Move things around in the systray code

This commit is contained in:
o9000 2015-07-19 16:12:02 +02:00
parent 57b878d5e4
commit 4a1880ead0

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@ -246,6 +246,8 @@ void on_change_systray (void *obj)
fprintf(stderr, "XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->parent = %ld, traywin->x = %d, traywin->y = %d, traywin->width = %d, traywin->height = %d)\n", traywin->parent, traywin->x, traywin->y, traywin->width, traywin->height);
XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->parent, traywin->x, traywin->y, traywin->width, traywin->height);
if (!traywin->reparented)
refresh_systray = 1;
@ -584,9 +586,6 @@ gboolean add_icon(Window win)
fprintf(stderr, "XMapRaised(server.dsp, traywin->parent)\n");
XMapRaised(server.dsp, traywin->parent);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSync(server.dsp, False)\n");
XSync(server.dsp, False);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "[%f] %s:%d\n", profiling_get_time(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
@ -604,36 +603,40 @@ gboolean add_icon(Window win)
gboolean reparent_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
fprintf(stderr, "reparenting tray icon\n");
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "[%f] %s:%d win = %lu (%s)\n", profiling_get_time(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name);
if (traywin->reparented)
return TRUE;
// Watch for the icon trying to resize itself / closing again
XSync(server.dsp, False);
error = FALSE;
XErrorHandler old = XSetErrorHandler(window_error_handler);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->win, StructureNotifyMask)\n");
XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->win, StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
if (error != FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, RED "systray %d: cannot embed icon for window %lu (%s) parent %lu pid %d\n" RESET, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name, traywin->parent, traywin->pid);
return FALSE;
// Reparent
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSync(server.dsp, False)\n");
XSync(server.dsp, False);
error = FALSE;
old = XSetErrorHandler(window_error_handler);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XReparentWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, traywin->parent, 0, 0)\n");
XWithdrawWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, server.screen);
XReparentWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, traywin->parent, 0, 0);
// Embed into parent
XEvent e;
e.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
e.xclient.serial = 0;
e.xclient.send_event = True;
e.xclient.message_type = server.atom._XEMBED;
e.xclient.window = traywin->win;
e.xclient.format = 32;[0] = CurrentTime;[1] = XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY;[2] = 0;[3] = traywin->parent;[4] = 0;
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSendEvent(server.dsp, traywin->win, False, 0xFFFFFF, &e)\n");
XSendEvent(server.dsp, traywin->win, False, 0xFFFFFF, &e);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win = %ld, 0, 0, traywin->width = %d, traywin->height = %d)\n", traywin->win, traywin->width, traywin->height);
XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, 0, 0, traywin->width, traywin->height);
@ -656,6 +659,7 @@ gboolean reparent_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
gboolean embed_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
fprintf(stderr, "embedding tray icon\n");
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "[%f] %s:%d win = %lu (%s)\n", profiling_get_time(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name);
if (traywin->embedded)
@ -663,73 +667,10 @@ gboolean embed_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
Panel* panel = systray.area.panel;
// Watch for the icon trying to resize itself / closing again
XSync(server.dsp, False);
error = FALSE;
XErrorHandler old = XSetErrorHandler(window_error_handler);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->win, StructureNotifyMask)\n");
XSelectInput(server.dsp, traywin->win, StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
if (error != FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, RED "systray %d: cannot embed icon for window %lu (%s) parent %lu pid %d\n" RESET, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name, traywin->parent, traywin->pid);
return FALSE;
// Reparent
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSync(server.dsp, False)\n");
XSync(server.dsp, False);
error = FALSE;
old = XSetErrorHandler(window_error_handler);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XReparentWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, traywin->parent, 0, 0)\n");
XWithdrawWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, server.screen);
XReparentWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, traywin->parent, 0, 0);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win = %ld, 0, 0, traywin->width = %d, traywin->height = %d)\n", traywin->win, traywin->width, traywin->height);
XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, 0, 0, traywin->width, traywin->height);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
if (error != FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, RED "systray %d: cannot embed icon for window %lu (%s) parent %lu pid %d\n" RESET, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name, traywin->parent, traywin->pid);
return FALSE;
// Embed into parent
XEvent e;
e.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
e.xclient.serial = 0;
e.xclient.send_event = True;
e.xclient.message_type = server.atom._XEMBED;
