_battery_panel(void *p)
if (!bat2_font_desc)
bat2_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(DEFAULT_FONT);
if (battery-> == 0)
if (!battery->
battery-> = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
battery->area.parent = p;
@ -225,20 +222,17 @@ void init_battery_panel(void *p)
battery->area._draw_foreground = draw_battery;
battery->area.size_mode = LAYOUT_FIXED;
battery->area._resize = resize_battery;
battery->area.on_screen = 1;
battery->area.on_screen = TRUE;
battery->area.resize_needed = 1;
battery->area.has_mouse_over_effect = battery_lclick_command ||
battery_mclick_command ||
battery_rclick_command ||
battery_uwheel_command ||
battery->area.has_mouse_over_effect = battery_lclick_command || battery_mclick_command || battery_rclick_command ||
battery_uwheel_command || battery_dwheel_command;
battery->area.has_mouse_press_effect = battery->area.has_mouse_over_effect;
if (battery_tooltip_enabled)
battery->area._get_tooltip_text = battery_get_tooltip;
int update_battery() {
int update_battery()
int err;
/* reset */
@ -257,13 +251,12 @@ int update_battery() {
return err;
void draw_battery (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
void draw_battery(void *obj, cairo_t *c)
Battery *battery = obj;
PangoLayout *layout;
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(c);
// draw layout
pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, bat1_font_desc);
@ -276,7 +269,7 @@ void draw_battery (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, battery->font.rgb[0], battery->font.rgb[1], battery->font.rgb[2], battery->font.alpha);
pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, battery->bat1_posy, &battery->font, ((Panel*)battery->area.panel)->font_shadow);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, battery->bat1_posy, &battery->font, ((Panel *)battery->area.panel)->font_shadow);
pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, bat2_font_desc);
pango_layout_set_indent(layout, 0);
@ -286,14 +279,13 @@ void draw_battery (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
pango_layout_set_width(layout, battery->area.width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, battery->bat2_posy, &battery->font, ((Panel*)battery->area.panel)->font_shadow);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, battery->bat2_posy, &battery->font, ((Panel *)battery->area.panel)->font_shadow);
pango_cairo_show_layout(c, layout);
int resize_battery(void *obj)
gboolean resize_battery(void *obj)
Battery *battery = obj;
Panel *panel = battery->area.panel;
@ -301,7 +293,7 @@ int resize_battery(void *obj)
int bat_time_height, bat_time_width, bat_time_height_ink;
int ret = 0;
battery->area.redraw_needed = 1;
battery->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
snprintf(buf_bat_percentage, sizeof(buf_bat_percentage), "%d%%", battery_state.percentage);
if (battery_state.state == BATTERY_FULL) {
@ -309,20 +301,31 @@ int resize_battery(void *obj)
} else {
snprintf(buf_bat_time, sizeof(buf_bat_time), "%02d:%02d", battery_state.time.hours, battery_state.time.minutes);
get_text_size2(bat1_font_desc, &bat_percentage_height_ink, &bat_percentage_height, &bat_percentage_width,
panel->area.height, panel->area.width, buf_bat_percentage, strlen(buf_bat_percentage),
get_text_size2(bat2_font_desc, &bat_time_height_ink, &bat_time_height, &bat_time_width,
panel->area.height, panel->area.width, buf_bat_time, strlen(buf_bat_time),
if (panel_horizontal) {
int new_size = (bat_percentage_width > bat_time_width) ? bat_percentage_width : bat_time_width;
new_size += 2 * battery->area.paddingxlr + 2 * battery->>border.width;
if (new_size > battery->area.width ||
new_size < battery->area.width - 2) {
if (new_size > battery->area.width || new_size < battery->area.width - 2) {
// we try to limit the number of resize
battery->area.width = new_size;
battery->bat1_posy = (battery->area.height - bat_percentage_height - bat_time_height) / 2;
@ -330,10 +333,9 @@ int resize_battery(void *obj)
ret = 1;
} else {
int new_size = bat_percentage_height + bat_time_height +
(2 * (battery->area.paddingxlr + battery->>border.width));
if (new_size > battery->area.height ||
new_size < battery->area.height - 2) {
int new_size =
bat_percentage_height + bat_time_height + (2 * (battery->area.paddingxlr + battery->>border.width));
if (new_size > battery->area.height || new_size < battery->area.height - 2) {
battery->area.height = new_size;
battery->bat1_posy = (battery->area.height - bat_percentage_height - bat_time_height - 2) / 2;
battery->bat2_posy = battery->bat1_posy + bat_percentage_height + 2;

View file

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "area.h"
// battery drawing parameter (per panel)
typedef struct Battery {
// always start with area
@ -27,12 +26,7 @@ typedef struct Battery {
int bat2_posy;
} Battery;
enum chargestate {
typedef struct battime {
int16_t hours;
@ -50,8 +44,8 @@ typedef struct batstate {
extern struct batstate battery_state;
extern PangoFontDescription *bat1_font_desc;
extern PangoFontDescription *bat2_font_desc;
extern int battery_enabled;
extern int battery_tooltip_enabled;
extern gboolean battery_enabled;
extern gboolean battery_tooltip_enabled;
extern int percentage_hide;
extern int8_t battery_low_status;
@ -66,8 +60,9 @@ extern char *battery_rclick_command;
extern char *battery_uwheel_command;
extern char *battery_dwheel_command;
static inline gchar* chargestate2str(enum chargestate state) {
switch(state) {
static inline gchar *chargestate2str(enum chargestate state)
switch (state) {
return "Charging";
@ -80,7 +75,8 @@ static inline gchar* chargestate2str(enum chargestate state) {
static inline void batstate_set_time(struct batstate *state, int seconds) {
static inline void batstate_set_time(struct batstate *state, int seconds)
state->time.hours = seconds / 3600;
seconds -= 3600 * state->time.hours;
state->time.minutes = seconds / 60;
@ -94,7 +90,7 @@ void default_battery();
// freed memory
void cleanup_battery();
void update_battery_tick(void* arg);
void update_battery_tick(void *arg);
int update_battery();
void init_battery();
@ -103,7 +99,7 @@ void init_battery_panel(void *panel);
void reinit_battery();
void draw_battery(void *obj, cairo_t *c);
int resize_battery(void *obj);
gboolean resize_battery(void *obj);
void battery_action(int button);
@ -111,6 +107,6 @@ void battery_action(int button);
gboolean battery_os_init();
void battery_os_free();
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state);
char* battery_os_tooltip();
char *battery_os_tooltip();

View file

@ -23,18 +23,22 @@
#warning tint2 has no battery support for this operating system!
gboolean battery_os_init() {
gboolean battery_os_init()
return FALSE;
void battery_os_free() {
void battery_os_free()
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state) {
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state)
return -1;
char* battery_os_tooltip() {
char *battery_os_tooltip()
return strdup("Operating System not supported");

View file

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "battery.h"
gboolean battery_os_init() {
gboolean battery_os_init()
int sysctl_out = 0;
size_t len = sizeof(sysctl_out);
@ -33,17 +34,19 @@ gboolean battery_os_init() {
(sysctlbyname("", &sysctl_out, &len, NULL, 0) == 0);
void battery_os_free() {
void battery_os_free()
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state) {
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state)
int sysctl_out = 0;
size_t len = sizeof(sysctl_out);
gboolean err = 0;
if (sysctlbyname("hw.acpi.battery.state", &sysctl_out, &len, NULL, 0) == 0) {
switch(sysctl_out) {
switch (sysctl_out) {
case 1:
@ -75,7 +78,8 @@ int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state) {
return err;
char* battery_os_tooltip() {
char *battery_os_tooltip()
GString *tooltip = g_string_new("");
gchar *result;

View file

@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ enum psy_type {
struct psy_battery {
/* generic properties */
gchar* name;
gchar *name;
gint64 timestamp;
/* sysfs files */
gchar* path_present;
gchar* path_energy_now;
gchar* path_energy_full;
gchar* path_power_now;
gchar* path_status;
gchar *path_present;
gchar *path_energy_now;
gchar *path_energy_full;
gchar *path_power_now;
gchar *path_status;
/* sysfs hints */
gboolean energy_in_uamp;
gboolean power_in_uamp;
@ -54,44 +54,42 @@ struct psy_battery {
struct psy_mains {
/* generic properties */
gchar* name;
gchar *name;
/* sysfs files */
gchar* path_online;
gchar *path_online;
/* values */
gboolean online;
static void uevent_battery_update() {
static void uevent_battery_update()
static struct uevent_notify psy_change = {
static struct uevent_notify psy_change = {UEVENT_CHANGE, "power_supply", NULL, uevent_battery_update};
static void uevent_battery_plug() {
static void uevent_battery_plug()
printf("reinitialize batteries after HW change\n");
static struct uevent_notify psy_plug = {
static struct uevent_notify psy_plug = {UEVENT_ADD | UEVENT_REMOVE, "power_supply", NULL, uevent_battery_plug};
#define RETURN_ON_ERROR(err) if (error) { g_error_free(err); return FALSE; }
#define RETURN_ON_ERROR(err) \
if (error) { \
g_error_free(err); \
return FALSE; \
static GList *batteries = NULL;
static GList *mains = NULL;
static guint8 energy_to_percent(gint energy_now, gint energy_full) {
static guint8 energy_to_percent(gint energy_now, gint energy_full)
return 0.5 + ((energy_now <= energy_full ? energy_now : energy_full) * 100.0) / energy_full;
static enum psy_type power_supply_get_type(const gchar *entryname) {
static enum psy_type power_supply_get_type(const gchar *entryname)
gchar *path_type = g_build_filename("/sys/class/power_supply", entryname, "type", NULL);
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *type;
@ -119,7 +117,8 @@ static enum psy_type power_supply_get_type(const gchar *entryname) {
static gboolean init_linux_battery(struct psy_battery *bat) {
static gboolean init_linux_battery(struct psy_battery *bat)
const gchar *entryname = bat->name;
bat->energy_in_uamp = FALSE;
@ -181,7 +180,8 @@ err0:
return FALSE;
static gboolean init_linux_mains(struct psy_mains *ac) {
static gboolean init_linux_mains(struct psy_mains *ac)
const gchar *entryname = ac->name;
ac->path_online = g_build_filename("/sys/class/power_supply", entryname, "online", NULL);
@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ static gboolean init_linux_mains(struct psy_mains *ac) {
return TRUE;
static void psy_battery_free(gpointer data) {
static void psy_battery_free(gpointer data)
struct psy_battery *bat = data;
@ -204,14 +205,16 @@ static void psy_battery_free(gpointer data) {
static void psy_mains_free(gpointer data) {
static void psy_mains_free(gpointer data)
struct psy_mains *ac = data;
void battery_os_free() {
void battery_os_free()
@ -221,7 +224,8 @@ void battery_os_free() {
mains = NULL;
static void add_battery(const char *entryname) {
static void add_battery(const char *entryname)
struct psy_battery *bat = g_malloc0(sizeof(*bat));
bat->name = g_strdup(entryname);
@ -234,7 +238,8 @@ static void add_battery(const char *entryname) {
static void add_mains(const char *entryname) {
static void add_mains(const char *entryname)
struct psy_mains *ac = g_malloc0(sizeof(*ac));
ac->name = g_strdup(entryname);
@ -247,7 +252,8 @@ static void add_mains(const char *entryname) {
gboolean battery_os_init() {
gboolean battery_os_init()
GDir *directory = 0;
GError *error = NULL;
const char *entryname;
@ -260,7 +266,7 @@ gboolean battery_os_init() {
while ((entryname = g_dir_read_name(directory))) {
enum psy_type type = power_supply_get_type(entryname);
switch(type) {
switch (type) {
@ -280,7 +286,8 @@ gboolean battery_os_init() {
return batteries != NULL;
static gint estimate_power_usage(struct psy_battery *bat, gint old_energy_now, gint64 old_timestamp) {
static gint estimate_power_usage(struct psy_battery *bat, gint old_energy_now, gint64 old_timestamp)
gint64 diff_power = ABS(bat->energy_now - old_energy_now);
gint64 diff_time = bat->timestamp - old_timestamp;
@ -290,7 +297,8 @@ static gint estimate_power_usage(struct psy_battery *bat, gint old_energy_now, g
return power;
static gboolean update_linux_battery(struct psy_battery *bat) {
static gboolean update_linux_battery(struct psy_battery *bat)
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *data;
gsize datalen;
@ -358,8 +366,8 @@ static gboolean update_linux_battery(struct psy_battery *bat) {
return TRUE;
static gboolean update_linux_mains(struct psy_mains *ac) {
static gboolean update_linux_mains(struct psy_mains *ac)
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *data;
gsize datalen;
@ -374,7 +382,8 @@ static gboolean update_linux_mains(struct psy_mains *ac) {
return TRUE;
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state) {
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state)
GList *l;
gint64 total_energy_now = 0;
@ -432,27 +441,33 @@ int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state) {
return 0;
static gchar* energy_human_readable(struct psy_battery *bat) {
static gchar *energy_human_readable(struct psy_battery *bat)
gint now = bat->energy_now;
gint full = bat->energy_full;
gchar unit = bat->energy_in_uamp ? 'A' : 'W';
if (full >= 1000000) {
return g_strdup_printf("%d.%d / %d.%d %ch",
now / 1000000, (now % 1000000) / 100000,
full / 1000000, (full % 1000000) / 100000,
now / 1000000,
(now % 1000000) / 100000,
full / 1000000,
(full % 1000000) / 100000,
} else if (full >= 1000) {
return g_strdup_printf("%d.%d / %d.%d m%ch",
now / 1000, (now % 1000) / 100,
full / 1000, (full % 1000) / 100,
now / 1000,
(now % 1000) / 100,
full / 1000,
(full % 1000) / 100,
} else {
return g_strdup_printf("%d / %d µ%ch", now, full, unit);
static gchar* power_human_readable(struct psy_battery *bat) {
static gchar *power_human_readable(struct psy_battery *bat)
gint power = bat->power_now;
gchar unit = bat->power_in_uamp ? 'A' : 'W';
@ -467,7 +482,8 @@ static gchar* power_human_readable(struct psy_battery *bat) {
char* battery_os_tooltip() {
char *battery_os_tooltip()
GList *l;
GString *tooltip = g_string_new("");
gchar *result;
@ -491,8 +507,7 @@ char* battery_os_tooltip() {
guint8 percentage = energy_to_percent(bat->energy_now, bat->energy_full);
g_string_append_printf(tooltip, "\t%s: %s (%u %%)\n\tPower: %s",
state, energy, percentage, power);
g_string_append_printf(tooltip, "\t%s: %s (%u %%)\n\tPower: %s", state, energy, percentage, power);

View file

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
int apm_fd = -1;
gboolean battery_os_init() {
gboolean battery_os_init()
if (apm_fd > 0)
@ -43,13 +44,15 @@ gboolean battery_os_init() {
void battery_os_free() {
void battery_os_free()
if ((apm_fd != -1) && (close(apm_fd) == -1))
warn("cannot close /dev/apm");
apm_fd = -1;
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state) {
int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state)
struct apm_power_info info;
if (apm_fd > 0 && ioctl(apm_fd, APM_IOC_GETPOWER, &(info)) == 0) {
@ -81,7 +84,8 @@ int battery_os_update(struct batstate *state) {
return 0;
char* battery_os_tooltip() {
char *battery_os_tooltip()
GString *tooltip = g_string_new("");
gchar *result;

View file

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
#include "timer.h"
#include "common.h"
char *time1_format;
char *time1_timezone;
char *time2_format;
@ -50,8 +49,7 @@ static char buf_time[256];
static char buf_date[256];
static char buf_tooltip[512];
int clock_enabled;
static timeout* clock_timeout;
static timeout *clock_timeout;
void default_clock()
@ -104,19 +102,18 @@ void cleanup_clock()
clock_timeout = NULL;
void update_clocks_sec(void* arg)
void update_clocks_sec(void *arg)
gettimeofday(&time_clock, 0);
int i;
if (time1_format) {
for (i=0 ; i < nb_panel ; i++)
panel1[i].clock.area.resize_needed = 1;
for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++)
panels[i].clock.area.resize_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
void update_clocks_min(void* arg)
void update_clocks_min(void *arg)
// remember old_sec because after suspend/hibernate the clock should be updated directly, and not
// on next minute change
@ -125,26 +122,29 @@ void update_clocks_min(void* arg)
if (time_clock.tv_sec % 60 == 0 || time_clock.tv_sec - old_sec > 60) {
int i;
if (time1_format) {
for (i=0 ; i < nb_panel ; i++)
panel1[i].clock.area.resize_needed = 1;
for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++)
panels[i].clock.area.resize_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
struct tm* clock_gettime_for_tz(const char* timezone) {
struct tm *clock_gettime_for_tz(const char *timezone)
if (timezone) {
const char* old_tz = getenv("TZ");
const char *old_tz = getenv("TZ");
setenv("TZ", timezone, 1);
struct tm* result = localtime(&time_clock.tv_sec);
if (old_tz) setenv("TZ", old_tz, 1);
else unsetenv("TZ");
struct tm *result = localtime(&time_clock.tv_sec);
if (old_tz)
setenv("TZ", old_tz, 1);
return result;
else return localtime(&time_clock.tv_sec);
} else
return localtime(&time_clock.tv_sec);
char* clock_get_tooltip(void* obj)
char *clock_get_tooltip(void *obj)
strftime(buf_tooltip, sizeof(buf_tooltip), time_tooltip_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time_tooltip_timezone));
return strdup(buf_tooltip);
@ -162,8 +162,7 @@ int time_format_needs_sec_ticks(char *time_format)
void init_clock()
if (!clock_timeout) {
if (time_format_needs_sec_ticks(time1_format) ||
time_format_needs_sec_ticks(time2_format)) {
if (time_format_needs_sec_ticks(time1_format) || time_format_needs_sec_ticks(time2_format)) {
clock_timeout = add_timeout(10, 1000, update_clocks_sec, 0, &clock_timeout);
} else {
clock_timeout = add_timeout(10, 1000, update_clocks_min, 0, &clock_timeout);
@ -171,10 +170,9 @@ void init_clock()
void init_clock_panel(void *p)
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)p;
Clock *clock = &panel->clock;
if (!time1_font_desc)
@ -185,10 +183,8 @@ void init_clock_panel(void *p)
clock-> = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
clock->area.parent = p;
clock->area.panel = p;
clock->area.has_mouse_press_effect = clock->area.has_mouse_over_effect = clock_lclick_command ||
clock_mclick_command ||
clock_rclick_command ||
clock_uwheel_command ||
clock->area.has_mouse_press_effect = clock->area.has_mouse_over_effect =
clock_lclick_command || clock_mclick_command || clock_rclick_command || clock_uwheel_command ||
clock->area._draw_foreground = draw_clock;
clock->area.size_mode = LAYOUT_FIXED;
@ -198,7 +194,7 @@ void init_clock_panel(void *p)
clock->area.resize_needed = 1;
clock->area.on_screen = 1;
clock->area.on_screen = TRUE;
if (time_tooltip_format) {
clock->area._get_tooltip_text = clock_get_tooltip;
@ -206,83 +202,94 @@ void init_clock_panel(void *p)
void draw_clock (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
void draw_clock(void *obj, cairo_t *c)
Clock *clock = obj;
PangoLayout *layout;
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(c);
// draw layout
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, time1_font_desc);
pango_layout_set_width (layout, clock->area.width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, time1_font_desc);
pango_layout_set_width(layout, clock->area.width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE);
pango_layout_set_text (layout, buf_time, strlen(buf_time));
pango_layout_set_text(layout, buf_time, strlen(buf_time));
cairo_set_source_rgba (c, clock->font.rgb[0], clock->font.rgb[1], clock->font.rgb[2], clock->font.alpha);
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, clock->font.rgb[0], clock->font.rgb[1], clock->font.rgb[2], clock->font.alpha);
pango_cairo_update_layout (c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, clock->time1_posy, &clock->font, ((Panel*)clock->area.panel)->font_shadow);
pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, clock->time1_posy, &clock->font, ((Panel *)clock->area.panel)->font_shadow);
if (time2_format) {
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, time2_font_desc);
pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, time2_font_desc);
pango_layout_set_indent(layout, 0);
pango_layout_set_text (layout, buf_date, strlen(buf_date));
pango_layout_set_width (layout, clock->area.width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_text(layout, buf_date, strlen(buf_date));
pango_layout_set_width(layout, clock->area.width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_cairo_update_layout (c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, clock->time2_posy, &clock->font, ((Panel*)clock->area.panel)->font_shadow);
pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, clock->time2_posy, &clock->font, ((Panel *)clock->area.panel)->font_shadow);
g_object_unref (layout);
int resize_clock (void *obj)
gboolean resize_clock(void *obj)
Clock *clock = obj;
Panel *panel = clock->area.panel;
int time_height_ink, time_height, time_width, date_height_ink, date_height, date_width, ret = 0;
clock->area.redraw_needed = 1;
clock->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
date_height = date_width = 0;
strftime(buf_time, sizeof(buf_time), time1_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time1_timezone));
get_text_size2(time1_font_desc, &time_height_ink, &time_height, &time_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, buf_time, strlen(buf_time),
if (time2_format) {
strftime(buf_date, sizeof(buf_date), time2_format, clock_gettime_for_tz(time2_timezone));
get_text_size2(time2_font_desc, &date_height_ink, &date_height, &date_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, buf_date, strlen(buf_date),
if (panel_horizontal) {
int new_size = (time_width > date_width) ? time_width : date_width;
new_size += (2*clock->area.paddingxlr) + (2*clock->>border.width);
if (new_size > clock->area.width || new_size < (clock->area.width-6)) {
new_size += (2 * clock->area.paddingxlr) + (2 * clock->>border.width);
if (new_size > clock->area.width || new_size < (clock->area.width - 6)) {
// we try to limit the number of resizes
clock->area.width = new_size + 1;
clock->time1_posy = (clock->area.height - time_height) / 2;
if (time2_format) {
clock->time1_posy -= (date_height)/2;
clock->time1_posy -= (date_height) / 2;
clock->time2_posy = clock->time1_posy + time_height;
ret = 1;
else {
} else {
int new_size = time_height + date_height + (2 * (clock->area.paddingxlr + clock->>border.width));
if (new_size != clock->area.height) {
// we try to limit the number of resizes
clock->area.height = new_size;
clock->time1_posy = (clock->area.height - time_height) / 2;
if (time2_format) {
clock->time1_posy -= (date_height)/2;
clock->time1_posy -= (date_height) / 2;
clock->time2_posy = clock->time1_posy + time_height;
ret = 1;
@ -292,7 +299,6 @@ int resize_clock (void *obj)
return ret;
void clock_action(int button)
char *command = 0;
@ -315,4 +321,3 @@ void clock_action(int button)

View file

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "area.h"
typedef struct Clock {
// always start with area
Area area;
@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ typedef struct Clock {
int time2_posy;
} Clock;
extern char *time1_format;
extern char *time1_timezone;
extern char *time2_format;
@ -39,7 +37,6 @@ extern char *clock_uwheel_command;
extern char *clock_dwheel_command;
extern int clock_enabled;
// default global data
void default_clock();
@ -50,9 +47,9 @@ void cleanup_clock();
void init_clock();
void init_clock_panel(void *panel);
void draw_clock (void *obj, cairo_t *c);
void draw_clock(void *obj, cairo_t *c);
int resize_clock (void *obj);
gboolean resize_clock(void *obj);
void clock_action(int button);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#include <glib.h>
extern char *config_path;
extern char *snapshot_path;
@ -18,8 +20,6 @@ void default_config();
// freed memory
void cleanup_config();
int config_read_file (const char *path);
int config_read ();
gboolean config_read();

View file

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cairo.h>
@ -33,20 +32,21 @@
void init_freespace_panel(void *p)
Panel *panel = (Panel*)p;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)p;
FreeSpace *freespace = &panel->freespace;
if (freespace-> == 0)
if (!freespace->
freespace-> = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
freespace->area.parent = p;
freespace->area.panel = p;
freespace->area.size_mode = LAYOUT_FIXED;
freespace->area.resize_needed = 1;
freespace->area.on_screen = 1;
freespace->area.on_screen = TRUE;
freespace->area._resize = resize_freespace;
int freespace_get_max_size(Panel *p) {
int freespace_get_max_size(Panel *p)
// Get space used by every element except the freespace
GList *walk;
int size = 0;
@ -70,9 +70,10 @@ int freespace_get_max_size(Panel *p) {
return size;
int resize_freespace(void *obj) {
FreeSpace *freespace = (FreeSpace*)obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel*)freespace->area.panel;
gboolean resize_freespace(void *obj)
FreeSpace *freespace = (FreeSpace *)obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)freespace->area.panel;
if (!freespace->area.on_screen)
return 0;
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ int resize_freespace(void *obj) {
freespace->area.height = size;
freespace->area.redraw_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
freespace->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
return 1;

View file

@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ typedef struct FreeSpace {
void cleanup_freespace();
void init_freespace_panel(void *panel);
int resize_freespace(void *obj);
gboolean resize_freespace(void *obj);

View file

@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ void expand_exec(DesktopEntry *entry, const char *path)
// %c -> Name
// %k -> path
if (entry->exec) {
char *exec2 = calloc(strlen(entry->exec) + (entry->name ? strlen(entry->name) : 1) + (entry->icon ? strlen(entry->icon) : 1) + 100, 1);
char *exec2 = calloc(strlen(entry->exec) + (entry->name ? strlen(entry->name) : 1) +
(entry->icon ? strlen(entry->icon) : 1) + 100,
char *p, *q;
// p will never point to an escaped char
for (p = entry->exec, q = exec2; *p; p++, q++) {
@ -63,12 +65,14 @@ void expand_exec(DesktopEntry *entry, const char *path)
if (*p == '%') // For % we delete the backslash, i.e. write % over it
*q = *p;
if (!*p) break;
if (!*p)
if (*p == '%') {
if (!*p) break;
if (!*p)
if (*p == 'i' && entry->icon != NULL) {
sprintf(q, "--icon '%s'", entry->icon);
q += strlen("--icon ''");
@ -113,16 +117,19 @@ int read_desktop_file(const char *path, DesktopEntry *entry)
return 0;
gchar **languages = (gchar **)g_get_language_names();
const gchar **languages = (const gchar **)g_get_language_names();
// lang_index is the index of the language for the best Name key in the language vector
// lang_index_default is a constant that encodes the Name key without a language
int lang_index, lang_index_default;
#define LANG_DBG 0
if (LANG_DBG) printf("Languages:");
for (i = 0; languages[i]; i++) {
if (LANG_DBG) printf(" %s", languages[i]);
printf(" %s", languages[i]);
if (LANG_DBG) printf("\n");
lang_index_default = i;
// we currently do not know about any Name key at all, so use an invalid index
lang_index = lang_index_default + 1;
@ -160,7 +167,7 @@ int read_desktop_file(const char *path, DesktopEntry *entry)
fclose (fp);
// From this point:
// entry->name, entry->icon, entry->exec will never be empty strings (can be NULL though)

