#include "kernel/openbox.h" #include "kernel/dispatch.h" #include "kernel/action.h" #include "kernel/event.h" #include "kernel/client.h" #include "kernel/prop.h" #include "kernel/grab.h" #include "kernel/frame.h" #include "parser/parse.h" #include "translate.h" #include "mouse.h" #include <glib.h> static int threshold; static int dclicktime; /* <context name="Titlebar"> <mousebind button="Left" action="Press"> <action name="Raise"></action> </mousebind> </context> */ static void parse_xml(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, void *d) { xmlNodePtr n, nbut, nact; char *buttonstr; char *contextstr; MouseAction mact; Action *action; if ((n = parse_find_node("dragThreshold", node))) threshold = parse_int(doc, n); if ((n = parse_find_node("doubleClickTime", node))) dclicktime = parse_int(doc, n); n = parse_find_node("context", node); while (n) { if (!parse_attr_string("name", n, &contextstr)) goto next_n; nbut = parse_find_node("mousebind", n->xmlChildrenNode); while (nbut) { if (!parse_attr_string("button", nbut, &buttonstr)) goto next_nbut; if (parse_attr_contains("press", nbut, "action")) mact = MouseAction_Press; else if (parse_attr_contains("release", nbut, "action")) mact = MouseAction_Release; else if (parse_attr_contains("click", nbut, "action")) mact = MouseAction_Click; else if (parse_attr_contains("doubleclick", nbut,"action")) mact = MouseAction_DClick; else if (parse_attr_contains("drag", nbut, "action")) mact = MouseAction_Motion; else goto next_nbut; nact = parse_find_node("action", nbut->xmlChildrenNode); while (nact) { if ((action = action_parse(doc, nact))) { /* validate that its okay for a mouse binding*/ if (mact == MouseAction_Motion) { if (action->func != action_moveresize || action->data.moveresize.corner == prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move_keyboard || action->data.moveresize.corner == prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_keyboard) { action_free(action); action = NULL; } } else { if (action->func == action_moveresize && action->data.moveresize.corner != prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move_keyboard && action->data.moveresize.corner != prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_keyboard) { action_free(action); action = NULL; } } if (action) mbind(buttonstr, contextstr, mact, action); } nact = parse_find_node("action", nact->next); } g_free(buttonstr); next_nbut: nbut = parse_find_node("mousebind", nbut->next); } g_free(contextstr); next_n: n = parse_find_node("context", n->next); } } void plugin_setup_config() { threshold = 3; dclicktime = 200; parse_register("mouse", parse_xml, NULL); } /* Array of GSList*s of PointerBinding*s. */ static GSList *bound_contexts[NUM_CONTEXTS]; static void grab_for_client(Client *client, gboolean grab) { int i; GSList *it; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CONTEXTS; ++i) for (it = bound_contexts[i]; it != NULL; it = it->next) { /* grab/ungrab the button */ MouseBinding *b = it->data; Window win; int mode; unsigned int mask; if (i == Context_Frame) { win = client->frame->window; mode = GrabModeAsync; mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask; } else if (i == Context_Client) { win = client->frame->plate; mode = GrabModeSync; /* this is handled in event */ mask = ButtonPressMask; /* can't catch more than this with Sync mode the release event is manufactured in event() */ } else continue; if (grab) grab_button_full(b->button, b->state, win, mask, mode, None); else ungrab_button(b->button, b->state, win); } } static void grab_all_clients(gboolean grab) { GList *it; for (it = client_list; it != NULL; it = it->next) grab_for_client(it->data, grab); } static void clearall() { int i; GSList *it; for(i = 0; i < NUM_CONTEXTS; ++i) { for (it = bound_contexts[i]; it != NULL; it = it->next) { int j; MouseBinding *b = it->data; for (j = 0; j < NUM_MOUSEACTION; ++j) { GSList *it; for (it = b->actions[j]; it; it = it->next) { action_free(it->data); } g_slist_free(b->actions[j]); } g_free(b); } g_slist_free(bound_contexts[i]); } } static void fire_button(MouseAction a, Context context, Client *c, guint state, guint button, int x, int y) { GSList *it; MouseBinding *b; for (it = bound_contexts[context]; it != NULL; it = it->next) { b = it->data; if (b->state == state && b->button == button) break; } /* if not bound, then nothing to do! */ if (it == NULL) return; for (it = b->actions[a]; it; it = it->next) { Action *act = it->data; if (act->func != NULL) { act->data.any.c = c; g_assert(act->func != action_moveresize); if (act->func == action_showmenu) { act->data.showmenu.x = x; act->data.showmenu.y = y; } act->func(&act->data); } } } static void fire_motion(MouseAction a, Context context, Client *c, guint state, guint button, int x_root, int y_root, guint32 corner) { GSList *it; MouseBinding *b; for (it = bound_contexts[context]; it != NULL; it = it->next) { b = it->data; if (b->state == state && b->button == button) break; } /* if not bound, then nothing to do! */ if (it == NULL) return; for (it = b->actions[a]; it; it = it->next) { Action *act = it->data; if (act->func != NULL) { act->data.any.c = c; if (act->func == action_moveresize) { act->data.moveresize.x = x_root; act->data.moveresize.y = y_root; act->data.moveresize.button = button; if (!