client.c stacking.c: fixing looping transient case for group transient windows. now a window which is transient for a group is *not* transient for any other transient windows in the group (perviously the other window had to be transient for the group to be excluded, now it can be transient for anything). client.c/h event.c render.c/h: adjustnig icon handling a bit. will be converting the legacy pixmap icons into rgba data so they can be handled the same as netwm icons.
476 lines
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476 lines
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#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "render.h"
#include "gradient.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "mask.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "theme.h"
#include "kernel/openbox.h"
# include <stdlib.h>
int render_depth;
Visual *render_visual;
Colormap render_colormap;
int render_red_offset = 0, render_green_offset = 0, render_blue_offset = 0;
int render_red_shift, render_green_shift, render_blue_shift;
void render_startup(void)
paint = x_paint;
render_depth = DefaultDepth(ob_display, ob_screen);
render_visual = DefaultVisual(ob_display, ob_screen);
render_colormap = DefaultColormap(ob_display, ob_screen);
if (render_depth < 8) {
XVisualInfo vinfo_template, *vinfo_return;
/* search for a TrueColor Visual... if we can't find one...
we will use the default visual for the screen */
int vinfo_nitems;
int best = -1;
vinfo_template.screen = ob_screen;
vinfo_template.class = TrueColor;
vinfo_return = XGetVisualInfo(ob_display,
VisualScreenMask | VisualClassMask,
&vinfo_template, &vinfo_nitems);
if (vinfo_return) {
int i;
int max_depth = 1;
for (i = 0; i < vinfo_nitems; ++i) {
if (vinfo_return[i].depth > max_depth) {
if (max_depth == 24 && vinfo_return[i].depth > 24)
break; /* prefer 24 bit over 32 */
max_depth = vinfo_return[i].depth;
best = i;
if (max_depth < render_depth) best = -1;
if (best != -1) {
render_depth = vinfo_return[best].depth;
render_visual = vinfo_return[best].visual;
render_colormap = XCreateColormap(ob_display, ob_root, render_visual,
switch (render_visual->class) {
case TrueColor:
case PseudoColor:
case StaticColor:
case GrayScale:
case StaticGray:
g_critical("unsupported visual class.\n");
void truecolor_startup(void)
unsigned long red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask;
XImage *timage = NULL;
timage = XCreateImage(ob_display, render_visual, render_depth,
ZPixmap, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 32, 0);
g_assert(timage != NULL);
/* find the offsets for each color in the visual's masks */
red_mask = timage->red_mask;
green_mask = timage->green_mask;
blue_mask = timage->blue_mask;
render_red_offset = 0;
render_green_offset = 0;
render_blue_offset = 0;
while (! (red_mask & 1)) { render_red_offset++; red_mask >>= 1; }
while (! (green_mask & 1)) { render_green_offset++; green_mask >>= 1; }
while (! (blue_mask & 1)) { render_blue_offset++; blue_mask >>= 1; }
render_red_shift = render_green_shift = render_blue_shift = 8;
while (red_mask) { red_mask >>= 1; render_red_shift--; }
while (green_mask) { green_mask >>= 1; render_green_shift--; }
while (blue_mask) { blue_mask >>= 1; render_blue_shift--; }
void pseudocolor_startup(void)
XColor icolors[256];
int tr, tg, tb, n, r, g, b, i, incolors, ii;
unsigned long dev;
int cpc, _ncolors;
g_message("Initializing PseudoColor RenderControl\n");
/* determine the number of colors and the bits-per-color */
pseudo_bpc = 2; /* XXX THIS SHOULD BE A USER OPTION */
g_assert(pseudo_bpc >= 1);
_ncolors = 1 << (pseudo_bpc * 3);
if (_ncolors > 1 << render_depth) {
g_warning("PseudoRenderControl: Invalid colormap size. Resizing.\n");
pseudo_bpc = 1 << (render_depth/3) >> 3;
_ncolors = 1 << (pseudo_bpc * 3);
/* build a color cube */
pseudo_colors = malloc(_ncolors * sizeof(XColor));
cpc = 1 << pseudo_bpc; /* colors per channel */
for (n = 0, r = 0; r < cpc; r++)
for (g = 0; g < cpc; g++)
for (b = 0; b < cpc; b++, n++) {
tr = (int)(((float)(r)/(float)(cpc-1)) * 0xFF);
tg = (int)(((float)(g)/(float)(cpc-1)) * 0xFF);
tb = (int)(((float)(b)/(float)(cpc-1)) * 0xFF);
pseudo_colors[n].red = tr | tr << 8;
pseudo_colors[n].green = tg | tg << 8;
pseudo_colors[n].blue = tb | tb << 8;
pseudo_colors[n].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; /* used to track
allocation */
/* allocate the colors */
for (i = 0; i < _ncolors; i++)
if (!XAllocColor(ob_display, render_colormap, &pseudo_colors[i]))
pseudo_colors[i].flags = 0; /* mark it as unallocated */
/* try allocate any colors that failed allocation above */
/* get the allocated values from the X server (only the first 256 XXX why!?)