e.xclient.window = traywin->win;
e.xclient.format = 32;[0] = CurrentTime;[1] = XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY;[2] = 0;[3] = traywin->parent;[4] = 0;
XSync(server.dsp, False);
error = FALSE;
XErrorHandler old = XSetErrorHandler(window_error_handler);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSendEvent(server.dsp, traywin->win, False, 0xFFFFFF, &e)\n");
XSendEvent(server.dsp, traywin->win, False, 0xFFFFFF, &e);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
if (error != FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, RED "systray %d: cannot embed icon for window %lu (%s) pid %d\n" RESET, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name, traywin->pid);
return FALSE;
if (0) {
Atom acttype;
int actfmt;
unsigned long nbitem, bytes;
@ -772,6 +713,8 @@ gboolean embed_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
XCompositeRedirectWindow(server.dsp, traywin->parent, CompositeRedirectManual);
XRaiseWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win);
// Make the icon visible
if (!traywin->hide) {
if (systray_profile)
@ -783,7 +726,6 @@ gboolean embed_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
fprintf(stderr, "XMapRaised(server.dsp, traywin->parent)\n");
XMapRaised(server.dsp, traywin->parent);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->parent = %ld, traywin->x = %d, traywin->y = %d, traywin->width = %d, traywin->height = %d)\n", traywin->parent, traywin->x, traywin->y, traywin->width, traywin->height);
@ -792,6 +734,12 @@ gboolean embed_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XSync(server.dsp, False)\n");
XSync(server.dsp, False);
if (error != FALSE) {
fprintf(stderr, RED "systray %d: cannot embed icon for window %lu (%s) parent %lu pid %d\n" RESET, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name, traywin->parent, traywin->pid);
return FALSE;
traywin->embedded = 1;
@ -852,7 +800,7 @@ void remove_icon(TrayWindow *traywin)
void systray_reconfigure_event(TrayWindow *traywin, XEvent *e)
if (systray_profile)
if (1 || systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XConfigure event: win = %lu (%s), x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d\n",
traywin->win, traywin->name, e->xconfigure.x, e->xconfigure.y, e->xconfigure.width, e->xconfigure.height);
Panel* panel = systray.area.panel;
@ -863,11 +811,21 @@ void systray_reconfigure_event(TrayWindow *traywin, XEvent *e)
if (traywin->reparented) {
// FIXME Normally we should force the icon to resize back to the size we resized it to when we embedded it.
// However this triggers a resize loop in new versions of GTK, which we must avoid.
// if (systray_profile)
// fprintf(stderr, "XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win = %ld, 0, 0, traywin->width = %d, traywin->height = %d)\n", traywin->win, traywin->width, traywin->height);
// XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, 0, 0, traywin->width, traywin->height);
traywin->render_timeout = add_timeout(min_refresh_period, 0, systray_render_icon, traywin, &traywin->render_timeout);
unsigned int border_width;
int xpos, ypos;
unsigned int width, height, depth;
Window root;
if (!XGetGeometry(server.dsp, traywin->win, &root, &xpos, &ypos, &width, &height, &border_width, &depth)) {
fprintf(stderr, RED "Couldn't get geometry of window!\n" RESET);
} else {
if (xpos != 0 || ypos != 0 || width != traywin->width || height != traywin->height) {
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win = %ld, 0, 0, traywin->width = %d, traywin->height = %d)\n", traywin->win, traywin->width, traywin->height);
XMoveResizeWindow(server.dsp, traywin->win, 0, 0, traywin->width, traywin->height);
// stop_timeout(traywin->render_timeout);
// traywin->render_timeout = add_timeout(min_refresh_period, 0, systray_render_icon, traywin, &traywin->render_timeout);
@ -1061,19 +1019,43 @@ void systray_render_icon(void* t)
TrayWindow* traywin = t;
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, "[%f] %s:%d win = %lu (%s)\n", profiling_get_time(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name);
if (!traywin->reparented) {
if (!reparent_icon(traywin))
if (systray_composited) {
// We need to process the events in the main loop first
if (!traywin->reparented || !traywin->embedded) {
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, YELLOW "[%f] %s:%d win = %lu (%s) delaying rendering\n" RESET, profiling_get_time(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name);
traywin->render_timeout = add_timeout(min_refresh_period, 0, systray_render_icon, traywin, &traywin->render_timeout);
XSync(server.dsp, False);
error = FALSE;
XErrorHandler old = XSetErrorHandler(window_error_handler);
unsigned int border_width;
int xpos, ypos;
unsigned int width, height, depth;
Window root;
if (!XGetGeometry(server.dsp, traywin->win, &root, &xpos, &ypos, &width, &height, &border_width, &depth)) {
traywin->render_timeout = add_timeout(min_refresh_period, 0, systray_render_icon, traywin, &traywin->render_timeout);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, YELLOW "[%f] %s:%d win = %lu (%s) delaying rendering\n" RESET, profiling_get_time(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name);
} else {
if (xpos != 0 || ypos != 0 || width != traywin->width || height != traywin->height) {
traywin->render_timeout = add_timeout(min_refresh_period, 0, systray_render_icon, traywin, &traywin->render_timeout);
if (systray_profile)
fprintf(stderr, YELLOW "[%f] %s:%d win = %lu (%s) delaying rendering\n" RESET, profiling_get_time(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, traywin->win, traywin->name);
fprintf(stderr, "rendering tray icon\n");
if (systray_composited) {
} else {