Added a lot of comments, simplified call graphs. Added full (not second-class) support for images coming from named sources (files, icon themes). RrImage holds an RrImageSet. RrImageSet holds a bunch of RrImagePic, which are different sizes of a logical image. RrImageSet objects can be merged if it is discovered they (will) share an RrImagePic. The RrImage objects are updated to use the new merged RrImageSet.
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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
render.h for the Openbox window manager
Copyright (c) 2006 Mikael Magnusson
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens
Copyright (c) 2003 Derek Foreman
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License.
#ifndef __render_h
#define __render_h
#include <X11/Xlib.h> /* some platforms dont include this as needed for Xft */
#include <pango/pangoxft.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "obrender/geom.h"
#include "obrender/version.h"
typedef union _RrTextureData RrTextureData;
typedef struct _RrAppearance RrAppearance;
typedef struct _RrSurface RrSurface;
typedef struct _RrFont RrFont;
typedef struct _RrTexture RrTexture;
typedef struct _RrTextureMask RrTextureMask;
typedef struct _RrTextureRGBA RrTextureRGBA;
typedef struct _RrTextureImage RrTextureImage;
typedef struct _RrTextureText RrTextureText;
typedef struct _RrTextureLineArt RrTextureLineArt;
typedef struct _RrPixmapMask RrPixmapMask;
typedef struct _RrInstance RrInstance;
typedef struct _RrColor RrColor;
typedef struct _RrImage RrImage;
typedef struct _RrImageSet RrImageSet;
typedef struct _RrImagePic RrImagePic;
typedef struct _RrImageCache RrImageCache;
typedef guint32 RrPixel32; /* RGBA format */
typedef guint16 RrPixel16;
typedef guchar RrPixel8;
typedef enum {
} RrReliefType;
typedef enum {
} RrBevelType;
typedef enum {
} RrSurfaceColorType;
typedef enum {
} RrTextureType;
typedef enum {
} RrJustify;
/* Put middle first so it's the default */
typedef enum {
} RrEllipsizeMode;
typedef enum {
} RrFontWeight;
typedef enum {
} RrFontSlant;
struct _RrSurface {
RrSurfaceColorType grad;
RrReliefType relief;
RrBevelType bevel;
RrColor *primary;
RrColor *secondary;
RrColor *border_color;
RrColor *bevel_dark;
RrColor *bevel_light;
RrColor *interlace_color;
gboolean interlaced;
gboolean border;
RrAppearance *parent;
gint parentx;
gint parenty;
RrPixel32 *pixel_data;
gint bevel_dark_adjust; /* 0-255, default is 64 */
gint bevel_light_adjust; /* 0-255, default is 128 */
RrColor *split_primary;
RrColor *split_secondary;
struct _RrTextureText {
RrFont *font;
RrJustify justify;
RrColor *color;
const gchar *string;
gint shadow_offset_x;
gint shadow_offset_y;
RrColor *shadow_color;
gboolean shortcut; /*!< Underline a character */
guint shortcut_pos; /*!< Position in bytes of the character to underline */
RrEllipsizeMode ellipsize;
gboolean flow; /* allow multiple lines. must set maxwidth below */
gint maxwidth;
guchar shadow_alpha; /* at the bottom to improve alignment */
struct _RrPixmapMask {
const RrInstance *inst;
Pixmap mask;
gint width;
gint height;
gchar *data;
struct _RrTextureMask {
RrColor *color;
RrPixmapMask *mask;
struct _RrTextureRGBA {
gint width;
gint height;
gint alpha;
RrPixel32 *data;
/* size and position to draw at (if these are zero, then it will be
drawn to fill the entire texture */
gint tx;
gint ty;
gint twidth;
gint theight;
struct _RrTextureImage {
RrImage *image;
gint alpha;
/* size and position to draw at (if these are zero, then it will be
drawn to fill the entire texture */
gint tx;
gint ty;
gint twidth;
gint theight;
struct _RrTextureLineArt {
RrColor *color;
gint x1;
gint y1;
gint x2;
gint y2;
union _RrTextureData {
RrTextureRGBA rgba;
RrTextureImage image;
RrTextureText text;
RrTextureMask mask;
RrTextureLineArt lineart;
struct _RrTexture {
/* If changing the type of a texture, you should DEFINITELY call
RrAppearanceClearTextures() first! */
RrTextureType type;
RrTextureData data;
struct _RrAppearance {
const RrInstance *inst;
RrSurface surface;
gint textures;
RrTexture *texture;
Pixmap pixmap;
XftDraw *xftdraw;
/* cached for internal use */
gint w, h;
/*! Holds a RGBA image picture */
struct _RrImagePic {
gint width, height;
RrPixel32 *data;
/* The sum of all the pixels. This is used to compare pictures if their
hashes match. */
gint sum;
typedef void (*RrImageDestroyFunc)(RrImage *image, gpointer data);
/*! An RrImage refers to a RrImageSet. If multiple RrImageSets end up
holding the same image data, they will be marged and the RrImages that
point to them would be updated. */
struct _RrImage {
gint ref;
RrImageSet *set;
/* This function (if not NULL) will be called just before destroying
RrImage. */
RrImageDestroyFunc destroy_func;
gpointer destroy_data;
/*! An RrImage is a sort of meta-image. It can contain multiple versions
of an image at different sizes, which may or may not be completely different
pictures */
struct _RrImageSet
RrImageCache *cache;
/*! If a picture is loaded by a name, then it has a name attached to it.
