It doesn't look good in some places, e.g. WnckTasklist (gnome-panel) [ Also update translations -- Mikael ]
494 lines
13 KiB
494 lines
13 KiB
# Basque translation for openbox.
# Copyright (C) 2008 Inko Illarramendi Arancibia
# This file is distributed under the same license as the openbox package.
# Inko Illarramendi Arancibia <inkoia@gmail.com>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Openbox\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.icculus.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-11-15 22:28+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-22 18:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Inko I. A. <inkoia@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Inko I. A. <inkoia@gmail.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: openbox/actions.c:149
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid action \"%s\" requested. No such action exists."
msgstr "Eskatutako \"%s\" ekintza baliogabea. Ez da ekintza hori existitzen."
#: openbox/actions/execute.c:128
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ez"
#: openbox/actions/execute.c:129
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Bai"
#: openbox/actions/execute.c:133
msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Exekutatu"
#: openbox/actions/execute.c:142
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to convert the path \"%s\" from utf8"
msgstr "Hutsegitea \"%s\" helbidea utf8-tik bihurtzean"
#: openbox/actions/exit.c:52 openbox/actions/session.c:64
#: openbox/client.c:3465
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Ezeztatu"
#: openbox/actions/exit.c:53
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Irten"
#: openbox/actions/exit.c:56
msgid "Are you sure you want to exit Openbox?"
msgstr "Ziur al zaude Openbox-etik irten nahi duzula?"
#: openbox/actions/exit.c:57
msgid "Exit Openbox"
msgstr "Openbox-etik Irten"
#. TRANSLATORS: Don't translate the word "SessionLogout" as it's the
#. name of the action you write in rc.xml
#: openbox/actions/session.c:43
msgid ""
"The SessionLogout action is not available since Openbox was built without "
"session management support"
msgstr ""
"SessionLogout ekintza ez dago eskuragarri, Openbox saio kudetzaile gaitasun "
"gabe konpilatua izan baitzen"
#: openbox/actions/session.c:65 openbox/actions/session.c:70
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Saioa Itxi"
#: openbox/actions/session.c:69
msgid "Are you sure you want to log out?"
msgstr "Ziur al zaude saioa itxi nahi duzula?"
#: openbox/client.c:2012
msgid "Unnamed Window"
msgstr "Izenik gabeko leihoa"
#: openbox/client.c:2026 openbox/client.c:2058
msgid "Killing..."
msgstr "Akabatzen..."
#: openbox/client.c:2028 openbox/client.c:2060
msgid "Not Responding"
msgstr "Erantzunik Ez"
#: openbox/client.c:3454
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The window \"%s\" does not seem to be responding. Do you want to force it "
"to exit by sending the %s signal?"
msgstr ""
"Badirudi \"%s\" leihoak ez duela erantzuten. Nahi al duzu istea behartu %s "
"seinalea bidaliz?"
#: openbox/client.c:3456
msgid "End Process"
msgstr "Prozesua Amaitu"
#: openbox/client.c:3460
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The window \"%s\" does not seem to be responding. Do you want to disconnect "
"it from the X server?"
msgstr ""
"Badirudi \"%s\" leihoak ez duela erantzuten. Nahi al duzu leihoa X "
"zerbitzaritik deskonektatu?"
#: openbox/client.c:3462
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Deskonektatu"
#: openbox/client_list_combined_menu.c:87 openbox/client_list_menu.c:91
msgid "Go there..."
msgstr "Hona joan..."
