Kadlcik Libor 0352abfa88 This patch implements support for icons in user-defined menus into Openbox
Image loading is done using the Imlib2 library.
I chose Imlib2 because it's pretty fast, it's easy to use, supports many file
formats (tested xpm, gif, jpeg, png) and doesn't introduce too much bloat (it
depends :)).

I ported the patch to 3.4.7-pre3 and added some enhancements. Caching is much
better now, and icons can be disabled at compile time using --disable-imlib2

What's new?
Syntax of configuration files (namely rc.xml and menu.xml) has been changed
slightly to allow users to associate icons to menu entries. This is done by
specifying path to icon file in the new "icon" attribute in "<item>" element,
<item label="Vim" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/vim-32.xpm">
  <action name="Execute"><execute>x-terminal-emulator -T Vim -e

If user doesn't want to display any icons in his user-defined menus, he/she can
disable icons in rc.xml, inside "<menu>" section:
Default value is "yes".
(New boolean variable "config_menu_user_show_icons" has been added to source

An icon is loaded (using menu_item_attach_icon()) when a new entry of menu is
created. Fortunately, I haven't notice any performance problems because of this
2010-01-08 17:55:19 -05:00

524 lines
16 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
image.c for the Openbox window manager
Copyright (c) 2006 Mikael Magnusson
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License.
#include "geom.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "imagecache.h"
#include <glib.h>
#define FRACTION 12
#define FLOOR(i) ((i) & (~0UL << FRACTION))
#define AVERAGE(a, b) (((((a) ^ (b)) & 0xfefefefeL) >> 1) + ((a) & (b)))
void RrImagePicInit(RrImagePic *pic, gint w, gint h, RrPixel32 *data)
gint i;
pic->width = w;
pic->height = h;
pic->data = data;
pic->sum = 0;
for (i = w*h; i > 0; --i)
pic->sum += *(data++);
static void RrImagePicFree(RrImagePic *pic)
if (pic) {
/*! Add a picture to an Image, that is, add another copy of the image at
another size. This may add it to the "originals" list or to the
"resized" list. */
static void AddPicture(RrImage *self, RrImagePic ***list, gint *len,
RrImagePic *pic)
gint i;
g_assert(pic->width > 0 && pic->height > 0);
g_assert(g_hash_table_lookup(self->cache->table, pic) == NULL);
/* grow the list */
*list = g_renew(RrImagePic*, *list, ++*len);
/* move everything else down one */
for (i = *len-1; i > 0; --i)
(*list)[i] = (*list)[i-1];
/* set the new picture up at the front of the list */
(*list)[0] = pic;
/* add the picture as a key to point to this image in the cache */
g_hash_table_insert(self->cache->table, (*list)[0], self);
#ifdef DEBUG
g_debug("Adding %s picture to the cache:\n "
"Image 0x%lx, w %d h %d Hash %u",
(*list == self->original ? "ORIGINAL" : "RESIZED"),
(gulong)self, pic->width, pic->height, RrImagePicHash(pic));
/*! Remove a picture from an Image. This may remove it from the "originals"
list or the "resized" list. */
static void RemovePicture(RrImage *self, RrImagePic ***list,
gint i, gint *len)
gint j;
#ifdef DEBUG
g_debug("Removing %s picture from the cache:\n "
"Image 0x%lx, w %d h %d Hash %u",
(*list == self->original ? "ORIGINAL" : "RESIZED"),
(gulong)self, (*list)[i]->width, (*list)[i]->height,
/* remove the picture as a key in the cache */
g_hash_table_remove(self->cache->table, (*list)[i]);
/* free the picture */
/* shift everything down one */
for (j = i; j < *len-1; ++j)
(*list)[j] = (*list)[j+1];
/* shrink the list */
*list = g_renew(RrImagePic*, *list, --*len);