(act->data.moveresize.corner == prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move || act->data.moveresize.corner == prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_move_keyboard || act->data.moveresize.corner == prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_keyboard)) act->data.moveresize.corner = corner; } else g_assert_not_reached(); act->func(&act->data); } } } static guint32 pick_corner(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch) { if (x - cx < cw / 2) { if (y - cy < ch / 2) return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topleft; else return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomleft; } else { if (y - cy < ch / 2) return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_topright; else return prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomright; } } static void event(ObEvent *e, void *foo) { static Time ltime; static guint button = 0, state = 0, lbutton = 0; static int px, py; gboolean click = FALSE; gboolean dclick = FALSE; Context context; switch (e->type) { case Event_Client_Mapped: grab_for_client(e->data.c.client, TRUE); break; case Event_Client_Destroy: grab_for_client(e->data.c.client, FALSE); break; case Event_X_ButtonPress: context = frame_context(e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.window); px = e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root; py = e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root; button = e->data.x.e->xbutton.button; state = e->data.x.e->xbutton.state; fire_button(MouseAction_Press, context, e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state, e->data.x.e->xbutton.button, e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root, e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root); if (context == Context_Client) { /* Replay the event, so it goes to the client*/ XAllowEvents(ob_display, ReplayPointer, event_lasttime); /* Fall through to the release case! */ } else break; case Event_X_ButtonRelease: context = frame_context(e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.window); if (e->data.x.e->xbutton.button == button) { /* clicks are only valid if its released over the window */ int junk1, junk2; Window wjunk; guint ujunk, b, w, h; XGetGeometry(ob_display, e->data.x.e->xbutton.window, &wjunk, &junk1, &junk2, &w, &h, &b, &ujunk); if (e->data.x.e->xbutton.x >= (signed)-b && e->data.x.e->xbutton.y >= (signed)-b && e->data.x.e->xbutton.x < (signed)(w+b) && e->data.x.e->xbutton.y < (signed)(h+b)) { click = TRUE; /* double clicks happen if there were 2 in a row! */ if (lbutton == button && e->data.x.e->xbutton.time - dclicktime <= ltime) { dclick = TRUE; lbutton = 0; } else lbutton = button; } else lbutton = 0; button = 0; state = 0; ltime = e->data.x.e->xbutton.time; } fire_button(MouseAction_Release, context, e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state, e->data.x.e->xbutton.button, e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root, e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root); if (click) fire_button(MouseAction_Click, context, e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state, e->data.x.e->xbutton.button, e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root, e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root); if (dclick) fire_button(MouseAction_DClick, context, e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xbutton.state, e->data.x.e->xbutton.button, e->data.x.e->xbutton.x_root, e->data.x.e->xbutton.y_root); break; case Event_X_MotionNotify: if (button) { if (ABS(e->data.x.e->xmotion.x_root - px) >= threshold || ABS(e->data.x.e->xmotion.y_root - py) >= threshold) { guint32 corner; context = frame_context(e->data.x.client, e->data.x.e->xmotion.window); /* You can't drag on buttons */ if (context == Context_Maximize || context == Context_AllDesktops || context == Context_Shade || context == Context_Iconify || context == Context_Icon || context == Context_Close) break; if (!e->data.x.client) corner = prop_atoms.net_wm_moveresize_size_bottomright; else corner = pick_corner(e->data.x.e->xmotion.x_root, e->data.x.e->xmotion.y_root, e->data.x.client->frame->area.x, e->data.x.client->frame->area.y, /* use the client size because the frame can be differently sized (shaded windows) and we want this based on the clients size */ e->data.x.client->area.width + e->data.x.client->frame->size.left + e->data.x.client->frame->size.right, e->data.x.client->area.height + e->data.x.client->frame->size.top + e->data.x.client->frame->size.bottom); fire_motion(MouseAction_Motion, context, e->data.x.client, state, button, e->data.x.e->xmotion.x_root, e->data.x.e->xmotion.y_root, corner); button = 0; state = 0; } } break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } } gboolean mbind(char *buttonstr, char *contextstr, MouseAction mact, Action *action) { guint state, button; Context context; MouseBinding *b; GSList *it; if (!translate_button(buttonstr, &state, &button)) { g_warning("invalid button '%s'", buttonstr); return FALSE; } contextstr = g_ascii_strdown(contextstr, -1); context = frame_context_from_string(contextstr); if (!context) { g_warning("invalid context '%s'", contextstr); g_free(contextstr); return FALSE; } g_free(contextstr); for (it = bound_contexts[context]; it != NULL; it = it->next){ b = it->data; if (b->state == state && b->button == button) { b->actions[mact] = g_slist_append(b->actions[mact], action); return TRUE; } } grab_all_clients(FALSE); /* add the binding */ b = g_new0(MouseBinding, 1); b->state = state; b->button = button; b->actions[mact] = g_slist_append(NULL, action); bound_contexts[context] = g_slist_append(bound_contexts[context], b); grab_all_clients(TRUE); return TRUE; } void plugin_startup() { dispatch_register(Event_Client_Mapped | Event_Client_Destroy | Event_X_ButtonPress | Event_X_ButtonRelease | Event_X_MotionNotify, (EventHandler)event, NULL); } void plugin_shutdown() { dispatch_register(0, (EventHandler)event, NULL); grab_all_clients(FALSE); clearall(); }