release/bugs: Prints a list of bugs that are mentioned in git commits for a git revision, since previous release. - Very useful for updating the CHANGELOG file! release/go: Tests a git revision for correct compilation, and prepares files for release. - Makes the tarball - Makes a GPG signature for the tarball - Tags the release - Spits out URLs to edit and gives the changelog for copy/paste. release/email: Sends an email to the Openbox mailing list with the changelog and details about the release. Call this with the same parameters used for running release/go once it is finished, and the files are uploaded, etc. - Also emails mikachu re freshmeat.net
158 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable file
158 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable file
help() {
echo "Usage: $0 <revision> <version> [lastrelease]"
echo " <revision> The revision which should be used for release."
echo " <version> The version of the release."
echo " [lastrelease] The revision of the most recent release made."
echo " By default it uses the most recent release-tag."
exit 1
test -z "$REV" && help
test -z "$VERSION" && help
. release/common
echo Shortlog from previous release:
echo "$SHORTLOG"
echo Shortlog from $LAST contains $(echo "$SHORTLOG"|wc -l) lines
echo -n "ok? (y/n) "
read a
test "$a" = "y" || error "aborted"
#### TEST english po VERSIONS ####
BAD_PO="$(grep Project-Id-Version po/en*.po|grep -v "openbox $VERSION\\\\n")"
test -z "$BAD_PO" || error "wrong version in po files" "$BAD_PO"
# check that it builds
./bootstrap >/dev/null || "bootstrap failed"
#CFLAGS="-Werror -isystem /usr/lib/glib-2.0" \
./configure -C --enable-debug >/dev/null || \
error "configure (with debug) failed"
make || error "make (with debug and Werror) failed"
git clean -f -x -d -q
# check that it builds with each optional featureset
./bootstrap >/dev/null || "bootstrap failed"
echo Check compile with all options enabled
./configure -C >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make failed"
grep "XKB 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing xkb extension"
grep "XRANDR 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing xrandr extension"
grep "XINERAMA 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing xinerama extension"
grep "SYNC 1" config.log >/dev/null || error "missing sync extension"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with startup notification disabled
./configure -C --disable-startup-notification >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-startup-notification) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xcursor disabled
./configure -C --disable-xcursor >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-xcursor) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with imlib2 disabled
./configure -C --disable-imlib2 >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-imlib2) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with session management disabled
./configure -C --disable-session-management >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || \
error "make (with --disable-session-management) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xkb disabled
./configure -C --disable-xkb >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xkb) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xrandr disabled
./configure -C --disable-xrandr >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xrandr) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xinerama disabled
./configure -C --disable-xinerama >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xinerama) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
echo Check compile with xsync disabled
./configure -C --disable-xsync >/dev/null || error "configure failed"
make >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || error "make (with --disable-xsync) failed"
make clean >/dev/null || error "make clean failed"
# check that it installs sanely
echo Check installation correctness
./configure -C >/dev/null || \
error "configure failed"
make distcheck >/dev/null || \
error "make distcheck failed"
echo Found Openbox release tarball:
ls -d openbox-*.tar.gz
test -e "$TAR" || \
error "Specified version does not match configure.am"
echo Signing the release tarball:
gpg --sign --detach-sign --armor "$TAR"
test $? = 0 || \
error "Failed to sign release tarball"
echo Tagging the release:
git tag -s -m "tagging the $VERSION release" "release-$VERSION" $REV || \
error "Failed to tag the release"
mv "$TAR" "$ASC" "$SRCDIR"
echo "=$VERSION="
echo "$CLNOWRAP"
echo Edit download page:
echo " http://openbox.org/oldwiki/index.php?title=Openbox:Download&action=edit§ion=1"
echo Edit changelog:
echo " http://openbox.org/oldwiki/index.php?title=Openbox:Changelog&action=edit§ion=1"
echo Push the tag:
echo " git push origin tag release-$VERSION"
echo Email:
echo " ./release/email $*"
cd "$SRCDIR"
ls -l "$TAR" "$ASC"
exit 0