/*! Given a picture in RGBA format, of a specified size, resize it to the new
requested size (but keep its aspect ratio). If the image does not need to
be resized (it is already the right size) then this returns NULL. Otherwise
it returns a newly allocated RrImagePic with the resized picture inside it
static RrImagePic* ResizeImage(RrPixel32 *src,
gulong srcW, gulong srcH,
gulong dstW, gulong dstH)
RrPixel32 *dst, *dststart;
RrImagePic *pic;
gulong dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY;
gulong srcX1, srcX2, srcY1, srcY2;
gulong ratioX, ratioY;
gulong aspectW, aspectH;
/* XXX should these variables be ensured to not be zero in the callers? */
srcW = srcW ? srcW : 1;
srcH = srcH ? srcH : 1;
dstW = dstW ? dstW : 1;
dstH = dstH ? dstH : 1;
/* keep the aspect ratio */
aspectW = dstW;
aspectH = (gint)(dstW * ((gdouble)srcH / srcW));
if (aspectH > dstH) {
aspectH = dstH;
aspectW = (gint)(dstH * ((gdouble)srcW / srcH));
dstW = aspectW ? aspectW : 1;
dstH = aspectH ? aspectH : 1;
if (srcW == dstW && srcH == dstH)
return NULL; /* no scaling needed! */
dststart = dst = g_new(RrPixel32, dstW * dstH);
ratioX = (srcW << FRACTION) / dstW;
ratioY = (srcH << FRACTION) / dstH;
srcY2 = 0;
for (dstY = 0; dstY < dstH; dstY++) {
srcY1 = srcY2;
srcY2 += ratioY;
srcX2 = 0;
for (dstX = 0; dstX < dstW; dstX++) {
gulong red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0;
gulong portionX, portionY, portionXY, sumXY = 0;
RrPixel32 pixel;
srcX1 = srcX2;
srcX2 += ratioX;
for (srcY = srcY1; srcY < srcY2; srcY += (1UL << FRACTION)) {
if (srcY == srcY1) {
srcY = FLOOR(srcY);
portionY = (1UL << FRACTION) - (srcY1 - srcY);
if (portionY > srcY2 - srcY1)
portionY = srcY2 - srcY1;
else if (srcY == FLOOR(srcY2))
portionY = srcY2 - srcY;
portionY = (1UL << FRACTION);
for (srcX = srcX1; srcX < srcX2; srcX += (1UL << FRACTION)) {
if (srcX == srcX1) {
srcX = FLOOR(srcX);
portionX = (1UL << FRACTION) - (srcX1 - srcX);
if (portionX > srcX2 - srcX1)
portionX = srcX2 - srcX1;
else if (srcX == FLOOR(srcX2))
portionX = srcX2 - srcX;
portionX = (1UL << FRACTION);
portionXY = (portionX * portionY) >> FRACTION;
sumXY += portionXY;
pixel = *(src + (srcY >> FRACTION) * srcW
+ (srcX >> FRACTION));
red += ((pixel >> RrDefaultRedOffset) & 0xFF)
* portionXY;
green += ((pixel >> RrDefaultGreenOffset) & 0xFF)
* portionXY;
blue += ((pixel >> RrDefaultBlueOffset) & 0xFF)
* portionXY;
alpha += ((pixel >> RrDefaultAlphaOffset) & 0xFF)
* portionXY;
g_assert(sumXY != 0);
red /= sumXY;
green /= sumXY;
blue /= sumXY;
alpha /= sumXY;
*dst++ = (red << RrDefaultRedOffset) |
(green << RrDefaultGreenOffset) |
(blue << RrDefaultBlueOffset) |
(alpha << RrDefaultAlphaOffset);
pic = g_new(RrImagePic, 1);
RrImagePicInit(pic, dstW, dstH, dststart);
return pic;
/*! This draws an RGBA picture into the target, within the rectangle specified
by the area parameter. If the area's size differs from the source's then it
will be centered within the rectangle */
void DrawRGBA(RrPixel32 *target, gint target_w, gint target_h,
RrPixel32 *source, gint source_w, gint source_h,
gint alpha, RrRect *area)
RrPixel32 *dest;
gint col, num_pixels;
gint dw, dh;
g_assert(source_w <= area->width && source_h <= area->height);
g_assert(area->x + area->width <= target_w);
g_assert(area->y + area->height <= target_h);
/* keep the aspect ratio */
dw = area->width;
dh = (gint)(dw * ((gdouble)source_h / source_w));
if (dh > area->height) {
dh = area->height;
dw = (gint)(dh * ((gdouble)source_w / source_h));
/* copy source -> dest, and apply the alpha channel.