View file

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ typedef struct IconThemeDir {
int threshold;
} IconThemeDir;
int parse_theme_line(char *line, char **key, char **value)
return parse_dektop_line(line, key, value);
@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ const GSList *get_icon_locations()
return icon_locations;
IconTheme *make_theme(char *name)
IconTheme *make_theme(const char *name)
IconTheme *theme = calloc(1, sizeof(IconTheme));
theme->name = strdup(name);
@ -76,8 +75,8 @@ IconTheme *make_theme(char *name)
return theme;
//TODO Use UTF8 when parsing the file
IconTheme *load_theme_from_index(char *file_name, char *name)
// TODO Use UTF8 when parsing the file
IconTheme *load_theme_from_index(const char *file_name, const char *name)
IconTheme *theme;
FILE *f;
@ -168,9 +167,8 @@ IconTheme *load_theme_from_index(char *file_name, char *name)
current_dir = NULL;
line[line_len - 1] = '\0';
char *dir_name = line + 1;
GSList* dir_item = theme->list_directories;
while (dir_item != NULL)
GSList *dir_item = theme->list_directories;
while (dir_item != NULL) {
IconThemeDir *dir = dir_item->data;
if (strcmp(dir->name, dir_name) == 0) {
current_dir = dir;
@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ IconTheme *load_theme_from_index(char *file_name, char *name)
return theme;
void load_theme_from_fs_dir(IconTheme *theme, char *dir_name)
void load_theme_from_fs_dir(IconTheme *theme, const char *dir_name)
gchar *file_name = g_build_filename(dir_name, "index.theme", NULL);
if (g_file_test(file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
@ -226,12 +224,11 @@ void load_theme_from_fs_dir(IconTheme *theme, char *dir_name)
IconTheme *load_theme_from_fs(char *name, IconTheme *theme)
IconTheme *load_theme_from_fs(const char *name, IconTheme *theme)
gchar *dir_name = NULL;
const GSList *location;
for (location = get_icon_locations(); location; location = g_slist_next(location)) {
gchar *path = (gchar*) location->data;
for (const GSList *location = get_icon_locations(); location; location = g_slist_next(location)) {
gchar *path = (gchar *)location->data;
dir_name = g_build_filename(path, name, NULL);
if (g_file_test(dir_name, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
if (!theme) {
@ -246,7 +243,7 @@ IconTheme *load_theme_from_fs(char *name, IconTheme *theme)
return theme;
IconTheme *load_theme(char *name)
IconTheme *load_theme(const char *name)
// Look for name/index.theme in $HOME/.icons, /usr/share/icons, /usr/share/pixmaps (stop at the first found)
// Parse index.theme -> list of IconThemeDir with attributes
@ -256,9 +253,8 @@ IconTheme *load_theme(char *name)
return NULL;
gchar *file_name = NULL;
const GSList *location;
for (location = get_icon_locations(); location; location = g_slist_next(location)) {
gchar *path = (gchar*) location->data;
for (const GSList *location = get_icon_locations(); location; location = g_slist_next(location)) {
gchar *path = (gchar *)location->data;
file_name = g_build_filename(path, name, "index.theme", NULL);
if (!g_file_test(file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
@ -283,14 +279,12 @@ void free_icon_theme(IconTheme *theme)
theme->name = NULL;
GSList *l_inherits;
for (l_inherits = theme->list_inherits; l_inherits ; l_inherits = l_inherits->next) {
for (GSList *l_inherits = theme->list_inherits; l_inherits; l_inherits = l_inherits->next) {
theme->list_inherits = NULL;
GSList *l_dir;
for (l_dir = theme->list_directories; l_dir ; l_dir = l_dir->next) {
for (GSList *l_dir = theme->list_directories; l_dir; l_dir = l_dir->next) {
IconThemeDir *dir = (IconThemeDir *)l_dir->data;
@ -303,15 +297,14 @@ void free_themes(IconThemeWrapper *themes)
if (!themes)
GSList *l;
for (l = themes->themes; l ; l = l->next) {
IconTheme *theme = (IconTheme*) l->data;
for (GSList *l = themes->themes; l; l = l->next) {
IconTheme *theme = (IconTheme *)l->data;
for (l = themes->themes_fallback; l ; l = l->next) {
IconTheme *theme = (IconTheme*) l->data;
for (GSList *l = themes->themes_fallback; l; l = l->next) {
IconTheme *theme = (IconTheme *)l->data;
@ -328,21 +321,24 @@ void test_launcher_read_theme_file()
printf("Loaded theme: %s\n", theme->name);
GSList* item = theme->list_inherits;
while (item != NULL)
printf("Inherits:%s\n", (char*)item->data);
GSList *item = theme->list_inherits;
while (item != NULL) {
printf("Inherits:%s\n", (char *)item->data);
item = g_slist_next(item);
item = theme->list_directories;
while (item != NULL)
while (item != NULL) {
IconThemeDir *dir = item->data;
printf("Dir:%s Size=%d MinSize=%d MaxSize=%d Threshold=%d Type=%s\n",
dir->name, dir->size, dir->min_size, dir->max_size, dir->threshold,
dir->type == ICON_DIR_TYPE_FIXED ? "Fixed" :
dir->type == ICON_DIR_TYPE_SCALABLE ? "Scalable" :
dir->type == ICON_DIR_TYPE_THRESHOLD ? "Threshold" : "?????");
dir->type == ICON_DIR_TYPE_FIXED ? "Fixed" : dir->type == ICON_DIR_TYPE_SCALABLE
? "Scalable"
: dir->type == ICON_DIR_TYPE_THRESHOLD ? "Threshold"
: "?????");
item = g_slist_next(item);
fprintf(stdout, "\033[0m");
@ -350,7 +346,7 @@ void test_launcher_read_theme_file()
gboolean str_list_contains(const GSList *list, const char *value)
const GSList* item = list;
const GSList *item = list;
while (item != NULL) {
if (g_str_equal(item->data, value)) {
return TRUE;
@ -369,18 +365,17 @@ void load_themes_helper(const char *name, GSList **themes, GSList **queued)
// Load wrapper->themes
while (queue) {
char *name = queue->data;
queue = g_slist_remove(queue, name);
char *queued_name = queue->data;
queue = g_slist_remove(queue, queued_name);
fprintf(stderr, " '%s',", name);
IconTheme *theme = load_theme(name);
fprintf(stderr, " '%s',", queued_name);
IconTheme *theme = load_theme(queued_name);
if (theme != NULL) {
*themes = g_slist_append(*themes, theme);
GSList* item = theme->list_inherits;
GSList *item = theme->list_inherits;
int pos = 0;
while (item != NULL)
while (item != NULL) {
char *parent = item->data;
if (!str_list_contains(*queued, parent)) {
queue = g_slist_insert(queue, strdup(parent), pos);
@ -391,13 +386,13 @@ void load_themes_helper(const char *name, GSList **themes, GSList **queued)
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// Free the queue
GSList *l;
for (l = queue; l ; l = l->next)
for (l = queue; l; l = l->next)
@ -420,14 +415,13 @@ IconThemeWrapper *load_themes(const char *icon_theme_name)
// Load wrapper->themes_fallback
const GSList *location;
for (location = get_icon_locations(); location; location = g_slist_next(location)) {
gchar *path = (gchar*) location->data;
gchar *path = (gchar *)location->data;
GDir *d = g_dir_open(path, 0, NULL);
if (d) {
const gchar *name;
while ((name = g_dir_read_name(d))) {
gchar *file_name = g_build_filename(path, name, "index.theme", NULL);
if (g_file_test(file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) &&
!g_file_test(file_name, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
if (g_file_test(file_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && !g_file_test(file_name, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
load_themes_helper(name, &wrapper->themes_fallback, &queued);
@ -438,7 +432,7 @@ IconThemeWrapper *load_themes(const char *icon_theme_name)
// Free the queued list
GSList *l;
for (l = queued; l ; l = l->next)
for (l = queued; l; l = l->next)
@ -482,8 +476,8 @@ int directory_size_distance(IconThemeDir *dir, int size)
gint compare_theme_directories(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer size_query)
int size = GPOINTER_TO_INT(size_query);
const IconThemeDir *da = (const IconThemeDir*)a;
const IconThemeDir *db = (const IconThemeDir*)b;
const IconThemeDir *da = (const IconThemeDir *)a;
const IconThemeDir *db = (const IconThemeDir *)b;
return abs(da->size - size) - abs(db->size - size);
@ -509,9 +503,8 @@ char *get_icon_path_helper(GSList *themes, const char *icon_name, int size)
extensions = g_slist_append(extensions, ".svg");
// if the icon name already contains one of the extensions (e.g. vlc.png instead of vlc) add a special entry
GSList *ext;
for (ext = extensions; ext; ext = g_slist_next(ext)) {
char *extension = (char*) ext->data;
for (GSList *ext = extensions; ext; ext = g_slist_next(ext)) {
char *extension = (char *)ext->data;
if (strlen(icon_name) > strlen(extension) &&
strcmp(extension, icon_name + strlen(icon_name) - strlen(extension)) == 0) {
extensions = g_slist_append(extensions, "");
@ -540,33 +533,33 @@ char *get_icon_path_helper(GSList *themes, const char *icon_name, int size)
char *file_name = calloc(file_name_size, 1);
for (theme = themes; theme; theme = g_slist_next(theme)) {
((IconTheme*)theme->data)->list_directories = g_slist_sort_with_data(((IconTheme*)theme->data)->list_directories,
((IconTheme *)theme->data)->list_directories =
g_slist_sort_with_data(((IconTheme *)theme->data)->list_directories,
GSList *dir;
for (dir = ((IconTheme*)theme->data)->list_directories; dir; dir = g_slist_next(dir)) {
for (dir = ((IconTheme *)theme->data)->list_directories; dir; dir = g_slist_next(dir)) {
// Closest match
gboolean possible = directory_size_distance((IconThemeDir*)dir->data, size) < minimal_size &&
gboolean possible = directory_size_distance((IconThemeDir *)dir->data, size) < minimal_size &&
(!best_file_theme ? TRUE : theme == best_file_theme);
// Next larger match
possible = possible ||
(((IconThemeDir*)dir->data)->size >= size &&
(next_larger_size == -1 || ((IconThemeDir*)dir->data)->size < next_larger_size) &&
possible = possible || (((IconThemeDir *)dir->data)->size >= size &&
(next_larger_size == -1 || ((IconThemeDir *)dir->data)->size < next_larger_size) &&
(!next_larger_theme ? 1 : theme == next_larger_theme));
if (!possible)
const GSList *base;
for (base = basenames; base; base = g_slist_next(base)) {
GSList *ext;
for (ext = extensions; ext; ext = g_slist_next(ext)) {
char *base_name = (char*) base->data;
char *theme_name = ((IconTheme*)theme->data)->name;
char *dir_name = ((IconThemeDir*)dir->data)->name;
char *extension = (char*) ext->data;
if (strlen(base_name) + strlen(theme_name) +
strlen(dir_name) + strlen(icon_name) + strlen(extension) + 100 > file_name_size) {
file_name_size = strlen(base_name) + strlen(theme_name) +
strlen(dir_name) + strlen(icon_name) + strlen(extension) + 100;
for (GSList *ext = extensions; ext; ext = g_slist_next(ext)) {
char *base_name = (char *)base->data;
char *theme_name = ((IconTheme *)theme->data)->name;
char *dir_name = ((IconThemeDir *)dir->data)->name;
char *extension = (char *)ext->data;
if (strlen(base_name) + strlen(theme_name) + strlen(dir_name) + strlen(icon_name) +
strlen(extension) + 100 >
file_name_size) {
file_name_size = strlen(base_name) + strlen(theme_name) + strlen(dir_name) + strlen(icon_name) +
strlen(extension) + 100;
file_name = realloc(file_name, file_name_size);
file_name[0] = 0;
@ -578,27 +571,28 @@ char *get_icon_path_helper(GSList *themes, const char *icon_name, int size)
printf("found: %s\n", file_name);
// Closest match
if (directory_size_distance((IconThemeDir*)dir->data, size) < minimal_size && (!best_file_theme ? 1 : theme == best_file_theme)) {
if (directory_size_distance((IconThemeDir *)dir->data, size) < minimal_size &&
(!best_file_theme ? 1 : theme == best_file_theme)) {
if (best_file_name) {
best_file_name = NULL;
best_file_name = strdup(file_name);
minimal_size = directory_size_distance((IconThemeDir*)dir->data, size);
minimal_size = directory_size_distance((IconThemeDir *)dir->data, size);
best_file_theme = theme;
printf("best_file_name = %s; minimal_size = %d\n", best_file_name, minimal_size);
// Next larger match
if (((IconThemeDir*)dir->data)->size >= size &&
(next_larger_size == -1 || ((IconThemeDir*)dir->data)->size < next_larger_size) &&
if (((IconThemeDir *)dir->data)->size >= size &&
(next_larger_size == -1 || ((IconThemeDir *)dir->data)->size < next_larger_size) &&
(!next_larger_theme ? 1 : theme == next_larger_theme)) {
if (next_larger) {
next_larger = NULL;
next_larger = strdup(file_name);
next_larger_size = ((IconThemeDir*)dir->data)->size;
next_larger_size = ((IconThemeDir *)dir->data)->size;
next_larger_theme = theme;
printf("next_larger = %s; next_larger_size = %d\n", next_larger, next_larger_size);
@ -622,14 +616,11 @@ char *get_icon_path_helper(GSList *themes, const char *icon_name, int size)
// Look in unthemed icons
const GSList *base;
for (base = basenames; base; base = g_slist_next(base)) {
GSList *ext;
for (ext = extensions; ext; ext = g_slist_next(ext)) {
char *base_name = (char*) base->data;
char *extension = (char*) ext->data;
char *file_name = calloc(strlen(base_name) + strlen(icon_name) +
strlen(extension) + 100, 1);
for (const GSList *base = basenames; base; base = g_slist_next(base)) {
for (GSList *ext = extensions; ext; ext = g_slist_next(ext)) {
char *base_name = (char *)base->data;
char *extension = (char *)ext->data;
file_name = calloc(strlen(base_name) + strlen(icon_name) + strlen(extension) + 100, 1);
// filename = directory/iconname.extension
sprintf(file_name, "%s/%s%s", base_name, icon_name, extension);

View file

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ void default_launcher()
launcher_icon_bg = NULL;
void init_launcher()
if (launcher_enabled) {
@ -83,10 +82,9 @@ void init_launcher()
void init_launcher_panel(void *p)
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)p;
Launcher *launcher = &panel->launcher;
launcher->area.parent = p;
@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ void init_launcher_panel(void *p)
launcher->area.size_mode = LAYOUT_FIXED;
launcher->area._resize = resize_launcher;
launcher->area.resize_needed = 1;
launcher->area.redraw_needed = 1;
launcher->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
if (!launcher->
launcher-> = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
@ -106,14 +104,13 @@ void init_launcher_panel(void *p)
if (launcher->list_apps == NULL)
launcher->area.on_screen = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
launcher->area.on_screen = TRUE;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
void cleanup_launcher()
int i;
@ -123,13 +120,13 @@ void cleanup_launcher()
xsettings_client = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < nb_panel; i++) {
Panel *panel = &panel1[i];
for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) {
Panel *panel = &panels[i];
Launcher *launcher = &panel->launcher;
for (l = panel_config.launcher.list_apps; l ; l = l->next) {
for (l = panel_config.launcher.list_apps; l; l = l->next) {
@ -144,13 +141,12 @@ void cleanup_launcher()
launcher_enabled = 0;
void cleanup_launcher_theme(Launcher *launcher)
GSList *l;
for (l = launcher->list_icons; l ; l = l->next) {
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon*)l->data;
for (l = launcher->list_icons; l; l = l->next) {
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon *)l->data;
if (launcherIcon) {
@ -169,13 +165,12 @@ void cleanup_launcher_theme(Launcher *launcher)
launcher->list_themes = NULL;
int resize_launcher(void *obj)
gboolean resize_launcher(void *obj)
Launcher *launcher = obj;
GSList *l;
int count, icon_size;
int icons_per_column=1, icons_per_row=1, marging=0;
int icons_per_column = 1, icons_per_row = 1, margin = 0;
if (panel_horizontal) {
icon_size = launcher->area.height;
@ -187,7 +182,7 @@ int resize_launcher(void *obj)
icon_size = launcher_max_icon_size;
// Resize icons if necessary
for (l = launcher->list_icons; l ; l = l->next) {
for (l = launcher->list_icons; l; l = l->next) {
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon *)l->data;
if (launcherIcon->icon_size != icon_size || !launcherIcon->image) {
launcherIcon->icon_size = icon_size;
@ -195,7 +190,8 @@ int resize_launcher(void *obj)
launcherIcon->area.height = launcherIcon->icon_size;
// Get the path for an icon file with the new size
char *new_icon_path = get_icon_path(launcher->list_themes, launcherIcon->icon_name, launcherIcon->icon_size);
char *new_icon_path =
get_icon_path(launcher->list_themes, launcherIcon->icon_name, launcherIcon->icon_size);
if (!new_icon_path) {
// Draw a blank icon
@ -234,8 +230,14 @@ int resize_launcher(void *obj)
if (panel_config.mouse_effects) {
launcherIcon->image_hover = adjust_icon(launcherIcon->image, panel_config.mouse_over_alpha, panel_config.mouse_over_saturation, panel_config.mouse_over_brightness);
launcherIcon->image_pressed = adjust_icon(launcherIcon->image, panel_config.mouse_pressed_alpha, panel_config.mouse_pressed_saturation, panel_config.mouse_pressed_brightness);
launcherIcon->image_hover = adjust_icon(launcherIcon->image,
launcherIcon->image_pressed = adjust_icon(launcherIcon->image,
@ -245,35 +247,30 @@ int resize_launcher(void *obj)
if (!count) {
launcher->area.width = 0;
} else {
int height = launcher->area.height - 2*launcher->>border.width - 2*launcher->area.paddingy;
int height = launcher->area.height - 2 * launcher->>border.width - 2 * launcher->area.paddingy;
// here icons_per_column always higher than 0
icons_per_column = (height+launcher->area.paddingx) / (icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx);
marging = height - (icons_per_column-1)*(icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx) - icon_size;
icons_per_row = count / icons_per_column + (count%icons_per_column != 0);
launcher->area.width = (2 * launcher->>border.width) +
(2 * launcher->area.paddingxlr) +
(icon_size * icons_per_row) +
((icons_per_row-1) * launcher->area.paddingx);
icons_per_column = (height + launcher->area.paddingx) / (icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx);
margin = height - (icons_per_column - 1) * (icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx) - icon_size;
icons_per_row = count / icons_per_column + (count % icons_per_column != 0);
launcher->area.width = (2 * launcher->>border.width) + (2 * launcher->area.paddingxlr) +
(icon_size * icons_per_row) + ((icons_per_row - 1) * launcher->area.paddingx);
else {
} else {
if (!count) {
launcher->area.height = 0;
} else {
int width = launcher->area.width - 2*launcher->>border.width - 2*launcher->area.paddingy;
int width = launcher->area.width - 2 * launcher->>border.width - 2 * launcher->area.paddingy;
// here icons_per_row always higher than 0
icons_per_row = (width+launcher->area.paddingx) / (icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx);
marging = width - (icons_per_row-1)*(icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx) - icon_size;
icons_per_column = count / icons_per_row+ (count%icons_per_row != 0);
launcher->area.height = (2 * launcher->>border.width) +
(2 * launcher->area.paddingxlr) +
(icon_size * icons_per_column) +
((icons_per_column-1) * launcher->area.paddingx);
icons_per_row = (width + launcher->area.paddingx) / (icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx);
margin = width - (icons_per_row - 1) * (icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx) - icon_size;
icons_per_column = count / icons_per_row + (count % icons_per_row != 0);
launcher->area.height = (2 * launcher->>border.width) + (2 * launcher->area.paddingxlr) +
(icon_size * icons_per_column) + ((icons_per_column - 1) * launcher->area.paddingx);
int i, posx, posy;
int start = launcher->>border.width + launcher->area.paddingy + marging/2;
int start = launcher->>border.width + launcher->area.paddingy + margin / 2;
if (panel_horizontal) {
posy = start;
posx = launcher->>border.width + launcher->area.paddingxlr;
@ -282,16 +279,16 @@ int resize_launcher(void *obj)
posy = launcher->>border.width + launcher->area.paddingxlr;
for (i=1, l = launcher->list_icons; l ; i++, l = l->next) {
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon*)l->data;
for (i = 1, l = launcher->list_icons; l; i++, l = l->next) {
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon *)l->data;
launcherIcon->y = posy;
launcherIcon->x = posx;
launcherIcon->area.posy = ((Area*)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posy + launcherIcon->y;
launcherIcon->area.posx = ((Area*)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posx + launcherIcon->x;
launcherIcon->area.posy = ((Area *)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posy + launcherIcon->y;
launcherIcon->area.posx = ((Area *)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posx + launcherIcon->x;
launcherIcon->area.width = launcherIcon->icon_size;
launcherIcon->area.height = launcherIcon->icon_size;
//printf("launcher %d : %d,%d\n", i, posx, posy);
// printf("launcher %d : %d,%d\n", i, posx, posy);
if (panel_horizontal) {
if (i % icons_per_column) {
posy += icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx;
@ -316,22 +313,22 @@ int resize_launcher(void *obj)
// in a stack; we need to layout them in a kind of table
void launcher_icon_on_change_layout(void *obj)
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon*)obj;
launcherIcon->area.posy = ((Area*)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posy + launcherIcon->y;
launcherIcon->area.posx = ((Area*)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posx + launcherIcon->x;
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon *)obj;
launcherIcon->area.posy = ((Area *)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posy + launcherIcon->y;
launcherIcon->area.posx = ((Area *)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posx + launcherIcon->x;
launcherIcon->area.width = launcherIcon->icon_size;
launcherIcon->area.height = launcherIcon->icon_size;
char* launcher_icon_get_tooltip_text(void *obj)
char *launcher_icon_get_tooltip_text(void *obj)
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon*)obj;
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon *)obj;
return strdup(launcherIcon->icon_tooltip);
void draw_launcher_icon(void *obj, cairo_t *c)
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon*)obj;
LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon *)obj;
Imlib_Image image;
// Render
@ -353,19 +350,25 @@ Imlib_Image scale_icon(Imlib_Image original, int icon_size)
Imlib_Image icon_scaled;
if (original) {
imlib_context_set_image (original);
icon_scaled = imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0, 0, imlib_image_get_width(), imlib_image_get_height(), icon_size, icon_size);
icon_scaled =
imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0, 0, imlib_image_get_width(), imlib_image_get_height(), icon_size, icon_size);
imlib_context_set_image (icon_scaled);
DATA32* data = imlib_image_get_data();
adjust_asb(data, icon_size, icon_size, launcher_alpha, (float)launcher_saturation/100, (float)launcher_brightness/100);
DATA32 *data = imlib_image_get_data();
(float)launcher_saturation / 100,
(float)launcher_brightness / 100);
imlib_context_set_image (icon_scaled);
} else {
icon_scaled = imlib_create_image(icon_size, icon_size);
imlib_context_set_image (icon_scaled);
imlib_context_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255);
imlib_image_fill_rectangle(0, 0, icon_size, icon_size);
@ -380,18 +383,18 @@ void free_icon(Imlib_Image icon)
void launcher_action(LauncherIcon *icon, XEvent* evt)
void launcher_action(LauncherIcon *icon, XEvent *evt)
char *cmd = calloc(strlen(icon->cmd) + 10, 1);
sprintf(cmd, "(%s&)", icon->cmd);
SnLauncherContext* ctx = 0;
SnLauncherContext *ctx = 0;
Time time;
if (startup_notifications) {
ctx = sn_launcher_context_new(server.sn_dsp, server.screen);
sn_launcher_context_set_name(ctx, icon->icon_tooltip);
sn_launcher_context_set_description(ctx, "Application launched from tint2");
sn_launcher_context_set_binary_name (ctx, icon->cmd);
sn_launcher_context_set_binary_name(ctx, icon->cmd);
// Get a timestamp from the X event
if (evt->type == ButtonPress || evt->type == ButtonRelease) {
time = evt->xbutton.time;
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ void launcher_action(LauncherIcon *icon, XEvent* evt)
if (pid < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not fork\n");
} else if (pid == 0) {
// Child process
// Child process
if (startup_notifications) {
@ -426,10 +429,10 @@ void launcher_action(LauncherIcon *icon, XEvent* evt)
#endif // HAVE_SN
} else {
// Parent process
// Parent process
if (startup_notifications) {
g_tree_insert(server.pids, GINT_TO_POINTER (pid), ctx);
g_tree_insert(server.pids, GINT_TO_POINTER(pid), ctx);
#endif // HAVE_SN
@ -440,7 +443,7 @@ void launcher_action(LauncherIcon *icon, XEvent* evt)
void launcher_load_icons(Launcher *launcher)
// Load apps (.desktop style launcher items)
GSList* app = launcher->list_apps;
GSList *app = launcher->list_apps;
while (app != NULL) {
DesktopEntry entry;
read_desktop_file(app->data, &entry);
@ -451,11 +454,11 @@ void launcher_load_icons(Launcher *launcher)
launcherIcon->area.size_mode = LAYOUT_FIXED;
launcherIcon->area._resize = NULL;
launcherIcon->area.resize_needed = 0;
launcherIcon->area.redraw_needed = 1;
launcherIcon->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
launcherIcon->area.has_mouse_over_effect = 1;
launcherIcon->area.has_mouse_press_effect = 1;
launcherIcon-> = launcher_icon_bg;
launcherIcon->area.on_screen = 1;
launcherIcon->area.on_screen = TRUE;
launcherIcon->area._on_change_layout = launcher_icon_on_change_layout;
if (launcher_tooltip_enabled) {
launcherIcon->area._get_tooltip_text = launcher_icon_get_tooltip_text;
@ -469,25 +472,19 @@ void launcher_load_icons(Launcher *launcher)
launcherIcon->icon_tooltip = ? strdup( : strdup(entry.exec);
launcher->list_icons = g_slist_append(launcher->list_icons, launcherIcon);
add_area(&launcherIcon->area, (Area*)launcher);
add_area(&launcherIcon->area, (Area *)launcher);
app = g_slist_next(app);
// Populates the list_themes list
void launcher_load_themes(Launcher *launcher)
launcher->list_themes = load_themes(launcher_icon_theme_override
? (icon_theme_name_config
? icon_theme_name_config
: icon_theme_name_xsettings
? icon_theme_name_xsettings
: "hicolor")
: (icon_theme_name_xsettings
? icon_theme_name_xsettings
: icon_theme_name_config
? icon_theme_name_config
: "hicolor"));
launcher->list_themes =
? (icon_theme_name_config ? icon_theme_name_config
: icon_theme_name_xsettings ? icon_theme_name_xsettings : "hicolor")
: (icon_theme_name_xsettings ? icon_theme_name_xsettings
: icon_theme_name_config ? icon_theme_name_config : "hicolor"));

View file

@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ void init_launcher_panel(void *panel);
void cleanup_launcher();
void cleanup_launcher_theme(Launcher *launcher);
int resize_launcher(void *obj);
void draw_launcher (void *obj, cairo_t *c);
gboolean resize_launcher(void *obj);
void draw_launcher(void *obj, cairo_t *c);
// Populates the list_icons list
void launcher_load_icons(Launcher *launcher);
// Populates the list_themes list
void launcher_load_themes(Launcher *launcher);
void launcher_action(LauncherIcon *icon, XEvent* e);
void launcher_action(LauncherIcon *icon, XEvent *e);
void test_launcher_read_desktop_file();
void test_launcher_read_theme_file();