incolors = (((1 << render_depth) > 256) ? 256 : (1 << render_depth));
for (i = 0; i < incolors; i++)
icolors[i].pixel = i;
XQueryColors(ob_display, render_colormap, icolors, incolors);
/* try match unallocated ones */
for (i = 0; i < _ncolors; i++) {
if (!pseudo_colors[i].flags) { /* if it wasn't allocated... */
unsigned long closest = 0xffffffff, close = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < incolors; ii++) {
/* find deviations */
r = (pseudo_colors[i].red - icolors[ii].red) & 0xff;
g = (pseudo_colors[i].green - icolors[ii].green) & 0xff;
b = (pseudo_colors[i].blue - icolors[ii].blue) & 0xff;
/* find a weighted absolute deviation */
dev = (r * r) + (g * g) + (b * b);
if (dev < closest) {
closest = dev;
close = ii;
pseudo_colors[i].red = icolors[close].red;
pseudo_colors[i].green = icolors[close].green;
pseudo_colors[i].blue = icolors[close].blue;
pseudo_colors[i].pixel = icolors[close].pixel;
/* try alloc this closest color, it had better succeed! */
if (XAllocColor(ob_display, render_colormap, &pseudo_colors[i]))
pseudo_colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; /* mark as alloced */
g_assert(FALSE); /* wtf has gone wrong, its already alloced for
chissake! */
void x_paint(Window win, Appearance *l)
int i, transferred = 0, sw;
pixel32 *source, *dest;
Pixmap oldp;
int x = l->area.x;
int y = l->area.y;
int w = l->area.width;
int h = l->area.height;
Rect tarea; /* area in which to draw textures */
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || x+w <= 0 || y+h <= 0) return;
g_assert(l->surface.type == Surface_Planar);
oldp = l->pixmap; /* save to free after changing the visible pixmap */
l->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(ob_display, ob_root, x+w, y+h, render_depth);
g_assert(l->pixmap != None);
if (l->xftdraw != NULL)
l->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(ob_display, l->pixmap, render_visual,
g_assert(l->xftdraw != NULL);
l->surface.data.planar.pixel_data = g_new(pixel32, w * h);
if (l->surface.data.planar.grad == Background_ParentRelative) {
sw = l->surface.data.planar.parent->area.width;
source = l->surface.data.planar.parent->surface.data.planar.pixel_data
+ l->surface.data.planar.parentx
+ sw * l->surface.data.planar.parenty;
dest = l->surface.data.planar.pixel_data;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++, source += sw, dest += w) {
memcpy(dest, source, w * sizeof(pixel32));
else if (l->surface.data.planar.grad == Background_Solid)
gradient_solid(l, x, y, w, h);
else gradient_render(&l->surface, w, h);
for (i = 0; i < l->textures; i++) {
tarea = l->texture[i].position;
if (l->surface.data.planar.grad != Background_ParentRelative) {
if (l->surface.data.planar.relief != Flat) {
switch (l->surface.data.planar.bevel) {
case Bevel1:
tarea.x += 1; tarea.y += 1;
tarea.width -= 2; tarea.height -= 2;
case Bevel2:
tarea.x += 2; tarea.y += 2;
tarea.width -= 4; tarea.height -= 4;
} else if (l->surface.data.planar.border) {
tarea.x += 1; tarea.y += 1;
tarea.width -= 2; tarea.height -= 2;
switch (l->texture[i].type) {
case Text:
if (!transferred) {
transferred = 1;
if (l->surface.data.planar.grad != Background_Solid)
if (l->xftdraw == NULL) {
l->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(ob_display, l->pixmap,
render_visual, render_colormap);
font_draw(l->xftdraw, &l->texture[i].data.text,
case Bitmask:
if (!transferred) {
transferred = 1;
if (l->surface.data.planar.grad != Background_Solid)
if (l->texture[i].data.mask.color->gc == None)
mask_draw(l->pixmap, &l->texture[i].data.mask,
case RGBA:
&tarea, &l->area);
if (!transferred) {
transferred = 1;
if (l->surface.data.planar.grad != Background_Solid)
