2003-03-28 09:33:40 +00:00

103 lines
3.7 KiB

#ifndef __dispatch_h
#define __dispatch_h
#include "client.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
void dispatch_startup();
void dispatch_shutdown();
typedef enum {
Event_X_EnterNotify = 1 << 0, /* pointer entered a window */
Event_X_LeaveNotify = 1 << 1, /* pointer left a window */
Event_X_KeyPress = 1 << 2, /* key pressed */
Event_X_KeyRelease = 1 << 3, /* key released */
Event_X_ButtonPress = 1 << 4, /* mouse button pressed */
Event_X_ButtonRelease = 1 << 5, /* mouse button released */
Event_X_MotionNotify = 1 << 6, /* mouse motion */
Event_X_Bell = 1 << 7, /* an XKB bell event */
Event_Client_New = 1 << 8, /* new window, before mapping */
Event_Client_Mapped = 1 << 9, /* new window, after mapping
or uniconified */
Event_Client_Destroy = 1 << 10, /* unmanaged */
Event_Client_Unmapped = 1 << 11, /* unmanaged, after unmapping
or iconified */
Event_Client_Focus = 1 << 12, /* focused */
Event_Client_Unfocus = 1 << 13, /* unfocused */
Event_Client_Urgent = 1 << 14, /* entered/left urgent state */
Event_Client_Desktop = 1 << 15, /* moved to a new desktop */
Event_Client_Moving = 1 << 16, /* being interactively moved */
Event_Client_Resizing = 1 << 17, /* being interactively resized */
Event_Ob_Desktop = 1 << 18, /* changed desktops */
Event_Ob_NumDesktops = 1 << 19, /* changed the number of desktops */
Event_Ob_ShowDesktop = 1 << 20, /* entered/left show-the-desktop mode */
Event_Signal = 1 << 21, /* a signal from the OS */
EVENT_RANGE = 1 << 22
} EventType;
typedef struct {
XEvent *e;
Client *client;
} EventData_X;
typedef struct {
Client *client;
int num[3];
/* Event_Client_Desktop: num[0] = new number, num[1] = old number
Event_Client_Urgent: num[0] = urgent state
Event_Client_Moving: num[0] = dest x coord, num[1] = dest y coord --
change these in the handler to adjust where the
window will be placed
Event_Client_Resizing: num[0] = dest width, num[1] = dest height --
change these in the handler to adjust where the
window will be placed
num[2] = the anchored corner
} EventData_Client;
typedef struct {
int num[2];
/* Event_Ob_Desktop: num[0] = new number, num[1] = old number
Event_Ob_NumDesktops: num[0] = new number, num[1] = old number
Event_Ob_ShowDesktop: num[0] = new show-desktop mode
} EventData_Ob;
typedef struct {
int signal;
} EventData_Signal;
typedef struct {
EventData_X x; /* for Event_X_* event types */
EventData_Client c; /* for Event_Client_* event types */
EventData_Ob o; /* for Event_Ob_* event types */
EventData_Signal s; /* for Event_Signal */
} EventData;
typedef struct {
EventType type;
EventData data;
} ObEvent;
typedef void (*EventHandler)(const ObEvent *e, void *data);
typedef unsigned int EventMask;
void dispatch_register(EventMask mask, EventHandler h, void *data);
void dispatch_x(XEvent *e, Client *c);
void dispatch_client(EventType e, Client *c, int num0, int num1);
void dispatch_ob(EventType e, int num0, int num1);
void dispatch_signal(int signal);
/* *x and *y should be set with the destination of the window, they may be
changed by the event handlers */
void dispatch_move(Client *c, int *x, int *y);
/* *w and *h should be set with the destination of the window, they may be
changed by the event handlers */
void dispatch_resize(Client *c, int *w, int *h, Corner corner);