This adds a configure option --disable-librsvg, but defaults to using the library if it is present during configure. When enabled, Openbox will attempt to load svg image files using the library, similar to how Imlib2 is used for other image formats. Since librsvg uses the libXml2 library, their errors end up in the same global namespace as Openbox config file parsing. To avoid this, we reset the libXml current error whenever we start loading a file, and save the last error that occurred when we are finished, by storing the error in the ObtXmlInst.
165 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable file
165 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable file
help() {
echo "Usage: $0 <revision> <version> [lastrelease]"
echo " <revision> The revision which should be used for release."
echo " <version> The version of the release."
echo " [lastrelease] The revision of the most recent release made."
echo " By default it uses the most recent release-tag."
exit 1
test -z "$REV" && help
test -z "$VERSION" && help
. release/common
echo Shortlog from previous release:
echo "$SHORTLOG"
echo Shortlog from $LAST contains $(echo "$SHORTLOG"|wc -l) lines
echo -n "ok? (y/n) "
read a
test "$a" = "y" || error "aborted"
#### TEST english po VERSIONS ####
BAD_PO="$(grep Project-Id-Version po/en*.po|grep -v "openbox $VERSION\\\\n")"
test -z "$BAD_PO" || error "wrong version in po files" "$BAD_PO"
# check that it builds
./bootstrap >/dev/null || "bootstrap failed"
#CFLAGS="-Werror -isystem /usr/lib/glib-2.0" \
./configure -C --enable-debug >/dev/null || \
error "configure (with debug) failed"
make || error "make (with debug and Werror) failed"
git clean -f -x -d -q
# check that it builds with each optional featureset
./bootstrap >/dev/null || "bootstrap failed"
echo Check compile with all options enabled
./configure -C >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make failed"
grep "XKB 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing xkb extension"
grep "XRANDR 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing xrandr extension"
grep "XINERAMA 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing xinerama extension"
grep "SYNC 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing sync extension"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with startup notification disabled
./configure -C --disable-startup-notification >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-startup-notification) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xcursor disabled
./configure -C --disable-xcursor >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-xcursor) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with imlib2 disabled
./configure -C --disable-imlib2 >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-imlib2) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with librsvg disabled
./configure -C --disable-imlib2 >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-librsvg) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with session management disabled
./configure -C --disable-session-management >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-session-management) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xkb disabled
./configure -C --disable-xkb >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xkb) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xrandr disabled
./configure -C --disable-xrandr >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xrandr) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xinerama disabled
./configure -C --disable-xinerama >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xinerama) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xsync disabled
./configure -C --disable-xsync >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xsync) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
# check that it installs sanely
echo Check installation correctness
./configure -C >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make distcheck >/dev/null || \
error "make distcheck failed"
echo Found Openbox release tarball:
ls -d openbox-*.tar.gz
test -e "$TAR" || \
error "Specified version does not match configure.am"
echo Signing the release tarball:
gpg --sign --detach-sign --armor "$TAR"
test $? = 0 || \
error "Failed to sign release tarball"
echo Tagging the release:
git tag -s -m "tagging the $VERSION release" "release-$VERSION" $REV || \
error "Failed to tag the release"
mv "$TAR" "$ASC" "$SRCDIR"
echo "=$VERSION="
echo "$CLNOWRAP"
echo Edit download page:
echo " http://openbox.org/oldwiki/index.php?title=Openbox:Download&action=edit§ion=1"
echo Edit changelog:
echo " http://openbox.org/oldwiki/index.php?title=Openbox:Changelog&action=edit§ion=1"
echo Push the tag:
echo " git push origin tag release-$VERSION"
echo Email:
echo " ./release/email $*"
cd "$SRCDIR"
ls -l "$TAR" "$ASC"
exit 0