59 files changed, 1691 insertions(+), 607 deletions(-) Adding the beginings of ObConf. Adding a resistance-config plugin for ObConf. Creating an obparser library that obrender can use, the kernel can use, plugins can use, and ObConf and its plugins can use. (its just code for using libXml2)
275 lines
8.8 KiB
275 lines
8.8 KiB
#include "kernel/dispatch.h"
#include "kernel/client.h"
#include "kernel/frame.h"
#include "kernel/stacking.h"
#include "kernel/screen.h"
#include "parser/parse.h"
#include "resistance.h"
#include <glib.h>
static int resistance;
static gboolean resist_windows;
static void parse_xml(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, void *d)
xmlNodePtr n;
if ((n = parse_find_node("strength", node)))
resistance = parse_int(doc, n);
if ((n = parse_find_node("windows", node)))
resist_windows = parse_bool(doc, n);
void plugin_setup_config()
resist_windows = DEFAULT_RESIST_WINDOWS;
parse_register("resistance", parse_xml, NULL);
static void resist_move(Client *c, int *x, int *y)
GList *it;
Rect *area;
int l, t, r, b; /* requested edges */
int al, at, ar, ab; /* screen area edges */
int cl, ct, cr, cb; /* current edges */
int w, h; /* current size */
Client *snapx = NULL, *snapy = NULL;
w = c->frame->area.width;
h = c->frame->area.height;
l = *x;
t = *y;
r = l + w - 1;
b = t + h - 1;
cl = c->frame->area.x;
ct = c->frame->area.y;
cr = cl + c->frame->area.width - 1;
cb = ct + c->frame->area.height - 1;
/* snap to other clients */
if (resist_windows)
for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
Client *target;
int tl, tt, tr, tb; /* 1 past the target's edges on each side */
if (!WINDOW_IS_CLIENT(it->data))
target = it->data;
/* don't snap to self or non-visibles */
if (!target->frame->visible || target == c) continue;
tl = target->frame->area.x - 1;
tt = target->frame->area.y - 1;
tr = tl + target->frame->area.width + 1;
tb = tt + target->frame->area.height + 1;
/* snapx and snapy ensure that the window snaps to the top-most
window edge available, without going all the way from
bottom-to-top in the stacking list
if (snapx == NULL) {
if (ct < tb && cb > tt) {
if (cl >= tr && l < tr && l >= tr - resistance)
*x = tr, snapx = target;
else if (cr <= tl && r > tl && r <= tl + resistance)
*x = tl - w + 1, snapx = target;
if (snapx != NULL) {
/* try to corner snap to the window */
if (ct > tt && t <= tt && t > tt - resistance)
*y = tt + 1, snapy = target;
else if (cb < tb && b >= tb && b < tb + resistance)
*y = tb - h, snapy = target;
if (snapy == NULL) {
if (cl < tr && cr > tl) {
if (ct >= tb && t < tb && t >= tb - resistance)
*y = tb, snapy = target;
else if (cb <= tt && b > tt && b <= tt + resistance)
*y = tt - h + 1, snapy = target;
if (snapy != NULL) {
/* try to corner snap to the window */
if (cl > tl && l <= tl && l > tl - resistance)
*x = tl + 1, snapx = target;
else if (cr < tr && r >= tr && r < tr + resistance)
*x = tr - w, snapx = target;
if (snapx && snapy) break;
/* get the screen boundaries */
area = screen_area(c->desktop);
al = area->x;
at = area->y;
ar = al + area->width - 1;
ab = at + area->height - 1;
/* snap to screen edges */
if (cl >= al && l < al && l >= al - resistance)
*x = al;
else if (cr <= ar && r > ar && r <= ar + resistance)
*x = ar - w + 1;
if (ct >= at && t < at && t >= at - resistance)
*y = at;
else if (cb <= ab && b > ab && b < ab + resistance)
*y = ab - h + 1;
static void resist_size(Client *c, int *w, int *h, Corner corn)
GList *it;
Client *target; /* target */
int l, t, r, b; /* my left, top, right and bottom sides */
int dlt, drb; /* my destination left/top and right/bottom sides */
int tl, tt, tr, tb; /* target's left, top, right and bottom bottom sides */
Rect *area;
int al, at, ar, ab; /* screen boundaries */
Client *snapx = NULL, *snapy = NULL;
/* don't snap windows with size increments */
if (c->size_inc.width > 1 || c->size_inc.height > 1)
l = c->frame->area.x;
r = l + c->frame->area.width - 1;
t = c->frame->area.y;
b = t + c->frame->area.height - 1;
/* get the screen boundaries */
area = screen_area(c->desktop);
al = area->x;
at = area->y;
ar = al + area->width - 1;
ab = at + area->height - 1;
/* snap to other windows */
if (resist_windows) {
for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
if (!WINDOW_IS_CLIENT(it->data))
target = it->data;
/* don't snap to invisibles or ourself */
if (!target->frame->visible || target == c) continue;
tl = target->frame->area.x;
tr = target->frame->area.x + target->frame->area.width - 1;
tt = target->frame->area.y;
tb = target->frame->area.y + target->frame->area.height - 1;
if (snapx == NULL) {
/* horizontal snapping */
if (t < tb && b > tt) {
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_BottomLeft:
dlt = l;
drb = r + *w - c->frame->area.width;
if (r < tl && drb >= tl && drb < tl + resistance)
*w = tl - l, snapx = target;
case Corner_TopRight:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = l - *w + c->frame->area.width;
drb = r;
if (l > tr && dlt <= tr && dlt > tr - resistance)
*w = r - tr, snapx = target;
if (snapy == NULL) {
/* vertical snapping */
if (l < tr && r > tl) {
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_TopRight:
dlt = t;
drb = b + *h - c->frame->area.height;
if (b < tt && drb >= tt && drb < tt + resistance)
*h = tt - t, snapy = target;
case Corner_BottomLeft:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = t - *h + c->frame->area.height;
drb = b;
if (t > tb && dlt <= tb && dlt > tb - resistance)
*h = b - tb, snapy = target;
/* snapped both ways */
if (snapx && snapy) break;
/* snap to screen edges */
/* horizontal snapping */
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_BottomLeft:
dlt = l;
drb = r + *w - c->frame->area.width;
if (r <= ar && drb > ar && drb <= ar + resistance)
*w = ar - l + 1;
case Corner_TopRight:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = l - *w + c->frame->area.width;
drb = r;
if (l >= al && dlt < al && dlt >= al - resistance)
*w = r - al + 1;
/* vertical snapping */
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_TopRight:
dlt = t;
drb = b + *h - c->frame->area.height;
if (b <= ab && drb > ab && drb <= ab + resistance)
*h = ab - t + 1;
case Corner_BottomLeft:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = t - *h + c->frame->area.height;
drb = b;
if (t >= at && dlt < at && dlt >= at - resistance)
*h = b - at + 1;
static void event(ObEvent *e, void *foo)
if (e->type == Event_Client_Moving)
resist_move(e->data.c.client, &e->data.c.num[0], &e->data.c.num[1]);
else if (e->type == Event_Client_Resizing)
resist_size(e->data.c.client, &e->data.c.num[0], &e->data.c.num[1],
void plugin_startup()
dispatch_register(Event_Client_Moving | Event_Client_Resizing,
(EventHandler)event, NULL);
void plugin_shutdown()
dispatch_register(0, (EventHandler)event, NULL);