View file

@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
#include "panel.h"
#include "launcher.h"
struct _XSettingsClient
struct _XSettingsClient {
Display *display;
int screen;
XSettingsNotifyFunc notify;
@ -45,10 +44,9 @@ struct _XSettingsClient
XSettingsList *settings;
void xsettings_notify_cb (const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSetting *setting, void *data)
void xsettings_notify_cb(const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSetting *setting, void *data)
// printf("xsettings_notify_cb\n");
if ((action == XSETTINGS_ACTION_NEW || action == XSETTINGS_ACTION_CHANGED) && name != NULL && setting != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(name, "Net/IconThemeName") && setting->type == XSETTINGS_TYPE_STRING) {
if (icon_theme_name_xsettings) {
@ -59,8 +57,8 @@ void xsettings_notify_cb (const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSet
icon_theme_name_xsettings = strdup(setting->data.v_string);
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < nb_panel ; i++) {
Launcher *launcher = &panel1[i].launcher;
for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) {
Launcher *launcher = &panels[i].launcher;
@ -70,8 +68,7 @@ void xsettings_notify_cb (const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSet
static void notify_changes (XSettingsClient *client, XSettingsList *old_list)
static void notify_changes(XSettingsClient *client, XSettingsList *old_list)
XSettingsList *old_iter = old_list;
XSettingsList *new_iter = client->settings;
@ -83,21 +80,19 @@ static void notify_changes (XSettingsClient *client, XSettingsList *old_list)
int cmp;
if (old_iter && new_iter)
cmp = strcmp (old_iter->setting->name, new_iter->setting->name);
cmp = strcmp(old_iter->setting->name, new_iter->setting->name);
else if (old_iter)
cmp = -1;
cmp = 1;
if (cmp < 0) {
client->notify (old_iter->setting->name, XSETTINGS_ACTION_DELETED, NULL, client->cb_data);
else if (cmp == 0) {
if (!xsettings_setting_equal (old_iter->setting, new_iter->setting))
client->notify (old_iter->setting->name, XSETTINGS_ACTION_CHANGED, new_iter->setting, client->cb_data);
else {
client->notify (new_iter->setting->name, XSETTINGS_ACTION_NEW, new_iter->setting, client->cb_data);
client->notify(old_iter->setting->name, XSETTINGS_ACTION_DELETED, NULL, client->cb_data);
} else if (cmp == 0) {
if (!xsettings_setting_equal(old_iter->setting, new_iter->setting))
client->notify(old_iter->setting->name, XSETTINGS_ACTION_CHANGED, new_iter->setting, client->cb_data);
} else {
client->notify(new_iter->setting->name, XSETTINGS_ACTION_NEW, new_iter->setting, client->cb_data);
if (old_iter)
@ -107,8 +102,7 @@ static void notify_changes (XSettingsClient *client, XSettingsList *old_list)
static int ignore_errors (Display *display, XErrorEvent *event)
static int ignore_errors(Display *display, XErrorEvent *event)
return True;
@ -117,11 +111,11 @@ static char local_byte_order = '\0';
#define BYTES_LEFT(buffer) ((buffer)->data + (buffer)->len - (buffer)->pos)
static XSettingsResult fetch_card16 (XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD16 *result)
static XSettingsResult fetch_card16(XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD16 *result)
CARD16 x;
if (BYTES_LEFT (buffer) < 2)
if (BYTES_LEFT(buffer) < 2)
x = *(CARD16 *)buffer->pos;
@ -135,25 +129,23 @@ static XSettingsResult fetch_card16 (XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD16 *result)
static XSettingsResult fetch_ushort (XSettingsBuffer *buffer, unsigned short *result)
static XSettingsResult fetch_ushort(XSettingsBuffer *buffer, unsigned short *result)
CARD16 x;
XSettingsResult r;
r = fetch_card16 (buffer, &x);
r = fetch_card16(buffer, &x);
*result = x;
return r;
static XSettingsResult fetch_card32 (XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD32 *result)
static XSettingsResult fetch_card32(XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD32 *result)
CARD32 x;
if (BYTES_LEFT (buffer) < 4)
if (BYTES_LEFT(buffer) < 4)
x = *(CARD32 *)buffer->pos;
@ -167,9 +159,9 @@ static XSettingsResult fetch_card32 (XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD32 *result)
static XSettingsResult fetch_card8 (XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD8 *result)
static XSettingsResult fetch_card8(XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD8 *result)
if (BYTES_LEFT (buffer) < 1)
if (BYTES_LEFT(buffer) < 1)
*result = *(CARD8 *)buffer->pos;
@ -178,9 +170,9 @@ static XSettingsResult fetch_card8 (XSettingsBuffer *buffer, CARD8 *result)
#define XSETTINGS_PAD(n,m) ((n + m - 1) & (~(m-1)))
#define XSETTINGS_PAD(n, m) ((n + m - 1) & (~(m - 1)))
static XSettingsList *parse_settings (unsigned char *data, size_t len)
static XSettingsList *parse_settings(unsigned char *data, size_t len)
XSettingsBuffer buffer;
XSettingsResult result = XSETTINGS_SUCCESS;
@ -190,26 +182,26 @@ static XSettingsList *parse_settings (unsigned char *data, size_t len)
CARD32 i;
XSettingsSetting *setting = NULL;
local_byte_order = xsettings_byte_order ();
local_byte_order = xsettings_byte_order();
buffer.byte_order = local_byte_order;
buffer.pos = = data;
buffer.len = len;
result = fetch_card8 (&buffer, (CARD8*)&buffer.byte_order);
result = fetch_card8(&buffer, (CARD8 *)&buffer.byte_order);
if (buffer.byte_order != MSBFirst && buffer.byte_order != LSBFirst) {
fprintf (stderr, "Invalid byte order %x in XSETTINGS property\n", buffer.byte_order);
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid byte order %x in XSETTINGS property\n", buffer.byte_order);
goto out;
buffer.pos += 3;
result = fetch_card32 (&buffer, &serial);
result = fetch_card32(&buffer, &serial);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
result = fetch_card32 (&buffer, &n_entries);
result = fetch_card32(&buffer, &n_entries);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
@ -219,84 +211,84 @@ static XSettingsList *parse_settings (unsigned char *data, size_t len)
CARD32 v_int;
size_t pad_len;
result = fetch_card8 (&buffer, &type);
result = fetch_card8(&buffer, &type);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
buffer.pos += 1;
result = fetch_card16 (&buffer, &name_len);
result = fetch_card16(&buffer, &name_len);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
pad_len = XSETTINGS_PAD(name_len, 4);
if (BYTES_LEFT (&buffer) < pad_len) {
if (BYTES_LEFT(&buffer) < pad_len) {
goto out;
setting = calloc (1, sizeof *setting);
setting = calloc(1, sizeof *setting);
if (!setting) {
goto out;
setting->type = XSETTINGS_TYPE_INT; /* No allocated memory */
setting->name = calloc (name_len + 1, 1);
setting->name = calloc(name_len + 1, 1);
if (!setting->name) {
goto out;
memcpy (setting->name, buffer.pos, name_len);
memcpy(setting->name, buffer.pos, name_len);
setting->name[name_len] = '\0';
buffer.pos += pad_len;
result = fetch_card32 (&buffer, &v_int);
result = fetch_card32(&buffer, &v_int);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
setting->last_change_serial = v_int;
switch (type) {
result = fetch_card32 (&buffer, &v_int);
result = fetch_card32(&buffer, &v_int);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
setting->data.v_int = (INT32)v_int;
result = fetch_card32 (&buffer, &v_int);
result = fetch_card32(&buffer, &v_int);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
pad_len = XSETTINGS_PAD (v_int, 4);
pad_len = XSETTINGS_PAD(v_int, 4);
if (v_int + 1 == 0 || /* Guard against wrap-around */
BYTES_LEFT (&buffer) < pad_len) {
BYTES_LEFT(&buffer) < pad_len) {
goto out;
setting->data.v_string = calloc (v_int + 1, 1);
setting->data.v_string = calloc(v_int + 1, 1);
if (!setting->data.v_string) {
goto out;
memcpy (setting->data.v_string, buffer.pos, v_int);
memcpy(setting->data.v_string, buffer.pos, v_int);
setting->data.v_string[v_int] = '\0';
buffer.pos += pad_len;
result = fetch_ushort (&buffer, &setting->;
result = fetch_ushort(&buffer, &setting->;
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
result = fetch_ushort (&buffer, &setting->;
result = fetch_ushort(&buffer, &setting->;
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
result = fetch_ushort (&buffer, &setting->;
result = fetch_ushort(&buffer, &setting->;
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
result = fetch_ushort (&buffer, &setting->data.v_color.alpha);
result = fetch_ushort(&buffer, &setting->data.v_color.alpha);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
@ -307,14 +299,14 @@ static XSettingsList *parse_settings (unsigned char *data, size_t len)
setting->type = type;
result = xsettings_list_insert (&settings, setting);
result = xsettings_list_insert(&settings, setting);
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS)
goto out;
setting = NULL;
if (result != XSETTINGS_SUCCESS) {
switch (result) {
@ -325,7 +317,7 @@ static XSettingsList *parse_settings (unsigned char *data, size_t len)
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid XSETTINGS property (read off end)\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Duplicate XSETTINGS entry for '%s'\n", setting->name);
fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate XSETTINGS entry for '%s'\n", setting->name);
@ -333,17 +325,16 @@ static XSettingsList *parse_settings (unsigned char *data, size_t len)
if (setting)
xsettings_setting_free (setting);
xsettings_list_free (settings);
settings = NULL;
return settings;
static void read_settings (XSettingsClient *client)
static void read_settings(XSettingsClient *client)
Atom type;
int format;
@ -352,55 +343,67 @@ static void read_settings (XSettingsClient *client)
unsigned char *data;
int result;
int (*old_handler) (Display *, XErrorEvent *);
int (*old_handler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *);
XSettingsList *old_list = client->settings;
client->settings = NULL;
old_handler = XSetErrorHandler (ignore_errors);
result = XGetWindowProperty (client->display, client->manager_window, server.atom._XSETTINGS_SETTINGS, 0, LONG_MAX, False, server.atom._XSETTINGS_SETTINGS, &type, &format, &n_items, &bytes_after, &data);
XSetErrorHandler (old_handler);
old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(ignore_errors);
result = XGetWindowProperty(client->display,
if (result == Success && type == server.atom._XSETTINGS_SETTINGS) {
if (format != 8) {
fprintf (stderr, "Invalid format for XSETTINGS property %d", format);
client->settings = parse_settings (data, n_items);
XFree (data);
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid format for XSETTINGS property %d", format);
} else
client->settings = parse_settings(data, n_items);
notify_changes (client, old_list);
xsettings_list_free (old_list);
notify_changes(client, old_list);
static void check_manager_window (XSettingsClient *client)
static void check_manager_window(XSettingsClient *client)
if (client->manager_window && client->watch)
client->watch (client->manager_window, False, 0, client->cb_data);
client->watch(client->manager_window, False, 0, client->cb_data);
XGrabServer (client->display);
client->manager_window = XGetSelectionOwner (server.dsp, server.atom._XSETTINGS_SCREEN);
client->manager_window = XGetSelectionOwner(server.dsp, server.atom._XSETTINGS_SCREEN);
if (client->manager_window)
XSelectInput (server.dsp, client->manager_window, PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask);
XSelectInput(server.dsp, client->manager_window, PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask);
XUngrabServer (client->display);
XFlush (client->display);
if (client->manager_window && client->watch)
client->watch (client->manager_window, True, PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask, client->cb_data);
client->watch(client->manager_window, True, PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask, client->cb_data);
read_settings (client);
XSettingsClient *xsettings_client_new (Display *display, int screen, XSettingsNotifyFunc notify, XSettingsWatchFunc watch, void *cb_data)
XSettingsClient *xsettings_client_new(Display *display,
int screen,
XSettingsNotifyFunc notify,
XSettingsWatchFunc watch,
void *cb_data)
XSettingsClient *client;
client = calloc (1, sizeof *client);
client = calloc(1, sizeof *client);
if (!client)
return NULL;
@ -414,68 +417,60 @@ XSettingsClient *xsettings_client_new (Display *display, int screen, XSettingsNo
client->settings = NULL;
if (client->watch)
client->watch (RootWindow (display, screen), True, StructureNotifyMask, client->cb_data);
client->watch(RootWindow(display, screen), True, StructureNotifyMask, client->cb_data);
check_manager_window (client);
if (client->manager_window == None) {
printf("NO XSETTINGS manager, tint2 use config 'launcher_icon_theme'.\n");
free (client);
return NULL;
} else
return client;
void xsettings_client_destroy (XSettingsClient *client)
void xsettings_client_destroy(XSettingsClient *client)
if (client->watch)
client->watch (RootWindow (client->display, client->screen), False, 0, client->cb_data);
client->watch(RootWindow(client->display, client->screen), False, 0, client->cb_data);
if (client->manager_window && client->watch)
client->watch (client->manager_window, False, 0, client->cb_data);
client->watch(client->manager_window, False, 0, client->cb_data);
xsettings_list_free (client->settings);
free (client);
XSettingsResult xsettings_client_get_setting (XSettingsClient *client, const char *name, XSettingsSetting **setting)
XSettingsResult xsettings_client_get_setting(XSettingsClient *client, const char *name, XSettingsSetting **setting)
XSettingsSetting *search = xsettings_list_lookup (client->settings, name);
XSettingsSetting *search = xsettings_list_lookup(client->settings, name);
if (search) {
*setting = xsettings_setting_copy (search);
*setting = xsettings_setting_copy(search);
} else
Bool xsettings_client_process_event (XSettingsClient *client, XEvent *xev)
Bool xsettings_client_process_event(XSettingsClient *client, XEvent *xev)
/* The checks here will not unlikely cause us to reread
* the properties from the manager window a number of
* times when the manager changes from A->B. But manager changes
* are going to be pretty rare.
if (xev->xany.window == RootWindow (server.dsp, server.screen)) {
if (xev->xany.window == RootWindow(server.dsp, server.screen)) {
if (xev->xany.type == ClientMessage && xev->xclient.message_type == server.atom.MANAGER) {
check_manager_window (client);
return True;
else if (xev->xany.window == client->manager_window) {
} else if (xev->xany.window == client->manager_window) {
if (xev->xany.type == DestroyNotify) {
check_manager_window (client);
return True;
else if (xev->xany.type == PropertyNotify) {
read_settings (client);
} else if (xev->xany.type == PropertyNotify) {
return True;
return False;

View file

@ -32,23 +32,22 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct _XSettingsClient XSettingsClient;
typedef enum
} XSettingsAction;
typedef void (*XSettingsNotifyFunc) (const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSetting *setting, void *cb_data);
typedef void (*XSettingsWatchFunc) (Window window, Bool is_start, long mask, void *cb_data);
typedef void (*XSettingsNotifyFunc)(const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSetting *setting, void *cb_data);
typedef void (*XSettingsWatchFunc)(Window window, Bool is_start, long mask, void *cb_data);
XSettingsClient *xsettings_client_new (Display *display, int screen, XSettingsNotifyFunc notify, XSettingsWatchFunc watch, void *cb_data);
void xsettings_client_destroy (XSettingsClient *client);
Bool xsettings_client_process_event (XSettingsClient *client, XEvent *xev);
XSettingsClient *xsettings_client_new(Display *display,
int screen,
XSettingsNotifyFunc notify,
XSettingsWatchFunc watch,
void *cb_data);
void xsettings_client_destroy(XSettingsClient *client);
Bool xsettings_client_process_event(XSettingsClient *client, XEvent *xev);
void xsettings_notify_cb (const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSetting *setting, void *data);
void xsettings_notify_cb(const char *name, XSettingsAction action, XSettingsSetting *setting, void *data);
XSettingsResult xsettings_client_get_setting (XSettingsClient *client, const char *name, XSettingsSetting **setting);
XSettingsResult xsettings_client_get_setting(XSettingsClient *client, const char *name, XSettingsSetting **setting);
#ifdef __cplusplus

View file

@ -28,27 +28,25 @@
#include "xsettings-common.h"
XSettingsSetting *
xsettings_setting_copy (XSettingsSetting *setting)
XSettingsSetting *xsettings_setting_copy(XSettingsSetting *setting)
XSettingsSetting *result;
size_t str_len;
result = calloc (1, sizeof *result);
result = calloc(1, sizeof *result);
if (!result)
return NULL;
str_len = strlen (setting->name);
result->name = calloc (str_len + 1, 1);
str_len = strlen(setting->name);
result->name = calloc(str_len + 1, 1);
if (!result->name)
goto err;
memcpy (result->name, setting->name, str_len + 1);
memcpy(result->name, setting->name, str_len + 1);
result->type = setting->type;
switch (setting->type)
switch (setting->type) {
result->data.v_int = setting->data.v_int;
@ -56,12 +54,12 @@ xsettings_setting_copy (XSettingsSetting *setting)
result->data.v_color = setting->data.v_color;
str_len = strlen (setting->data.v_string);
result->data.v_string = calloc (str_len + 1, 1);
str_len = strlen(setting->data.v_string);
result->data.v_string = calloc(str_len + 1, 1);
if (!result->data.v_string)
goto err;
memcpy (result->data.v_string, setting->data.v_string, str_len + 1);
memcpy(result->data.v_string, setting->data.v_string, str_len + 1);
@ -73,31 +71,28 @@ xsettings_setting_copy (XSettingsSetting *setting)
if (result->name)
free (result->name);
free (result);
return NULL;
XSettingsList *
xsettings_list_copy (XSettingsList *list)
XSettingsList *xsettings_list_copy(XSettingsList *list)
XSettingsList *new = NULL;
XSettingsList *old_iter = list;
XSettingsList *new_iter = NULL;
while (old_iter)
while (old_iter) {
XSettingsList *new_node;
new_node = calloc (1, sizeof *new_node);
new_node = calloc(1, sizeof *new_node);
if (!new_node)
goto error;
new_node->setting = xsettings_setting_copy (old_iter->setting);
if (!new_node->setting)
free (new_node);
new_node->setting = xsettings_setting_copy(old_iter->setting);
if (!new_node->setting) {
goto error;
@ -114,22 +109,19 @@ xsettings_list_copy (XSettingsList *list)
return new;
xsettings_list_free (new);
return NULL;
xsettings_setting_equal (XSettingsSetting *setting_a,
XSettingsSetting *setting_b)
int xsettings_setting_equal(XSettingsSetting *setting_a, XSettingsSetting *setting_b)
if (setting_a->type != setting_b->type)
return 0;
if (strcmp (setting_a->name, setting_b->name) != 0)
if (strcmp(setting_a->name, setting_b->name) != 0)
return 0;
switch (setting_a->type)
switch (setting_a->type) {
return setting_a->data.v_int == setting_b->data.v_int;
@ -138,7 +130,7 @@ xsettings_setting_equal (XSettingsSetting *setting_a,
setting_a-> == setting_b-> &&
setting_a->data.v_color.alpha == setting_b->data.v_color.alpha);
return strcmp (setting_a->data.v_string, setting_b->data.v_string) == 0;
return strcmp(setting_a->data.v_string, setting_b->data.v_string) == 0;
@ -146,55 +138,48 @@ xsettings_setting_equal (XSettingsSetting *setting_a,
return 0;
xsettings_setting_free (XSettingsSetting *setting)
void xsettings_setting_free(XSettingsSetting *setting)
if (setting->type == XSETTINGS_TYPE_STRING)
free (setting->data.v_string);
if (setting->name)
free (setting->name);
free (setting);
xsettings_list_free (XSettingsList *list)
void xsettings_list_free(XSettingsList *list)
while (list)
while (list) {
XSettingsList *next = list->next;
xsettings_setting_free (list->setting);
free (list);
list = next;
xsettings_list_insert (XSettingsList **list,
XSettingsSetting *setting)
XSettingsResult xsettings_list_insert(XSettingsList **list, XSettingsSetting *setting)
XSettingsList *node;
XSettingsList *iter;
XSettingsList *last = NULL;
node = calloc (1, sizeof *node);
node = calloc(1, sizeof *node);
if (!node)
node->setting = setting;
iter = *list;
while (iter)
int cmp = strcmp (setting->name, iter->setting->name);
while (iter) {
int cmp = strcmp(setting->name, iter->setting->name);
if (cmp < 0)
else if (cmp == 0)
free (node);
else if (cmp == 0) {
@ -212,25 +197,21 @@ xsettings_list_insert (XSettingsList **list,
xsettings_list_delete (XSettingsList **list,
const char *name)
XSettingsResult xsettings_list_delete(XSettingsList **list, const char *name)
XSettingsList *iter;
XSettingsList *last = NULL;
iter = *list;
while (iter)
if (strcmp (name, iter->setting->name) == 0)
while (iter) {
if (strcmp(name, iter->setting->name) == 0) {
if (last)
last->next = iter->next;
*list = iter->next;
xsettings_setting_free (iter->setting);
free (iter);
@ -242,16 +223,13 @@ xsettings_list_delete (XSettingsList **list,
XSettingsSetting *
xsettings_list_lookup (XSettingsList *list,
const char *name)
XSettingsSetting *xsettings_list_lookup(XSettingsList *list, const char *name)
XSettingsList *iter;
iter = list;
while (iter)
if (strcmp (name, iter->setting->name) == 0)
while (iter) {
if (strcmp(name, iter->setting->name) == 0)
return iter->setting;
iter = iter->next;
@ -260,8 +238,7 @@ xsettings_list_lookup (XSettingsList *list,
return NULL;
xsettings_byte_order (void)
char xsettings_byte_order(void)
CARD32 myint = 0x01020304;
return (*(char *)&myint == 1) ? MSBFirst : LSBFirst;

View file

@ -35,16 +35,14 @@ typedef struct _XSettingsSetting XSettingsSetting;
/* Types of settings possible. Enum values correspond to
* protocol values.
typedef enum
typedef enum {
} XSettingsType;
typedef enum
typedef enum {
@ -53,27 +51,23 @@ typedef enum
} XSettingsResult;
struct _XSettingsBuffer
struct _XSettingsBuffer {
char byte_order;
size_t len;
unsigned char *data;
unsigned char *pos;
struct _XSettingsColor
struct _XSettingsColor {
unsigned short red, green, blue, alpha;
struct _XSettingsList
struct _XSettingsList {
XSettingsSetting *setting;
XSettingsList *next;
struct _XSettingsSetting
struct _XSettingsSetting {
char *name;
XSettingsType type;
@ -86,23 +80,19 @@ struct _XSettingsSetting
unsigned long last_change_serial;
XSettingsSetting *xsettings_setting_copy (XSettingsSetting *setting);
void xsettings_setting_free (XSettingsSetting *setting);
int xsettings_setting_equal (XSettingsSetting *setting_a,
XSettingsSetting *setting_b);
XSettingsSetting *xsettings_setting_copy(XSettingsSetting *setting);
void xsettings_setting_free(XSettingsSetting *setting);
int xsettings_setting_equal(XSettingsSetting *setting_a, XSettingsSetting *setting_b);
void xsettings_list_free (XSettingsList *list);
XSettingsList *xsettings_list_copy (XSettingsList *list);
XSettingsResult xsettings_list_insert (XSettingsList **list,
XSettingsSetting *setting);
XSettingsSetting *xsettings_list_lookup (XSettingsList *list,
const char *name);
XSettingsResult xsettings_list_delete (XSettingsList **list,
const char *name);
void xsettings_list_free(XSettingsList *list);
XSettingsList *xsettings_list_copy(XSettingsList *list);
XSettingsResult xsettings_list_insert(XSettingsList **list, XSettingsSetting *setting);
XSettingsSetting *xsettings_list_lookup(XSettingsList *list, const char *name);
XSettingsResult xsettings_list_delete(XSettingsList **list, const char *name);
char xsettings_byte_order (void);
char xsettings_byte_order(void);
#define XSETTINGS_PAD(n,m) ((n + m - 1) & (~(m-1)))
#define XSETTINGS_PAD(n, m) ((n + m - 1) & (~(m - 1)))
#ifdef __cplusplus

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -26,72 +26,78 @@
#include "battery.h"
extern int signal_pending;
// --------------------------------------------------
// mouse events
extern int mouse_left;
extern int mouse_middle;
extern int mouse_right;
extern int mouse_scroll_up;
extern int mouse_scroll_down;
extern int mouse_tilt_left;
extern int mouse_tilt_right;
extern MouseAction mouse_left;
extern MouseAction mouse_middle;
extern MouseAction mouse_right;
extern MouseAction mouse_scroll_up;
extern MouseAction mouse_scroll_down;
extern MouseAction mouse_tilt_left;
extern MouseAction mouse_tilt_right;
//panel mode
extern int panel_mode;
extern int wm_menu;
extern int panel_dock;
extern int panel_layer;
// panel mode
typedef enum TaskbarMode {
} TaskbarMode;
typedef enum Layer {
} Layer;
// panel position
typedef enum PanelPosition {
LEFT = 0x01,
RIGHT = 0x02,
CENTER = 0X04,
TOP = 0X08,
BOTTOM = 0x10,
} PanelPosition;
typedef enum Strut {
} Strut;
extern TaskbarMode taskbar_mode;
extern gboolean wm_menu;
extern gboolean panel_dock;
extern Layer panel_layer;
extern char *panel_window_name;
//panel position
enum { LEFT=0x01, RIGHT=0x02, CENTER=0X04, TOP=0X08, BOTTOM=0x10 };
extern int panel_position;
extern int panel_horizontal;
extern int panel_refresh;
extern int task_dragged;
//panel autohide
extern int panel_autohide;
extern PanelPosition panel_position;
extern gboolean panel_horizontal;
extern gboolean panel_refresh;
extern gboolean task_dragged;
extern gboolean panel_autohide;
extern int panel_autohide_show_timeout;
extern int panel_autohide_hide_timeout;
extern int panel_autohide_height; // for vertical panels this is of course the width
extern int panel_strut_policy;
extern Strut panel_strut_policy;
extern char *panel_items_order;
extern int max_tick_urgent;
extern GArray* backgrounds;
extern GArray *backgrounds;
extern Imlib_Image default_icon;
// TODO maybe this should be a config option
#define DEFAULT_FONT "sans 10"
// tint2 use one panel per monitor and one taskbar per desktop.
typedef struct {
// always start with area
// area.list own all objects of the panel according to config file
typedef struct Panel {
Area area;
// --------------------------------------------------
// panel
Window main_win;
Pixmap temp_pmap;
// position relative to root window
int posx, posy;
int marginx, marginy;
int pourcentx, pourcenty;
// location of the panel (monitor number)
int fractional_width, fractional_height;
int monitor;
int font_shadow;
int mouse_effects;
gboolean mouse_effects;
// Mouse effects for icons
int mouse_over_alpha;
int mouse_over_saturation;
@ -100,46 +106,34 @@ typedef struct {
int mouse_pressed_saturation;
int mouse_pressed_brightness;
// --------------------------------------------------
// task and taskbar parameter per panel
Global_taskbar g_taskbar;
Global_task g_task;
// Per-panel parameters and states for Taskbar and Task
GlobalTaskbar g_taskbar;
GlobalTask g_task;
// --------------------------------------------------
// taskbar point to the first taskbar in panel.area.list.
// number of tasbar == nb_desktop. taskbar[i] is for desktop(i).
// taskbar[i] is used to loop over taskbar,
// while panel->area.list is used to loop over all panel's objects
// Array of Taskbar, with num_desktops items
Taskbar *taskbar;
int nb_desktop;
int num_desktops;
PangoFontDescription *taskbarname_font_desc;
// --------------------------------------------------
// clock
Clock clock;
// --------------------------------------------------
// battery
Battery battery;
Launcher launcher;
FreeSpace freespace;
// autohide
int is_hidden;
// Autohide
gboolean is_hidden;
int hidden_width, hidden_height;
Pixmap hidden_pixmap;
timeout* autohide_timeout;
timeout *autohide_timeout;
} Panel;
extern Panel panel_config;
extern Panel *panel1;
extern int nb_panel;
extern Panel *panels;
extern int num_panels;
// default global data
void default_panel();
@ -152,7 +146,7 @@ void cleanup_panel();
void init_panel();
void init_panel_size_and_position(Panel *panel);
int resize_panel(void *obj);
gboolean resize_panel(void *obj);
void render_panel(Panel *panel);
void set_panel_items_order(Panel *p);
@ -164,22 +158,22 @@ void set_panel_background(Panel *p);
// detect witch panel
Panel *get_panel(Window win);
Taskbar *click_taskbar (Panel *panel, int x, int y);
Task *click_task (Panel *panel, int x, int y);
Launcher *click_launcher (Panel *panel, int x, int y);
LauncherIcon *click_launcher_icon (Panel *panel, int x, int y);
int click_padding(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
int click_clock(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
Taskbar *click_taskbar(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
Task *click_task(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
Launcher *click_launcher(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
LauncherIcon *click_launcher_icon(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
gboolean click_padding(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
gboolean click_clock(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
int click_battery(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
gboolean click_battery(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
Area* click_area(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
Area *click_area(Panel *panel, int x, int y);
void autohide_show(void* p);
void autohide_hide(void* p);
void autohide_trigger_show(Panel* p);
void autohide_trigger_hide(Panel* p);
void autohide_show(void *p);
void autohide_hide(void *p);
void autohide_trigger_show(Panel *p);
void autohide_trigger_hide(Panel *p);

