#include "render.h" #include "color.h" #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <string.h> void RrColorAllocateGC(RrColor *in) { XGCValues gcv; gcv.foreground = in->pixel; gcv.cap_style = CapProjecting; in->gc = XCreateGC(RrDisplay(in->inst), RrRootWindow(in->inst), GCForeground | GCCapStyle, &gcv); } RrColor *RrColorParse(const RrInstance *inst, gchar *colorname) { XColor xcol; g_assert(colorname != NULL); /* get rgb values from colorname */ xcol.red = 0; xcol.green = 0; xcol.blue = 0; xcol.pixel = 0; if (!XParseColor(RrDisplay(inst), RrColormap(inst), colorname, &xcol)) { g_warning("unable to parse color '%s'", colorname); return NULL; } return RrColorNew(inst, xcol.red >> 8, xcol.green >> 8, xcol.blue >> 8); } RrColor *RrColorNew(const RrInstance *inst, gint r, gint g, gint b) { /* this should be replaced with something far cooler */ RrColor *out = NULL; XColor xcol; xcol.red = (r << 8) | r; xcol.green = (g << 8) | g; xcol.blue = (b << 8) | b; if (XAllocColor(RrDisplay(inst), RrColormap(inst), &xcol)) { out = g_new(RrColor, 1); out->inst = inst; out->r = xcol.red >> 8; out->g = xcol.green >> 8; out->b = xcol.blue >> 8; out->gc = None; out->pixel = xcol.pixel; } return out; } /*XXX same color could be pointed to twice, this might have to be a refcount*/ void RrColorFree(RrColor *c) { if (c) { if (c->pixel) XFreeColors(RrDisplay(c->inst), RrColormap(c->inst), &c->pixel, 1, 0); if (c->gc) XFreeGC(RrDisplay(c->inst), c->gc); g_free(c); } } void RrReduceDepth(const RrInstance *inst, RrPixel32 *data, XImage *im) { int r, g, b; int x,y; RrPixel32 *p32 = (RrPixel32 *) im->data; RrPixel16 *p16 = (RrPixel16 *) im->data; unsigned char *p8 = (unsigned char *)im->data; switch (im->bits_per_pixel) { case 32: if ((RrRedOffset(inst) != RrDefaultRedOffset) || (RrBlueOffset(inst) != RrDefaultBlueOffset) || (RrGreenOffset(inst) != RrDefaultGreenOffset)) { for (y = 0; y < im->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < im->width; x++) { r = (data[x] >> RrDefaultRedOffset) & 0xFF; g = (data[x] >> RrDefaultGreenOffset) & 0xFF; b = (data[x] >> RrDefaultBlueOffset) & 0xFF; p32[x] = (r << RrRedOffset(inst)) + (g << RrGreenOffset(inst)) + (b << RrBlueOffset(inst)); } data += im->width; p32 += im->width; } } else im->data = (char*) data; break; case 16: for (y = 0; y < im->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < im->width; x++) { r = (data[x] >> RrDefaultRedOffset) & 0xFF; r = r >> RrRedShift(inst); g = (data[x] >> RrDefaultGreenOffset) & 0xFF; g = g >> RrGreenShift(inst); b = (data[x] >> RrDefaultBlueOffset) & 0xFF; b = b >> RrBlueShift(inst); p16[x] = (r << RrRedOffset(inst)) + (g << RrGreenOffset(inst)) + (b << RrBlueOffset(inst)); } data += im->width; p16 += im->bytes_per_line/2; } break; case 8: g_assert(RrVisual(inst)->class != TrueColor); for (y = 0; y < im->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < im->width; x++) { p8[x] = RrPickColor(inst, data[x] >> RrDefaultRedOffset, data[x] >> RrDefaultGreenOffset, data[x] >> RrDefaultBlueOffset)->pixel; } data += im->width; p8 += im->bytes_per_line; } break; default: g_warning("your bit depth is currently unhandled\n"); } } XColor *RrPickColor(const RrInstance *inst, gint r, gint g, gint b) { r = (r & 0xff) >> (8-RrPseudoBPC(inst)); g = (g & 0xff) >> (8-RrPseudoBPC(inst)); b = (b & 0xff) >> (8-RrPseudoBPC(inst)); return &RrPseudoColors(inst)[(r << (2*RrPseudoBPC(inst))) + (g << (1*RrPseudoBPC(inst))) + b]; } static void swap_byte_order(XImage *im) { int x, y, di; di = 0; for (y = 0; y < im->height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < im->height; ++x) { char *c = &im->data[di + x * im->bits_per_pixel / 8]; char t; switch (im->bits_per_pixel) { case 32: t = c[2]; c[2] = c[3]; c[3] = t; case 16: t = c[0]; c[0] = c[1]; c[1] = t; case 8: break; default: g_warning("your bit depth is currently unhandled"); } } di += im->bytes_per_line; } if (im->byte_order == LSBFirst) im->byte_order = MSBFirst; else im->byte_order = LSBFirst; } void RrIncreaseDepth(const RrInstance *inst, RrPixel32 *data, XImage *im) { int r, g, b; int x,y; RrPixel32 *p32 = (RrPixel32 *) im->data; RrPixel16 *p16 = (RrPixel16 *) im->data; unsigned char *p8 = (unsigned char *)im->data; if (im->byte_order != LSBFirst) swap_byte_order(im); switch (im->bits_per_pixel) { case 32: for (y = 0; y < im->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < im->width; x++) { r = (p32[x] >> RrRedOffset(inst)) & 0xff; g = (p32[x] >> RrGreenOffset(inst)) & 0xff; b = (p32[x] >> RrBlueOffset(inst)) & 0xff; data[x] = (r << RrDefaultRedOffset) + (g << RrDefaultGreenOffset) + (b << RrDefaultBlueOffset) + (0xff << RrDefaultAlphaOffset); } data += im->width; p32 += im->bytes_per_line/4; } break; case 16: for (y = 0; y < im->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < im->width; x++) { r = (p16[x] & RrRedMask(inst)) >> RrRedOffset(inst) << RrRedShift(inst); g = (p16[x] & RrGreenMask(inst)) >> RrGreenOffset(inst) << RrGreenShift(inst); b = (p16[x] & RrBlueMask(inst)) >> RrBlueOffset(inst) << RrBlueShift(inst); data[x] = (r << RrDefaultRedOffset) + (g << RrDefaultGreenOffset) + (b << RrDefaultBlueOffset) + (0xff << RrDefaultAlphaOffset); } data += im->width; p16 += im->bytes_per_line/2; } break; case 8: g_warning("this image bit depth is currently unhandled"); break; case 1: for (y = 0; y < im->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < im->width; x++) { if (!(((p8[x / 8]) >> (x % 8)) & 0x1)) data[x] = 0xff << RrDefaultAlphaOffset; /* black */ else data[x] = 0xffffffff; /* white */ } data += im->width; p8 += im->bytes_per_line; } break; default: g_warning("this image bit depth is currently unhandled"); } } int RrColorRed(const RrColor *c) { return c->r; } int RrColorGreen(const RrColor *c) { return c->g; } int RrColorBlue(const RrColor *c) { return c->b; } gulong RrColorPixel(const RrColor *c) { return c->pixel; } GC RrColorGC(RrColor *c) /* XXX make this const RrColor* when the GCs are in a cache.. if possible? */ { if (!c->gc) RrColorAllocateGC(c); return c->gc; }