pixel32_to_pixmap(l->surface.data.planar.pixel_data, l->pixmap
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(ob_display, win, l->pixmap);
XClearWindow(ob_display, win);
if (oldp != None) XFreePixmap(ob_display, oldp);
void gl_paint(Window win, Appearance *l)
glXMakeCurrent(ob_display, win, gl_context);
void render_shutdown(void)
Appearance *appearance_new(SurfaceType type, int numtex)
PlanarSurface *p;
Appearance *out;
out = g_new(Appearance, 1);
out->surface.type = type;
out->textures = numtex;
out->xftdraw = NULL;
if (numtex) out->texture = g_new0(Texture, numtex);
else out->texture = NULL;
out->pixmap = None;
switch (type) {
case Surface_Planar:
p = &out->surface.data.planar;
p->primary = NULL;
p->secondary = NULL;
p->border_color = NULL;
p->pixel_data = NULL;
return out;
Appearance *appearance_copy(Appearance *orig)
PlanarSurface *spo, *spc;
Appearance *copy = g_new(Appearance, 1);
copy->surface.type = orig->surface.type;
switch (orig->surface.type) {
case Surface_Planar:
spo = &(orig->surface.data.planar);
spc = &(copy->surface.data.planar);
spc->grad = spo->grad;
spc->relief = spo->relief;
spc->bevel = spo->bevel;
if (spo->primary != NULL)
spc->primary = color_new(spo->primary->r,
else spc->primary = NULL;
if (spo->secondary != NULL)
spc->secondary = color_new(spo->secondary->r,
else spc->secondary = NULL;
if (spo->border_color != NULL)
spc->border_color = color_new(spo->border_color->r,
else spc->border_color = NULL;
spc->interlaced = spo->interlaced;
spc->border = spo->border;
spc->pixel_data = NULL;
copy->textures = orig->textures;
copy->texture = g_memdup(orig->texture, orig->textures * sizeof(Texture));
copy->pixmap = None;
copy->xftdraw = NULL;
return copy;
void appearance_free(Appearance *a)
if (a) {
PlanarSurface *p;
if (a->pixmap != None) XFreePixmap(ob_display, a->pixmap);
if (a->xftdraw != NULL) XftDrawDestroy(a->xftdraw);
if (a->textures)
if (a->surface.type == Surface_Planar) {
p = &a->surface.data.planar;
if (p->primary != NULL) color_free(p->primary);
if (p->secondary != NULL) color_free(p->secondary);
if (p->border_color != NULL) color_free(p->border_color);
if (p->pixel_data != NULL) g_free(p->pixel_data);
void pixel32_to_pixmap(pixel32 *in, Pixmap out, int x, int y, int w, int h)
unsigned char *scratch;
XImage *im = NULL;
im = XCreateImage(ob_display, render_visual, render_depth,
ZPixmap, 0, NULL, w, h, 32, 0);
g_assert(im != NULL);
im->byte_order = endian;
/* this malloc is a complete waste of time on normal 32bpp
as reduce_depth just sets im->data = data and returns
scratch = malloc(im->width * im->height * sizeof(pixel32));
im->data = (char*) scratch;
reduce_depth(in, im);
XPutImage(ob_display, out, DefaultGC(ob_display, ob_screen),
im, 0, 0, x, y, w, h);
im->data = NULL;
void appearance_minsize(Appearance *l, int *w, int *h)
int i;
int m;
*w = *h = 1;
switch (l->surface.type) {
case Surface_Planar:
if (l->surface.data.planar.relief != Flat) {
switch (l->surface.data.planar.bevel) {
case Bevel1:
*w = *h = 2;
case Bevel2:
*w = *h = 4;
} else if (l->surface.data.planar.border)
*w = *h = 2;
for (i = 0; i < l->textures; ++i) {
switch (l->texture[i].type) {
case Bitmask:
*w += l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->w;
*h += l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->h;
case Text:
m = font_measure_string(l->texture[i].data.text.font,
*w += m;
m = font_height(l->texture[i].data.text.font,
*h += m;
case RGBA:
*w += l->texture[i].data.rgba.width;
*h += l->texture[i].data.rgba.height;
case NoTexture:
void render_pixmap_to_rgba(Pixmap pmap, Pixmap mask,
int *w, int *h, gulong **data)
*w = *h = 0;
*data = NULL;