View file

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
#include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@ -32,53 +31,55 @@
Server_global server;
void server_catch_error (Display *d, XErrorEvent *ev){}
void server_init_atoms ()
void server_catch_error(Display *d, XErrorEvent *ev)
server.atom._XROOTPMAP_ID = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_XROOTPMAP_ID", False);
server.atom._XROOTMAP_ID = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_XROOTMAP_ID", False);
server.atom._NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", False);
server.atom._NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", False);
server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_NAMES = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", False);
server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY", False);
server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT", False);
server.atom._NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_STICKY = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_DESKTOP = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", False);
server.atom.WM_STATE = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "WM_STATE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SHADED = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_BELOW = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MODAL = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL", False);
server.atom._NET_CLIENT_LIST = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_NAME = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STRUT = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STRUT", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_ICON = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_ICON", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY", False );
server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_NAME = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_ICON_NAME", False );
server.atom._NET_CLOSE_WINDOW = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW", False);
server.atom.UTF8_STRING = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "UTF8_STRING", False);
server.atom._NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_CM_S0 = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_CM_S0", False);
server.atom._NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL = XInternAtom (server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL", False);
void server_init_atoms()
server.atom._XROOTPMAP_ID = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_XROOTPMAP_ID", False);
server.atom._XROOTMAP_ID = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_XROOTMAP_ID", False);
server.atom._NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", False);
server.atom._NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", False);
server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_NAMES = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", False);
server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY", False);
server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT", False);
server.atom._NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_STICKY = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_DESKTOP = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", False);
server.atom.WM_STATE = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "WM_STATE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SHADED = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_SHADED", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_BELOW = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_BELOW", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MODAL = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STATE_MODAL", False);
server.atom._NET_CLIENT_LIST = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_NAME = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STRUT = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STRUT", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_ICON = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_ICON", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_NAME = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_ICON_NAME", False);
server.atom._NET_CLOSE_WINDOW = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW", False);
server.atom.UTF8_STRING = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "UTF8_STRING", False);
server.atom._NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_CM_S0 = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_CM_S0", False);
server.atom._NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
server.atom._NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL", False);
server.atom.WM_NAME = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "WM_NAME", False);
server.atom.__SWM_VROOT = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "__SWM_VROOT", False);
server.atom._MOTIF_WM_HINTS = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", False);
@ -116,7 +117,6 @@ void server_init_atoms ()
server.atom.TARGETS = XInternAtom(server.dsp, "TARGETS", False);
void cleanup_server()
if (server.colormap)
@ -126,8 +126,7 @@ void cleanup_server()
XFreeColormap(server.dsp, server.colormap32);
server.colormap32 = 0;
if (server.monitor) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < server.nb_monitor; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < server.num_monitors; ++i) {
server.monitor[i].names = NULL;
@ -140,8 +139,7 @@ void cleanup_server()
server.disable_transparency = 0;
void send_event32 (Window win, Atom at, long data1, long data2, long data3)
void send_event32(Window win, Atom at, long data1, long data2, long data3)
XEvent event;
@ -159,11 +157,10 @@ void send_event32 (Window win, Atom at, long data1, long data2, long data3)[3] = 0;[4] = 0;
XSendEvent(server.dsp, server.root_win, False, SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask, &event);
XSendEvent(server.dsp, server.root_win, False, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &event);
int get_property32 (Window win, Atom at, Atom type)
int get_property32(Window win, Atom at, Atom type)
Atom type_ret;
int format_ret = 0, data = 0;
@ -172,60 +169,81 @@ int get_property32 (Window win, Atom at, Atom type)
unsigned char *prop_value = 0;
int result;
if (!win) return 0;
if (!win)
return 0;
result = XGetWindowProperty(server.dsp, win, at, 0, 0x7fffffff, False, type, &type_ret, &format_ret, &nitems_ret, &bafter_ret, &prop_value);
result = XGetWindowProperty(server.dsp,
if (result == Success && prop_value) {
data = ((gulong*)prop_value)[0];
XFree (prop_value);
data = ((gulong *)prop_value)[0];
return data;
void *server_get_property (Window win, Atom at, Atom type, int *num_results)
void *server_get_property(Window win, Atom at, Atom type, int *num_results)
Atom type_ret;
int format_ret = 0;
unsigned long nitems_ret = 0;
unsigned long bafter_ret = 0;
unsigned char *prop_value;
int result;
if (!win) return 0;
if (!win)
return NULL;
result = XGetWindowProperty(server.dsp, win, at, 0, 0x7fffffff, False, type, &type_ret, &format_ret, &nitems_ret, &bafter_ret, &prop_value);
int result = XGetWindowProperty(server.dsp,
// Send fill_color resultcount
if (num_results) *num_results = (int)nitems_ret;
if (num_results)
*num_results = (int)nitems_ret;
if (result == Success && prop_value) return prop_value;
else return 0;
if (result == Success && prop_value)
return prop_value;
return NULL;
void get_root_pixmap()
Pixmap ret = None;
unsigned long *res;
Atom pixmap_atoms[] = { server.atom._XROOTPMAP_ID, server.atom._XROOTMAP_ID };
int i;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(pixmap_atoms)/sizeof(Atom); ++i) {
res = server_get_property (server.root_win, pixmap_atoms[i], XA_PIXMAP, 0);
Atom pixmap_atoms[] = {server.atom._XROOTPMAP_ID, server.atom._XROOTMAP_ID};
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(pixmap_atoms) / sizeof(Atom); ++i) {
unsigned long *res = (unsigned long *)server_get_property(server.root_win, pixmap_atoms[i], XA_PIXMAP, NULL);
if (res) {
ret = *((Pixmap*)res);
ret = *((Pixmap *)res);
server.root_pmap = ret;
if (server.root_pmap == None)
if (server.root_pmap == None) {
fprintf(stderr, "tint2 : pixmap background detection failed\n");
else {
} else {
XGCValues gcv;
gcv.ts_x_origin = 0;
gcv.ts_y_origin = 0;
@ -237,89 +255,81 @@ void get_root_pixmap()
int compareMonitorPos(const void *monitor1, const void *monitor2)
int compare_monitor_pos(const void *monitor1, const void *monitor2)
Monitor *m1 = (Monitor*)monitor1;
Monitor *m2 = (Monitor*)monitor2;
const Monitor *m1 = (const Monitor *)monitor1;
const Monitor *m2 = (const Monitor *)monitor2;
if (m1->x < m2->x) {
return -1;
else if (m1->x > m2->x) {
} else if (m1->x > m2->x) {
return 1;
else if (m1->y < m2->y) {
} else if (m1->y < m2->y) {
return -1;
else if (m1->y > m2->y) {
} else if (m1->y > m2->y) {
return 1;
else {
} else {
return 0;
int compareMonitorIncluded(const void *monitor1, const void *monitor2)
int monitor_includes_monitor(const void *monitor1, const void *monitor2)
Monitor *m1 = (Monitor*)monitor1;
Monitor *m2 = (Monitor*)monitor2;
const Monitor *m1 = (const Monitor *)monitor1;
const Monitor *m2 = (const Monitor *)monitor2;
if (m1->x >= m2->x && m1->y >= m2->y && (m1->x+m1->width) <= (m2->x+m2->width) && (m1->y+m1->height) <= (m2->y+m2->height)) {
if (m1->x >= m2->x && m1->y >= m2->y && (m1->x + m1->width) <= (m2->x + m2->width) &&
(m1->y + m1->height) <= (m2->y + m2->height)) {
// m1 included inside m2
return 1;
else {
} else {
return -1;
void get_monitors()
int i, j, nbmonitor;
if (XineramaIsActive(server.dsp)) {
XineramaScreenInfo *info = XineramaQueryScreens(server.dsp, &nbmonitor);
int num_monitors;
XineramaScreenInfo *info = XineramaQueryScreens(server.dsp, &num_monitors);
XRRScreenResources *res = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(server.dsp, server.root_win);
if (res && res->ncrtc >= nbmonitor) {
if (res && res->ncrtc >= num_monitors) {
// use xrandr to identify monitors (does not work with proprietery nvidia drivers)
// Workaround for issue
// on some recent configs, XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent returns a fantom monitor at last position
int i = res->ncrtc - 1;
XRRCrtcInfo* crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(server.dsp, res, res->crtcs[i]);
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(server.dsp, res, res->crtcs[i]);
if (!(crtc_info->x || crtc_info->y || crtc_info->width || crtc_info->height)) {
res->ncrtc -= 1;
printf("xRandr: Found crtc's: %d\n", res->ncrtc );
printf("xRandr: Found crtc's: %d\n", res->ncrtc);
server.monitor = calloc(res->ncrtc, sizeof(Monitor));
for (i=0; i<res->ncrtc; ++i) {
XRRCrtcInfo* crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(server.dsp, res, res->crtcs[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < res->ncrtc; ++i) {
XRRCrtcInfo *crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo(server.dsp, res, res->crtcs[i]);
server.monitor[i].x = crtc_info->x;
server.monitor[i].y = crtc_info->y;
server.monitor[i].width = crtc_info->width;
server.monitor[i].height = crtc_info->height;
server.monitor[i].names = calloc((crtc_info->noutput+1), sizeof(gchar*));
for (j=0; j<crtc_info->noutput; ++j) {
XRROutputInfo* output_info = XRRGetOutputInfo(server.dsp, res, crtc_info->outputs[j]);
server.monitor[i].names = calloc((crtc_info->noutput + 1), sizeof(gchar *));
for (int j = 0; j < crtc_info->noutput; ++j) {
XRROutputInfo *output_info = XRRGetOutputInfo(server.dsp, res, crtc_info->outputs[j]);
printf("xRandr: Linking output %s with crtc %d\n", output_info->name, i);
server.monitor[i].names[j] = g_strdup(output_info->name);
server.monitor[i].names[j] = 0;
server.monitor[i].names[crtc_info->noutput] = NULL;
nbmonitor = res->ncrtc;
else if (info && nbmonitor > 0) {
server.monitor = calloc(nbmonitor, sizeof(Monitor));
for (i=0 ; i < nbmonitor ; i++) {
num_monitors = res->ncrtc;
} else if (info && num_monitors > 0) {
server.monitor = calloc(num_monitors, sizeof(Monitor));
for (int i = 0; i < num_monitors; i++) {
server.monitor[i].x = info[i].x_org;
server.monitor[i].y = info[i].y_org;
server.monitor[i].width = info[i].width;
@ -329,48 +339,48 @@ void get_monitors()
// ordered monitor
qsort(server.monitor, nbmonitor, sizeof(Monitor), compareMonitorIncluded);
qsort(server.monitor, num_monitors, sizeof(Monitor), monitor_includes_monitor);
// remove monitor included into another one
i = 0;
while (i < nbmonitor) {
for (j=0; j < i ; j++) {
if (compareMonitorIncluded(&server.monitor[i], &server.monitor[j]) > 0) {
int i = 0;
while (i < num_monitors) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (monitor_includes_monitor(&server.monitor[i], &server.monitor[j]) > 0) {
goto next;
for (j=i; j<nbmonitor; ++j)
for (int j = i; j < num_monitors; ++j)
if (server.monitor[j].names)
server.nb_monitor = i;
server.monitor = realloc(server.monitor, server.nb_monitor * sizeof(Monitor));
qsort(server.monitor, server.nb_monitor, sizeof(Monitor), compareMonitorPos);
server.num_monitors = i;
server.monitor = realloc(server.monitor, server.num_monitors * sizeof(Monitor));
qsort(server.monitor, server.num_monitors, sizeof(Monitor), compare_monitor_pos);
if (res)
if (!server.nb_monitor) {
server.nb_monitor = 1;
if (!server.num_monitors) {
server.num_monitors = 1;
server.monitor = calloc(1, sizeof(Monitor));
server.monitor[0].x = server.monitor[0].y = 0;
server.monitor[0].width = DisplayWidth (server.dsp, server.screen);
server.monitor[0].height = DisplayHeight (server.dsp, server.screen);
server.monitor[0].width = DisplayWidth(server.dsp, server.screen);
server.monitor[0].height = DisplayHeight(server.dsp, server.screen);
server.monitor[0].names = 0;
void print_monitors()
fprintf(stderr, "Number of monitors: %d\n", server.nb_monitor);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < server.nb_monitor; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "Monitor %d: x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Number of monitors: %d\n", server.num_monitors);
for (int i = 0; i < server.num_monitors; i++) {
"Monitor %d: x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d\n",
i + 1,
@ -385,35 +395,31 @@ int server_get_number_of_desktops()
void get_desktops()
int i;
// detect number of desktops
// wait 15s to leave some time for window manager startup
for (i=0 ; i < 15 ; i++) {
server.nb_desktop = server_get_number_of_desktops();
if (server.nb_desktop > 0) break;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
server.num_desktops = server_get_number_of_desktops();
if (server.num_desktops > 0)
if (server.nb_desktop == 0) {
server.nb_desktop = 1;
if (server.num_desktops == 0) {
server.num_desktops = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "warning : WM doesn't respect NETWM specs. tint2 default to 1 desktop.\n");
void server_init_visual()
// inspired by freedesktops fdclock ;)
XVisualInfo *xvi;
XVisualInfo templ = { .screen=server.screen, .depth=32, .class=TrueColor };
XVisualInfo templ = {.screen = server.screen, .depth = 32, .class = TrueColor};
int nvi;
xvi = XGetVisualInfo(server.dsp, VisualScreenMask|VisualDepthMask|VisualClassMask, &templ, &nvi);
XVisualInfo *xvi = XGetVisualInfo(server.dsp, VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask | VisualClassMask, &templ, &nvi);
Visual *visual = 0;
Visual *visual = NULL;
if (xvi) {
int i;
XRenderPictFormat *format;
for (i = 0; i < nvi; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < nvi; i++) {
format = XRenderFindVisualFormat(server.dsp, xvi[i].visual);
if (format->type == PictTypeDirect && format->direct.alphaMask) {
visual = xvi[i].visual;
@ -421,7 +427,7 @@ void server_init_visual()
XFree (xvi);
// check composite manager
server.composite_manager = XGetSelectionOwner(server.dsp, server.atom._NET_WM_CM_S0);
@ -435,18 +441,17 @@ void server_init_visual()
server.colormap32 = XCreateColormap(server.dsp, server.root_win, visual, AllocNone);
if (!server.disable_transparency && visual && server.composite_manager != None && snapshot_path == 0) {
if (!server.disable_transparency && visual && server.composite_manager != None && !snapshot_path) {
XSetWindowAttributes attrs;
attrs.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask;
XChangeWindowAttributes (server.dsp, server.composite_manager, CWEventMask, &attrs);
XChangeWindowAttributes(server.dsp, server.composite_manager, CWEventMask, &attrs);
server.real_transparency = 1;
server.depth = 32;
printf("real transparency on... depth: %d\n", server.depth);
server.colormap = XCreateColormap(server.dsp, server.root_win, visual, AllocNone);
server.visual = visual;
else {
} else {
// no composite manager or snapshot mode => fake transparency
server.real_transparency = 0;
server.depth = DefaultDepth(server.dsp, server.screen);

View file

@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
#include <glib.h>
typedef struct Global_atom
typedef struct Global_atom {
@ -91,20 +90,15 @@ typedef struct Global_atom
} Global_atom;
typedef struct Monitor
typedef struct Monitor {
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
gchar** names;
gchar **names;
} Monitor;
typedef struct
typedef struct {
Display *dsp;
Window root_win;
Window composite_manager;
@ -114,9 +108,9 @@ typedef struct
int desktop;
int screen;
int depth;
int nb_desktop;
int num_desktops;
// number of monitor (without monitor included into another one)
int nb_monitor;
int num_monitors;
Monitor *monitor;
int got_root_win;
Visual *visual;
@ -133,19 +127,17 @@ typedef struct
#endif // HAVE_SN
} Server_global;
extern Server_global server;
// freed memory
void cleanup_server();
void send_event32 (Window win, Atom at, long data1, long data2, long data3);
int get_property32 (Window win, Atom at, Atom type);
void *server_get_property (Window win, Atom at, Atom type, int *num_results);
Atom server_get_atom (char *atom_name);
void server_catch_error (Display *d, XErrorEvent *ev);
void server_init_atoms ();
void send_event32(Window win, Atom at, long data1, long data2, long data3);
int get_property32(Window win, Atom at, Atom type);
void *server_get_property(Window win, Atom at, Atom type, int *num_results);
Atom server_get_atom(char *atom_name);
void server_catch_error(Display *d, XErrorEvent *ev);
void server_init_atoms();
void server_init_visual();
// detect root background

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -20,53 +20,55 @@
// Flags for _XEMBED_INFO
#define XEMBED_MAPPED (1 << 0)
typedef enum SystraySortMethod {
} SystraySortMethod;
typedef struct {
// always start with area
Area area;
GSList *list_icons;
int sort;
SystraySortMethod sort;
int alpha, saturation, brightness;
int icon_size, icons_per_column, icons_per_row, marging;
int icon_size, icons_per_column, icons_per_row, margin;
} Systraybar;
typedef struct
typedef struct {
Window parent;
Window win;
int x, y;
int width, height;
// TODO: manage icon's show/hide
int hide;
gboolean hide;
int depth;
Damage damage;
timeout* render_timeout;
int empty;
timeout *render_timeout;
gboolean empty;
int pid;
int chrono;
struct timespec time_last_render;
int num_fast_renders;
int reparented;
int embedded;
gboolean reparented;
gboolean embedded;
int bad_size_counter;
timeout* resize_timeout;
timeout *resize_timeout;
struct timespec time_last_resize;
char *name;
Imlib_Image image;
} TrayWindow;
// net_sel_win != None when protocol started
extern Window net_sel_win;
extern Systraybar systray;
extern int refresh_systray;
extern int systray_enabled;
extern gboolean refresh_systray;
extern gboolean systray_enabled;
extern int systray_max_icon_size;
extern int systray_monitor;
extern int systray_profile;
extern gboolean systray_profile;
// default global data
void default_systray();
@ -79,9 +81,9 @@ void init_systray();
void init_systray_panel(void *p);
void draw_systray(void *obj, cairo_t *c);
int resize_systray(void *obj);
gboolean resize_systray(void *obj);
void on_change_systray(void *obj);
int systray_on_monitor(int i_monitor, int nb_panels);
gboolean systray_on_monitor(int i_monitor, int num_panelss);
// systray protocol
// many tray icon doesn't manage stop/restart of the systray manager
@ -104,4 +106,3 @@ void systray_destroy_event(TrayWindow *traywin);
void kde_update_icons();

View file

@ -35,180 +35,184 @@
#include "tooltip.h"
#include "timer.h"
timeout* urgent_timeout;
GSList* urgent_list;
timeout *urgent_timeout;
GSList *urgent_list;
char* task_get_tooltip(void* obj)
char *task_get_tooltip(void *obj)
Task* t = obj;
Task *t = (Task *)obj;
return strdup(t->title);
Task *add_task (Window win)
Task *add_task(Window win)
if (!win) return 0;
if (window_is_hidden(win)) return 0;
if (!win)
return 0;
if (window_is_hidden(win))
return 0;
XSelectInput(server.dsp, win, PropertyChangeMask|StructureNotifyMask);
XSelectInput(server.dsp, win, PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask);
int monitor;
if (nb_panel > 1) {
monitor = window_get_monitor (win);
if (monitor >= nb_panel) monitor = 0;
else monitor = 0;
if (num_panels > 1) {
monitor = get_window_monitor(win);
if (monitor >= num_panels)
monitor = 0;
} else
monitor = 0;
Task new_tsk;
memset(&new_tsk, 0, sizeof(new_tsk));
new_tsk.area.has_mouse_over_effect = 1;
new_tsk.area.has_mouse_press_effect = 1; = win;
new_tsk.desktop = window_get_desktop (win);
new_tsk.area.panel = &panel1[monitor];
new_tsk.current_state = window_is_iconified(win) ? TASK_ICONIFIED : TASK_NORMAL;
window_get_coordinates(win, &new_tsk.win_x, &new_tsk.win_y, &new_tsk.win_w, &new_tsk.win_h);
Task new_task;
memset(&new_task, 0, sizeof(new_task));
new_task.area.has_mouse_over_effect = 1;
new_task.area.has_mouse_press_effect = 1; = win;
new_task.desktop = get_window_desktop(win);
new_task.area.panel = &panels[monitor];
new_task.current_state = window_is_iconified(win) ? TASK_ICONIFIED : TASK_NORMAL;
get_window_coordinates(win, &new_task.win_x, &new_task.win_y, &new_task.win_w, &new_task.win_h);
// allocate only one title and one icon
// even with task_on_all_desktop and with task_on_all_panel
new_tsk.title = 0;
new_task.title = 0;
int k;
for (k=0; k<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
new_tsk.icon[k] = 0;
new_tsk.state_pix[k] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
new_task.icon[k] = 0;
new_task.state_pix[k] = 0;
//printf("new task %s win %u: desktop %d, monitor %d\n", new_tsk.title, win, new_tsk.desktop, monitor);
// printf("new task %s win %u: desktop %d, monitor %d\n", new_task.title, win, new_task.desktop, monitor);
GPtrArray* task_group = g_ptr_array_new();
Taskbar *tskbar;
Task *new_tsk2=0;
GPtrArray *task_group = g_ptr_array_new();
Taskbar *taskbar;
Task *new_task2 = 0;
int j;
for (j=0 ; j < panel1[monitor].nb_desktop ; j++) {
if (new_tsk.desktop != ALLDESKTOP && new_tsk.desktop != j) continue;
for (j = 0; j < panels[monitor].num_desktops; j++) {
if (new_task.desktop != ALLDESKTOP && new_task.desktop != j)
tskbar = &panel1[monitor].taskbar[j];
new_tsk2 = calloc(1, sizeof(Task));
memcpy(&new_tsk2->area, &panel1[monitor].g_task.area, sizeof(Area));
new_tsk2->area.parent = tskbar;
new_tsk2->area.has_mouse_over_effect = 1;
new_tsk2->area.has_mouse_press_effect = 1;
new_tsk2->win =;
new_tsk2->desktop = new_tsk.desktop;
new_tsk2->win_x = new_tsk.win_x;
new_tsk2->win_y = new_tsk.win_y;
new_tsk2->win_w = new_tsk.win_w;
new_tsk2->win_h = new_tsk.win_h;
new_tsk2->current_state = -1; // to update the current state later in set_task_state...
if (new_tsk2->desktop == ALLDESKTOP && server.desktop != j) {
taskbar = &panels[monitor].taskbar[j];
new_task2 = calloc(1, sizeof(Task));
memcpy(&new_task2->area, &panels[monitor].g_task.area, sizeof(Area));
new_task2->area.parent = taskbar;
new_task2->area.has_mouse_over_effect = 1;
new_task2->area.has_mouse_press_effect = 1;
new_task2->win =;
new_task2->desktop = new_task.desktop;
new_task2->win_x = new_task.win_x;
new_task2->win_y = new_task.win_y;
new_task2->win_w = new_task.win_w;
new_task2->win_h = new_task.win_h;
new_task2->current_state = -1; // to update the current state later in set_task_state...
if (new_task2->desktop == ALLDESKTOP && server.desktop != j) {
// hide ALLDESKTOP task on non-current desktop
new_tsk2->area.on_screen = 0;
new_task2->area.on_screen = FALSE;
new_tsk2->title = new_tsk.title;
if (panel1[monitor].g_task.tooltip_enabled)
new_tsk2->area._get_tooltip_text = task_get_tooltip;
for (k=0; k<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
new_tsk2->icon[k] = new_tsk.icon[k];
new_tsk2->icon_hover[k] = new_tsk.icon_hover[k];
new_tsk2->icon_press[k] = new_tsk.icon_press[k];
new_tsk2->state_pix[k] = 0;
new_task2->title = new_task.title;
if (panels[monitor].g_task.tooltip_enabled)
new_task2->area._get_tooltip_text = task_get_tooltip;
for (k = 0; k < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
new_task2->icon[k] = new_task.icon[k];
new_task2->icon_hover[k] = new_task.icon_hover[k];
new_task2->icon_press[k] = new_task.icon_press[k];
new_task2->state_pix[k] = 0;
new_tsk2->icon_width = new_tsk.icon_width;
new_tsk2->icon_height = new_tsk.icon_height;
tskbar->area.children = g_list_append(tskbar->area.children, new_tsk2);
tskbar->area.resize_needed = 1;
g_ptr_array_add(task_group, new_tsk2);
//printf("add_task panel %d, desktop %d, task %s\n", i, j, new_tsk2->title);
new_task2->icon_width = new_task.icon_width;
new_task2->icon_height = new_task.icon_height;
taskbar->area.children = g_list_append(taskbar->area.children, new_task2);
taskbar->area.resize_needed = 1;
g_ptr_array_add(task_group, new_task2);
// printf("add_task panel %d, desktop %d, task %s\n", i, j, new_task2->title);
Window* key = calloc(1, sizeof(Window));
*key =;
Window *key = calloc(1, sizeof(Window));
*key =;
g_hash_table_insert(win_to_task_table, key, task_group);
set_task_state(new_tsk2, new_tsk.current_state);
set_task_state(new_task2, new_task.current_state);
if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP) {
Panel *panel = new_tsk2->area.panel;
if (taskbar_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP) {
Panel *panel = new_task2->area.panel;
panel->area.resize_needed = 1;
if (window_is_urgent(win)) {
return new_tsk2;
return new_task2;
void remove_task (Task *tsk)
void remove_task(Task *task)
if (!tsk) return;
if (!task)
if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP) {
Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
if (taskbar_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP) {
Panel *panel = task->area.panel;
panel->area.resize_needed = 1;
Window win = tsk->win;
Window win = task->win;
// free title and icon just for the first task
// even with task_on_all_desktop and with task_on_all_panel
//printf("remove_task %s %d\n", tsk->title, tsk->desktop);
if (tsk->title)
free (tsk->title);
// printf("remove_task %s %d\n", task->title, task->desktop);
if (task->title)
int k;
for (k=0; k<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (tsk->icon[k]) {
for (k = 0; k < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (task->icon[k]) {
tsk->icon[k] = 0;
task->icon[k] = 0;
if (tsk->icon_hover[k]) {
if (task->icon_hover[k]) {
tsk->icon_hover[k] = 0;
task->icon_hover[k] = 0;
if (tsk->icon_press[k]) {
if (task->icon_press[k]) {
tsk->icon_press[k] = 0;
task->icon_press[k] = 0;
if (tsk->state_pix[k]) XFreePixmap(server.dsp, tsk->state_pix[k]);
if (task->state_pix[k])
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, task->state_pix[k]);
int i;
Task *tsk2;
GPtrArray* task_group = g_hash_table_lookup(win_to_task_table, &win);
for (i=0; i<task_group->len; ++i) {
tsk2 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
if (tsk2 == task_active) task_active = 0;
if (tsk2 == task_drag) task_drag = 0;
if (g_slist_find(urgent_list, tsk2)) del_urgent(tsk2);
Task *task2;
GPtrArray *task_group = g_hash_table_lookup(win_to_task_table, &win);
for (i = 0; i < task_group->len; ++i) {
task2 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
if (task2 == task_active)
task_active = 0;
if (task2 == task_drag)
task_drag = 0;
if (g_slist_find(urgent_list, task2))
remove_area((Area *)task2);
g_hash_table_remove(win_to_task_table, &win);
int get_title(Task *tsk)
gboolean get_title(Task *task)
Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
Panel *panel = task->area.panel;
char *title, *name;
if (!panel->g_task.text &&
!panel->g_task.tooltip_enabled &&
taskbar_sort_method != TASKBAR_SORT_TITLE)
if (!panel->g_task.text && !panel->g_task.tooltip_enabled && taskbar_sort_method != TASKBAR_SORT_TITLE)
return 0;
name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
name = server_get_property(task->win, server.atom._NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
name = server_get_property(task->win, server.atom._NET_WM_NAME, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, 0);
if (!name || !strlen(name)) {
name = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom.WM_NAME, XA_STRING, 0);
name = server_get_property(task->win, server.atom.WM_NAME, XA_STRING, 0);
@ -217,70 +221,68 @@ int get_title(Task *tsk)
} else {
title = strdup("Untitled");
if (name) XFree (name);
if (name)
if (tsk->title) {
if (task->title) {
// check unecessary title change
if (strcmp(tsk->title, title) == 0) {
if (strcmp(task->title, title) == 0) {
return 0;
} else
tsk->title = title;
GPtrArray* task_group = task_get_tasks(tsk->win);
task->title = title;
GPtrArray *task_group = task_get_tasks(task->win);
if (task_group) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<task_group->len; ++i) {
Task* tsk2 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
tsk2->title = tsk->title;
for (i = 0; i < task_group->len; ++i) {
Task *task2 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
task2->title = task->title;
return 1;
void get_icon (Task *tsk)
void get_icon(Task *task)
Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
if (!panel->g_task.icon) return;
Panel *panel = task->area.panel;
if (!panel->g_task.icon)
int i;
Imlib_Image img = NULL;
XWMHints *hints = 0;
gulong *data = 0;
int k;
for (k=0; k<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (tsk->icon[k]) {
for (int k = 0; k < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (task->icon[k]) {
tsk->icon[k] = 0;
task->icon[k] = 0;
data = server_get_property (tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON, XA_CARDINAL, &i);
data = server_get_property(task->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON, XA_CARDINAL, &i);
if (data) {
// get ARGB icon
int w, h;
gulong *tmp_data;
tmp_data = get_best_icon (data, get_icon_count (data, i), i, &w, &h, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
tmp_data = get_best_icon(data, get_icon_count(data, i), i, &w, &h, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
#ifdef __x86_64__
DATA32 icon_data[w * h];
int length = w * h;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
icon_data[i] = tmp_data[i];
img = imlib_create_image_using_copied_data (w, h, icon_data);
img = imlib_create_image_using_copied_data(w, h, icon_data);
img = imlib_create_image_using_data (w, h, (DATA32*)tmp_data);
img = imlib_create_image_using_data(w, h, (DATA32 *)tmp_data);
else {
} else {
// get Pixmap icon
hints = XGetWMHints(server.dsp, tsk->win);
hints = XGetWMHints(server.dsp, task->win);
if (hints) {
if (hints->flags & IconPixmapHint && hints->icon_pixmap != 0) {
// get width, height and depth for the pixmap
@ -289,7 +291,7 @@ void get_icon (Task *tsk)
uint border_width, bpp;
uint w, h;
//printf(" get pixmap\n");
// printf(" get pixmap\n");
XGetGeometry(server.dsp, hints->icon_pixmap, &root, &icon_x, &icon_y, &w, &h, &border_width, &bpp);
img = imlib_create_image_from_drawable(hints->icon_mask, 0, 0, w, h, 0);
@ -307,25 +309,37 @@ void get_icon (Task *tsk)
int w, h;
w = imlib_image_get_width();
h = imlib_image_get_height();
Imlib_Image orig_image = imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0, 0, w, h, panel->g_task.icon_size1, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
Imlib_Image orig_image =
imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0, 0, w, h, panel->g_task.icon_size1, panel->g_task.icon_size1);
tsk->icon_width = imlib_image_get_width();
tsk->icon_height = imlib_image_get_height();
for (k=0; k<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
task->icon_width = imlib_image_get_width();
task->icon_height = imlib_image_get_height();
for (int k = 0; k < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
tsk->icon[k] = imlib_clone_image();
task->icon[k] = imlib_clone_image();
DATA32 *data32;
if (panel->g_task.alpha[k] != 100 || panel->g_task.saturation[k] != 0 || panel->g_task.brightness[k] != 0) {
data32 = imlib_image_get_data();
adjust_asb(data32, tsk->icon_width, tsk->icon_height, panel->g_task.alpha[k], (float)panel->g_task.saturation[k]/100, (float)panel->g_task.brightness[k]/100);
(float)panel->g_task.saturation[k] / 100,
(float)panel->g_task.brightness[k] / 100);
if (panel_config.mouse_effects) {
tsk->icon_hover[k] = adjust_icon(tsk->icon[k], panel_config.mouse_over_alpha, panel_config.mouse_over_saturation, panel_config.mouse_over_brightness);
tsk->icon_press[k] = adjust_icon(tsk->icon[k], panel_config.mouse_pressed_alpha, panel_config.mouse_pressed_saturation, panel_config.mouse_pressed_brightness);
task->icon_hover[k] = adjust_icon(task->icon[k],
task->icon_press[k] = adjust_icon(task->icon[k],
@ -334,116 +348,123 @@ void get_icon (Task *tsk)
if (hints)
if (data)
XFree (data);
GPtrArray* task_group = task_get_tasks(tsk->win);
GPtrArray *task_group = task_get_tasks(task->win);
if (task_group) {
for (i=0; i<task_group->len; ++i) {
Task* tsk2 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
tsk2->icon_width = tsk->icon_width;
tsk2->icon_height = tsk->icon_height;
int k;
for (k=0; k<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
tsk2->icon[k] = tsk->icon[k];
tsk2->icon_hover[k] = tsk->icon_hover[k];
tsk2->icon_press[k] = tsk->icon_press[k];
for (i = 0; i < task_group->len; ++i) {
Task *task2 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
task2->icon_width = task->icon_width;
task2->icon_height = task->icon_height;
for (int k = 0; k < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
task2->icon[k] = task->icon[k];
task2->icon_hover[k] = task->icon_hover[k];
task2->icon_press[k] = task->icon_press[k];
// TODO icons look too large when the panel is large
void draw_task_icon (Task *tsk, int text_width)
void draw_task_icon(Task *task, int text_width)
if (tsk->icon[tsk->current_state] == 0) return;
if (!task->icon[task->current_state])
// Find pos
int pos_x;
Panel *panel = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)task->area.panel;
if (panel->g_task.centered) {
if (panel->g_task.text)
pos_x = (tsk->area.width - text_width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
pos_x = (task->area.width - text_width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
pos_x = (tsk->area.width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
else pos_x = panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr + tsk->>border.width;
pos_x = (task->area.width - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
} else
pos_x = panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr + task->>border.width;
// Render
Imlib_Image image;
// Render
if (panel_config.mouse_effects) {
if (tsk->area.mouse_state == MOUSE_OVER)
image = tsk->icon_hover[tsk->current_state];
else if (tsk->area.mouse_state == MOUSE_DOWN)
image = tsk->icon_press[tsk->current_state];
if (task->area.mouse_state == MOUSE_OVER)
image = task->icon_hover[task->current_state];
else if (task->area.mouse_state == MOUSE_DOWN)
image = task->icon_press[task->current_state];
image = tsk->icon[tsk->current_state];
image = task->icon[task->current_state];
} else {
image = tsk->icon[tsk->current_state];
image = task->icon[task->current_state];
render_image(tsk->area.pix, pos_x, panel->g_task.icon_posy);
render_image(task->area.pix, pos_x, panel->g_task.icon_posy);
void draw_task (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
void draw_task(void *obj, cairo_t *c)
Task *tsk = obj;
Task *task = obj;
if (!panel_config.mouse_effects)
tsk->state_pix[tsk->current_state] = tsk->area.pix;
task->state_pix[task->current_state] = task->area.pix;
PangoLayout *layout;
Color *config_text;
int width=0, height;
Panel *panel = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
//printf("draw_task %d %d\n", tsk->area.posx, tsk->area.posy);
int width = 0, height;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)task->area.panel;
// printf("draw_task %d %d\n", task->area.posx, task->area.posy);
if (panel->g_task.text) {
/* Layout */
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, panel->g_task.font_desc);
pango_layout_set_text(layout, tsk->title, -1);
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(c);
pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, panel->g_task.font_desc);
pango_layout_set_text(layout, task->title, -1);
/* Drawing width and Cut text */
// pango use U+22EF or U+2026
pango_layout_set_width(layout, ((Taskbar*)tsk->area.parent)->text_width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_width(layout, ((Taskbar *)task->area.parent)->text_width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_height(layout, panel->g_task.text_height * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize (layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
/* Center text */
if (panel->g_task.centered) pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
else pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT);
if (panel->g_task.centered)
pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT);
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (layout, &width, &height);
pango_layout_get_pixel_size(layout, &width, &height);
config_text = &panel->g_task.font[tsk->current_state];
config_text = &panel->g_task.font[task->current_state];
double text_posy = (panel->g_task.area.height - height) / 2.0;
draw_text(layout, c, panel->g_task.text_posx, text_posy, config_text, panel->font_shadow);
g_object_unref (layout);
if (panel->g_task.icon) {
draw_task_icon (tsk, width);
draw_task_icon(task, width);
void on_change_task (void *obj)
void on_change_task(void *obj)
Task *tsk = obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
Task *task = obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)task->area.panel;
long value[] = { panel->posx+tsk->area.posx, panel->posy+tsk->area.posy, tsk->area.width, tsk->area.height };
XChangeProperty (server.dsp, tsk->win, server.atom._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)value, 4);
long value[] = {panel->posx + task->area.posx, panel->posy + task->area.posy, task->area.width, task->area.height};
(unsigned char *)value,
// reset Pixmap when position/size changed
// Given a pointer to the active task (active_task) and a pointer
@ -454,35 +475,35 @@ Task *find_active_task(Task *current_task, Task *active_task)
if (active_task == NULL)
return current_task;
Taskbar* tskbar = current_task->area.parent;
Taskbar *taskbar = current_task->area.parent;
GList *l0 = tskbar->area.children;
GList *l0 = taskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled)
l0 = l0->next;
for (; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
Task *tsk = l0->data;
if (tsk->win == active_task->win)
return tsk;
for (; l0; l0 = l0->next) {
Task *task = l0->data;
if (task->win == active_task->win)
return task;
return current_task;
Task *next_task(Task *tsk)
Task *next_task(Task *task)
if (tsk == 0)
if (!task)
return 0;
Taskbar* tskbar = tsk->area.parent;
Taskbar *taskbar = task->area.parent;
GList *l0 = tskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled) l0 = l0->next;
GList *lfirst_tsk = l0;
for (; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
Task *tsk1 = l0->data;
if (tsk1 == tsk) {
if (l0->next == 0) l0 = lfirst_tsk;
else l0 = l0->next;
GList *l0 = taskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled)
l0 = l0->next;
GList *lfirst_task = l0;
for (; l0; l0 = l0->next) {
Task *task1 = l0->data;
if (task1 == task) {
l0 = l0->next ? l0->next : lfirst_task;
return l0->data;
@ -490,34 +511,33 @@ Task *next_task(Task *tsk)
return 0;
Task *prev_task(Task *tsk)
Task *prev_task(Task *task)
if (tsk == 0)
if (!task)
return 0;
Task *tsk1, *tsk2;
Taskbar* tskbar = tsk->area.parent;
Taskbar *taskbar = task->area.parent;
tsk2 = 0;
GList *l0 = tskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled) l0 = l0->next;
GList *lfirst_tsk = l0;
for (; l0 ; l0 = l0->next) {
tsk1 = l0->data;
if (tsk1 == tsk) {
if (l0 == lfirst_tsk) {
l0 = g_list_last ( l0 );
tsk2 = l0->data;
Task *task2 = NULL;
GList *l0 = taskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled)
l0 = l0->next;
GList *lfirst_task = l0;
for (; l0; l0 = l0->next) {
Task *task1 = l0->data;
if (task1 == task) {
if (l0 == lfirst_task) {
l0 = g_list_last(l0);
task2 = l0->data;
return tsk2;
return task2;
tsk2 = tsk1;
task2 = task1;
return 0;
void active_task()
if (task_active) {
@ -525,8 +545,8 @@ void active_task()
task_active = 0;
Window w1 = window_get_active();
//printf("Change active task %ld\n", w1);
Window w1 = get_active_window();
// printf("Change active task %ld\n", w1);
if (w1) {
if (!task_get_tasks(w1)) {
@ -538,32 +558,31 @@ void active_task()
void set_task_state(Task *tsk, int state)
void set_task_state(Task *task, TaskState state)
if (tsk == 0 || state < 0 || state >= TASK_STATE_COUNT)
if (!task || state < 0 || state >= TASK_STATE_COUNT)
if (tsk->current_state != state || hide_task_diff_monitor) {
GPtrArray* task_group = task_get_tasks(tsk->win);
if (task->current_state != state || hide_task_diff_monitor) {
GPtrArray *task_group = task_get_tasks(task->win);
if (task_group) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<task_group->len; ++i) {
Task* tsk1 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
tsk1->current_state = state;
tsk1-> = panel1[0].g_task.background[state];
for (i = 0; i < task_group->len; ++i) {
Task *task1 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
task1->current_state = state;
task1-> = panels[0].g_task.background[state];
if (!panel_config.mouse_effects) {
tsk1->area.pix = tsk1->state_pix[state];
if (!tsk1->area.pix)
tsk1->area.redraw_needed = 1;
task1->area.pix = task1->state_pix[state];
if (!task1->area.pix)
task1->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
} else {
tsk1->area.redraw_needed = 1;
task1->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
if (state == TASK_ACTIVE && g_slist_find(urgent_list, tsk1))
if (state == TASK_ACTIVE && g_slist_find(urgent_list, task1))
int hide = 0;
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar *)tsk1->area.parent;
if (tsk->desktop == ALLDESKTOP && server.desktop != taskbar->desktop) {
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar *)task1->area.parent;
if (task->desktop == ALLDESKTOP && server.desktop != taskbar->desktop) {
// Hide ALLDESKTOP task on non-current desktop
hide = 1;
@ -573,43 +592,42 @@ void set_task_state(Task *tsk, int state)
hide = 1;
if (window_get_monitor(tsk->win) != ((Panel*)tsk->area.panel)->monitor &&
(hide_task_diff_monitor || nb_panel > 1)) {
if (get_window_monitor(task->win) != ((Panel *)task->area.panel)->monitor &&
(hide_task_diff_monitor || num_panels > 1)) {
hide = 1;
if (1 - hide != tsk1->area.on_screen) {
tsk1->area.on_screen = 1 - hide;
Panel *p = (Panel*)tsk->area.panel;
tsk->area.resize_needed = 1;
if (1 - hide != task1->area.on_screen) {
task1->area.on_screen = TRUE - hide;
Panel *p = (Panel *)task->area.panel;
task->area.resize_needed = 1;
p->taskbar->area.resize_needed = 1;
p->area.resize_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
void set_task_redraw(Task* tsk)
void set_task_redraw(Task *task)
int k;
for (k=0; k<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (tsk->state_pix[k]) XFreePixmap(server.dsp, tsk->state_pix[k]);
tsk->state_pix[k] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (task->state_pix[k])
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, task->state_pix[k]);
task->state_pix[k] = 0;
tsk->area.pix = 0;
tsk->area.redraw_needed = 1;
task->area.pix = 0;
task->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
void blink_urgent(void* arg)
void blink_urgent(void *arg)
GSList* urgent_task = urgent_list;
GSList *urgent_task = urgent_list;
while (urgent_task) {
Task* t = urgent_task->data;
if ( t->urgent_tick < max_tick_urgent) {
Task *t = urgent_task->data;
if (t->urgent_tick < max_tick_urgent) {
if (t->urgent_tick++ % 2)
set_task_state(t, TASK_URGENT);
@ -617,39 +635,37 @@ void blink_urgent(void* arg)
urgent_task = urgent_task->next;
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
void add_urgent(Task *tsk)
void add_urgent(Task *task)
if (!tsk)
if (!task)
// some programs set urgency hint although they are active
if ( task_active && task_active->win == tsk->win )
if (task_active && task_active->win == task->win)
tsk = task_get_task(tsk->win); // always add the first tsk for a task group (omnipresent windows)
tsk->urgent_tick = 0;
if (g_slist_find(urgent_list, tsk))
task = task_get_task(task->win); // always add the first task for a task group (omnipresent windows)
task->urgent_tick = 0;
if (g_slist_find(urgent_list, task))
// not yet in the list, so we have to add it
urgent_list = g_slist_prepend(urgent_list, tsk);
urgent_list = g_slist_prepend(urgent_list, task);
if (!urgent_timeout)
urgent_timeout = add_timeout(10, 1000, blink_urgent, 0, &urgent_timeout);
Panel *panel = tsk->area.panel;
Panel *panel = task->area.panel;
if (panel->is_hidden)
void del_urgent(Task *tsk)
void del_urgent(Task *task)
urgent_list = g_slist_remove(urgent_list, tsk);
urgent_list = g_slist_remove(urgent_list, task);
if (!urgent_list) {
urgent_timeout = NULL;

