#include "../kernel/openbox.h" #include "font.h" #include "../kernel/gettext.h" #define _(str) gettext(str) #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> #include <glib.h> #include "../kernel/geom.h" void font_startup(void) { #ifdef DEBUG int version; #endif /* DEBUG */ if (!XftInit(0)) { g_warning(_("Couldn't initialize Xft.\n")); exit(3); } #ifdef DEBUG version = XftGetVersion(); g_message("Using Xft %d.%d.%d (Built against %d.%d.%d).", version / 10000 % 100, version / 100 % 100, version % 100, XFT_MAJOR, XFT_MINOR, XFT_REVISION); #endif } static void measure_height(ObFont *f) { XGlyphInfo info; char *str; /* XXX add some extended UTF8 characters in here? */ str = "12345678900-qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" "!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM" "`~[]\\;',./{}|:\"<>?"; XftTextExtentsUtf8(ob_display, f->xftfont, (FcChar8*)str, strlen(str), &info); f->height = (signed) info.height; } ObFont *font_open(char *fontstring) { ObFont *out; XftFont *xf; if ((xf = XftFontOpenName(ob_display, ob_screen, fontstring))) { out = g_new(ObFont, 1); out->xftfont = xf; measure_height(out); return out; } g_warning(_("Unable to load font: %s\n"), fontstring); g_warning(_("Trying fallback font: %s\n"), "sans"); if ((xf = XftFontOpenName(ob_display, ob_screen, "sans"))) { out = g_new(ObFont, 1); out->xftfont = xf; measure_height(out); return out; } g_warning(_("Unable to load font: %s\n"), "sans"); g_warning(_("Aborting!.\n")); exit(3); /* can't continue without a font */ } void font_close(ObFont *f) { XftFontClose(ob_display, f->xftfont); g_free(f); } int font_measure_string(ObFont *f, char *str, int shadow, int offset) { XGlyphInfo info; XftTextExtentsUtf8(ob_display, f->xftfont, (FcChar8*)str, strlen(str), &info); return (signed) info.xOff + (shadow ? offset : 0); } int font_height(ObFont *f, int shadow, int offset) { return f->height + (shadow ? offset : 0); } int font_max_char_width(ObFont *f) { return (signed) f->xftfont->max_advance_width; } void font_draw(XftDraw *d, TextureText *t, Rect *position) { int x,y,w,h; XftColor c; x = position->x; y = position->y; w = position->width; h = position->height; /* accomidate for areas bigger/smaller than Xft thinks the font is tall */ y -= (2 * (t->font->xftfont->ascent + t->font->xftfont->descent) - (t->font->height + h) - 1) / 2; x += 3; /* XXX figure out X with justification */ if (t->shadow) { if (t->tint >= 0) { c.color.red = 0; c.color.green = 0; c.color.blue = 0; c.color.alpha = 0xffff * t->tint / 100; /* transparent shadow */ c.pixel = BlackPixel(ob_display, ob_screen); } else { c.color.red = 0xffff * -t->tint / 100; c.color.green = 0xffff * -t->tint / 100; c.color.blue = 0xffff * -t->tint / 100; c.color.alpha = 0xffff * -t->tint / 100; /* transparent shadow */ c.pixel = WhitePixel(ob_display, ob_screen); } XftDrawStringUtf8(d, &c, t->font->xftfont, x + t->offset, t->font->xftfont->ascent + y + t->offset, (FcChar8*)t->string, strlen(t->string)); } c.color.red = t->color->r | t->color->r << 8; c.color.green = t->color->g | t->color->g << 8; c.color.blue = t->color->b | t->color->b << 8; c.color.alpha = 0xff | 0xff << 8; /* fully opaque text */ c.pixel = t->color->pixel; XftDrawStringUtf8(d, &c, t->font->xftfont, x, t->font->xftfont->ascent + y, (FcChar8*)t->string, strlen(t->string)); return; }