#include "kernel/dispatch.h" #include "kernel/client.h" #include "kernel/frame.h" #include "kernel/screen.h" #include "kernel/openbox.h" #include "parser/parse.h" #include "history.h" #include <glib.h> static gboolean history; static void parse_xml(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, void *d) { xmlNodePtr n; if ((n = parse_find_node("remember", node))) history = parse_bool(doc, n); } void plugin_setup_config() { history = TRUE; parse_register("placement", parse_xml, NULL); } static void place_random(Client *c) { int l, r, t, b; int x, y; Rect *area; if (ob_state == State_Starting) return; area = screen_area(c->desktop); l = area->x; t = area->y; r = area->x + area->width - c->frame->area.width; b = area->y + area->height - c->frame->area.height; if (r > l) x = g_random_int_range(l, r + 1); else x = 0; if (b > t) y = g_random_int_range(t, b + 1); else y = 0; frame_frame_gravity(c->frame, &x, &y); /* get where the client should be */ client_configure(c, Corner_TopLeft, x, y, c->area.width, c->area.height, TRUE, TRUE); } static void event(ObEvent *e, void *foo) { g_assert(e->type == Event_Client_New); /* requested a position */ if (e->data.c.client->positioned) return; if (!history || !place_history(e->data.c.client)) place_random(e->data.c.client); } void plugin_startup() { dispatch_register(Event_Client_New, (EventHandler)event, NULL); history_startup(); } void plugin_shutdown() { dispatch_register(0, (EventHandler)event, NULL); history_shutdown(); }