Stacking is done with ObWindows. Slits add themselves to the stacking order, as do clients of course. Added some macros for adding/removing to the stacking order.
281 lines
9 KiB
281 lines
9 KiB
#include "kernel/dispatch.h"
#include "kernel/client.h"
#include "kernel/frame.h"
#include "kernel/parse.h"
#include "kernel/stacking.h"
#include "kernel/screen.h"
#include <glib.h>
static int resistance;
static gboolean resist_windows;
static void parse_assign(char *name, ParseToken *value)
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(name, "strength")) {
if (value->type != TOKEN_INTEGER)
yyerror("invalid value");
else {
if (value->data.integer >= 0)
resistance = value->data.integer;
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(name, "windows")) {
if (value->type != TOKEN_BOOL)
yyerror("invalid value");
resist_windows = value->data.bool;
} else
yyerror("invalid option");
void plugin_setup_config()
resistance = 10;
resist_windows = TRUE;
parse_reg_section("resistance", NULL, parse_assign);
static void resist_move(Client *c, int *x, int *y)
GList *it;
Rect *area;
int l, t, r, b; /* requested edges */
int al, at, ar, ab; /* screen area edges */
int cl, ct, cr, cb; /* current edges */
int w, h; /* current size */
Client *snapx = NULL, *snapy = NULL;
w = c->frame->area.width;
h = c->frame->area.height;
l = *x;
t = *y;
r = l + w - 1;
b = t + h - 1;
cl = c->frame->area.x;
ct = c->frame->area.y;
cr = cl + c->frame->area.width - 1;
cb = ct + c->frame->area.height - 1;
/* snap to other clients */
if (resist_windows)
for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
Client *target;
int tl, tt, tr, tb; /* 1 past the target's edges on each side */
if (!WINDOW_IS_CLIENT(it->data))
target = it->data;
/* don't snap to self or non-visibles */
if (!target->frame->visible || target == c) continue;
tl = target->frame->area.x - 1;
tt = target->frame->area.y - 1;
tr = tl + target->frame->area.width + 1;
tb = tt + target->frame->area.height + 1;
/* snapx and snapy ensure that the window snaps to the top-most
window edge available, without going all the way from
bottom-to-top in the stacking list
if (snapx == NULL) {
if (ct < tb && cb > tt) {
if (cl >= tr && l < tr && l >= tr - resistance)
*x = tr, snapx = target;
else if (cr <= tl && r > tl && r <= tl + resistance)
*x = tl - w + 1, snapx = target;
if (snapx != NULL) {
/* try to corner snap to the window */
if (ct > tt && t <= tt && t > tt - resistance)
*y = tt + 1, snapy = target;
else if (cb < tb && b >= tb && b < tb + resistance)
*y = tb - h, snapy = target;
if (snapy == NULL) {
if (cl < tr && cr > tl) {
if (ct >= tb && t < tb && t >= tb - resistance)
*y = tb, snapy = target;
else if (cb <= tt && b > tt && b <= tt + resistance)
*y = tt - h + 1, snapy = target;
if (snapy != NULL) {
/* try to corner snap to the window */
if (cl > tl && l <= tl && l > tl - resistance)
*x = tl + 1, snapx = target;
else if (cr < tr && r >= tr && r < tr + resistance)
*x = tr - w, snapx = target;
if (snapx && snapy) break;
/* get the screen boundaries */
area = screen_area(c->desktop);
al = area->x;
at = area->y;
ar = al + area->width - 1;
ab = at + area->height - 1;
/* snap to screen edges */
if (cl >= al && l < al && l >= al - resistance)
*x = al;
else if (cr <= ar && r > ar && r <= ar + resistance)
*x = ar - w + 1;
if (ct >= at && t < at && t >= at - resistance)
*y = at;
else if (cb <= ab && b > ab && b < ab + resistance)
*y = ab - h + 1;
static void resist_size(Client *c, int *w, int *h, Corner corn)
GList *it;
Client *target; /* target */
int l, t, r, b; /* my left, top, right and bottom sides */
int dlt, drb; /* my destination left/top and right/bottom sides */
int tl, tt, tr, tb; /* target's left, top, right and bottom bottom sides */
Rect *area;
int al, at, ar, ab; /* screen boundaries */
Client *snapx = NULL, *snapy = NULL;
/* don't snap windows with size increments */
if (c->size_inc.width > 1 || c->size_inc.height > 1)
l = c->frame->area.x;
r = l + c->frame->area.width - 1;
t = c->frame->area.y;
b = t + c->frame->area.height - 1;
/* get the screen boundaries */
area = screen_area(c->desktop);
al = area->x;
at = area->y;
ar = al + area->width - 1;
ab = at + area->height - 1;
/* snap to other windows */
if (resist_windows) {
for (it = stacking_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) {
target = it->data;
/* don't snap to invisibles or ourself */
if (!target->frame->visible || target == c) continue;
tl = target->frame->area.x;
tr = target->frame->area.x + target->frame->area.width - 1;
tt = target->frame->area.y;
tb = target->frame->area.y + target->frame->area.height - 1;
if (snapx == NULL) {
/* horizontal snapping */
if (t < tb && b > tt) {
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_BottomLeft:
dlt = l;
drb = r + *w - c->frame->area.width;
if (r < tl && drb >= tl && drb < tl + resistance)
*w = tl - l, snapx = target;
case Corner_TopRight:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = l - *w + c->frame->area.width;
drb = r;
if (l > tr && dlt <= tr && dlt > tr - resistance)
*w = r - tr, snapx = target;
if (snapy == NULL) {
/* vertical snapping */
if (l < tr && r > tl) {
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_TopRight:
dlt = t;
drb = b + *h - c->frame->area.height;
if (b < tt && drb >= tt && drb < tt + resistance)
*h = tt - t, snapy = target;
case Corner_BottomLeft:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = t - *h + c->frame->area.height;
drb = b;
if (t > tb && dlt <= tb && dlt > tb - resistance)
*h = b - tb, snapy = target;
/* snapped both ways */
if (snapx && snapy) break;
/* snap to screen edges */
/* horizontal snapping */
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_BottomLeft:
dlt = l;
drb = r + *w - c->frame->area.width;
if (r <= ar && drb > ar && drb <= ar + resistance)
*w = ar - l + 1;
case Corner_TopRight:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = l - *w + c->frame->area.width;
drb = r;
if (l >= al && dlt < al && dlt >= al - resistance)
*w = r - al + 1;
/* vertical snapping */
switch (corn) {
case Corner_TopLeft:
case Corner_TopRight:
dlt = t;
drb = b + *h - c->frame->area.height;
if (b <= ab && drb > ab && drb <= ab + resistance)
*h = ab - t + 1;
case Corner_BottomLeft:
case Corner_BottomRight:
dlt = t - *h + c->frame->area.height;
drb = b;
if (t >= at && dlt < at && dlt >= at - resistance)
*h = b - at + 1;
static void event(ObEvent *e, void *foo)
if (e->type == Event_Client_Moving)
resist_move(e->data.c.client, &e->data.c.num[0], &e->data.c.num[1]);
else if (e->type == Event_Client_Resizing)
resist_size(e->data.c.client, &e->data.c.num[0], &e->data.c.num[1],
void plugin_startup()
dispatch_register(Event_Client_Moving | Event_Client_Resizing,
(EventHandler)event, NULL);
void plugin_shutdown()
dispatch_register(0, (EventHandler)event, NULL);