localized names still don't work. most of the app-specific stuff isn't done yet. categories aren't handled yet (to only show in/not show in some category)
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149 lines
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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
obt/link.c for the Openbox window manager
Copyright (c) 2009 Dana Jansens
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License.
#include "obt/link.h"
#include "obt/ddparse.h"
#include "obt/paths.h"
#include <glib.h>
struct _ObtLink {
guint ref;
ObtLinkType type;
gchar *name; /*!< Specific name for the object (eg Firefox) */
gboolean display; /*<! When false, do not display this link in menus or
launchers, etc */
gboolean deleted; /*<! When true, the Link could exist but is deleted
for the current user */
gchar *generic; /*!< Generic name for the object (eg Web Browser) */
gchar *comment; /*!< Comment/description to display for the object */
gchar *icon; /*!< Name/path for an icon for the object */
union _ObtLinkData {
struct _ObtLinkApp {
gchar *exec; /*!< Executable to run for the app */
gchar *wdir; /*!< Working dir to run the app in */
gboolean term; /*!< Run the app in a terminal or not */
ObtLinkAppOpen open;
/* XXX gchar**? or something better, a mime struct.. maybe
glib has something i can use. */
gchar **mime; /*!< Mime types the app can open */
ObtLinkAppStartup startup;
gchar *startup_wmclass;
} app;
struct _ObtLinkLink {
gchar *addr;
} url;
struct _ObtLinkDir {
} dir;
} d;
ObtLink* obt_link_from_ddfile(const gchar *ddname, GSList *paths,
ObtPaths *p)
ObtLink *link;
GHashTable *groups, *keys;
ObtDDParseGroup *g;
ObtDDParseValue *v, *type, *name, *target;
groups = obt_ddparse_file(ddname, paths);
if (!groups) return NULL;
g = g_hash_table_lookup(groups, "Desktop Entry");
if (!g) {
return NULL;
keys = obt_ddparse_group_keys(g);
/* check that required keys exist */
if (!(type = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "Type")))
{ g_hash_table_destroy(groups); return NULL; }
if (!(name = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "Name")))
{ g_hash_table_destroy(groups); return NULL; }
if (type->value.enumerable == OBT_LINK_TYPE_APPLICATION) {
if (!(target = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "Exec")))
{ g_hash_table_destroy(groups); return NULL; }
else if (type->value.enumerable == OBT_LINK_TYPE_URL) {
if (!(target = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "URL")))
{ g_hash_table_destroy(groups); return NULL; }
target = NULL;
/* parse all the optional keys and build ObtLink (steal the strings) */
link = g_slice_new0(ObtLink);
link->ref = 1;
link->type = type->value.enumerable;
if (link->type == OBT_LINK_TYPE_APPLICATION)
link->d.app.exec = target->value.string, target->value.string = NULL;
else if (link->type == OBT_LINK_TYPE_URL)
link->d.url.addr = target->value.string, target->value.string = NULL;
link->display = TRUE;
if ((v = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "Hidden")))
link->deleted = v->value.boolean;
if ((v = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "NoDisplay")))
link->display = !v->value.boolean;
if ((v = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "GenericName")))
link->generic = v->value.string, v->value.string = NULL;
if ((v = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "Comment")))
link->comment = v->value.string, v->value.string = NULL;
if ((v = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "Icon")))
link->icon = v->value.string, v->value.string = NULL;
/* XXX handle Only/NotShowIn, better know the current environment */
if (link->type == OBT_LINK_TYPE_APPLICATION) {
if ((v = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, "TryExec"))) {
/* XXX spawn a thread to check TryExec? */
link->display = link->display &&
obt_paths_try_exec(p, v->value.string);
/* XXX there's more app specific stuff */
else if (link->type == OBT_LINK_TYPE_URL) {
/* XXX there's URL specific stuff */
return link;
void obt_link_ref(ObtLink *dd)
void obt_link_unref(ObtLink *dd)
if (--dd->ref < 1) {
g_slice_free(ObtLink, dd);