center the image if it is smaller than the area */
col = 0;
num_pixels = dw * dh;
dest = target + area->x + (area->width - dw) / 2 +
(target_w * (area->y + (area->height - dh) / 2));
while (num_pixels-- > 0) {
guchar a, r, g, b, bgr, bgg, bgb;
/* apply the rgba's opacity as well */
a = ((*source >> RrDefaultAlphaOffset) * alpha) >> 8;
r = *source >> RrDefaultRedOffset;
g = *source >> RrDefaultGreenOffset;
b = *source >> RrDefaultBlueOffset;
/* background color */
bgr = *dest >> RrDefaultRedOffset;
bgg = *dest >> RrDefaultGreenOffset;
bgb = *dest >> RrDefaultBlueOffset;
r = bgr + (((r - bgr) * a) >> 8);
g = bgg + (((g - bgg) * a) >> 8);
b = bgb + (((b - bgb) * a) >> 8);
*dest = ((r << RrDefaultRedOffset) |
(g << RrDefaultGreenOffset) |
(b << RrDefaultBlueOffset));
if (++col >= dw) {
col = 0;
dest += target_w - dw;
/*! Draw an RGBA texture into a target pixel buffer. */
void RrImageDrawRGBA(RrPixel32 *target, RrTextureRGBA *rgba,
gint target_w, gint target_h,
RrRect *area)
RrImagePic *scaled;
scaled = ResizeImage(rgba->data, rgba->width, rgba->height,
area->width, area->height);
if (scaled) {
#ifdef DEBUG
g_warning("Scaling an RGBA! You should avoid this and just make "
"it the right size yourself!");
DrawRGBA(target, target_w, target_h,
scaled->data, scaled->width, scaled->height,
rgba->alpha, area);
DrawRGBA(target, target_w, target_h,
rgba->data, rgba->width, rgba->height,
rgba->alpha, area);
/*! Create a new RrImage, which is linked to an image cache */
RrImage* RrImageNew(RrImageCache *cache)
RrImage *self;
g_assert(cache != NULL);
self = g_new0(RrImage, 1);
self->ref = 1;
self->cache = cache;
return self;
/*! Set function that will be called just before RrImage is destroyed. */
void RrImageSetDestroyFunc(RrImage *image, RrImageDestroyFunc func)
image->destroy_func = func;
void RrImageRef(RrImage *self)
void RrImageUnref(RrImage *self)
if (self && --self->ref == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
g_debug("Refcount to 0, removing ALL pictures from the cache:\n "
"Image 0x%lx", (gulong)self);
if (self->destroy_func)
while (self->n_original > 0)
RemovePicture(self, &self->original, 0, &self->n_original);
while (self->n_resized > 0)
RemovePicture(self, &self->resized, 0, &self->n_resized);
/*! Add a new picture with the given RGBA pixel data and dimensions into the
RrImage. This adds an "original" picture to the image.
void RrImageAddPicture(RrImage *self, RrPixel32 *data, gint w, gint h)
gint i;
RrImagePic *pic;
/* make sure we don't already have this size.. */
for (i = 0; i < self->n_original; ++i)
if (self->original[i]->width == w && self->original[i]->height == h) {
#ifdef DEBUG
g_debug("Found duplicate ORIGINAL image:\n "
"Image 0x%lx, w %d h %d", (gulong)self, w, h);
/* remove any resized pictures of this same size */
for (i = 0; i < self->n_resized; ++i)
if (self->resized[i]->width == w || self->resized[i]->height == h) {
RemovePicture(self, &self->resized, i, &self->n_resized);
/* add the new picture */
pic = g_new(RrImagePic, 1);
RrImagePicInit(pic, w, h, g_memdup(data, w*h*sizeof(RrPixel32)));
AddPicture(self, &self->original, &self->n_original, pic);
/*! Remove the picture from the RrImage which has the given dimensions. This
removes an "original" picture from the image.
