Exit when all the "root windows" are hidden. Support the WM_DELETE protocol to hide a "root window".
85 lines
4.2 KiB
85 lines
4.2 KiB
INCLUDES= -I../src
libotk_a_SOURCES= color.cc display.cc font.cc gccache.cc image.cc \
property.cc imagecontrol.cc rect.cc screeninfo.cc \
texture.cc timer.cc timerqueuemanager.cc style.cc \
configuration.cc util.cc widget.cc focuswidget.cc \
button.cc eventhandler.cc eventdispatcher.cc \
label.cc focuslabel.cc application.cc appwidget.cc
rm -f *\~ *.orig *.rej .\#*
otk_test: libotk.a otk_test.cc
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I../src $(XFT_CFLAGS) -Wall -W -pedantic -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -o otk_test otk_test.cc $(XFT_LIBS) ./libotk.a
# local dependencies
application.o: application.cc application.hh eventdispatcher.hh \
eventhandler.hh display.hh configuration.hh timerqueuemanager.hh \
timerqueue.hh timer.hh image.hh color.hh screeninfo.hh rect.hh \
point.hh style.hh font.hh texture.hh util.hh widget.hh
appwidget.o: appwidget.cc appwidget.hh widget.hh rect.hh point.hh \
texture.hh color.hh util.hh style.hh font.hh image.hh screeninfo.hh \
timer.hh configuration.hh eventdispatcher.hh eventhandler.hh \
application.hh display.hh timerqueuemanager.hh timerqueue.hh
button.o: button.cc button.hh focuslabel.hh focuswidget.hh widget.hh \
rect.hh point.hh texture.hh color.hh util.hh style.hh font.hh \
image.hh screeninfo.hh timer.hh configuration.hh eventdispatcher.hh \
eventhandler.hh application.hh display.hh timerqueuemanager.hh \
color.o: color.cc color.hh display.hh screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh
configuration.o: configuration.cc configuration.hh util.hh
eventdispatcher.o: eventdispatcher.cc eventdispatcher.hh \
eventhandler.hh display.hh
eventhandler.o: eventhandler.cc eventhandler.hh
focuslabel.o: focuslabel.cc focuslabel.hh focuswidget.hh widget.hh \
rect.hh point.hh texture.hh color.hh util.hh style.hh font.hh \
image.hh screeninfo.hh timer.hh configuration.hh eventdispatcher.hh \
eventhandler.hh application.hh display.hh timerqueuemanager.hh \
focuswidget.o: focuswidget.cc focuswidget.hh widget.hh rect.hh \
point.hh texture.hh color.hh util.hh style.hh font.hh image.hh \
screeninfo.hh timer.hh configuration.hh eventdispatcher.hh \
eventhandler.hh application.hh display.hh timerqueuemanager.hh \
font.o: font.cc font.hh util.hh display.hh color.hh screeninfo.hh \
rect.hh point.hh
gccache.o: gccache.cc gccache.hh display.hh color.hh assassin.hh \
screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh
image.o: image.cc display.hh gccache.hh color.hh image.hh \
screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh timer.hh texture.hh util.hh
imagecontrol.o: imagecontrol.cc display.hh color.hh image.hh \
screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh timer.hh texture.hh util.hh
label.o: label.cc label.hh widget.hh rect.hh point.hh texture.hh \
color.hh util.hh style.hh font.hh image.hh screeninfo.hh timer.hh \
configuration.hh eventdispatcher.hh eventhandler.hh application.hh \
display.hh timerqueuemanager.hh timerqueue.hh
otk_test.o: otk_test.cc application.hh eventdispatcher.hh \
eventhandler.hh display.hh configuration.hh timerqueuemanager.hh \
timerqueue.hh timer.hh image.hh color.hh screeninfo.hh rect.hh \
point.hh style.hh font.hh texture.hh util.hh focuswidget.hh widget.hh \
appwidget.hh button.hh focuslabel.hh
property.o: property.cc property.hh screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh \
rect.o: rect.cc rect.hh point.hh
screeninfo.o: screeninfo.cc screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh display.hh \
style.o: style.cc display.hh util.hh style.hh color.hh font.hh \
texture.hh image.hh screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh timer.hh \
texture.o: texture.cc texture.hh color.hh util.hh display.hh image.hh \
screeninfo.hh rect.hh point.hh timer.hh
timer.o: timer.cc timer.hh timerqueuemanager.hh timerqueue.hh
timerqueuemanager.o: timerqueuemanager.cc timerqueuemanager.hh \
timerqueue.hh timer.hh display.hh
util.o: util.cc util.hh
widget.o: widget.cc widget.hh rect.hh point.hh texture.hh color.hh \
util.hh style.hh font.hh image.hh screeninfo.hh timer.hh \
configuration.hh eventdispatcher.hh eventhandler.hh application.hh \
display.hh timerqueuemanager.hh timerqueue.hh assassin.hh