View file

@ -13,19 +13,25 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "timer.h"
typedef enum TaskState {
} TaskState;
extern timeout* urgent_timeout;
extern GSList* urgent_list;
extern timeout *urgent_timeout;
extern GSList *urgent_list;
// --------------------------------------------------
// global task parameter
typedef struct {
typedef struct GlobalTask {
Area area;
int text;
int icon;
int centered;
gboolean text;
gboolean icon;
gboolean centered;
int icon_posy;
int icon_size1;
@ -35,7 +41,7 @@ typedef struct {
int saturation[TASK_STATE_COUNT];
int brightness[TASK_STATE_COUNT];
int config_asb_mask;
Background* background[TASK_STATE_COUNT];
Background *background[TASK_STATE_COUNT];
int config_background_mask;
// starting position for text ~ task_padding + task_border + icon_size
double text_posx, text_height;
@ -43,10 +49,8 @@ typedef struct {
PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
int config_font_mask;
int tooltip_enabled;
} Global_task;
gboolean tooltip_enabled;
} GlobalTask;
typedef struct {
// always start with area
@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ typedef struct {
// TODO: group task with list of windows here
Window win;
int desktop;
int current_state;
TaskState current_state;
Imlib_Image icon[TASK_STATE_COUNT];
Imlib_Image icon_hover[TASK_STATE_COUNT];
Imlib_Image icon_press[TASK_STATE_COUNT];
@ -71,25 +75,23 @@ typedef struct {
int win_h;
} Task;
Task *add_task(Window win);
void remove_task(Task *task);
Task *add_task (Window win);
void remove_task (Task *tsk);
void draw_task(void *obj, cairo_t *c);
void on_change_task(void *obj);
void draw_task (void *obj, cairo_t *c);
void on_change_task (void *obj);
void get_icon (Task *tsk);
int get_title(Task *tsk);
void get_icon(Task *task);
gboolean get_title(Task *task);
void active_task();
void set_task_state(Task* tsk, int state);
void set_task_redraw(Task* tsk);
void set_task_state(Task *task, TaskState state);
void set_task_redraw(Task *task);
Task *find_active_task(Task *current_task, Task *active_task);
Task *next_task (Task *tsk);
Task *prev_task (Task *tsk);
Task *next_task(Task *task);
Task *prev_task(Task *task);
void add_urgent(Task *tsk);
void del_urgent(Task *tsk);
void add_urgent(Task *task);
void del_urgent(Task *task);

View file

@ -33,26 +33,33 @@
#include "panel.h"
#include "strnatcmp.h"
/* win_to_task_table holds for every Window an array of tasks. Usually the array contains only one
element. However for omnipresent windows (windows which are visible in every taskbar) the array
contains to every Task* on each panel a pointer (i.e. GPtrArray.len == server.nb_desktop)
contains to every Task* on each panel a pointer (i.e. GPtrArray.len == server.num_desktops)
GHashTable* win_to_task_table;
GHashTable *win_to_task_table;
Task *task_active;
Task *task_drag;
int taskbar_enabled;
int taskbar_distribute_size;
int hide_inactive_tasks;
int hide_task_diff_monitor;
int taskbar_sort_method;
int taskbar_alignment;
guint win_hash(gconstpointer key) { return (guint)*((Window*)key); }
gboolean win_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { return (*((Window*)a) == *((Window*)b)); }
void free_ptr_array(gpointer data) { g_ptr_array_free(data, 1); }
gboolean taskbar_enabled;
gboolean taskbar_distribute_size;
gboolean hide_inactive_tasks;
gboolean hide_task_diff_monitor;
TaskbarSortMethod taskbar_sort_method;
Alignment taskbar_alignment;
guint win_hash(gconstpointer key)
return (guint) * ((const Window *)key);
gboolean win_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
return (*((const Window *)a) == *((const Window *)b));
void free_ptr_array(gpointer data)
g_ptr_array_free(data, 1);
void default_taskbar()
@ -71,7 +78,7 @@ void default_taskbar()
void cleanup_taskbar()
Panel *panel;
Taskbar *tskbar;
Taskbar *taskbar;
int i, j, k;
@ -88,18 +95,18 @@ void cleanup_taskbar()
win_to_task_table = NULL;
for (i = 0 ; i < nb_panel; i++) {
panel = &panel1[i];
for (j = 0; j < panel->nb_desktop; j++) {
tskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) {
panel = &panels[i];
for (j = 0; j < panel->num_desktops; j++) {
taskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
for (k = 0; k < TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (tskbar->state_pix[k])
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, tskbar->state_pix[k]);
tskbar->state_pix[k] = 0;
if (taskbar->state_pix[k])
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, taskbar->state_pix[k]);
taskbar->state_pix[k] = 0;
// remove taskbar from the panel
remove_area((Area *)taskbar);
if (panel->taskbar) {
@ -113,33 +120,31 @@ void cleanup_taskbar()
void init_taskbar()
if (win_to_task_table == 0)
if (!win_to_task_table)
win_to_task_table = g_hash_table_new_full(win_hash, win_compare, free, free_ptr_array);
task_active = 0;
task_drag = 0;
void init_taskbar_panel(void *p)
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)p;
int j;
if (panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL] == 0) {
if (!panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL]) {
panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
if (panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_NORMAL] == 0) {
if (!panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_NORMAL]) {
panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_NORMAL] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
if (!panel->g_task.font_desc)
panel->g_task.font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(DEFAULT_FONT);
if (panel-> == 0)
if (!panel->
panel-> = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
// taskbar name
@ -149,7 +154,7 @@ void init_taskbar_panel(void *p)
panel->g_taskbar.area_name._draw_foreground = draw_taskbarname;
panel->g_taskbar.area_name._on_change_layout = 0;
panel->g_taskbar.area_name.resize_needed = 1;
panel->g_taskbar.area_name.on_screen = 1;
panel->g_taskbar.area_name.on_screen = TRUE;
// taskbar
panel->g_taskbar.area.parent = panel;
@ -160,14 +165,13 @@ void init_taskbar_panel(void *p)
panel->g_taskbar.area._draw_foreground = draw_taskbar;
panel->g_taskbar.area._on_change_layout = on_change_taskbar;
panel->g_taskbar.area.resize_needed = 1;
panel->g_taskbar.area.on_screen = 1;
panel->g_taskbar.area.on_screen = TRUE;
if (panel_horizontal) {
panel->g_taskbar.area.posy = panel->>border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
panel->g_taskbar.area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.posy);
panel->g_taskbar.area_name.posy = panel->g_taskbar.area.posy;
panel->g_taskbar.area_name.height = panel->g_taskbar.area.height;
else {
} else {
panel->g_taskbar.area.posx = panel->>border.width + panel->area.paddingy;
panel->g_taskbar.area.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.posx);
panel->g_taskbar.area_name.posx = panel->g_taskbar.area.posx;
@ -180,60 +184,81 @@ void init_taskbar_panel(void *p)
panel->g_task.area._draw_foreground = draw_task;
panel->g_task.area._on_change_layout = on_change_task;
panel->g_task.area.resize_needed = 1;
panel->g_task.area.on_screen = 1;
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1<<TASK_NORMAL)) == 0) {
panel->g_task.area.on_screen = TRUE;
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1 << TASK_NORMAL)) == 0) {
panel->g_task.alpha[TASK_NORMAL] = 100;
panel->g_task.saturation[TASK_NORMAL] = 0;
panel->g_task.brightness[TASK_NORMAL] = 0;
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1<<TASK_ACTIVE)) == 0) {
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1 << TASK_ACTIVE)) == 0) {
panel->g_task.alpha[TASK_ACTIVE] = panel->g_task.alpha[TASK_NORMAL];
panel->g_task.saturation[TASK_ACTIVE] = panel->g_task.saturation[TASK_NORMAL];
panel->g_task.brightness[TASK_ACTIVE] = panel->g_task.brightness[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1<<TASK_ICONIFIED)) == 0) {
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1 << TASK_ICONIFIED)) == 0) {
panel->g_task.alpha[TASK_ICONIFIED] = panel->g_task.alpha[TASK_NORMAL];
panel->g_task.saturation[TASK_ICONIFIED] = panel->g_task.saturation[TASK_NORMAL];
panel->g_task.brightness[TASK_ICONIFIED] = panel->g_task.brightness[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1<<TASK_URGENT)) == 0) {
if ((panel->g_task.config_asb_mask & (1 << TASK_URGENT)) == 0) {
panel->g_task.alpha[TASK_URGENT] = panel->g_task.alpha[TASK_ACTIVE];
panel->g_task.saturation[TASK_URGENT] = panel->g_task.saturation[TASK_ACTIVE];
panel->g_task.brightness[TASK_URGENT] = panel->g_task.brightness[TASK_ACTIVE];
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1<<TASK_NORMAL)) == 0) panel->g_task.font[TASK_NORMAL] = (Color){{0, 0, 0}, 0};
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1<<TASK_ACTIVE)) == 0) panel->g_task.font[TASK_ACTIVE] = panel->g_task.font[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1<<TASK_ICONIFIED)) == 0) panel->g_task.font[TASK_ICONIFIED] = panel->g_task.font[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1<<TASK_URGENT)) == 0) panel->g_task.font[TASK_URGENT] = panel->g_task.font[TASK_ACTIVE];
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1<<TASK_NORMAL)) == 0) panel->g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1<<TASK_ACTIVE)) == 0) panel->g_task.background[TASK_ACTIVE] = panel->g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1<<TASK_ICONIFIED)) == 0) panel->g_task.background[TASK_ICONIFIED] = panel->g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1<<TASK_URGENT)) == 0) panel->g_task.background[TASK_URGENT] = panel->g_task.background[TASK_ACTIVE];
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1 << TASK_NORMAL)) == 0)
panel->g_task.font[TASK_NORMAL] = (Color){{0, 0, 0}, 0};
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1 << TASK_ACTIVE)) == 0)
panel->g_task.font[TASK_ACTIVE] = panel->g_task.font[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1 << TASK_ICONIFIED)) == 0)
panel->g_task.font[TASK_ICONIFIED] = panel->g_task.font[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_font_mask & (1 << TASK_URGENT)) == 0)
panel->g_task.font[TASK_URGENT] = panel->g_task.font[TASK_ACTIVE];
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1 << TASK_NORMAL)) == 0)
panel->g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1 << TASK_ACTIVE)) == 0)
panel->g_task.background[TASK_ACTIVE] = panel->g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1 << TASK_ICONIFIED)) == 0)
panel->g_task.background[TASK_ICONIFIED] = panel->g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL];
if ((panel->g_task.config_background_mask & (1 << TASK_URGENT)) == 0)
panel->g_task.background[TASK_URGENT] = panel->g_task.background[TASK_ACTIVE];
if (panel_horizontal) {
panel->g_task.area.posy = panel->g_taskbar.area.posy + panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL]->border.width + panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingy;
panel->g_task.area.posy = panel->g_taskbar.area.posy +
panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL]->border.width +
panel->g_task.area.height = panel->area.height - (2 * panel->g_task.area.posy);
else {
panel->g_task.area.posx = panel->g_taskbar.area.posx + panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL]->border.width + panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingy;
} else {
panel->g_task.area.posx = panel->g_taskbar.area.posx +
panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL]->border.width +
panel->g_task.area.width = panel->area.width - (2 * panel->g_task.area.posx);
panel->g_task.area.height = panel->g_task.maximum_height;
for (j=0; j<TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++j) {
if (panel->g_task.background[j] == 0)
for (j = 0; j < TASK_STATE_COUNT; ++j) {
if (!panel->g_task.background[j])
panel->g_task.background[j] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
if (panel->g_task.background[j]->border.radius > panel->g_task.area.height/2) {
printf("task%sbackground_id has a too large rounded value. Please fix your tint2rc\n", j==0 ? "_" : j==1 ? "_active_" : j==2 ? "_iconified_" : "_urgent_");
if (panel->g_task.background[j]->border.radius > panel->g_task.area.height / 2) {
printf("task%sbackground_id has a too large rounded value. Please fix your tint2rc\n",
j == 0 ? "_" : j == 1 ? "_active_" : j == 2 ? "_iconified_" : "_urgent_");
g_array_append_val(backgrounds, *panel->g_task.background[j]);
panel->g_task.background[j] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len-1);
panel->g_task.background[j]->border.radius = panel->g_task.area.height/2;
panel->g_task.background[j] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len - 1);
panel->g_task.background[j]->border.radius = panel->g_task.area.height / 2;
// compute vertical position : text and icon
int height_ink, height, width;
get_text_size2(panel->g_task.font_desc, &height_ink, &height, &width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, "TAjpg", 5, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
if (!panel->g_task.maximum_width && panel_horizontal)
panel->g_task.maximum_width = server.monitor[panel->monitor].width;
@ -245,41 +270,38 @@ void init_taskbar_panel(void *p)
panel->g_task.text_posx += panel->g_task.icon_size1 + panel->g_task.area.paddingx;
panel->g_task.icon_posy = (panel->g_task.area.height - panel->g_task.icon_size1) / 2;
//printf("monitor %d, task_maximum_width %d\n", panel->monitor, panel->g_task.maximum_width);
// printf("monitor %d, task_maximum_width %d\n", panel->monitor, panel->g_task.maximum_width);
Taskbar *tskbar;
panel->nb_desktop = server.nb_desktop;
panel->taskbar = calloc(server.nb_desktop, sizeof(Taskbar));
for (j=0 ; j < panel->nb_desktop ; j++) {
tskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
memcpy(&tskbar->area, &panel->g_taskbar.area, sizeof(Area));
tskbar->desktop = j;
Taskbar *taskbar;
panel->num_desktops = server.num_desktops;
panel->taskbar = calloc(server.num_desktops, sizeof(Taskbar));
for (j = 0; j < panel->num_desktops; j++) {
taskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
memcpy(&taskbar->area, &panel->g_taskbar.area, sizeof(Area));
taskbar->desktop = j;
if (j == server.desktop)
tskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE];
taskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE];
tskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL];
taskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL];
void taskbar_remove_task(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
remove_task(task_get_task(*(Window *)key));
Task *task_get_task (Window win)
Task *task_get_task(Window win)
GPtrArray* task_group = task_get_tasks(win);
GPtrArray *task_group = task_get_tasks(win);
if (task_group)
return g_ptr_array_index(task_group, 0);
return 0;
GPtrArray* task_get_tasks(Window win)
GPtrArray *task_get_tasks(Window win)
if (win_to_task_table && taskbar_enabled)
return g_hash_table_lookup(win_to_task_table, &win);
@ -287,21 +309,22 @@ GPtrArray* task_get_tasks(Window win)
return 0;
void task_refresh_tasklist ()
void task_refresh_tasklist()
Window *win;
int num_results, i;
if (!taskbar_enabled) return;
win = server_get_property (server.root_win, server.atom._NET_CLIENT_LIST, XA_WINDOW, &num_results);
if (!win) return;
if (!taskbar_enabled)
win = server_get_property(server.root_win, server.atom._NET_CLIENT_LIST, XA_WINDOW, &num_results);
if (!win)
GList* win_list = g_hash_table_get_keys(win_to_task_table);
GList* it;
for (it=win_list; it; it=it->next) {
GList *win_list = g_hash_table_get_keys(win_to_task_table);
GList *it;
for (it = win_list; it; it = it->next) {
for (i = 0; i < num_results; i++)
if (*((Window*)it->data) == win[i])
if (*((Window *)it->data) == win[i])
if (i == num_results)
taskbar_remove_task(it->data, 0, 0);
@ -310,122 +333,121 @@ void task_refresh_tasklist ()
// Add any new
for (i = 0; i < num_results; i++)
if (!task_get_task (win[i]))
add_task (win[i]);
if (!task_get_task(win[i]))
XFree (win);
void draw_taskbar (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
void draw_taskbar(void *obj, cairo_t *c)
Taskbar *taskbar = obj;
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar *)obj;
int state = (taskbar->desktop == server.desktop) ? TASKBAR_ACTIVE : TASKBAR_NORMAL;
taskbar->state_pix[state] = taskbar->area.pix;
int resize_taskbar(void *obj)
gboolean resize_taskbar(void *obj)
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar*)obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel*)taskbar->area.panel;
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar *)obj;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)taskbar->area.panel;
int text_width;
//printf("resize_taskbar %d %d\n", taskbar->area.posx, taskbar->area.posy);
// printf("resize_taskbar %d %d\n", taskbar->area.posx, taskbar->area.posy);
if (panel_horizontal) {
relayout_with_constraint(&taskbar->area, panel->g_task.maximum_width);
text_width = panel->g_task.maximum_width;
GList *l = taskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled) l = l->next;
if (taskbarname_enabled)
l = l->next;
for (; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
if (((Task *)l->data)->area.on_screen) {
text_width = ((Task *)l->data)->area.width;
taskbar->text_width = text_width - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->>border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr;
else {
taskbar->text_width =
text_width - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->>border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr;
} else {
relayout_with_constraint(&taskbar->area, panel->g_task.maximum_height);
taskbar->text_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingy) - panel->g_task.text_posx - panel->>border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr;
taskbar->text_width = taskbar->area.width - (2 * panel->g_taskbar.area.paddingy) - panel->g_task.text_posx -
panel->>border.width - panel->g_task.area.paddingxlr;
return 0;
void on_change_taskbar (void *obj)
void on_change_taskbar(void *obj)
Taskbar *tskbar = obj;
Taskbar *taskbar = (Taskbar *)obj;
int k;
// reset Pixmap when position/size changed
for (k=0; k<TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (tskbar->state_pix[k]) XFreePixmap(server.dsp, tskbar->state_pix[k]);
tskbar->state_pix[k] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (taskbar->state_pix[k])
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, taskbar->state_pix[k]);
taskbar->state_pix[k] = 0;
tskbar->area.pix = 0;
tskbar->area.redraw_needed = 1;
taskbar->area.pix = 0;
taskbar->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
void set_taskbar_state(Taskbar *tskbar, int state)
void set_taskbar_state(Taskbar *taskbar, TaskbarState state)
tskbar-> = panel1[0].g_taskbar.background[state];
tskbar->area.pix = tskbar->state_pix[state];
taskbar-> = panels[0].g_taskbar.background[state];
taskbar->area.pix = taskbar->state_pix[state];
if (taskbarname_enabled) {
tskbar-> = panel1[0].g_taskbar.background_name[state];
taskbar-> = panels[0].g_taskbar.background_name[state];
if (!panel_config.mouse_effects) {
tskbar->bar_name.area.pix = tskbar->bar_name.state_pix[state];
taskbar->bar_name.area.pix = taskbar->bar_name.state_pix[state];
if (panel_mode != MULTI_DESKTOP) {
if (taskbar_mode != MULTI_DESKTOP) {
if (state == TASKBAR_NORMAL)
tskbar->area.on_screen = 0;
taskbar->area.on_screen = FALSE;
tskbar->area.on_screen = 1;
taskbar->area.on_screen = TRUE;
if (tskbar->area.on_screen == 1) {
if (tskbar->state_pix[state] == 0)
tskbar->area.redraw_needed = 1;
if (taskbar->area.on_screen) {
if (!taskbar->state_pix[state])
taskbar->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
if (taskbarname_enabled) {
if (!panel_config.mouse_effects) {
if (tskbar->bar_name.state_pix[state] == 0)
tskbar->bar_name.area.redraw_needed = 1;
if (!taskbar->bar_name.state_pix[state])
taskbar->bar_name.area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
} else {
tskbar->bar_name.area.redraw_needed = 1;
taskbar->bar_name.area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
if (panel_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP && panel1[0].g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL] != panel1[0].g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE]) {
GList *l = tskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled) l = l->next;
for ( ; l ; l = l->next)
if (taskbar_mode == MULTI_DESKTOP &&
panels[0].g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL] != panels[0].g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE]) {
GList *l = taskbar->area.children;
if (taskbarname_enabled)
l = l->next;
for (; l; l = l->next)
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
void visible_taskbar(void *p)
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)p;
int j;
Taskbar *taskbar;
for (j=0 ; j < panel->nb_desktop ; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < panel->num_desktops; j++) {
taskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
if (panel_mode != MULTI_DESKTOP && taskbar->desktop != server.desktop) {
if (taskbar_mode != MULTI_DESKTOP && taskbar->desktop != server.desktop) {
// SINGLE_DESKTOP and not current desktop
taskbar->area.on_screen = 0;
else {
taskbar->area.on_screen = 1;
taskbar->area.on_screen = FALSE;
} else {
taskbar->area.on_screen = TRUE;
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
#define NONTRIVIAL 2
@ -444,9 +466,7 @@ gint compare_tasks_trivial(Task *a, Task *b, Taskbar *taskbar)
gint contained_within(Task *a, Task *b)
if ((a->win_x <= b->win_x) &&
(a->win_y <= b->win_y) &&
(a->win_x + a->win_w >= b->win_x + b->win_w) &&
if ((a->win_x <= b->win_x) && (a->win_y <= b->win_y) && (a->win_x + a->win_w >= b->win_x + b->win_w) &&
(a->win_y + a->win_h >= b->win_y + b->win_h)) {
return 1;
@ -461,10 +481,7 @@ gint compare_task_centers(Task *a, Task *b, Taskbar *taskbar)
// If a window has the same coordinates and size as the other,
// they are considered to be equal in the comparison.
if ((a->win_x == b->win_x) &&
(a->win_y == b->win_y) &&
(a->win_w == b->win_w) &&
(a->win_h == b->win_h)) {
if ((a->win_x == b->win_x) && (a->win_y == b->win_y) && (a->win_w == b->win_w) && (a->win_h == b->win_h)) {
return 0;
@ -536,35 +553,34 @@ void sort_tasks(Taskbar *taskbar)
if (!taskbar)
if (!taskbar_needs_sort(taskbar)) {
if (!taskbar_needs_sort(taskbar))
taskbar->area.children = g_list_sort_with_data(taskbar->area.children, (GCompareDataFunc)compare_tasks, taskbar);
taskbar->area.resize_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = 1;
((Panel*)taskbar->area.panel)->area.resize_needed = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
((Panel *)taskbar->area.panel)->area.resize_needed = 1;
void sort_taskbar_for_win(Window win)
if (taskbar_sort_method == TASKBAR_NOSORT)
GPtrArray* task_group = task_get_tasks(win);
GPtrArray *task_group = task_get_tasks(win);
if (task_group) {
int i;
Task* tsk0 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, 0);
if (tsk0) {
window_get_coordinates(win, &tsk0->win_x, &tsk0->win_y, &tsk0->win_w, &tsk0->win_h);
Task *task0 = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, 0);
if (task0) {
get_window_coordinates(win, &task0->win_x, &task0->win_y, &task0->win_w, &task0->win_h);
for (i = 0; i < task_group->len; ++i) {
Task* tsk = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
tsk->win_x = tsk0->win_x;
tsk->win_y = tsk0->win_y;
tsk->win_w = tsk0->win_w;
tsk->win_h = tsk0->win_h;
Task *task = g_ptr_array_index(task_group, i);
task->win_x = task0->win_x;
task->win_y = task0->win_y;
task->win_w = task0->win_w;
task->win_h = task0->win_h;