#: openbox/client_list_combined_menu.c:94
msgid "Manage desktops"
msgstr "Idazmahaiak kudeatu"
#: openbox/client_list_combined_menu.c:95 openbox/client_list_menu.c:155
msgid "_Add new desktop"
msgstr "Idazmahai berria _gehitu"
#: openbox/client_list_combined_menu.c:96 openbox/client_list_menu.c:156
msgid "_Remove last desktop"
msgstr "Azken idazmahaia _ezabatu"
#: openbox/client_list_combined_menu.c:149
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Leihoak"
#: openbox/client_list_menu.c:203
msgid "Desktops"
msgstr "Idazmahaiak"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:258
msgid "All desktops"
msgstr "Idazmahai guztiak"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:370
msgid "_Layer"
msgstr "_Geruza"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:375
msgid "Always on _top"
msgstr "Beti _gainean"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:376
msgid "_Normal"
msgstr "_Ohikoa"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:377
msgid "Always on _bottom"
msgstr "Beti _azpian"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:379
msgid "_Send to desktop"
msgstr "_Bidali idazmahaira"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:383
msgid "Client menu"
msgstr "Bezero menua"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:393
msgid "R_estore"
msgstr "Berr_ezarri"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:397
msgid "_Move"
msgstr "_Mugitu"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:399
msgid "Resi_ze"
msgstr "_Tamaina aldatu"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:401
msgid "Ico_nify"
msgstr "Iko_notu"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:405
msgid "Ma_ximize"
msgstr "Ma_ximizatu"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:409
msgid "_Roll up/down"
msgstr "Bildu/_Zabaldu"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:411
msgid "Un/_Decorate"
msgstr "Des/_Dekoratu"
#: openbox/client_menu.c:415
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Itxi"
#: openbox/config.c:781
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid button \"%s\" specified in config file"
msgstr "Konfigurazio fitxategian zehaztutako \"%s\" botoia baliogabea"
#: openbox/keyboard.c:157
msgid "Conflict with key binding in config file"
msgstr "Gatazka konfigurazio fitxategiko tekla elkarketarekin"
#: openbox/menu.c:102 openbox/menu.c:110
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find a valid menu file \"%s\""
msgstr "Ezin da \"%s\" baliozko menu fitxategi bat aurkitu"
#: openbox/menu.c:170
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to execute command for pipe-menu \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Hutsegitea \"%s\" pipe-menuarentzat komandoa exekutatzean: %s"
#: openbox/menu.c:184
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid output from pipe-menu \"%s\""
msgstr "Baliogabeko irteera \"%s\" pipe-menutik"
#: openbox/menu.c:197
#, c-format
msgid "Attempted to access menu \"%s\" but it does not exist"
msgstr "\"%s\" menua atzitzen saiatu da baina ez da existitzen"
#: openbox/menu.c:367 openbox/menu.c:368
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Gehiago..."
#: openbox/mouse.c:373
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid button \"%s\" in mouse binding"
msgstr "Baliogabeko \"%s\" botoia sagu elkarketan"
#: openbox/mouse.c:379
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid context \"%s\" in mouse binding"
msgstr "Baliogabeko \"%s\" testuingurua sagu elkarketan"
#: openbox/openbox.c:133
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to change to home directory \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Ezin da \"%s\" hasiera direktoriora aldatu: %s"
#: openbox/openbox.c:152
msgid "Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable."
msgstr "Hutsegitea pantaila irekitzean DISPLAY ingurune aldagaitik."
#: openbox/openbox.c:183
msgid "Failed to initialize the obrender library."
msgstr "Hutsegitea obrender liburutegia hasieratzean."
#: openbox/openbox.c:194
msgid "X server does not support locale."
msgstr "X zerbitzariak ez du locale euskarririk."
#: openbox/openbox.c:196
msgid "Cannot set locale modifiers for the X server."
msgstr "Ezin da locale modifikatzailerik ezarri X zerbitzariarentzat."
#: openbox/openbox.c:263
msgid "Unable to find a valid config file, using some simple defaults"
msgstr ""
"Ezin da baliozko konfigurazio fitxategirik aurkitu, hainbat aukera lehenetsi "
"sinple erabiltzen"
#: openbox/openbox.c:297
msgid "Unable to load a theme."
msgstr "Ezin da gai bat kargatu."
#: openbox/openbox.c:377
#, c-format
msgid ""
"One or more XML syntax errors were found while parsing the Openbox "
"configuration files. See stdout for more information. The last error seen "
"was in file \"%s\" line %d, with message: %s"
msgstr ""
"XML sintaxi errore bat edo gehiago aurkitu dira Openbox konfigurazio "
"fitxategiak interpretatzerakoan. Ikusi stdout informazio gehiago jasotzeko. "
"Azken errorea \"%s\" fitxategian %d lerroan izan da, mezu honekin: %s"
#: openbox/openbox.c:379
msgid "Openbox Syntax Error"
msgstr "Openbox sintaxi errorea"
#: openbox/openbox.c:379
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Itxi"
#: openbox/openbox.c:448
#, c-format
msgid "Restart failed to execute new executable \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Berrabiarazteak hutsegitea \"%s\" exekutagarri berria exekutatzean: %s"
#: openbox/openbox.c:518 openbox/openbox.c:520
msgid "Copyright (c)"
msgstr "Copyright (c)"
#: openbox/openbox.c:529
msgid "Syntax: openbox [options]\n"
msgstr "Sintaxia: openbox [aukerak]\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:530
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: openbox/openbox.c:531
msgid " --help Display this help and exit\n"
msgstr " --help Mezu hau erakutsi eta irten\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:532
msgid " --version Display the version and exit\n"
msgstr " --version Bertsioa bistarazi eta irten\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:533
msgid " --replace Replace the currently running window manager\n"
msgstr ""
" --replace Ordezkatu exekutatzen ari den leiho-kudeatzailea\n"
#. TRANSLATORS: if you translate "FILE" here, make sure to keep the "Specify..."
#. aligned still, if you have to, make a new line with \n and 22 spaces. It's
#. fine to leave it as FILE though.
