pulled the style crap out of screen, i think the reconfigure case needs to be handled still. moved util and config into otk, changed everything else accordingly. code compiles and runs
224 lines
6 KiB
224 lines
6 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
#ifndef __blackbox_hh
#define __blackbox_hh
extern "C" {
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
#endif // HAVE_STDIO_H
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# else // !HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
# include <time.h>
# endif // HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "otk/timer.hh"
#include "otk/property.hh"
#include "openbox.hh"
#include "otk/configuration.hh"
#include "timer.hh"
#define AttribShaded (1l << 0)
#define AttribMaxHoriz (1l << 1)
#define AttribMaxVert (1l << 2)
#define AttribOmnipresent (1l << 3)
#define AttribWorkspace (1l << 4)
#define AttribStack (1l << 5)
#define AttribDecoration (1l << 6)
#define StackTop (0)
#define StackNormal (1)
#define StackBottom (2)
#define DecorNone (0)
#define DecorNormal (1)
#define DecorTiny (2)
#define DecorTool (3)
namespace ob {
struct BlackboxHints {
unsigned long flags, attrib, workspace, stack, decoration;
struct BlackboxAttributes {
unsigned long flags, attrib, workspace, stack, decoration;
int premax_x, premax_y;
unsigned int premax_w, premax_h;
#define PropBlackboxHintsElements (5)
#define PropBlackboxAttributesElements (9)
//forward declaration
class BScreen;
class Blackbox;
class BlackboxWindow;
class BWindowGroup;
class Blackbox : public Openbox {
struct BCursor {
Cursor session, move, ll_angle, lr_angle, ul_angle, ur_angle;
BCursor cursor;
struct BResource {
Time double_click_interval;
std::string style_file;
int colors_per_channel;
timeval auto_raise_delay;
unsigned long cache_life, cache_max;
std::string titlebar_layout;
unsigned int mod_mask; // modifier mask used for window-mouse interaction
bool xinerama_placement, xinerama_maximize, xinerama_snap;
#endif // XINERAMA
} resource;
typedef std::map<Window, BlackboxWindow*> WindowLookup;
typedef WindowLookup::value_type WindowLookupPair;
WindowLookup windowSearchList;
typedef std::map<Window, BScreen*> WindowScreenLookup;
typedef WindowScreenLookup::value_type WindowScreenLookupPair;
WindowScreenLookup systraySearchList;
typedef std::map<Window, BWindowGroup*> GroupLookup;
typedef GroupLookup::value_type GroupLookupPair;
GroupLookup groupSearchList;
typedef std::list<BScreen*> ScreenList;
ScreenList screenList;
BScreen *active_screen;
BlackboxWindow *focused_window, *changing_window;
otk::OBTimer *timer;
otk::Configuration config;
otk::OBProperty *xatom;
bool no_focus, reconfigure_wait;
Time last_time;
char **argv;
std::string rc_file;
Blackbox(const Blackbox&);
Blackbox& operator=(const Blackbox&);
void load_rc(void);
void save_rc(void);
void real_reconfigure(void);
virtual void process_event(XEvent *);
Blackbox(int argc, char **m_argv, char *rc = 0);
virtual ~Blackbox(void);
BWindowGroup *searchGroup(Window window);
BScreen *searchSystrayWindow(Window window);
BlackboxWindow *searchWindow(Window window);
BScreen *searchScreen(Window window);
inline bool doXineramaPlacement(void) const
{ return resource.xinerama_placement; }
inline bool doXineramaMaximizing(void) const
{ return resource.xinerama_maximize; }
inline bool doXineramaSnapping(void) const
{ return resource.xinerama_snap; }
void saveXineramaPlacement(bool x);
void saveXineramaMaximizing(bool x);
void saveXineramaSnapping(bool x);
#endif // XINERAMA
void saveSystrayWindowSearch(Window window, BScreen *screen);
void saveWindowSearch(Window window, BlackboxWindow *data);
void saveGroupSearch(Window window, BWindowGroup *data);
void removeSystrayWindowSearch(Window window);
void removeWindowSearch(Window window);
void removeGroupSearch(Window window);
inline otk::OBProperty *getXAtom(void) { return xatom; }
inline BlackboxWindow *getFocusedWindow(void) { return focused_window; }
inline BlackboxWindow *getChangingWindow(void) { return changing_window; }
inline otk::Configuration *getConfig() { return &config; }
inline const Time &getDoubleClickInterval(void) const
{ return resource.double_click_interval; }
inline const Time &getLastTime(void) const { return last_time; }
inline const char *getStyleFilename(void) const
{ return resource.style_file.c_str(); }
inline int getColorsPerChannel(void) const
{ return resource.colors_per_channel; }
inline std::string getTitlebarLayout(void) const
{ return resource.titlebar_layout; }
inline const timeval &getAutoRaiseDelay(void) const
{ return resource.auto_raise_delay; }
inline unsigned long getCacheLife(void) const
{ return resource.cache_life; }
inline unsigned long getCacheMax(void) const
{ return resource.cache_max; }
inline void setNoFocus(bool f) { no_focus = f; }
inline Cursor getSessionCursor(void) const
{ return cursor.session; }
inline Cursor getMoveCursor(void) const
{ return cursor.move; }
inline Cursor getLowerLeftAngleCursor(void) const
{ return cursor.ll_angle; }
inline Cursor getLowerRightAngleCursor(void) const
{ return cursor.lr_angle; }
inline Cursor getUpperLeftAngleCursor(void) const
{ return cursor.ul_angle; }
inline Cursor getUpperRightAngleCursor(void) const
{ return cursor.ur_angle; }
inline unsigned int getMouseModMask(void) const
{ return resource.mod_mask; }
void setFocusedWindow(BlackboxWindow *win);
void setChangingWindow(BlackboxWindow *win);
void shutdown(void);
void saveStyleFilename(const std::string& filename);
void restart(const char *prog = 0);
void reconfigure(void);
bool validateWindow(Window window);
virtual bool handleSignal(int sig);
static void timeout(Blackbox *t);
enum { B_AmericanDate = 1, B_EuropeanDate };
#endif // __blackbox_hh