View file

@ -11,20 +11,29 @@
#include "task.h"
#include "taskbarname.h"
typedef enum TaskbarState {
} TaskbarState;
typedef enum TaskbarSortMethod {
} TaskbarSortMethod;
extern GHashTable *win_to_task_table;
extern Task *task_active;
extern Task *task_drag;
extern int taskbar_enabled;
extern int taskbar_distribute_size;
extern int hide_inactive_tasks;
extern int hide_task_diff_monitor;
extern int taskbar_sort_method;
extern int taskbar_alignment;
extern gboolean taskbar_enabled;
extern gboolean taskbar_distribute_size;
extern gboolean hide_inactive_tasks;
extern gboolean hide_task_diff_monitor;
extern TaskbarSortMethod taskbar_sort_method;
extern Alignment taskbar_alignment;
typedef struct {
// always start with area
Area area;
Pixmap state_pix[TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT];
@ -32,28 +41,21 @@ typedef struct {
int posy;
} Taskbarname;
// tint2 use one taskbar per desktop.
typedef struct {
// always start with area
Area area;
int desktop;
Pixmap state_pix[TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT];
int desktop;
Taskbarname bar_name;
// task parameters
int text_width;
} Taskbar;
typedef struct {
//always start with area
typedef struct GlobalTaskbar {
// always start with area
Area area;
Area area_name;
Background* background[TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT];
Background* background_name[TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT];
} Global_taskbar;
Background *background[TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT];
Background *background_name[TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT];
} GlobalTaskbar;
// default global data
void default_taskbar();
@ -64,15 +66,15 @@ void cleanup_taskbar();
void init_taskbar();
void init_taskbar_panel(void *p);
void draw_taskbar (void *obj, cairo_t *c);
void draw_taskbar(void *obj, cairo_t *c);
void taskbar_remove_task(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
Task *task_get_task (Window win);
GPtrArray* task_get_tasks(Window win);
void task_refresh_tasklist ();
Task *task_get_task(Window win);
GPtrArray *task_get_tasks(Window win);
void task_refresh_tasklist();
int resize_taskbar(void *obj);
void on_change_taskbar (void *obj);
void set_taskbar_state(Taskbar *tskbar, int state);
gboolean resize_taskbar(void *obj);
void on_change_taskbar(void *obj);
void set_taskbar_state(Taskbar *taskbar, TaskbarState state);
// show/hide taskbar according to current desktop
void visible_taskbar(void *p);
@ -81,4 +83,3 @@ void sort_taskbar_for_win(Window win);
void sort_tasks(Taskbar *taskbar);

View file

@ -37,18 +37,16 @@ PangoFontDescription *taskbarname_font_desc;
Color taskbarname_font;
Color taskbarname_active_font;
void default_taskbarname()
taskbarname_enabled = 0;
taskbarname_font_desc = NULL;
void init_taskbarname_panel(void *p)
Panel *panel =(Panel*)p;
Taskbar *tskbar;
Panel *panel = (Panel *)p;
Taskbar *taskbar;
int j;
if (!taskbarname_enabled)
@ -57,61 +55,58 @@ void init_taskbarname_panel(void *p)
if (!panel_config.taskbarname_font_desc)
panel_config.taskbarname_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(DEFAULT_FONT);
GSList *l, *list = server_get_name_of_desktop();
for (j=0, l=list ; j < panel->nb_desktop ; j++) {
tskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
memcpy(&tskbar->bar_name.area, &panel->g_taskbar.area_name, sizeof(Area));
tskbar->bar_name.area.parent = tskbar;
tskbar->bar_name.area.has_mouse_over_effect = 1;
tskbar->bar_name.area.has_mouse_press_effect = 1;
GSList *l, *list = get_desktop_names();
for (j = 0, l = list; j < panel->num_desktops; j++) {
taskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
memcpy(&taskbar->bar_name.area, &panel->g_taskbar.area_name, sizeof(Area));
taskbar->bar_name.area.parent = taskbar;
taskbar->bar_name.area.has_mouse_over_effect = 1;
taskbar->bar_name.area.has_mouse_press_effect = 1;
if (j == server.desktop)
tskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_ACTIVE];
taskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_ACTIVE];
tskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_NORMAL];
taskbar-> = panel->g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_NORMAL];
// use desktop number if name is missing
if (l) {
tskbar-> = g_strdup(l->data);
taskbar-> = g_strdup(l->data);
l = l->next;
tskbar-> = g_strdup_printf("%d", j+1);
} else
taskbar-> = g_strdup_printf("%d", j + 1);
// append the name at the beginning of taskbar
tskbar->area.children = g_list_append(tskbar->area.children, &tskbar->bar_name);
taskbar->area.children = g_list_append(taskbar->area.children, &taskbar->bar_name);
for (l=list ; l ; l = l->next)
for (l = list; l; l = l->next)
void cleanup_taskbarname()
int i, j, k;
Panel *panel;
Taskbar *tskbar;
Taskbar *taskbar;
for (i = 0; i < nb_panel; i++) {
panel = &panel1[i];
for (j = 0; j < panel->nb_desktop; j++) {
tskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
tskbar-> = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) {
panel = &panels[i];
for (j = 0; j < panel->num_desktops; j++) {
taskbar = &panel->taskbar[j];
taskbar-> = NULL;
for (k = 0; k < TASKBAR_STATE_COUNT; ++k) {
if (tskbar->bar_name.state_pix[k])
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, tskbar->bar_name.state_pix[k]);
tskbar->bar_name.state_pix[k] = 0;
if (taskbar->bar_name.state_pix[k])
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, taskbar->bar_name.state_pix[k]);
taskbar->bar_name.state_pix[k] = 0;
remove_area((Area *)&taskbar->bar_name);
void draw_taskbarname (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
void draw_taskbarname(void *obj, cairo_t *c)
Taskbarname *taskbar_name = obj;
Taskbar *taskbar = taskbar_name->area.parent;
@ -123,45 +118,50 @@ void draw_taskbarname (void *obj, cairo_t *c)
taskbar_name->state_pix[state] = taskbar_name->area.pix;
// draw content
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, panel_config.taskbarname_font_desc);
pango_layout_set_width (layout, taskbar_name->area.width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_alignment (layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(c);
pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, panel_config.taskbarname_font_desc);
pango_layout_set_width(layout, taskbar_name->area.width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE);
pango_layout_set_text (layout, taskbar_name->name, strlen(taskbar_name->name));
pango_layout_set_text(layout, taskbar_name->name, strlen(taskbar_name->name));
cairo_set_source_rgba (c, config_text->rgb[0], config_text->rgb[1], config_text->rgb[2], config_text->alpha);
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, config_text->rgb[0], config_text->rgb[1], config_text->rgb[2], config_text->alpha);
pango_cairo_update_layout (c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, taskbar_name->posy, config_text, ((Panel*)taskbar_name->area.panel)->font_shadow);
pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout);
draw_text(layout, c, 0, taskbar_name->posy, config_text, ((Panel *)taskbar_name->area.panel)->font_shadow);
g_object_unref (layout);
//printf("draw_taskbarname %s ******************************\n", taskbar_name->name);
// printf("draw_taskbarname %s ******************************\n", taskbar_name->name);
int resize_taskbarname(void *obj)
gboolean resize_taskbarname(void *obj)
Taskbarname *taskbar_name = obj;
Panel *panel = taskbar_name->area.panel;
int name_height, name_width, name_height_ink;
int ret = 0;
taskbar_name->area.redraw_needed = 1;
get_text_size2(panel_config.taskbarname_font_desc, &name_height_ink, &name_height, &name_width, panel->area.height, panel->area.width, taskbar_name->name, strlen(taskbar_name->name),
taskbar_name->area.redraw_needed = TRUE;
if (panel_horizontal) {
int new_size = name_width + (2* (taskbar_name->area.paddingxlr + taskbar_name->>border.width));
int new_size = name_width + (2 * (taskbar_name->area.paddingxlr + taskbar_name->>border.width));
if (new_size != taskbar_name->area.width) {
taskbar_name->area.width = new_size;
taskbar_name->posy = (taskbar_name->area.height - name_height) / 2;
ret = 1;
else {
} else {
int new_size = name_height + (2 * (taskbar_name->area.paddingxlr + taskbar_name->>border.width));
if (new_size != taskbar_name->area.height) {
taskbar_name->area.height = new_size;
@ -171,4 +171,3 @@ int resize_taskbarname(void *obj)
return ret;

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "area.h"
extern int taskbarname_enabled;
extern gboolean taskbarname_enabled;
extern Color taskbarname_font;
extern Color taskbarname_active_font;
@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ void init_taskbarname_panel(void *p);
void draw_taskbarname(void *obj, cairo_t *c);
int resize_taskbarname(void *obj);
gboolean resize_taskbarname(void *obj);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ void stop_tooltip_timeout();
Tooltip g_tooltip;
void default_tooltip()
// give the tooltip some reasonable default values
@ -62,12 +61,11 @@ void cleanup_tooltip()
g_tooltip.font_desc = NULL;
void init_tooltip()
if (!g_tooltip.font_desc)
g_tooltip.font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(DEFAULT_FONT);
if ( == 0)
if (! = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, 0);
XSetWindowAttributes attr;
@ -76,14 +74,14 @@ void init_tooltip()
attr.colormap = server.colormap;
attr.background_pixel = 0;
attr.border_pixel = 0;
unsigned long mask = CWEventMask|CWColormap|CWBorderPixel|CWBackPixel|CWOverrideRedirect;
unsigned long mask = CWEventMask | CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;
if (g_tooltip.window)
XDestroyWindow(server.dsp, g_tooltip.window);
g_tooltip.window = XCreateWindow(server.dsp, server.root_win, 0, 0, 100, 20, 0, server.depth, InputOutput, server.visual, mask, &attr);
g_tooltip.window =
XCreateWindow(server.dsp, server.root_win, 0, 0, 100, 20, 0, server.depth, InputOutput, server.visual, mask, &attr);
void tooltip_trigger_show(Area* area, Panel* p, XEvent *e)
void tooltip_trigger_show(Area *area, Panel *p, XEvent *e)
// Position the tooltip in the center of the area
x = area->posx + MIN(area->width / 3, 22) + e->xmotion.x_root - e->xmotion.x;
@ -94,19 +92,17 @@ void tooltip_trigger_show(Area* area, Panel* p, XEvent *e)
else if (!g_tooltip.mapped) {
} else if (!g_tooltip.mapped) {
void tooltip_show(void* arg)
void tooltip_show(void *arg)
int mx, my;
Window w;
XTranslateCoordinates( server.dsp, server.root_win, g_tooltip.panel->main_win, x, y, &mx, &my, &w);
Area* area;
XTranslateCoordinates(server.dsp, server.root_win, g_tooltip.panel->main_win, x, y, &mx, &my, &w);
Area *area;
area = click_area(g_tooltip.panel, mx, my);
if (!g_tooltip.mapped && area->_get_tooltip_text) {
@ -117,12 +113,11 @@ void tooltip_show(void* arg)
void tooltip_update_geometry()
cairo_surface_t *cs;
cairo_t *c;
PangoLayout* layout;
PangoLayout *layout;
cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(server.dsp, g_tooltip.window, server.visual, width, height);
c = cairo_create(cs);
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(c);
@ -130,12 +125,12 @@ void tooltip_update_geometry()
pango_layout_set_text(layout, g_tooltip.tooltip_text, -1);
PangoRectangle r1, r2;
pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout, &r1, &r2);
width = 2*>border.width + 2*g_tooltip.paddingx + r2.width;
height = 2*>border.width + 2*g_tooltip.paddingy + r2.height;
width = 2 *>border.width + 2 * g_tooltip.paddingx + r2.width;
height = 2 *>border.width + 2 * g_tooltip.paddingy + r2.height;
Panel* panel = g_tooltip.panel;
Panel *panel = g_tooltip.panel;
if (panel_horizontal && panel_position & BOTTOM)
y = panel->posy-height;
y = panel->posy - height;
else if (panel_horizontal && panel_position & TOP)
y = panel->posy + panel->area.height;
else if (panel_position & LEFT)
@ -148,51 +143,50 @@ void tooltip_update_geometry()
void tooltip_adjust_geometry()
// adjust coordinates and size to not go offscreen
// it seems quite impossible that the height needs to be adjusted, but we do it anyway.
int min_x, min_y, max_width, max_height;
Panel* panel = g_tooltip.panel;
Panel *panel = g_tooltip.panel;
int screen_width = server.monitor[panel->monitor].x + server.monitor[panel->monitor].width;
int screen_height = server.monitor[panel->monitor].y + server.monitor[panel->monitor].height;
if ( x+width <= screen_width && y+height <= screen_height && x>=server.monitor[panel->monitor].x && y>=server.monitor[panel->monitor].y )
if (x + width <= screen_width && y + height <= screen_height && x >= server.monitor[panel->monitor].x &&
y >= server.monitor[panel->monitor].y)
return; // no adjustment needed
if (panel_horizontal) {
min_x = 0;
max_width = server.monitor[panel->monitor].width;
max_height = server.monitor[panel->monitor].height - panel->area.height;
if (panel_position & BOTTOM)
min_y = 0;
else {
min_y = panel->area.height;
} else {
max_width = server.monitor[panel->monitor].width - panel->area.width;
min_y = 0;
max_height = server.monitor[panel->monitor].height;
if (panel_position & LEFT)
min_x = panel->area.width;
min_x = 0;
if (x+width > server.monitor[panel->monitor].x + server.monitor[panel->monitor].width)
if (x + width > server.monitor[panel->monitor].x + server.monitor[panel->monitor].width)
x = server.monitor[panel->monitor].x + server.monitor[panel->monitor].width - width;
if ( y+height > server.monitor[panel->monitor].y + server.monitor[panel->monitor].height)
if (y + height > server.monitor[panel->monitor].y + server.monitor[panel->monitor].height)
y = server.monitor[panel->monitor].y + server.monitor[panel->monitor].height - height;
if (x<min_x)
if (width>max_width)
if (x < min_x)
x = min_x;
if (width > max_width)
width = max_width;
if (y<min_y)
if (height>max_height)
if (y < min_y)
y = min_y;
if (height > max_height)
height = max_height;
void tooltip_update()
@ -205,7 +199,7 @@ void tooltip_update()
if (just_shown) {
if (!panel_horizontal)
y -= height/2; // center vertically
y -= height / 2; // center vertically
just_shown = 0;
@ -214,26 +208,25 @@ void tooltip_update()
// Stuff for drawing the tooltip
cairo_surface_t *cs;
cairo_t *c;
PangoLayout* layout;
PangoLayout *layout;
cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(server.dsp, g_tooltip.window, server.visual, width, height);
c = cairo_create(cs);
Color bc =>fill_color;
Border b =>border;
if (server.real_transparency) {
clear_pixmap(g_tooltip.window, 0, 0, width, height);
draw_rect(c, b.width, b.width, width-2*b.width, height-2*b.width, b.radius-b.width/1.571);
draw_rect(c, b.width, b.width, width - 2 * b.width, height - 2 * b.width, b.radius - b.width / 1.571);
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, bc.rgb[0], bc.rgb[1], bc.rgb[2], bc.alpha);
else {
} else {
cairo_rectangle(c, 0., 0, width, height);
cairo_set_source_rgb(c, bc.rgb[0], bc.rgb[1], bc.rgb[2]);
cairo_set_line_width(c, b.width);
if (server.real_transparency)
draw_rect(c, b.width/2.0, b.width/2.0, width - b.width, height - b.width, b.radius);
draw_rect(c, b.width / 2.0, b.width / 2.0, width - b.width, height - b.width, b.radius);
cairo_rectangle(c, b.width/2.0, b.width/2.0, width-b.width, height-b.width);
cairo_rectangle(c, b.width / 2.0, b.width / 2.0, width - b.width, height - b.width);
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, b.color.rgb[0], b.color.rgb[1], b.color.rgb[2], b.color.alpha);
@ -244,35 +237,33 @@ void tooltip_update()
pango_layout_set_text(layout, g_tooltip.tooltip_text, -1);
PangoRectangle r1, r2;
pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout, &r1, &r2);
pango_layout_set_width(layout, width*PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_height(layout, height*PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_width(layout, width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_height(layout, height * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
// I do not know why this is the right way, but with the below cairo_move_to it seems to be centered (horiz. and vert.)
// I do not know why this is the right way, but with the below cairo_move_to it seems to be centered (horiz. and
// vert.)
-r1.x/2 +>border.width + g_tooltip.paddingx,
-r1.y/2 + 1 +>border.width + g_tooltip.paddingy);
pango_cairo_show_layout (c, layout);
-r1.x / 2 +>border.width + g_tooltip.paddingx,
-r1.y / 2 + 1 +>border.width + g_tooltip.paddingy);
pango_cairo_show_layout(c, layout);
g_object_unref (layout);
cairo_destroy (c);
cairo_surface_destroy (cs);
void tooltip_trigger_hide()
if (g_tooltip.mapped) {
else {
} else {
// tooltip not visible yet, but maybe a timeout is still pending
void tooltip_hide(void* arg)
void tooltip_hide(void *arg)
if (g_tooltip.mapped) {
g_tooltip.mapped = False;
@ -281,26 +272,22 @@ void tooltip_hide(void* arg)
void start_show_timeout()
change_timeout(&g_tooltip.timeout, g_tooltip.show_timeout_msec, 0, tooltip_show, 0);
void start_hide_timeout()
change_timeout(&g_tooltip.timeout, g_tooltip.hide_timeout_msec, 0, tooltip_hide, 0);
void stop_tooltip_timeout()
void tooltip_copy_text(Area* area)
void tooltip_copy_text(Area *area)
if (area && area->_get_tooltip_text)

View file

@ -22,26 +22,24 @@
#include "panel.h"
#include "timer.h"
typedef struct {
Area* area; // never ever use the area attribut if you are not 100% sure that this area was not freed
char* tooltip_text;
Panel* panel;
Area *area; // never ever use the area attribut if you are not 100% sure that this area was not freed
char *tooltip_text;
Panel *panel;
Window window;
int show_timeout_msec;
int hide_timeout_msec;
Bool mapped;
int paddingx;
int paddingy;
PangoFontDescription* font_desc;
PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
Color font_color;
Background* bg;
timeout* timeout;
Background *bg;
timeout *timeout;
} Tooltip;
extern Tooltip g_tooltip;
// default global data
void default_tooltip();
@ -49,11 +47,11 @@ void default_tooltip();
void cleanup_tooltip();
void init_tooltip();
void tooltip_trigger_show(Area* area, Panel* p, XEvent *e);
void tooltip_show(void* /*arg*/);
void tooltip_trigger_show(Area *area, Panel *p, XEvent *e);
void tooltip_show(void * /*arg*/);
void tooltip_update();
void tooltip_trigger_hide();
void tooltip_hide(void* /*arg*/);
void tooltip_copy_text(Area* area);
void tooltip_hide(void * /*arg*/);
void tooltip_copy_text(Area *area);
#endif // TOOLTIP_H

View file

@ -32,23 +32,24 @@
Area *mouse_over_area = NULL;
void initialize_positions(void *obj, int pos)
void init_background(Background *bg)
Area *a = (Area*)obj;
memset(bg, 0, sizeof(Background));
// initialize fixed position/size
GList *l;
for (l = a->children; l ; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area*)l->data);
void initialize_positions(void *obj, int offset)
Area *a = (Area *)obj;
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area *)l->data);
if (panel_horizontal) {
child->posy = pos + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy;
child->posy = offset + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy;
child->height = a->height - (2 * (a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy));
if (child->_on_change_layout)
initialize_positions(child, child->posy);
else {
child->posx = pos + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy;
} else {
child->posx = offset + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy;
child->width = a->width - (2 * (a->bg->border.width + a->paddingy));
if (child->_on_change_layout)
@ -57,16 +58,15 @@ void initialize_positions(void *obj, int pos)
void _relayout_fixed(Area *a)
void relayout_fixed(Area *a)
if (!a->on_screen)
// Children are resized before the parent
GList *l;
for (l = a->children; l ; l = l->next)
for (l = a->children; l; l = l->next)
// Recalculate size
a->_changed = 0;
@ -77,44 +77,40 @@ void _relayout_fixed(Area *a)
if (a->_resize(a)) {
// The size hash changed => resize needed for the parent
if (a->parent)
((Area*)a->parent)->resize_needed = 1;
((Area *)a->parent)->resize_needed = 1;
a->_changed = 1;
void _relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
void relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
// don't resize hiden objects
if (!a->on_screen)
// parent node is resized before its children
// calculate area's size
GList *l;
// Area is resized before its children
if (a->resize_needed && a->size_mode == LAYOUT_DYNAMIC) {
a->resize_needed = 0;
if (a->_resize) {
// resize children with LAYOUT_DYNAMIC
for (l = a->children; l ; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area*)l->data);
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area *)l->data);
if (child->size_mode == LAYOUT_DYNAMIC && child->children)
child->resize_needed = 1;
// update position of children
// Layout children
if (a->children) {
if (a->alignment == ALIGN_LEFT) {
int pos = (panel_horizontal ? a->posx : a->posy) + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingxlr;
for (l = a->children; l ; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area*)l->data);
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area *)l->data);
if (!child->on_screen)
@ -132,15 +128,15 @@ void _relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
_relayout_dynamic(child, level+1);
relayout_dynamic(child, level + 1);
pos += panel_horizontal ? child->width + a->paddingx : child->height + a->paddingx;
} else if (a->alignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
int pos = (panel_horizontal ? a->posx + a->width : a->posy + a->height) - a->bg->border.width - a->paddingxlr;
for (l = g_list_last(a->children); l ; l = l->prev) {
Area *child = ((Area*)l->data);
for (GList *l = g_list_last(a->children); l; l = l->prev) {
Area *child = ((Area *)l->data);
if (!child->on_screen)
@ -160,7 +156,7 @@ void _relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
_relayout_dynamic(child, level+1);
relayout_dynamic(child, level + 1);
pos -= a->paddingx;
@ -168,8 +164,8 @@ void _relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
int children_size = 0;
for (l = a->children; l ; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area*)l->data);
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area *)l->data);
if (!child->on_screen)
@ -180,8 +176,8 @@ void _relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
int pos = (panel_horizontal ? a->posx : a->posy) + a->bg->border.width + a->paddingxlr;
pos += ((panel_horizontal ? a->width : a->height) - children_size) / 2;
for (l = a->children; l ; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area*)l->data);
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = ((Area *)l->data);
if (!child->on_screen)
@ -199,7 +195,7 @@ void _relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
_relayout_dynamic(child, level+1);
relayout_dynamic(child, level + 1);
pos += panel_horizontal ? child->width + a->paddingx : child->height + a->paddingx;
@ -208,79 +204,71 @@ void _relayout_dynamic(Area *a, int level)
if (a->_changed) {
// pos/size changed
a->redraw_needed = 1;
a->redraw_needed = TRUE;
if (a->_on_change_layout)
a->_on_change_layout (a);
void relayout(Area *a)
relayout_dynamic(a, 1);
void draw_tree (Area *a)
void draw_tree(Area *a)
if (!a->on_screen)
// don't draw transparent objects (without foreground and without background)
if (a->redraw_needed) {
a->redraw_needed = 0;
// force redraw of child
//GList *l;
//for (l = a->children ; l ; l = l->next)
//((Area*)l->data)->redraw_needed = 1;
//printf("draw area posx %d, width %d\n", a->posx, a->width);
// draw current Area
if (a->pix == 0)
printf("empty area posx %d, width %d\n", a->posx, a->width);
if (a->pix)
XCopyArea(server.dsp, a->pix, ((Panel *)a->panel)->temp_pmap, server.gc, 0, 0, a->width, a->height, a->posx, a->posy);
// and then draw child objects
GList *l;
for (l = a->children; l ; l = l->next)
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next)
draw_tree((Area *)l->data);
int relayout_with_constraint(Area *a, int maximum_size)
Area *child;
int size, nb_by_content=0, nb_by_layout=0;
int fixed_children_count = 0;
int dynamic_children_count = 0;
if (panel_horizontal) {
// detect free size for LAYOUT_DYNAMIC's Area
size = a->width - (2 * (a->paddingxlr + a->bg->border.width));
GList *l;
for (l = a->children ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
// detect free size for LAYOUT_DYNAMIC Areas
int size = a->width - (2 * (a->paddingxlr + a->bg->border.width));
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = (Area *)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == LAYOUT_FIXED) {
size -= child->width;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == LAYOUT_DYNAMIC)
//printf(" resize_by_layout Deb %d, %d\n", nb_by_content, nb_by_layout);
if (nb_by_content+nb_by_layout)
size -= ((nb_by_content+nb_by_layout-1) * a->paddingx);
if (fixed_children_count + dynamic_children_count > 0)
size -= (fixed_children_count + dynamic_children_count - 1) * a->paddingx;
int width=0, modulo=0, old_width;
if (nb_by_layout) {
width = size / nb_by_layout;
modulo = size % nb_by_layout;
if (width > maximum_size && maximum_size != 0) {
int width = 0;
int modulo = 0;
if (dynamic_children_count > 0) {
width = size / dynamic_children_count;
modulo = size % dynamic_children_count;
if (width > maximum_size && maximum_size > 0) {
width = maximum_size;
modulo = 0;
// resize LAYOUT_DYNAMIC objects
for (l = a->children ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
// Resize LAYOUT_DYNAMIC objects
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = (Area *)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == LAYOUT_DYNAMIC) {
old_width = child->width;
int old_width = child->width;
child->width = width;
if (modulo) {
@ -290,36 +278,35 @@ int relayout_with_constraint(Area *a, int maximum_size)
child->_changed = 1;
else {
} else {
// detect free size for LAYOUT_DYNAMIC's Area
size = a->height - (2 * (a->paddingxlr + a->bg->border.width));
GList *l;
for (l = a->children ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
int size = a->height - (2 * (a->paddingxlr + a->bg->border.width));
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = (Area *)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == LAYOUT_FIXED) {
size -= child->height;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == LAYOUT_DYNAMIC)
if (nb_by_content+nb_by_layout)
size -= ((nb_by_content+nb_by_layout-1) * a->paddingx);
if (fixed_children_count + dynamic_children_count > 0)
size -= (fixed_children_count + dynamic_children_count - 1) * a->paddingx;
int height=0, modulo=0;
if (nb_by_layout) {
height = size / nb_by_layout;
modulo = size % nb_by_layout;
int height = 0;
int modulo = 0;
if (dynamic_children_count) {
height = size / dynamic_children_count;
modulo = size % dynamic_children_count;
if (height > maximum_size && maximum_size != 0) {
height = maximum_size;
modulo = 0;
// resize LAYOUT_DYNAMIC objects
for (l = a->children ; l ; l = l->next) {
child = (Area*)l->data;
// Resize LAYOUT_DYNAMIC objects
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next) {
Area *child = (Area *)l->data;
if (child->on_screen && child->size_mode == LAYOUT_DYNAMIC) {
int old_height = child->height;
child->height = height;
@ -335,21 +322,19 @@ int relayout_with_constraint(Area *a, int maximum_size)
return 0;
void schedule_redraw(Area *a)
a->redraw_needed = 1;
a->redraw_needed = TRUE;
GList *l;
for (l = a->children ; l ; l = l->next)
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next)
schedule_redraw((Area *)l->data);
void hide(Area *a)
Area *parent = (Area*)a->parent;
Area *parent = (Area *)a->parent;
a->on_screen = 0;
a->on_screen = FALSE;
if (parent)
parent->resize_needed = 1;
if (panel_horizontal)
@ -360,9 +345,9 @@ void hide(Area *a)
void show(Area *a)
Area *parent = (Area*)a->parent;
Area *parent = (Area *)a->parent;
a->on_screen = 1;
a->on_screen = TRUE;
if (parent)
parent->resize_needed = 1;
a->resize_needed = 1;
@ -374,16 +359,13 @@ void draw(Area *a)
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, a->pix);
a->pix = XCreatePixmap(server.dsp, server.root_win, a->width, a->height, server.depth);
// add layer of root pixmap (or clear pixmap if real_transparency==true)
// Add layer of root pixmap (or clear pixmap if real_transparency==true)
if (server.real_transparency)
clear_pixmap(a->pix, 0 ,0, a->width, a->height);
clear_pixmap(a->pix, 0, 0, a->width, a->height);
XCopyArea(server.dsp, ((Panel *)a->panel)->temp_pmap, a->pix, server.gc, a->posx, a->posy, a->width, a->height, 0, 0);
cairo_surface_t *cs;
cairo_t *c;
cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create (server.dsp, a->pix, server.visual, a->width, a->height);
c = cairo_create (cs);
cairo_surface_t *cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(server.dsp, a->pix, server.visual, a->width, a->height);
cairo_t *c = cairo_create(cs);
draw_background(a, c);
@ -394,43 +376,74 @@ void draw(Area *a)
void draw_background (Area *a, cairo_t *c)
void draw_background(Area *a, cairo_t *c)
if (a->bg->fill_color.alpha > 0.0 ||
(panel_config.mouse_effects && (a->has_mouse_over_effect || a->has_mouse_press_effect))) {
//printf(" draw_background (%d %d) RGBA (%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf)\n", a->posx, a->posy, pix->fill_color.rgb[0], pix->fill_color.rgb[1], pix->fill_color.rgb[2], pix->fill_color.alpha);
if (a->mouse_state == MOUSE_OVER)
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, a->bg->fill_color_hover.rgb[0], a->bg->fill_color_hover.rgb[1], a->bg->fill_color_hover.rgb[2], a->bg->fill_color_hover.alpha);
else if (a->mouse_state == MOUSE_DOWN)
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, a->bg->fill_color_pressed.rgb[0], a->bg->fill_color_pressed.rgb[1], a->bg->fill_color_pressed.rgb[2], a->bg->fill_color_pressed.alpha);
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, a->bg->fill_color.rgb[0], a->bg->fill_color.rgb[1], a->bg->fill_color.rgb[2], a->bg->fill_color.alpha);
draw_rect(c, a->bg->border.width, a->bg->border.width, a->width-(2.0 * a->bg->border.width), a->height-(2.0*a->bg->border.width), a->bg->border.radius - a->bg->border.width/1.571);
a->width - (2.0 * a->bg->border.width),
a->height - (2.0 * a->bg->border.width),
a->bg->border.radius - a->bg->border.width / 1.571);
if (a->bg->border.width > 0) {
cairo_set_line_width (c, a->bg->border.width);
cairo_set_line_width(c, a->bg->border.width);
// draw border inside (x, y, width, height)
if (a->mouse_state == MOUSE_OVER)
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, a->bg->border_color_hover.rgb[0], a->bg->border_color_hover.rgb[1], a->bg->border_color_hover.rgb[2], a->bg->border_color_hover.alpha);
else if (a->mouse_state == MOUSE_DOWN)
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, a->bg->border_color_pressed.rgb[0], a->bg->border_color_pressed.rgb[1], a->bg->border_color_pressed.rgb[2], a->bg->border_color_pressed.alpha);
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, a->bg->border.color.rgb[0], a->bg->border.color.rgb[1], a->bg->border.color.rgb[2], a->bg->border.color.alpha);
draw_rect(c, a->bg->border.width/2.0, a->bg->border.width/2.0, a->width - a->bg->border.width, a->height - a->bg->border.width, a->bg->border.radius);
a->bg->border.width / 2.0,
a->bg->border.width / 2.0,
a->width - a->bg->border.width,
a->height - a->bg->border.width,
void remove_area(Area *a)
Area *area = (Area*)a;
Area *parent = (Area*)area->parent;
Area *area = (Area *)a;
Area *parent = (Area *)area->parent;
if (parent) {
parent->children = g_list_remove(parent->children, area);
@ -443,7 +456,6 @@ void remove_area(Area *a)
void add_area(Area *a, Area *parent)
@ -455,22 +467,20 @@ void add_area(Area *a, Area *parent)
void free_area (Area *a)
void free_area(Area *a)
if (!a)
GList *l0;
for (l0 = a->children; l0 ; l0 = l0->next)
free_area (l0->data);
for (GList *l = a->children; l; l = l->next)
if (a->children) {
a->children = 0;
if (a->pix) {
XFreePixmap (server.dsp, a->pix);
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, a->pix);
a->pix = 0;
if (mouse_over_area == a) {
@ -478,7 +488,6 @@ void free_area (Area *a)
void mouse_over(Area *area, int pressed)
if (mouse_over_area == area && !area)
@ -506,7 +515,7 @@ void mouse_over(Area *area, int pressed)
mouse_over_area->mouse_state = new_state;
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
void mouse_out()
@ -515,17 +524,6 @@ void mouse_out()
mouse_over_area->mouse_state = MOUSE_NORMAL;
panel_refresh = 1;
panel_refresh = TRUE;
mouse_over_area = NULL;
void init_background(Background *bg)
memset(bg, 0, sizeof(Background));
void relayout(Area *a)
_relayout_dynamic(a, 1);