This contains a list of strings, containing all names that have ever
been associated with the RrImageSet. A name in the RrImageCache can
only be associated with a single RrImageSet. */
GSList *names;
/*! RrImages that point at this RrImageSet. If this is empty, then there
are no images using the set and it can be freed. */
GSList *images;
/*! An array of "originals", that is of RrPictures that have been added
to the image in various sizes, and that have not been resized. These
are explicitly added to the RrImageSet. */
RrImagePic **original;
gint n_original;
/*! An array of "resized" pictures. When an "original" RrPicture
needs to be resized for drawing, it is saved in here so that it doesn't
need to be resized again. These are automatically added to the
RrImage. */
RrImagePic **resized;
gint n_resized;
/* these are the same on all endian machines because it seems to be dependant
on the endianness of the gfx card, not the cpu. */
#define RrDefaultAlphaOffset 24
#define RrDefaultRedOffset 16
#define RrDefaultGreenOffset 8
#define RrDefaultBlueOffset 0
#define RrDefaultFontFamily "arial,sans"
#define RrDefaultFontSize 8
#define RrDefaultFontWeight RR_FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL
#define RrDefaultFontSlant RR_FONTSLANT_NORMAL
RrInstance* RrInstanceNew (Display *display, gint screen);
void RrInstanceFree (RrInstance *inst);
Display* RrDisplay (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrScreen (const RrInstance *inst);
Window RrRootWindow (const RrInstance *inst);
Visual* RrVisual (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrDepth (const RrInstance *inst);
Colormap RrColormap (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrRedOffset (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrGreenOffset (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrBlueOffset (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrRedShift (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrGreenShift (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrBlueShift (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrRedMask (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrGreenMask (const RrInstance *inst);
gint RrBlueMask (const RrInstance *inst);
RrColor *RrColorNew (const RrInstance *inst, gint r, gint g, gint b);
RrColor *RrColorParse (const RrInstance *inst, gchar *colorname);
void RrColorFree (RrColor *in);
gint RrColorRed (const RrColor *c);
gint RrColorGreen (const RrColor *c);
gint RrColorBlue (const RrColor *c);
gulong RrColorPixel (const RrColor *c);
GC RrColorGC (RrColor *c);
RrAppearance *RrAppearanceNew (const RrInstance *inst, gint numtex);
RrAppearance *RrAppearanceCopy (RrAppearance *a);
void RrAppearanceFree (RrAppearance *a);
void RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(RrAppearance *a);
void RrAppearanceAddTextures(RrAppearance *a, gint numtex);
/*! Always call this when changing the type of a texture in an appearance */
void RrAppearanceClearTextures(RrAppearance *a);
RrFont *RrFontOpen (const RrInstance *inst, const gchar *name,
gint size, RrFontWeight weight, RrFontSlant slant);
RrFont *RrFontOpenDefault (const RrInstance *inst);
void RrFontClose (RrFont *f);
/*! Returns an RrSize, that was allocated with g_slice_new(). Use g_slice_free() to
free it. */
RrSize *RrFontMeasureString (const RrFont *f, const gchar *str,
gint shadow_offset_x, gint shadow_offset_y,
gboolean flow, gint maxwidth);
gint RrFontHeight (const RrFont *f, gint shadow_offset_y);
gint RrFontMaxCharWidth (const RrFont *f);
/* Paint into the appearance. The old pixmap is returned (if there was one). It
is the responsibility of the caller to call XFreePixmap on the return when
it is non-null. */
Pixmap RrPaintPixmap (RrAppearance *a, gint w, gint h);
void RrPaint (RrAppearance *a, Window win, gint w, gint h);
void RrMinSize (RrAppearance *a, gint *w, gint *h);
gint RrMinWidth (RrAppearance *a);
/* For text textures, if flow is TRUE, then the string must be set before
calling this, otherwise it doesn't need to be */
gint RrMinHeight (RrAppearance *a);
void RrMargins (RrAppearance *a, gint *l, gint *t, gint *r, gint *b);
gboolean RrPixmapToRGBA(const RrInstance *inst,
Pixmap pmap, Pixmap mask,
gint *w, gint *h, RrPixel32 **data);
/*! Create a new image cache for RrImages.
@param max_resized_saved The number of resized copies of an image to save
RrImageCache* RrImageCacheNew(gint max_resized_saved);
void RrImageCacheRef(RrImageCache *self);
void RrImageCacheUnref(RrImageCache *self);
/*! Create a new image, or return one from the cache that matches.
@param cache The image cache.
@param old The current RrImage, which the new image should be added to.
Use this if loading a different sized version of the same image.
The returned RrImage should replace the one passed in as old.
Pass NULL here if adding an image which is (or may be) entirely new.
@param name The name of the icon to be loaded off disk, or used in the cache
@return Returns NULL if unable to load an image by the name and it is not in
the cache already
RrImage* RrImageNewFromName(RrImageCache *cache, const gchar *name);
/*! Create a new image, or return one from the cache that matches.
@param cache The image cache.
@param data The image data in RGBA32 format. There should be @w * @h many
values in the data array.
@param w The width of the image data.
@param h The height of the image data.
@return Returns NULL if unable to load an image by the name and it is not in
the cache already
RrImage* RrImageNewFromData(RrImageCache *cache, RrPixel32 *data,
gint w, gint h);
/*! Add a new size of a picture to an image.
If a picture has multiple versions of different sizes (example 16x16, 32x32
and so on), they should all be under the same RrImage. This adds a new
size to an existing RrImage, associating the newly sized picture with the
others in the RrImage - classifying them as being the same logical image at a
different dimention.
void RrImageAddFromData(RrImage *image, RrPixel32 *data, gint w, gint h);
void RrImageRef(RrImage *im);
void RrImageUnref(RrImage *im);
#endif /*__render_h*/