void RrImageRemovePicture(RrImage *self, gint w, gint h)
gint i;
/* remove any resized pictures of this same size */
for (i = 0; i < self->n_original; ++i)
if (self->original[i]->width == w && self->original[i]->height == h) {
RemovePicture(self, &self->original, i, &self->n_original);
/*! Draw an RrImage texture into a target pixel buffer. If the RrImage does
not contain a picture of the appropriate size, then one of its "original"
pictures will be resized and used (and stored in the RrImage as a "resized"
void RrImageDrawImage(RrPixel32 *target, RrTextureImage *img,
gint target_w, gint target_h,
RrRect *area)
gint i, min_diff, min_i, min_aspect_diff, min_aspect_i;
RrImage *self;
RrImagePic *pic;
gboolean free_pic;
self = img->image;
pic = NULL;
free_pic = FALSE;
/* is there an original of this size? (only the larger of
w or h has to be right cuz we maintain aspect ratios) */
for (i = 0; i < self->n_original; ++i)
if ((self->original[i]->width >= self->original[i]->height &&
self->original[i]->width == area->width) ||
(self->original[i]->width <= self->original[i]->height &&
self->original[i]->height == area->height))
pic = self->original[i];
/* is there a resize of this size? */
for (i = 0; i < self->n_resized; ++i)
if ((self->resized[i]->width >= self->resized[i]->height &&
self->resized[i]->width == area->width) ||
(self->resized[i]->width <= self->resized[i]->height &&
self->resized[i]->height == area->height))
gint j;
RrImagePic *saved;
/* save the selected one */
saved = self->resized[i];
/* shift all the others down */
for (j = i; j > 0; --j)
self->resized[j] = self->resized[j-1];
/* and move the selected one to the top of the list */
self->resized[0] = saved;
pic = self->resized[0];
if (!pic) {
gdouble aspect;
/* find an original with a close size */
min_diff = min_aspect_diff = -1;
min_i = min_aspect_i = 0;
aspect = ((gdouble)area->width) / area->height;
for (i = 0; i < self->n_original; ++i) {
gint diff;
gint wdiff, hdiff;
gdouble myasp;
/* our size difference metric.. */
wdiff = self->original[i]->width - area->width;
hdiff = self->original[i]->height - area->height;
diff = (wdiff * wdiff) + (hdiff * hdiff);
/* find the smallest difference */
if (min_diff < 0 || diff < min_diff) {
min_diff = diff;
min_i = i;
/* and also find the smallest difference with the same aspect
ratio (and prefer this one) */
myasp = ((gdouble)self->original[i]->width) /
if (ABS(aspect - myasp) < 0.0000001 &&
(min_aspect_diff < 0 || diff < min_aspect_diff))
min_aspect_diff = diff;
min_aspect_i = i;
/* use the aspect ratio correct source if there is one */
if (min_aspect_i >= 0)
min_i = min_aspect_i;
/* resize the original to the given area */
pic = ResizeImage(self->original[min_i]->data,
area->width, area->height);
/* add the resized image to the image, as the first in the resized
list */
if (self->n_resized >= self->cache->max_resized_saved)
/* remove the last one (last used one) */
RemovePicture(self, &self->resized, self->n_resized - 1,
if (self->cache->max_resized_saved)
/* add it to the top of the resized list */
AddPicture(self, &self->resized, &self->n_resized, pic);
free_pic = TRUE; /* don't leak mem! */
g_assert(pic != NULL);
DrawRGBA(target, target_w, target_h,
pic->data, pic->width, pic->height,
img->alpha, area);
if (free_pic)