View file

@ -147,21 +147,23 @@ typedef struct Background {
typedef enum Layout {
} Layout;
typedef enum Alignment {
} Alignment;
typedef enum MouseState {
} MouseState;
struct Panel;
typedef struct Area {
// Position relative to the panel window
int posx, posy;
@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ typedef struct Area {
// Called on resize, obj = pointer to the Area
// Returns 1 if the new size is different than the previous size.
int (*_resize)(void *obj);
gboolean (*_resize)(void *obj);
// Implemented only to override the default layout algorithm for this widget.
// For example, if this widget is a cell in a table, its position and size should be computed here.
@ -210,10 +212,9 @@ typedef struct Area {
// Returns a copy of the tooltip to be displayed for this widget.
// The caller takes ownership of the pointer.
char* (*_get_tooltip_text)(void *obj);
char *(*_get_tooltip_text)(void *obj);
} Area;
// Initializes the Background member to default values.
void init_background(Background *bg);
@ -222,10 +223,12 @@ void init_background(Background *bg);
// Called on startup to initialize the positions of all Areas in the Area tree.
// Parameters:
// * obj: pointer to Area
// * pos: offset in pixels from left/top
void initialize_positions(void *obj, int pos);
// * offset: offset in pixels from left/top, relative to the window
void initialize_positions(void *obj, int offset);
// Relayouts the Area and its children. Normally called on the root of the tree (i.e. the Panel).
void relayout(Area *a);
// Distributes the Area's size to its children, repositioning them as needed.
// If maximum_size > 0, it is an upper limit for the child size.
int relayout_with_constraint(Area *a, int maximum_size);
@ -234,15 +237,20 @@ int relayout_with_constraint(Area *a, int maximum_size);
// Sets the redraw_needed flag on the area and its descendants
void schedule_redraw(Area *a);
// Recreates the Area pixmap and draws the background and the foreground
void draw(Area *a);
// Draws the background of the Area
void draw_background(Area *a, cairo_t *c);
// Explores the entire Area subtree (only if the on_screen flag set)
// and draws the areas with the redraw_needed flag set
void draw_tree(Area *a);
// Clears the on_screen flag, sets the size to zero and triggers a parent resize
void hide(Area *a);
// Sets the on_screen flag and triggers a parent and area resize
void show(Area *a);

View file

@ -37,67 +37,69 @@
#include <librsvg/rsvg.h>
void copy_file(const char *pathSrc, const char *pathDest)
void copy_file(const char *path_src, const char *path_dest)
if (g_str_equal(pathSrc, pathDest))
if (g_str_equal(path_src, path_dest))
FILE *fileSrc, *fileDest;
char buffer[100];
FILE *file_src, *file_dest;
char buffer[4096];
int nb;
fileSrc = fopen(pathSrc, "rb");
if (fileSrc == NULL) return;
file_src = fopen(path_src, "rb");
if (file_src == NULL)
fileDest = fopen(pathDest, "wb");
if (fileDest == NULL) return;
file_dest = fopen(path_dest, "wb");
if (file_dest == NULL) {
while ((nb = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fileSrc)) > 0) {
if ( nb != fwrite(buffer, 1, nb, fileDest)) {
printf("Error while copying file %s to %s\n", pathSrc, pathDest);
while ((nb = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file_src)) > 0) {
if (nb != fwrite(buffer, 1, nb, file_dest)) {
printf("Error while copying file %s to %s\n", path_src, path_dest);
fclose (fileDest);
fclose (fileSrc);
int parse_line (const char *line, char **key, char **value)
int parse_line(const char *line, char **key, char **value)
char *a, *b;
/* Skip useless lines */
if ((line[0] == '#') || (line[0] == '\n')) return 0;
if (!(a = strchr (line, '='))) return 0;
if ((line[0] == '#') || (line[0] == '\n'))
return 0;
if (!(a = strchr(line, '=')))
return 0;
/* overwrite '=' with '\0' */
a[0] = '\0';
*key = strdup (line);
*key = strdup(line);
/* overwrite '\n' with '\0' if '\n' present */
if ((b = strchr (a, '\n'))) b[0] = '\0';
if ((b = strchr(a, '\n')))
b[0] = '\0';
*value = strdup (a);
*value = strdup(a);
return 1;
void tint_exec(const char *command)
if (command) {
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
if (fork() == 0) {
// change for the fork the signal mask
// sigset_t sigset;
// sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigset, 0);
// sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, 0);
// sigset_t sigset;
// sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigset, 0);
// sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, 0);
execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", command, NULL);
@ -107,9 +109,7 @@ void tint_exec(const char *command)
char *expand_tilde(char *s)
const gchar *home = g_get_home_dir();
if (home &&
(strcmp(s, "~") == 0 ||
strstr(s, "~/") == s)) {
if (home && (strcmp(s, "~") == 0 || strstr(s, "~/") == s)) {
char *result = calloc(strlen(home) + strlen(s), 1);
strcat(result, home);
strcat(result, s + 1);
@ -129,8 +129,7 @@ char *contract_tilde(char *s)
strcat(home_slash, home);
strcat(home_slash, "/");
if ((strcmp(s, home) == 0 ||
strstr(s, home_slash) == s)) {
if ((strcmp(s, home) == 0 || strstr(s, home_slash) == s)) {
char *result = calloc(strlen(s) - strlen(home) + 2, 1);
strcat(result, "~");
strcat(result, s + strlen(home));
@ -142,98 +141,96 @@ char *contract_tilde(char *s)
int hex_char_to_int (char c)
int hex_char_to_int(char c)
int r;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') r = c - '0';
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') r = c - 'a' + 10;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') r = c - 'A' + 10;
else r = 0;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
r = c - '0';
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
r = c - 'a' + 10;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
r = c - 'A' + 10;
r = 0;
return r;
int hex_to_rgb (char *hex, int *r, int *g, int *b)
int hex_to_rgb(char *hex, int *r, int *g, int *b)
int len;
if (hex == NULL || hex[0] != '#')
return (0);
if (hex == NULL || hex[0] != '#') return (0);
len = strlen (hex);
int len = strlen(hex);
if (len == 3 + 1) {
*r = hex_char_to_int (hex[1]);
*g = hex_char_to_int (hex[2]);
*b = hex_char_to_int (hex[3]);
else if (len == 6 + 1) {
*r = hex_char_to_int (hex[1]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int (hex[2]);
*g = hex_char_to_int (hex[3]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int (hex[4]);
*b = hex_char_to_int (hex[5]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int (hex[6]);
else if (len == 12 + 1) {
*r = hex_char_to_int (hex[1]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int (hex[2]);
*g = hex_char_to_int (hex[5]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int (hex[6]);
*b = hex_char_to_int (hex[9]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int (hex[10]);
else return 0;
*r = hex_char_to_int(hex[1]);
*g = hex_char_to_int(hex[2]);
*b = hex_char_to_int(hex[3]);
} else if (len == 6 + 1) {
*r = hex_char_to_int(hex[1]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int(hex[2]);
*g = hex_char_to_int(hex[3]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int(hex[4]);
*b = hex_char_to_int(hex[5]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int(hex[6]);
} else if (len == 12 + 1) {
*r = hex_char_to_int(hex[1]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int(hex[2]);
*g = hex_char_to_int(hex[5]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int(hex[6]);
*b = hex_char_to_int(hex[9]) * 16 + hex_char_to_int(hex[10]);
} else
return 0;
return 1;
void get_color (char *hex, double *rgb)
void get_color(char *hex, double *rgb)
int r, g, b;
r = g = b = 0;
hex_to_rgb (hex, &r, &g, &b);
hex_to_rgb(hex, &r, &g, &b);
rgb[0] = (r / 255.0);
rgb[1] = (g / 255.0);
rgb[2] = (b / 255.0);
void extract_values (const char *value, char **value1, char **value2, char **value3)
void extract_values(const char *value, char **value1, char **value2, char **value3)
char *b=0, *c=0;
char *b = 0, *c = 0;
if (*value1) free (*value1);
if (*value2) free (*value2);
if (*value3) free (*value3);
if (*value1)
if (*value2)
if (*value3)
if ((b = strchr (value, ' '))) {
if ((b = strchr(value, ' '))) {
b[0] = '\0';
else {
} else {
*value2 = 0;
*value3 = 0;
*value1 = strdup (value);
*value1 = strdup(value);
if (b) {
if ((c = strchr (b, ' '))) {
if ((c = strchr(b, ' '))) {
c[0] = '\0';
else {
} else {
c = 0;
*value3 = 0;
*value2 = strdup (b);
*value2 = strdup(b);
if (c) {
*value3 = strdup (c);
*value3 = strdup(c);
void adjust_asb(DATA32 *data, int w, int h, int alpha, float satur, float bright)
unsigned int x, y;
@ -244,21 +241,24 @@ void adjust_asb(DATA32 *data, int w, int h, int alpha, float satur, float bright
float hue, saturation, brightness;
float redc, greenc, bluec;
for(y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(id = y * w, x = 0; x < w; x++, id++) {
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (id = y * w, x = 0; x < w; x++, id++) {
argb = data[id];
a = (argb >> 24) & 0xff;
// transparent => nothing to do.
if (a == 0) continue;
if (a == 0)
r = (argb >> 16) & 0xff;
g = (argb >> 8) & 0xff;
b = (argb) & 0xff;
b = (argb)&0xff;
// convert RGB to HSB
cmax = (r > g) ? r : g;
if (b > cmax) cmax = b;
if (b > cmax)
cmax = b;
cmin = (r < g) ? r : g;
if (b < cmin) cmin = b;
if (b < cmin)
cmin = b;
brightness = ((float)cmax) / 255.0f;
if (cmax != 0)
saturation = ((float)(cmax - cmin)) / ((float)cmax);
@ -283,13 +283,17 @@ void adjust_asb(DATA32 *data, int w, int h, int alpha, float satur, float bright
// adjust
saturation += satur;
if (saturation < 0.0) saturation = 0.0;
if (saturation > 1.0) saturation = 1.0;
if (saturation < 0.0)
saturation = 0.0;
if (saturation > 1.0)
saturation = 1.0;
brightness += bright;
if (brightness < 0.0) brightness = 0.0;
if (brightness > 1.0) brightness = 1.0;
if (brightness < 0.0)
brightness = 0.0;
if (brightness > 1.0)
brightness = 1.0;
if (alpha != 100)
a = (a * alpha)/100;
a = (a * alpha) / 100;
// convert HSB to RGB
if (saturation == 0) {
@ -300,7 +304,7 @@ void adjust_asb(DATA32 *data, int w, int h, int alpha, float satur, float bright
p = brightness * (1.0f - saturation);
q = brightness * (1.0f - saturation * f);
t = brightness * (1.0f - (saturation * (1.0f - f)));
switch ((int) h2) {
switch ((int)h2) {
case 0:
r = (int)(brightness * 255.0f + 0.5f);
g = (int)(t * 255.0f + 0.5f);
@ -343,34 +347,33 @@ void adjust_asb(DATA32 *data, int w, int h, int alpha, float satur, float bright
void createHeuristicMask(DATA32* data, int w, int h)
void create_heuristic_mask(DATA32 *data, int w, int h)
// first we need to find the mask color, therefore we check all 4 edge pixel and take the color which
// appears most often (we only need to check three edges, the 4th is implicitly clear)
unsigned int topLeft = data[0], topRight = data[w-1], bottomLeft = data[w*h-w], bottomRight = data[w*h-1];
unsigned int topLeft = data[0], topRight = data[w - 1], bottomLeft = data[w * h - w], bottomRight = data[w * h - 1];
int max = (topLeft == topRight) + (topLeft == bottomLeft) + (topLeft == bottomRight);
int maskPos = 0;
if ( max < (topRight == topLeft) + (topRight == bottomLeft) + (topRight == bottomRight) ) {
if (max < (topRight == topLeft) + (topRight == bottomLeft) + (topRight == bottomRight)) {
max = (topRight == topLeft) + (topRight == bottomLeft) + (topRight == bottomRight);
maskPos = w-1;
maskPos = w - 1;
if ( max < (bottomLeft == topRight) + (bottomLeft == topLeft) + (bottomLeft == bottomRight) )
maskPos = w*h-w;
if (max < (bottomLeft == topRight) + (bottomLeft == topLeft) + (bottomLeft == bottomRight))
maskPos = w * h - w;
// now mask out every pixel which has the same color as the edge pixels
unsigned char* udata = (unsigned char*)data;
unsigned char b = udata[4*maskPos];
unsigned char g = udata[4*maskPos+1];
unsigned char r = udata[4*maskPos+1];
int i;
for (i=0; i<h*w; ++i) {
if ( b-udata[0] == 0 && g-udata[1] == 0 && r-udata[2] == 0 )
unsigned char *udata = (unsigned char *)data;
unsigned char b = udata[4 * maskPos];
unsigned char g = udata[4 * maskPos + 1];
unsigned char r = udata[4 * maskPos + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < h * w; ++i) {
if (b - udata[0] == 0 && g - udata[1] == 0 && r - udata[2] == 0)
udata[3] = 0;
udata += 4;
int pixelEmpty(DATA32 argb)
int pixel_empty(DATA32 argb)
DATA32 a = (argb >> 24) & 0xff;
@ -381,29 +384,27 @@ int pixelEmpty(DATA32 argb)
return rgb == 0;
int imageEmpty(DATA32* data, int w, int h)
int image_empty(DATA32 *data, int w, int h)
unsigned int x, y;
if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
x = w / 2;
y = h / 2;
if (!pixelEmpty(data[y * w + x])) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Non-empty pixel: [%u, %u] = %x\n", x, y, data[y * w + x]);
int x = w / 2;
int y = h / 2;
if (!pixel_empty(data[y * w + x])) {
// fprintf(stderr, "Non-empty pixel: [%u, %u] = %x\n", x, y, data[y * w + x]);
return 0;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
if (!pixelEmpty(data[y * w + x])) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Non-empty pixel: [%u, %u] = %x\n", x, y, data[y * w + x]);
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
if (!pixel_empty(data[y * w + x])) {
// fprintf(stderr, "Non-empty pixel: [%u, %u] = %x\n", x, y, data[y * w + x]);
return 0;
//fprintf(stderr, "All pixels are empty\n");
// fprintf(stderr, "All pixels are empty\n");
return 1;
@ -448,17 +449,23 @@ void draw_text(PangoLayout *layout, cairo_t *c, int posx, int posy, Color *color
int i, j;
for (i = -shadow_size; i <= shadow_size; i++) {
for (j = -shadow_size; j <= shadow_size; j++) {
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 - (1.0 - shadow_edge_alpha) * sqrt((i*i + j*j)/(double)(shadow_size*shadow_size)));
1.0 -
(1.0 - shadow_edge_alpha) *
sqrt((i * i + j * j) / (double)(shadow_size * shadow_size)));
pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout);
cairo_move_to(c, posx + i, posy + j);
pango_cairo_show_layout(c, layout);
cairo_set_source_rgba (c, color->rgb[0], color->rgb[1], color->rgb[2], color->alpha);
pango_cairo_update_layout (c, layout);
cairo_move_to (c, posx, posy);
pango_cairo_show_layout (c, layout);
cairo_set_source_rgba(c, color->rgb[0], color->rgb[1], color->rgb[2], color->alpha);
pango_cairo_update_layout(c, layout);
cairo_move_to(c, posx, posy);
pango_cairo_show_layout(c, layout);
Imlib_Image load_image(const char *path, int cached)
@ -477,8 +484,8 @@ Imlib_Image load_image(const char *path, int cached)
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
// Child
GError* err = NULL;
RsvgHandle* svg = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(path, &err);
GError *err = NULL;
RsvgHandle *svg = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(path, &err);
if (err != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not load svg image!: %s", err->message);
@ -519,8 +526,13 @@ Imlib_Image adjust_icon(Imlib_Image original, int alpha, int saturation, int bri
DATA32* data = imlib_image_get_data();
adjust_asb(data, imlib_image_get_width(), imlib_image_get_height(), alpha, (float)saturation/100, (float)brightness/100);
DATA32 *data = imlib_image_get_data();
(float)saturation / 100,
(float)brightness / 100);
return copy;
@ -530,25 +542,62 @@ void draw_rect(cairo_t *c, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r)
if (r > 0.0) {
double c1 = 0.55228475 * r;
cairo_move_to(c, x+r, y);
cairo_rel_line_to(c, w-2*r, 0);
cairo_move_to(c, x + r, y);
cairo_rel_line_to(c, w - 2 * r, 0);
cairo_rel_curve_to(c, c1, 0.0, r, c1, r, r);
cairo_rel_line_to(c, 0, h-2*r);
cairo_rel_curve_to(c, 0.0, c1, c1-r, r, -r, r);
cairo_rel_line_to (c, -w +2*r, 0);
cairo_rel_curve_to (c, -c1, 0, -r, -c1, -r, -r);
cairo_rel_line_to (c, 0, -h + 2 * r);
cairo_rel_curve_to (c, 0, -c1, r - c1, -r, r, -r);
cairo_rel_line_to(c, 0, h - 2 * r);
cairo_rel_curve_to(c, 0.0, c1, c1 - r, r, -r, r);
cairo_rel_line_to(c, -w + 2 * r, 0);
cairo_rel_curve_to(c, -c1, 0, -r, -c1, -r, -r);
cairo_rel_line_to(c, 0, -h + 2 * r);
cairo_rel_curve_to(c, 0, -c1, r - c1, -r, r, -r);
} else
cairo_rectangle(c, x, y, w, h);
void clear_pixmap(Pixmap p, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Picture pict = XRenderCreatePicture(server.dsp, p, XRenderFindVisualFormat(server.dsp, server.visual), 0, 0);
XRenderColor col = { .red=0, .green=0, .blue=0, .alpha=0 };
XRenderColor col; = = = col.alpha = 0;
XRenderFillRectangle(server.dsp, PictOpSrc, pict, &col, x, y, w, h);
XRenderFreePicture(server.dsp, pict);
void get_text_size2(PangoFontDescription *font,
int *height_ink,
int *height,
int *width,
int panel_height,
int panel_width,
char *text,
int len,
PangoWrapMode wrap,
PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsis)
PangoRectangle rect_ink, rect;
Pixmap pmap = XCreatePixmap(server.dsp, server.root_win, panel_height, panel_width, server.depth);
cairo_surface_t *cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(server.dsp, pmap, server.visual, panel_height, panel_width);
cairo_t *c = cairo_create(cs);
PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(c);
pango_layout_set_width(layout, panel_width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_height(layout, panel_height * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, wrap);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, ellipsis);
pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, font);
pango_layout_set_text(layout, text, len);
pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout, &rect_ink, &rect);
*height_ink = rect_ink.height;
*height = rect.height;
*width = rect.width;
// printf("dimension : %d - %d\n", rect_ink.height, rect.height);
XFreePixmap(server.dsp, pmap);

View file

@ -18,71 +18,83 @@
#define BLUE "\033[1;34m"
#define RESET "\033[0m"
void fxfree(void** ptr){
if (*ptr){
FXint fxmalloc(void** ptr,unsigned long size){
if (size!=0){
if ((*ptr=malloc(size))==NULL) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// mouse actions
typedef enum MouseAction {
NONE = 0,
} MouseAction;
// Copies a file to another path
void copy_file(const char *path_src, const char *path_dest);
// copy file source to file dest
void copy_file(const char *pathSrc, const char *pathDest);
// Parses lines with the format 'key = value' into key and value.
// Strips key and value.
// Values may contain spaces and the equal sign.
// Returns 1 if both key and value could be read, zero otherwise.
int parse_line(const char *line, char **key, char **value);
// extract key = value
int parse_line (const char *line, char **key, char **value);
void extract_values(const char *value, char **value1, char **value2, char **value3);
// execute a command by calling fork
void tint_exec(const char* command);
// Executes a command in a shell.
void tint_exec(const char *command);
// Returns a copy of s in which "~" is expanded to the path to the user's home directory.
// The returned string must be freed by the caller.
// The caller takes ownership of the string.
char *expand_tilde(char *s);
// The opposite of expand_tilde: replaces the path to the user's home directory with "~".
// The returned string must be freed by the caller.
// The caller takes ownership of the string.
char *contract_tilde(char *s);
// conversion
int hex_char_to_int (char c);
int hex_to_rgb (char *hex, int *r, int *g, int *b);
void get_color (char *hex, double *rgb);
void extract_values (const char *value, char **value1, char **value2, char **value3);
// adjust Alpha/Saturation/Brightness on an ARGB icon
// alpha from 0 to 100, satur from 0 to 1, bright from 0 to 1.
void adjust_asb(DATA32 *data, int w, int h, int alpha, float satur, float bright);
void createHeuristicMask(DATA32* data, int w, int h);
int imageEmpty(DATA32* data, int w, int h);
void render_image(Drawable d, int x, int y);
void draw_text(PangoLayout *layout, cairo_t *c, int posx, int posy, Color *color, int font_shadow);
// Color
int hex_char_to_int(char c);
int hex_to_rgb(char *hex, int *r, int *g, int *b);
void get_color(char *hex, double *rgb);
Imlib_Image load_image(const char *path, int cached);
// Adjusts the alpha/saturation/brightness on an ARGB image.
// Parameters: alpha from 0 to 100, satur from 0 to 1, bright from 0 to 1.
void adjust_asb(DATA32 *data, int w, int h, int alpha, float satur, float bright);
Imlib_Image adjust_icon(Imlib_Image original, int alpha, int saturation, int brightness);
// draw rounded rectangle
void create_heuristic_mask(DATA32 *data, int w, int h);
int image_empty(DATA32 *data, int w, int h);
// Renders the current Imlib image to a drawable. Wrapper around imlib_render_image_on_drawable.
void render_image(Drawable d, int x, int y);
void get_text_size2(PangoFontDescription *font,
int *height_ink,
int *height,
int *width,
int panel_height,
int panel_with,
char *text,
int len,
PangoWrapMode wrap,
PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsis);
void draw_text(PangoLayout *layout, cairo_t *c, int posx, int posy, Color *color, int font_shadow);
// Draws a rounded rectangle
void draw_rect(cairo_t *c, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r);
// clear pixmap with transparent color
// Clears the pixmap (with transparent color)
void clear_pixmap(Pixmap p, int x, int y, int w, int h);

View file

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
/* partial change history:
* 2004-10-10 mbp: Lift out character type dependencies into macros.
@ -37,40 +36,31 @@
#include "strnatcmp.h"
/* These are defined as macros to make it easier to adapt this code to
* different characters types or comparison functions. */
static inline int
nat_isdigit(nat_char a)
static inline int nat_isdigit(nat_char a)
return isdigit((unsigned char) a);
return isdigit((unsigned char)a);
static inline int
nat_isspace(nat_char a)
static inline int nat_isspace(nat_char a)
return isspace((unsigned char) a);
return isspace((unsigned char)a);
static inline nat_char
nat_toupper(nat_char a)
static inline nat_char nat_toupper(nat_char a)
return toupper((unsigned char) a);
return toupper((unsigned char)a);
static int
compare_right(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
static int compare_right(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
int bias = 0;
/* The longest run of digits wins. That aside, the greatest
value wins, but we can't know that it will until we've scanned
both numbers to know that they have the same magnitude, so we
remember it in BIAS. */
* value wins, but we can't know that it will until we've scanned
* both numbers to know that they have the same magnitude, so we
* remember it in BIAS. */
for (;; a++, b++) {
if (!nat_isdigit(*a) && !nat_isdigit(*b))
return bias;
@ -91,12 +81,9 @@ compare_right(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
return 0;
static int
compare_left(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
static int compare_left(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
/* Compare two left-aligned numbers: the first to have a
different value wins. */
/* Compare two left-aligned numbers: the first to have a different value wins. */
for (;; a++, b++) {
if (!nat_isdigit(*a) && !nat_isdigit(*b))
return 0;
@ -113,7 +100,6 @@ compare_left(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
return 0;
static int strnatcmp0(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b, int fold_case)
int ai, bi;
@ -123,7 +109,8 @@ static int strnatcmp0(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b, int fold_case)
assert(a && b);
ai = bi = 0;
while (1) {
ca = a[ai]; cb = b[bi];
ca = a[ai];
cb = b[bi];
/* skip over leading spaces or zeros */
while (nat_isspace(ca))
@ -137,17 +124,16 @@ static int strnatcmp0(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b, int fold_case)
fractional = (ca == '0' || cb == '0');
if (fractional) {
if ((result = compare_left(a+ai, b+bi)) != 0)
if ((result = compare_left(a + ai, b + bi)) != 0)
return result;
} else {
if ((result = compare_right(a+ai, b+bi)) != 0)
if ((result = compare_right(a + ai, b + bi)) != 0)
return result;
if (!ca && !cb) {
/* The strings compare the same. Perhaps the caller
will want to call strcmp to break the tie. */
/* The strings compare the same. Perhaps the caller will want to call strcmp to break the tie. */
return 0;
@ -161,18 +147,18 @@ static int strnatcmp0(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b, int fold_case)
else if (ca > cb)
return +1;
++ai; ++bi;
int strnatcmp(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b) {
int strnatcmp(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
return strnatcmp0(a, b, 0);
/* Compare, recognizing numeric string and ignoring case. */
int strnatcasecmp(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b) {
int strnatcasecmp(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
return strnatcmp0(a, b, 1);

View file

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* You can change this typedef, but must then also change the inline

