Change the order things are done on map, so we apply startup state without any states set first, thus getting all the functions possible for the window type etc. then change the order states are applied, as some remove the ability to apply others (ie fullscreen comes last). Add an oldsize to ObFrame that remembers the size of the frame last reported to the world through the EXTENTS property. If you frame_adjust_area(FAKE) then frame_adjust_area(NONFAKE), the EXTENTS would not be updated since the oldsize wasn't remembered across fake updates. Make the extentsrequest test ask about windows with states set also.
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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
extentsrequest.c for the Openbox window manager
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
void request (Display *display, Atom _request, Atom _extents, Window win) {
XEvent msg;
msg.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
msg.xclient.message_type = _request;
msg.xclient.display = display;
msg.xclient.window = win;
msg.xclient.format = 32;
msg.xclient.data.l[0] = 0l;
msg.xclient.data.l[1] = 0l;
msg.xclient.data.l[2] = 0l;
msg.xclient.data.l[3] = 0l;
msg.xclient.data.l[4] = 0l;
XSendEvent(display, RootWindow(display, 0), False,
SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &msg);
void reply (Display* display, Atom _extents) {
printf(" waiting for extents\n");
while (1) {
XEvent report;
XNextEvent(display, &report);
if (report.type == PropertyNotify &&
report.xproperty.atom == _extents)
Atom ret_type;
int ret_format;
unsigned long ret_items, ret_bytesleft;
unsigned long *prop_return;
XGetWindowProperty(display, report.xproperty.window, _extents, 0, 4,
False, XA_CARDINAL, &ret_type, &ret_format,
&ret_items, &ret_bytesleft,
(unsigned char**) &prop_return);
if (ret_type == XA_CARDINAL && ret_format == 32 && ret_items == 4)
printf(" got new extents %d, %d, %d, %d\n",
prop_return[0], prop_return[1], prop_return[2],
int main () {
Display *display;
Window win;
Atom _request, _extents, _type, _normal, _desktop, _state;
Atom _state_fs, _state_mh, _state_mv;
int x=10,y=10,h=100,w=400;
display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
if (display == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't connect to X server :0\n");
return 0;
_type = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);
_normal = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL", False);
_desktop = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP", False);
_request = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS", False);
_extents = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS", False);
_state = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_STATE", False);
_state_fs = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", False);
_state_mh = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ", False);
_state_mv = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT", False);
win = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, 0),
x, y, w, h, 10, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
CopyFromParent, 0, NULL);
XSelectInput(display, win, PropertyChangeMask);
printf("requesting for type normal\n");
XChangeProperty(display, win, _type, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_normal, 1);
request(display, _request, _extents, win);
reply(display, _extents);
printf("requesting for type normal+fullscreen\n");
XChangeProperty(display, win, _type, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_normal, 1);
XChangeProperty(display, win, _state, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_state_fs, 1);
request(display, _request, _extents, win);
reply(display, _extents);
printf("requesting for type normal+maxv\n");
XChangeProperty(display, win, _type, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_normal, 1);
XChangeProperty(display, win, _state, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_state_mv, 1);
request(display, _request, _extents, win);
reply(display, _extents);
printf("requesting for type normal+maxh\n");
XChangeProperty(display, win, _type, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_normal, 1);
XChangeProperty(display, win, _state, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_state_mh, 1);
request(display, _request, _extents, win);
reply(display, _extents);
printf("requesting for type desktop\n");
XChangeProperty(display, win, _type, XA_ATOM, 32,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&_desktop, 1);
request(display, _request, _extents, win);
reply(display, _extents);
return 1;