#: openbox/openbox.c:537
msgid " --config-file FILE Specify the path to the config file to use\n"
msgstr ""
"--config-file FILE Zehaztu erabiltzeko konfigurazio fitxategirako bidea\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:538
msgid " --sm-disable Disable connection to the session manager\n"
msgstr " --sm-disable Ezgaitu saio kudeatzailearekiko konexioa\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:539
msgid ""
"Passing messages to a running Openbox instance:\n"
msgstr ""
"Exekutatzen ari den Openbox instantzia bati mezuak pasatzen:\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:540
msgid " --reconfigure Reload Openbox's configuration\n"
msgstr " --reconfigure Birkargatu Openbox-en konfigurazioa\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:541
msgid " --restart Restart Openbox\n"
msgstr " --restart Berrabiarazi Openbox\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:542
msgid " --exit Exit Openbox\n"
msgstr " --exit Itxi Openbox\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:543
msgid ""
"Debugging options:\n"
msgstr ""
"Arazketa aukerak:\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:544
msgid " --sync Run in synchronous mode\n"
msgstr " --sync Modu sinkronoan exekutatu\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:545
msgid " --debug Display debugging output\n"
msgstr " --debug Arazketa irteera erakutsi\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:546
msgid " --debug-focus Display debugging output for focus handling\n"
msgstr " --debug-focus Erakutsi arazketa irteera foku maneiurako\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:547
msgid " --debug-xinerama Split the display into fake xinerama screens\n"
msgstr " --debug-xinerama Zatitu pantaila xinerama pantaila faltsuetan\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:548
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please report bugs at %s\n"
msgstr ""
"%s helbidean erroreen berri eman mesedez\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:617
msgid "--config-file requires an argument\n"
msgstr "--config-file argumentu bat behar du\n"
#: openbox/openbox.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid command line argument \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "\"%s\" komando lerro argumentu baliogabea\n"
#: openbox/screen.c:102 openbox/screen.c:190
#, c-format
msgid "A window manager is already running on screen %d"
msgstr ""
"Bistaratzeko %d pantailan aurretik leiho-kudeatzaile bat exekutatzen ari da"
#: openbox/screen.c:124
#, c-format
msgid "Could not acquire window manager selection on screen %d"
msgstr ""
"Ezin izan da eskuratu leiho-kudeatzailearen hautapena bistaratzeko %d "
#: openbox/screen.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "The WM on screen %d is not exiting"
msgstr "%d bistaratze pantailako leiho-kudeatzailea ez da irteten"
#. TRANSLATORS: If you need to specify a different order of the
#. arguments, you can use %1$d for the first one and %2$d for the
#. second one. For example,
#. "The current session has %2$d desktops, but Openbox is configured for %1$d ..."
#: openbox/screen.c:412
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Openbox is configured for %d desktop, but the current session has %d. "
"Overriding the Openbox configuration."
msgid_plural ""
"Openbox is configured for %d desktops, but the current session has %d. "
"Overriding the Openbox configuration."
msgstr[0] ""
"Openbox %d idazmahaientzat konfiguratua dago, baina uneko saioak %d dauzka. "
"Openbox konfigurazioa gainjartzen."
msgstr[1] ""
"Openbox %d idazmahaientzat konfiguratua dago, baina uneko saioak %d dauzka. "
"Openbox konfigurazioa gainjartzen."
#: openbox/screen.c:1180
#, c-format
msgid "desktop %i"
msgstr "%i Idazmahaia"
#: openbox/session.c:104
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to make directory \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Ezin da \"%s\" direktorioa sortu: %s"
#: openbox/session.c:466
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to save the session to \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Ezin da saioa \"%s\"-n gorde: %s"
#: openbox/session.c:605
#, c-format
msgid "Error while saving the session to \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Errorea saioa \"%s\"-n gordetzean: %s"
#: openbox/session.c:842
msgid "Not connected to a session manager"
msgstr "Saio kudeatzaile batera ez konektatua"
#: openbox/startupnotify.c:243
#, c-format
msgid "Running %s"
msgstr "Egikaritzen %s"
#: openbox/translate.c:59
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid modifier key \"%s\" in key/mouse binding"
msgstr " tekla/sagu elkarketan \"%s\" modifikatzaile tekla baliogabea"
#: openbox/translate.c:138
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid key code \"%s\" in key binding"
msgstr " tekla elkarketan \"%s\" tekla kode baliogabea"
#: openbox/translate.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid key name \"%s\" in key binding"
msgstr " tekla elkarketan \"%s\" tekla izen baliogabea"
#: openbox/translate.c:151
#, c-format
msgid "Requested key \"%s\" does not exist on the display"
msgstr "Eskatutako \"%s\" tekla ez da pantaila existitzen"
#: openbox/xerror.c:40
#, c-format
msgid "X Error: %s"
msgstr "X errorea: %s"
#: openbox/prompt.c:200
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Ados"
#~ msgid "Failed to execute \"%s\": %s"
#~ msgstr "Hutsegitea \"%s\" exekutatzean: %s"