View file

@ -22,10 +22,9 @@
#include "timer.h"
GSList* timeout_list;
GSList *timeout_list;
struct timeval next_timeout;
GHashTable* multi_timeouts;
GHashTable *multi_timeouts;
// functions and structs for multi timeouts
typedef struct {
@ -34,32 +33,31 @@ typedef struct {
} multi_timeout;
typedef struct {
GSList* timeout_list;
timeout* parent_timeout;
GSList *timeout_list;
timeout *parent_timeout;
} multi_timeout_handler;
struct _timeout {
int interval_msec;
struct timespec timeout_expires;
void (*_callback)(void*);
void* arg;
multi_timeout* multi_timeout;
void (*_callback)(void *);
void *arg;
multi_timeout *multi_timeout;
timeout **self;
void add_timeout_intern(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void(*_callback)(void*), void* arg, timeout* t);
void add_timeout_intern(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(void *), void *arg, timeout *t);
gint compare_timeouts(gconstpointer t1, gconstpointer t2);
int timespec_subtract(struct timespec* result, struct timespec* x, struct timespec* y);
int timespec_subtract(struct timespec *result, struct timespec *x, struct timespec *y);
int align_with_existing_timeouts(timeout* t);
void create_multi_timeout(timeout* t1, timeout* t2);
void append_multi_timeout(timeout* t1, timeout* t2);
int calc_multi_timeout_interval(multi_timeout_handler* mth);
void update_multi_timeout_values(multi_timeout_handler* mth);
void callback_multi_timeout(void* mth);
void remove_from_multi_timeout(timeout* t);
void stop_multi_timeout(timeout* t);
int align_with_existing_timeouts(timeout *t);
void create_multi_timeout(timeout *t1, timeout *t2);
void append_multi_timeout(timeout *t1, timeout *t2);
int calc_multi_timeout_interval(multi_timeout_handler *mth);
void update_multi_timeout_values(multi_timeout_handler *mth);
void callback_multi_timeout(void *mth);
void remove_from_multi_timeout(timeout *t);
void stop_multi_timeout(timeout *t);
void default_timeout()
@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ void default_timeout()
void cleanup_timeout()
while (timeout_list) {
timeout* t = timeout_list->data;
timeout *t = timeout_list->data;
if (t->multi_timeout)
if (t->self)
@ -84,28 +82,27 @@ void cleanup_timeout()
/** Implementation notes for timeouts: The timeouts are kept in a GSList sorted by their
* expiration time.
* That means that update_next_timeout() only have to consider the first timeout in the list,
* and callback_timeout_expired() only have to consider the timeouts as long as the expiration time
* is in the past to the current time.
* As time measurement we use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) because this refers to a timer, which
* reference point lies somewhere in the past and cannot be changed, but just queried.
* If a single shot timer is installed it will be automatically deleted. I.e. the returned value
* of add_timeout will not be valid anymore. You do not need to call stop_timeout for these timeouts,
* however it's save to call it.
// Implementation notes for timeouts
// The timeouts are kept in a GSList sorted by their expiration time.
// That means that update_next_timeout() only have to consider the first timeout in the list,
// and callback_timeout_expired() only have to consider the timeouts as long as the expiration time
// is in the past to the current time.
// As time measurement we use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) because this refers to a timer, which
// reference point lies somewhere in the past and cannot be changed, but just queried.
// If a single shot timer is installed it will be automatically deleted. I.e. the returned value
// of add_timeout will not be valid anymore. You do not need to call stop_timeout for these timeouts,
// however it's save to call it.
timeout* add_timeout(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(void*), void* arg, timeout **self)
timeout *add_timeout(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(void *), void *arg, timeout **self)
timeout* t = calloc(1, sizeof(timeout));
timeout *t = calloc(1, sizeof(timeout));
t->self = self;
add_timeout_intern(value_msec, interval_msec, _callback, arg, t);
return t;
void change_timeout(timeout **t, int value_msec, int interval_msec, void(*_callback)(), void* arg)
void change_timeout(timeout **t, int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(), void *arg)
if (!((timeout_list && g_slist_find(timeout_list, *t)) ||
(multi_timeouts && g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, *t))))
@ -119,32 +116,28 @@ void change_timeout(timeout **t, int value_msec, int interval_msec, void(*_callb
void update_next_timeout()
if (timeout_list) {
timeout* t = timeout_list->data;
timeout *t = timeout_list->data;
struct timespec cur_time;
struct timespec next_timeout2 = { .tv_sec=next_timeout.tv_sec, .tv_nsec=next_timeout.tv_usec*1000 };
struct timespec next_timeout2 = {.tv_sec = next_timeout.tv_sec, .tv_nsec = next_timeout.tv_usec * 1000};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur_time);
if (timespec_subtract(&next_timeout2, &t->timeout_expires, &cur_time)) {
next_timeout.tv_sec = 0;
next_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
else {
} else {
next_timeout.tv_sec = next_timeout2.tv_sec;
next_timeout.tv_usec = next_timeout2.tv_nsec/1000;
next_timeout.tv_usec = next_timeout2.tv_nsec / 1000;
} else
next_timeout.tv_sec = -1;
void callback_timeout_expired()
struct timespec cur_time;
timeout* t;
timeout *t;
while (timeout_list) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur_time);
t = timeout_list->data;
@ -170,14 +163,12 @@ void callback_timeout_expired()
void stop_timeout(timeout* t)
void stop_timeout(timeout *t)
if (!t)
// if not in the list, it was deleted in callback_timeout_expired
if ((timeout_list && g_slist_find(timeout_list, t)) ||
(multi_timeouts && g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t))) {
if ((timeout_list && g_slist_find(timeout_list, t)) || (multi_timeouts && g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t))) {
if (multi_timeouts && t->multi_timeout)
if (timeout_list)
@ -188,8 +179,7 @@ void stop_timeout(timeout* t)
void add_timeout_intern(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void(*_callback)(), void* arg, timeout *t)
void add_timeout_intern(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(), void *arg, timeout *t)
t->interval_msec = interval_msec;
t->_callback = _callback;
@ -205,15 +195,12 @@ void add_timeout_intern(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void(*_callback)(), v
timeout_list = g_slist_insert_sorted(timeout_list, t, compare_timeouts);
gint compare_timeouts(gconstpointer t1, gconstpointer t2)
return compare_timespecs(&((timeout*)t1)->timeout_expires,
return compare_timespecs(&((const timeout *)t1)->timeout_expires, &((const timeout *)t2)->timeout_expires);
gint compare_timespecs(const struct timespec* t1, const struct timespec* t2)
gint compare_timespecs(const struct timespec *t1, const struct timespec *t2)
if (t1->tv_sec < t2->tv_sec)
return -1;
@ -224,12 +211,11 @@ gint compare_timespecs(const struct timespec* t1, const struct timespec* t2)
return 0;
return 1;
} else
return 1;
int timespec_subtract(struct timespec* result, struct timespec* x, struct timespec* y)
int timespec_subtract(struct timespec *result, struct timespec *x, struct timespec *y)
/* Perform the carry for the later subtraction by updating y. */
if (x->tv_nsec < y->tv_nsec) {
@ -251,11 +237,10 @@ int timespec_subtract(struct timespec* result, struct timespec* x, struct timesp
return x->tv_sec < y->tv_sec;
struct timespec add_msec_to_timespec(struct timespec ts, int msec)
ts.tv_sec += msec / 1000;
ts.tv_nsec += (msec % 1000)*1000000;
ts.tv_nsec += (msec % 1000) * 1000000;
if (ts.tv_nsec >= 1000000000) { // 10^9
ts.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
@ -263,15 +248,14 @@ struct timespec add_msec_to_timespec(struct timespec ts, int msec)
return ts;
int align_with_existing_timeouts(timeout *t)
GSList* it = timeout_list;
GSList *it = timeout_list;
while (it) {
timeout* t2 = it->data;
timeout *t2 = it->data;
if (t2->interval_msec > 0) {
if (t->interval_msec % t2->interval_msec == 0 || t2->interval_msec % t->interval_msec == 0) {
if (multi_timeouts == 0)
if (!multi_timeouts)
multi_timeouts = g_hash_table_new(0, 0);
if (!t->multi_timeout && !t2->multi_timeout) {
// both timeouts can be aligned, but there is no multi timeout for them
@ -288,11 +272,10 @@ int align_with_existing_timeouts(timeout *t)
return 0;
int calc_multi_timeout_interval(multi_timeout_handler* mth)
int calc_multi_timeout_interval(multi_timeout_handler *mth)
GSList* it = mth->timeout_list;
timeout* t = it->data;
GSList *it = mth->timeout_list;
timeout *t = it->data;
int min_interval = t->interval_msec;
it = it->next;
while (it) {
@ -304,13 +287,12 @@ int calc_multi_timeout_interval(multi_timeout_handler* mth)
return min_interval;
void create_multi_timeout(timeout* t1, timeout* t2)
void create_multi_timeout(timeout *t1, timeout *t2)
multi_timeout* mt1 = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout));
multi_timeout* mt2 = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout));
multi_timeout_handler* mth = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout_handler));
timeout* real_timeout = calloc(1, sizeof(timeout));
multi_timeout *mt1 = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout));
multi_timeout *mt2 = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout));
multi_timeout_handler *mth = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout_handler));
timeout *real_timeout = calloc(1, sizeof(timeout));
mth->timeout_list = 0;
mth->timeout_list = g_slist_prepend(mth->timeout_list, t1);
@ -325,7 +307,7 @@ void create_multi_timeout(timeout* t1, timeout* t2)
t2->multi_timeout = mt2;
// set real_timeout->multi_timeout to something, such that we see in add_timeout_intern that
// it is already a multi_timeout (we never use it, except of checking for 0 ptr)
real_timeout->multi_timeout = (void*)real_timeout;
real_timeout->multi_timeout = (void *)real_timeout;
timeout_list = g_slist_remove(timeout_list, t1);
timeout_list = g_slist_remove(timeout_list, t2);
@ -333,18 +315,17 @@ void create_multi_timeout(timeout* t1, timeout* t2)
void append_multi_timeout(timeout* t1, timeout* t2)
void append_multi_timeout(timeout *t1, timeout *t2)
if (t2->multi_timeout) {
// swap t1 and t2 such that t1 is the multi timeout
timeout* tmp = t2;
timeout *tmp = t2;
t2 = t1;
t1 = tmp;
multi_timeout* mt = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout));
multi_timeout_handler* mth = g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t1);
multi_timeout *mt = calloc(1, sizeof(multi_timeout));
multi_timeout_handler *mth = g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t1);
mth->timeout_list = g_slist_prepend(mth->timeout_list, t2);
g_hash_table_insert(multi_timeouts, t2, mth);
@ -354,8 +335,7 @@ void append_multi_timeout(timeout* t1, timeout* t2)
void update_multi_timeout_values(multi_timeout_handler* mth)
void update_multi_timeout_values(multi_timeout_handler *mth)
int interval = calc_multi_timeout_interval(mth);
int next_timeout_msec = interval;
@ -363,14 +343,14 @@ void update_multi_timeout_values(multi_timeout_handler* mth)
struct timespec cur_time;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur_time);
GSList* it = mth->timeout_list;
GSList *it = mth->timeout_list;
struct timespec diff_time;
while (it) {
timeout* t = it->data;
timeout *t = it->data;
t->multi_timeout->count_to_expiration = t->interval_msec / interval;
timespec_subtract(&diff_time, &t->timeout_expires, &cur_time);
int msec_to_expiration = diff_time.tv_sec*1000 + diff_time.tv_nsec/1000000;
int count_left = msec_to_expiration / interval + (msec_to_expiration%interval != 0);
int msec_to_expiration = diff_time.tv_sec * 1000 + diff_time.tv_nsec / 1000000;
int count_left = msec_to_expiration / interval + (msec_to_expiration % interval != 0);
t->multi_timeout->current_count = t->multi_timeout->count_to_expiration - count_left;
if (msec_to_expiration < next_timeout_msec)
next_timeout_msec = msec_to_expiration;
@ -382,15 +362,14 @@ void update_multi_timeout_values(multi_timeout_handler* mth)
add_timeout_intern(next_timeout_msec, interval, callback_multi_timeout, mth, mth->parent_timeout);
void callback_multi_timeout(void* arg)
void callback_multi_timeout(void *arg)
multi_timeout_handler* mth = arg;
multi_timeout_handler *mth = arg;
struct timespec cur_time;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur_time);
GSList* it = mth->timeout_list;
GSList *it = mth->timeout_list;
while (it) {
timeout* t = it->data;
timeout *t = it->data;
if (++t->multi_timeout->current_count >= t->multi_timeout->count_to_expiration) {
if (multi_timeouts && g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t)) {
@ -405,10 +384,9 @@ void callback_multi_timeout(void* arg)
void remove_from_multi_timeout(timeout* t)
void remove_from_multi_timeout(timeout *t)
multi_timeout_handler* mth = g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t);
multi_timeout_handler *mth = g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t);
g_hash_table_remove(multi_timeouts, t);
mth->timeout_list = g_slist_remove(mth->timeout_list, t);
@ -416,7 +394,7 @@ void remove_from_multi_timeout(timeout* t)
t->multi_timeout = 0;
if (g_slist_length(mth->timeout_list) == 1) {
timeout* last_timeout = mth->timeout_list->data;
timeout *last_timeout = mth->timeout_list->data;
mth->timeout_list = g_slist_remove(mth->timeout_list, last_timeout);
last_timeout->multi_timeout = 0;
@ -429,20 +407,22 @@ void remove_from_multi_timeout(timeout* t)
struct timespec cur_time, diff_time;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur_time);
timespec_subtract(&diff_time, &t->timeout_expires, &cur_time);
int msec_to_expiration = diff_time.tv_sec*1000 + diff_time.tv_nsec/1000000;
add_timeout_intern(msec_to_expiration, last_timeout->interval_msec, last_timeout->_callback, last_timeout->arg, last_timeout);
int msec_to_expiration = diff_time.tv_sec * 1000 + diff_time.tv_nsec / 1000000;
} else
void stop_multi_timeout(timeout* t)
void stop_multi_timeout(timeout *t)
multi_timeout_handler* mth = g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t);
multi_timeout_handler *mth = g_hash_table_lookup(multi_timeouts, t);
g_hash_table_remove(multi_timeouts, mth->parent_timeout);
while (mth->timeout_list) {
timeout* t1 = mth->timeout_list->data;
timeout *t1 = mth->timeout_list->data;
mth->timeout_list = g_slist_remove(mth->timeout_list, t1);
g_hash_table_remove(multi_timeouts, t1);
@ -452,6 +432,7 @@ void stop_multi_timeout(timeout* t)
double profiling_get_time_old_time = 0;
double profiling_get_time()
struct timespec cur_time;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Andreas.Fink (
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef TIMER_H
#define TIMER_H
@ -23,59 +22,51 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
// Single shot timers (i.e. timers with interval_msec == 0) are deleted automatically as soon as they expire,
// i.e. you do not need to stop them, however it is safe to call stop_timeout for these timers.
// You can pass the address of the variable storing the pointer to the timer as 'self' in add_timeout, in which
// case it is used to clear the pointer if the timer is destroyed automatically. This enforces the timeout pointers
// to be either valid or NULL.
// Periodic timeouts are aligned to each other whenever possible, i.e. one interval_msec is an
// integral multiple of the other.
extern struct timeval next_timeout;
typedef struct _timeout timeout;
// timer functions
* Single shot timers (i.e. timers with interval_msec == 0) are deleted automatically as soon as they expire,
* i.e. you do not need to stop them, however it is safe to call stop_timeout for these timers.
* You can pass the address of the variable storing the pointer to the timer as 'self' in add_timeout, in which
* case it is used to clear the pointer if the timer is destroyed automatically. This enforces the timeout pointers
* to be either valid or NULL.
* Periodic timeouts are aligned to each other whenever possible, i.e. one interval_msec is an
* integral multiple of the other.
/** Initializes default global data. **/
// Initializes default global data.
void default_timeout();
/** Cleans up: stops all timers and frees memory. **/
// Cleans up: stops all timers and frees memory.
void cleanup_timeout();
/** Installs a timer with the first timeout after 'value_msec' and then an optional periodic timeout every
* 'interval_msec' (set it to 0 to prevent periodic timeouts).
* '_callback' is the function called when the timer reaches the timeout.
* 'arg' is the argument passed to the callback function.
* 'self' is an optional pointer to a timeout* variable. If non-NULL, the variable is set to NULL when the timer
* is destroyed (with stop_timeout, cleanup_timeout or when the timer expires and it is single-shot).
* Returns a pointer to the timer, which is needed for stopping/changing it.
timeout* add_timeout(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(void*), void* arg, timeout **self);
// Installs a timer with the first timeout after 'value_msec' and then an optional periodic timeout every
// 'interval_msec' (set it to 0 to prevent periodic timeouts).
// '_callback' is the function called when the timer reaches the timeout.
// 'arg' is the argument passed to the callback function.
// 'self' is an optional pointer to a timeout* variable. If non-NULL, the variable is set to NULL when the timer
// is destroyed (with stop_timeout, cleanup_timeout or when the timer expires and it is single-shot).
// Returns a pointer to the timer, which is needed for stopping/changing it.
timeout *add_timeout(int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(void *), void *arg, timeout **self);
/** Changes timer 't'. If it does not exist, a new timer is created, with self set to 't'. **/
void change_timeout(timeout** t, int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(void*), void* arg);
// Changes timer 't'. If it does not exist, a new timer is created, with self set to 't'.
void change_timeout(timeout **t, int value_msec, int interval_msec, void (*_callback)(void *), void *arg);
/** stops the timeout 't' **/
void stop_timeout(timeout* t);
// Stops the timer 't'
void stop_timeout(timeout *t);
/** update_next_timeout updates next_timeout to the value, when the next installed timeout will expire **/
// Updates next_timeout to the value, when the next installed timeout will expire
void update_next_timeout();
/** Callback of all expired timeouts **/
// Callback of all expired timeouts
void callback_timeout_expired();
/** Returns -1 if t1 < t2, 0 if t1 == t2, 1 if t1 > t2 **/
gint compare_timespecs(const struct timespec* t1, const struct timespec* t2);
// Returns -1 if t1 < t2, 0 if t1 == t2, 1 if t1 > t2
gint compare_timespecs(const struct timespec *t1, const struct timespec *t2);
struct timespec add_msec_to_timespec(struct timespec ts, int msec);
/** Returns the time difference in seconds between the current time and the last time this function was called.
* At the first call returns zero.
// Returns the time difference in seconds between the current time and the last time this function was called.
// At the first call returns zero.
double profiling_get_time();
#endif // TIMER_H

View file

@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ static int ueventfd = -1;
static struct sockaddr_nl nls;
static GList *notifiers = NULL;
static const char* has_prefix(const char *str, const char *end, const char *prefix, size_t prefixlen) {
if ((end-str) < prefixlen)
static const char *has_prefix(const char *str, const char *end, const char *prefix, size_t prefixlen)
if ((end - str) < prefixlen)
return NULL;
if (!memcmp(str, prefix, prefixlen))
@ -46,38 +47,40 @@ static const char* has_prefix(const char *str, const char *end, const char *pref
return NULL;
#define HAS_CONST_PREFIX(str,end,prefix) has_prefix((str),end,prefix,sizeof(prefix)-1)
#define HAS_CONST_PREFIX(str, end, prefix) has_prefix((str), end, prefix, sizeof(prefix) - 1)
static void uevent_param_free(gpointer data) {
static void uevent_param_free(gpointer data)
struct uevent_parameter *param = data;
static void uevent_free(struct uevent *ev) {
static void uevent_free(struct uevent *ev)
g_list_free_full(ev->params, uevent_param_free);
static struct uevent *uevent_new(char *buffer, int size) {
struct uevent *ev;
const char* s = buffer;
const char* end = s + size;
static struct uevent *uevent_new(char *buffer, int size)
gboolean first = TRUE;
if (size == 0)
return NULL;
ev = calloc(1, sizeof(*ev));
struct uevent *ev = calloc(1, sizeof(*ev));
if (!ev)
return NULL;
/* ensure nul termination required by strlen() */
buffer[size-1] = '\0';
buffer[size - 1] = '\0';
const char *s = buffer;
const char *end = s + size;
for (; s < end; s += strlen(s) + 1) {
if (first) {
const char *p = strchr(s, '@');
@ -87,10 +90,10 @@ static struct uevent *uevent_new(char *buffer, int size) {
return NULL;
ev->path = strdup(p+1);
ev->path = strdup(p + 1);
first = FALSE;
} else {
const char* val;
const char *val;
if ((val = HAS_CONST_PREFIX(s, end, "ACTION=")) != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(val, "add"))
ev->action = UEVENT_ADD;
@ -109,8 +112,8 @@ static struct uevent *uevent_new(char *buffer, int size) {
if (val) {
struct uevent_parameter *param = malloc(sizeof(*param));
if (param) {
param->key = strndup(s, val-s);
param->val = strdup(val+1);
param->key = strndup(s, val - s);
param->val = strdup(val + 1);
ev->params = g_list_append(ev->params, param);
@ -121,11 +124,13 @@ static struct uevent *uevent_new(char *buffer, int size) {
return ev;
void uevent_register_notifier(struct uevent_notify *nb) {
void uevent_register_notifier(struct uevent_notify *nb)
notifiers = g_list_append(notifiers, nb);
void uevent_unregister_notifier(struct uevent_notify *nb) {
void uevent_unregister_notifier(struct uevent_notify *nb)
GList *l = notifiers;
while (l != NULL) {
@ -139,21 +144,19 @@ void uevent_unregister_notifier(struct uevent_notify *nb) {
void uevent_handler() {
struct uevent *ev;
char buf[512];
GList *l;
void uevent_handler()
if (ueventfd < 0)
char buf[512];
int len = recv(ueventfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (len < 0)
ev = uevent_new(buf, len);
struct uevent *ev = uevent_new(buf, len);
if (ev) {
for (l = notifiers; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
for (GList *l = notifiers; l; l = l->next) {
struct uevent_notify *nb = l->data;
if (!(ev->action & nb->action))
@ -169,9 +172,10 @@ void uevent_handler() {
int uevent_init() {
int uevent_init()
/* Open hotplug event netlink socket */
memset(&nls,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_nl));
memset(&nls, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_nl));
nls.nl_family = AF_NETLINK;
nls.nl_pid = getpid();
nls.nl_groups = -1;
@ -194,7 +198,8 @@ int uevent_init() {
return ueventfd;
void uevent_cleanup() {
void uevent_cleanup()
if (ueventfd >= 0)

View file

@ -35,97 +35,88 @@
#include "panel.h"
#include "taskbar.h"
void set_active (Window win)
void activate_window(Window win)
send_event32 (win, server.atom._NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, 2, CurrentTime, 0);
send_event32(win, server.atom._NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, 2, CurrentTime, 0);
void set_desktop (int desktop)
void change_desktop(int desktop)
send_event32 (server.root_win, server.atom._NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP, desktop, 0, 0);
send_event32(server.root_win, server.atom._NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP, desktop, 0, 0);
void windows_set_desktop (Window win, int desktop)
void change_window_desktop(Window win, int desktop)
send_event32 (win, server.atom._NET_WM_DESKTOP, desktop, 2, 0);
send_event32(win, server.atom._NET_WM_DESKTOP, desktop, 2, 0);
void set_close (Window win)
void close_window(Window win)
send_event32 (win, server.atom._NET_CLOSE_WINDOW, 0, 2, 0);
send_event32(win, server.atom._NET_CLOSE_WINDOW, 0, 2, 0);
void window_toggle_shade (Window win)
void toggle_window_shade(Window win)
send_event32 (win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, 2, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SHADED, 0);
send_event32(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, 2, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SHADED, 0);
void window_maximize_restore (Window win)
void toggle_window_maximized(Window win)
send_event32 (win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, 2, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT, 0);
send_event32 (win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, 2, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ, 0);
send_event32(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, 2, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT, 0);
send_event32(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, 2, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ, 0);
int window_is_hidden (Window win)
gboolean window_is_hidden(Window win)
Window window;
Atom *at;
int count, i;
int count;
at = server_get_property (win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Atom *at = server_get_property(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR) {
return 1;
return TRUE;
// do not add transient_for windows if the transient window is already in the taskbar
while ( XGetTransientForHint(server.dsp, window, &window) ) {
if ( task_get_tasks(window) ) {
window = win;
while (XGetTransientForHint(server.dsp, window, &window)) {
if (task_get_tasks(window)) {
return 1;
return TRUE;
at = server_get_property (win, server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK || at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP || at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR || at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU || at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH) {
at = server_get_property(win, server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK || at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP ||
at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR || at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU ||
at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH) {
return 1;
return TRUE;
for (i=0 ; i < nb_panel ; i++) {
if (panel1[i].main_win == win) {
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_panels; i++) {
if (panels[i].main_win == win) {
return TRUE;
// specification
// Windows with neither _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE nor WM_TRANSIENT_FOR set
// MUST be taken as top-level window.
return 0;
return FALSE;
int window_get_desktop (Window win)
int get_window_desktop(Window win)
return get_property32(win, server.atom._NET_WM_DESKTOP, XA_CARDINAL);
int window_get_monitor (Window win)
int get_window_monitor(Window win)
int i, x, y;
Window src;
@ -136,14 +127,12 @@ int window_get_monitor (Window win)
int match_bottom = 0;
// There is an ambiguity when a window is right on the edge between screens.
// In that case, prefer the monitor which is on the right and bottom of the window's top-left corner.
for (i = 0; i < server.nb_monitor; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < server.num_monitors; i++) {
if (x >= server.monitor[i].x && x <= (server.monitor[i].x + server.monitor[i].width))
if (y >= server.monitor[i].y && y <= (server.monitor[i].y + server.monitor[i].height)) {
int current_right = x < (server.monitor[i].x + server.monitor[i].width);
int current_bottom = y < (server.monitor[i].y + server.monitor[i].height);
if (best_match < 0 ||
(!match_right && current_right) ||
(!match_bottom && current_bottom)) {
if (best_match < 0 || (!match_right && current_right) || (!match_bottom && current_bottom)) {
best_match = i;
@ -155,7 +144,7 @@ int window_get_monitor (Window win)
return best_match;
void window_get_coordinates (Window win, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
void get_window_coordinates(Window win, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
int dummy_int;
unsigned ww, wh, bw, bh;
@ -166,70 +155,62 @@ void window_get_coordinates (Window win, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
*h = wh + bh;
int window_is_iconified (Window win)
gboolean window_is_iconified(Window win)
// EWMH specification : minimization of windows use _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN.
// WM_STATE is not accurate for shaded window and in multi_desktop mode.
Atom *at;
int count, i;
at = server_get_property (win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int count;
Atom *at = server_get_property(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN) {
return 1;
return TRUE;
return 0;
return FALSE;
int window_is_urgent (Window win)
gboolean window_is_urgent(Window win)
Atom *at;
int count, i;
int count;
at = server_get_property (win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Atom *at = server_get_property(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION) {
return 1;
return TRUE;
return 0;
return FALSE;
int window_is_skip_taskbar (Window win)
gboolean window_is_skip_taskbar(Window win)
Atom *at;
int count, i;
int count;
at = server_get_property(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
Atom *at = server_get_property(win, server.atom._NET_WM_STATE, XA_ATOM, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (at[i] == server.atom._NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR) {
return 1;
return 0;
return FALSE;
GSList *server_get_name_of_desktop ()
GSList *get_desktop_names()
int count, j;
int count;
GSList *list = NULL;
gchar *data_ptr, *ptr;
data_ptr = server_get_property (server.root_win, server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_NAMES, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, &count);
gchar *data_ptr = server_get_property(server.root_win, server.atom._NET_DESKTOP_NAMES, server.atom.UTF8_STRING, &count);
if (data_ptr) {
list = g_slist_append(list, g_strdup(data_ptr));
for (j = 0; j < count-1; j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < count - 1; j++) {
if (*(data_ptr + j) == '\0') {
ptr = (gchar*)data_ptr + j + 1;
gchar *ptr = (gchar *)data_ptr + j + 1;
list = g_slist_append(list, g_strdup(ptr));
@ -238,44 +219,40 @@ GSList *server_get_name_of_desktop ()
return list;
int server_get_current_desktop ()
int get_current_desktop()
return get_property32(server.root_win, server.atom._NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP, XA_CARDINAL);
Window window_get_active ()
Window get_active_window()
return get_property32(server.root_win, server.atom._NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, XA_WINDOW);
int window_is_active (Window win)
gboolean window_is_active(Window win)
return (win == get_property32(server.root_win, server.atom._NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, XA_WINDOW));
int get_icon_count (gulong *data, int num)
int get_icon_count(gulong *data, int num)
int count, pos, w, h;
count = 0;
pos = 0;
while (pos+2 < num) {
while (pos + 2 < num) {
w = data[pos++];
h = data[pos++];
pos += w * h;
if (pos > num || w <= 0 || h <= 0) break;
if (pos > num || w <= 0 || h <= 0)
return count;
gulong *get_best_icon (gulong *data, int icon_count, int num, int *iw, int *ih, int best_icon_size)
gulong *get_best_icon(gulong *data, int icon_count, int num, int *iw, int *ih, int best_icon_size)
int width[icon_count], height[icon_count], pos, i, w, h;
gulong *icon_data[icon_count];
@ -286,7 +263,8 @@ gulong *get_best_icon (gulong *data, int icon_count, int num, int *iw, int *ih,
while (i--) {
w = data[pos++];
h = data[pos++];
if (pos + w * h > num) break;
if (pos + w * h > num)
width[i] = w;
height[i] = h;
@ -319,44 +297,3 @@ gulong *get_best_icon (gulong *data, int icon_count, int num, int *iw, int *ih,
*ih = height[icon_num];
return icon_data[icon_num];
void get_text_size2(PangoFontDescription *font,
int *height_ink,
int *height,
int *width,
int panel_height,
int panel_width,
char *text,
int len,
PangoWrapMode wrap,
PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsis)
PangoRectangle rect_ink, rect;
Pixmap pmap = XCreatePixmap (server.dsp, server.root_win, panel_height, panel_width, server.depth);
cairo_surface_t *cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create (server.dsp, pmap, server.visual, panel_height, panel_width);
cairo_t *c = cairo_create (cs);
PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (c);
pango_layout_set_width(layout, panel_width * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_height(layout, panel_height * PANGO_SCALE);
pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, wrap);
pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, ellipsis);
pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, font);
pango_layout_set_text (layout, text, len);
pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(layout, &rect_ink, &rect);
*height_ink = rect_ink.height;
*height = rect.height;
*width = rect.width;
//printf("dimension : %d - %d\n", rect_ink.height, rect.height);
g_object_unref (layout);
cairo_destroy (c);
cairo_surface_destroy (cs);
XFreePixmap (server.dsp, pmap);

View file

@ -11,38 +11,30 @@
#include <glib.h>
#include <pango/pangocairo.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
GSList *get_desktop_names();
int get_current_desktop();
void change_desktop(int desktop);
void set_active (Window win);
void set_desktop (int desktop);
void set_close (Window win);
int server_get_current_desktop ();
GSList *server_get_name_of_desktop ();
void window_get_coordinates (Window win, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
int window_is_iconified (Window win);
int window_is_urgent (Window win);
int window_is_hidden (Window win);
int window_is_active (Window win);
int window_is_skip_taskbar (Window win);
int get_icon_count (gulong *data, int num);
gulong *get_best_icon (gulong *data, int icon_count, int num, int *iw, int *ih, int best_icon_size);
void window_maximize_restore (Window win);
void window_toggle_shade (Window win);
int window_get_desktop (Window win);
void windows_set_desktop (Window win, int desktop);
int window_get_monitor (Window win);
Window window_get_active ();
Window get_active_window();
void get_text_size2(PangoFontDescription *font,
int *height_ink,
int *height,
int *width,
int panel_height,
int panel_with,
char *text,
int len,
PangoWrapMode wrap,
PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsis);
gboolean window_is_iconified(Window win);
gboolean window_is_urgent(Window win);
gboolean window_is_hidden(Window win);
gboolean window_is_active(Window win);
gboolean window_is_skip_taskbar(Window win);
int get_window_desktop(Window win);
int get_window_monitor(Window win);
void activate_window(Window win);
void close_window(Window win);
void get_window_coordinates(Window win, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
void toggle_window_maximized(Window win);
void toggle_window_shade(Window win);
void change_window_desktop(Window win, int desktop);
int get_icon_count(gulong *data, int num);
gulong *get_best_icon(gulong *data, int icon_count, int num, int *iw, int *ih, int best_icon_size);

View file

@ -160,3 +160,4 @@ src/battery/linux.c