#ifndef __render_h #define __render_h #include <X11/Xlib.h> /* some platforms dont include this as needed for Xft */ #define _XFT_NO_COMPAT_ /* no Xft 1 API */ #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> #include <glib.h> typedef union _RrTextureData RrTextureData; typedef struct _RrAppearance RrAppearance; typedef struct _RrSurface RrSurface; typedef struct _RrFont RrFont; typedef struct _RrTexture RrTexture; typedef struct _RrTextureMask RrTextureMask; typedef struct _RrTextureRGBA RrTextureRGBA; typedef struct _RrTextureText RrTextureText; typedef struct _RrTextureLineArt RrTextureLineArt; typedef struct _RrPixmapMask RrPixmapMask; typedef struct _RrInstance RrInstance; typedef struct _RrColor RrColor; typedef guint32 RrPixel32; typedef guint16 RrPixel16; typedef enum { RR_RELIEF_FLAT, RR_RELIEF_RAISED, RR_RELIEF_SUNKEN } RrReliefType; typedef enum { RR_BEVEL_1, RR_BEVEL_2 } RrBevelType; typedef enum { RR_SURFACE_NONE, RR_SURFACE_PARENTREL, RR_SURFACE_SOLID, RR_SURFACE_HORIZONTAL, RR_SURFACE_VERTICAL, RR_SURFACE_DIAGONAL, RR_SURFACE_CROSS_DIAGONAL, RR_SURFACE_PYRAMID } RrSurfaceColorType; typedef enum { RR_TEXTURE_NONE, RR_TEXTURE_MASK, RR_TEXTURE_TEXT, RR_TEXTURE_LINE_ART, RR_TEXTURE_RGBA } RrTextureType; typedef enum { RR_JUSTIFY_LEFT, RR_JUSTIFY_CENTER, RR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT } RrJustify; struct _RrSurface { RrSurfaceColorType grad; RrReliefType relief; RrBevelType bevel; RrColor *primary; RrColor *secondary; RrColor *border_color; RrColor *bevel_dark; RrColor *bevel_light; RrColor *interlace_color; gboolean interlaced; gboolean border; RrAppearance *parent; gint parentx; gint parenty; RrPixel32 *pixel_data; }; struct _RrTextureText { RrFont *font; RrJustify justify; RrColor *color; gchar *string; }; struct _RrPixmapMask { const RrInstance *inst; Pixmap mask; gint width; gint height; gchar *data; }; struct _RrTextureMask { RrColor *color; RrPixmapMask *mask; }; struct _RrTextureRGBA { gint width; gint height; RrPixel32 *data; /* cached scaled so we don't have to scale often */ gint cwidth; gint cheight; RrPixel32 *cache; }; struct _RrTextureLineArt { RrColor *color; gint x1; gint y1; gint x2; gint y2; }; union _RrTextureData { RrTextureRGBA rgba; RrTextureText text; RrTextureMask mask; RrTextureLineArt lineart; }; struct _RrTexture { RrTextureType type; RrTextureData data; }; struct _RrAppearance { const RrInstance *inst; RrSurface surface; gint textures; RrTexture *texture; Pixmap pixmap; XftDraw *xftdraw; /* cached for internal use */ gint w, h; }; /* these are the same on all endian machines because it seems to be dependant on the endianness of the gfx card, not the cpu. */ #define RrDefaultAlphaOffset 24 #define RrDefaultRedOffset 16 #define RrDefaultGreenOffset 8 #define RrDefaultBlueOffset 0 RrInstance* RrInstanceNew (Display *display, gint screen); void RrInstanceFree (RrInstance *inst); Display* RrDisplay (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrScreen (const RrInstance *inst); Window RrRootWindow (const RrInstance *inst); Visual* RrVisual (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrDepth (const RrInstance *inst); Colormap RrColormap (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrRedOffset (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrGreenOffset (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrBlueOffset (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrRedShift (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrGreenShift (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrBlueShift (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrRedMask (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrGreenMask (const RrInstance *inst); gint RrBlueMask (const RrInstance *inst); guint RrPseudoBPC (const RrInstance *inst); XColor* RrPseudoColors (const RrInstance *inst); RrColor *RrColorNew (const RrInstance *inst, gint r, gint g, gint b); RrColor *RrColorParse (const RrInstance *inst, gchar *colorname); void RrColorFree (RrColor *in); gint RrColorRed (const RrColor *c); gint RrColorGreen (const RrColor *c); gint RrColorBlue (const RrColor *c); gulong RrColorPixel (const RrColor *c); GC RrColorGC (RrColor *c); RrAppearance *RrAppearanceNew (const RrInstance *inst, gint numtex); RrAppearance *RrAppearanceCopy (RrAppearance *a); void RrAppearanceFree (RrAppearance *a); int RrFontMeasureString (const RrFont *f, const gchar *str); int RrFontHeight (const RrFont *f); int RrFontMaxCharWidth (const RrFont *f); void RrPaint (RrAppearance *l, Window win, gint w, gint h); void RrMinsize (RrAppearance *l, gint *w, gint *h); gboolean RrPixmapToRGBA(const RrInstance *inst, Pixmap pmap, Pixmap mask, gint *w, gint *h, RrPixel32 **data); #endif /*__render_h*/