#ifndef __render_h #define __render_h #include <X11/Xlib.h> #define _XFT_NO_COMPAT_ /* no Xft 1 API */ #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> #include <glib.h> #include "color.h" #include "../kernel/geom.h" typedef enum { Surface_Planar, Surface_Nonplanar } SurfaceType; typedef enum { Flat, Raised, Sunken } ReliefType; typedef enum { Bevel1, Bevel2 } BevelType; typedef enum { Background_ParentRelative, Background_Solid, Background_Horizontal, Background_Vertical, Background_Diagonal, Background_CrossDiagonal, Background_PipeCross, Background_Rectangle, Background_Pyramid, Background_Elliptic } SurfaceColorType; typedef enum { Bitmask, Text, RGBA, NoTexture } TextureType; struct Appearance; typedef struct PlanarSurface { SurfaceColorType grad; ReliefType relief; BevelType bevel; color_rgb *primary; color_rgb *secondary; color_rgb *border_color; gboolean interlaced; gboolean border; struct Appearance *parent; int parentx; int parenty; pixel32 *pixel_data; } PlanarSurface; typedef struct NonplanarSurface { int poo; } NonplanarSurface; typedef union { PlanarSurface planar; NonplanarSurface nonplanar; } SurfaceData; typedef struct Surface { SurfaceType type; SurfaceColorType colortype; SurfaceData data; } Surface; typedef struct { XftFont *xftfont; int height; } ObFont; typedef enum { Justify_Center, Justify_Left, Justify_Right } Justify; typedef struct TextureText { ObFont *font; Justify justify; int shadow; unsigned char tint; unsigned char offset; color_rgb *color; char *string; } TextureText; typedef struct { Pixmap mask; guint w, h; } pixmap_mask; typedef struct TextureMask { color_rgb *color; pixmap_mask *mask; } TextureMask; typedef struct TextureRGBA { int width; int height; unsigned long *data; /* cached scaled so we don't have to scale often */ int cwidth; int cheight; unsigned long *cache; } TextureRGBA; typedef union { TextureRGBA rgba; TextureText text; TextureMask mask; } TextureData; typedef struct Texture { Rect position; TextureType type; TextureData data; } Texture; typedef struct Appearance { Surface surface; int textures; Texture *texture; Pixmap pixmap; XftDraw *xftdraw; } Appearance; extern Visual *render_visual; extern int render_depth; extern Colormap render_colormap; void (*paint)(Window win, Appearance *l, int x, int y, int w, int h); void render_startup(void); void init_appearance(Appearance *l); void x_paint(Window win, Appearance *l, int x, int y, int w, int h); void render_shutdown(void); Appearance *appearance_new(SurfaceType type, int numtex); Appearance *appearance_copy(Appearance *a); void appearance_free(Appearance *a); void truecolor_startup(void); #endif /*__render_h*/