// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- // screen.cc for Epistrophy - a key handler for NETWM/EWMH window managers. // Copyright (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens <ben at orodu.net> // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /* A few comments about stacked cycling: * When stacked cycling is turned on, the focused window is always at the top * (front) of the list (_clients), EXCEPT for when we are in cycling mode. * (_cycling is true) If we were to add the focused window to the top of the * stack while we were cycling, we would end in a deadlock between 2 windows. * When the modifiers are released, the window that has focus (but it's not * at the top of the stack, since we are cycling) is placed at the top of the * stack and raised. * Hooray and Bummy. - Marius */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "../../config.h" #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H extern "C" { #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H # include <stdio.h> #endif // HAVE_STDIO_H #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include <sys/types.h> # include <unistd.h> #endif // HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <X11/keysym.h> } #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::hex; using std::dec; using std::string; #include "../../src/basedisplay.hh" #include "../../src/xatom.hh" #include "screen.hh" #include "epist.hh" #include "config.hh" screen::screen(epist *epist, int number) : _clients(epist->clientsList()), _active(epist->activeWindow()), _config(epist->getConfig()), _grabbed(true), _cycling(false), _stacked_cycling(false), _stacked_raise(false) { _epist = epist; _xatom = _epist->xatom(); _last_active = _clients.end(); _number = number; _info = _epist->getScreenInfo(_number); _root = _info->getRootWindow(); _config->getValue(Config::stackedCycling, _stacked_cycling); if (_stacked_cycling) _config->getValue(Config::stackedCyclingRaise, _stacked_raise); // find a window manager supporting NETWM, waiting for it to load if we must int count = 20; // try for 20 seconds _managed = false; while (! (_epist->doShutdown() || _managed || count <= 0)) { if (! (_managed = findSupportingWM())) sleep(1); --count; } if (_managed) cout << "Found compatible window manager '" << _wm_name << "' for screen " << _number << ".\n"; else { cout << "Unable to find a compatible window manager for screen " << _number << ".\n"; return; } XSelectInput(_epist->getXDisplay(), _root, PropertyChangeMask); } screen::~screen() { if (_managed) XSelectInput(_epist->getXDisplay(), _root, None); } bool screen::findSupportingWM() { Window support_win; if (! _xatom->getValue(_root, XAtom::net_supporting_wm_check, XAtom::window, support_win) || support_win == None) return false; string title; _xatom->getValue(support_win, XAtom::net_wm_name, XAtom::utf8, title); _wm_name = title; return true; } XWindow *screen::findWindow(const XEvent &e) const { assert(_managed); WindowList::const_iterator it, end = _clients.end(); for (it = _clients.begin(); it != end; ++it) if (**it == e.xany.window) break; if(it == end) return 0; return *it; } void screen::processEvent(const XEvent &e) { assert(_managed); assert(e.xany.window == _root); switch (e.type) { case PropertyNotify: // root window if (e.xproperty.atom == _xatom->getAtom(XAtom::net_number_of_desktops)) updateNumDesktops(); else if (e.xproperty.atom == _xatom->getAtom(XAtom::net_current_desktop)) updateActiveDesktop(); else if (e.xproperty.atom == _xatom->getAtom(XAtom::net_active_window)) updateActiveWindow(); else if (e.xproperty.atom == _xatom->getAtom(XAtom::net_client_list)) { // catch any window unmaps first XEvent ev; if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(_epist->getXDisplay(), e.xany.window, DestroyNotify, &ev) || XCheckTypedWindowEvent(_epist->getXDisplay(), e.xany.window, UnmapNotify, &ev)) { XWindow *win = _epist->findWindow(e.xany.window); if (win) win->processEvent(ev); } updateClientList(); } break; case KeyPress: handleKeypress(e); break; case KeyRelease: handleKeyrelease(e); break; default: break; } } void screen::handleKeypress(const XEvent &e) { int scrolllockMask, numlockMask; _epist->getLockModifiers(numlockMask, scrolllockMask); // Mask out the lock modifiers. We want our keys to always work // This should be made an option unsigned int state = e.xkey.state & ~(LockMask|scrolllockMask|numlockMask); keytree &ktree = _epist->getKeyTree(); const Action *it = ktree.getAction(e, state, this); if (!it) return; switch (it->type()) { case Action::nextScreen: _epist->cycleScreen(_number, true); return; case Action::prevScreen: _epist->cycleScreen(_number, false); return; case Action::nextWorkspace: cycleWorkspace(true, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1); return; case Action::prevWorkspace: cycleWorkspace(false, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1); return; case Action::nextWindow: cycleWindow(state, true, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1); return; case Action::prevWindow: cycleWindow(state, false, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1); return; case Action::nextWindowOnAllWorkspaces: cycleWindow(state, true, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, false, true); return; case Action::prevWindowOnAllWorkspaces: cycleWindow(state, false, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, false, true); return; case Action::nextWindowOnAllScreens: cycleWindow(state, true, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, true); return; case Action::prevWindowOnAllScreens: cycleWindow(state, false, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, true); return; case Action::nextWindowOfClass: cycleWindow(state, true, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, false, false, true, it->string()); return; case Action::prevWindowOfClass: cycleWindow(state, false, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, false, false, true, it->string()); return; case Action::nextWindowOfClassOnAllWorkspaces: cycleWindow(state, true, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, false, true, true, it->string()); return; case Action::prevWindowOfClassOnAllWorkspaces: cycleWindow(state, false, it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1, false, true, true, it->string()); return; case Action::changeWorkspace: changeWorkspace(it->number()); return; case Action::upWorkspace: changeWorkspaceVert(-1); return; case Action::downWorkspace: changeWorkspaceVert(1); return; case Action::leftWorkspace: changeWorkspaceHorz(-1); return; case Action::rightWorkspace: changeWorkspaceHorz(1); return; case Action::execute: execCommand(it->string()); return; case Action::showRootMenu: _xatom->sendClientMessage(rootWindow(), XAtom::openbox_show_root_menu, None); return; case Action::showWorkspaceMenu: _xatom->sendClientMessage(rootWindow(), XAtom::openbox_show_workspace_menu, None); return; case Action::toggleGrabs: { if (_grabbed) { ktree.ungrabDefaults(this); _grabbed = false; } else { ktree.grabDefaults(this); _grabbed = true; } return; } default: break; } // these actions require an active window if (_active != _clients.end()) { XWindow *window = *_active; switch (it->type()) { case Action::iconify: window->iconify(); return; case Action::close: window->close(); return; case Action::raise: window->raise(); return; case Action::lower: window->lower(); return; case Action::sendToWorkspace: window->sendTo(it->number()); return; case Action::toggleOmnipresent: if (window->desktop() == 0xffffffff) window->sendTo(_active_desktop); else window->sendTo(0xffffffff); return; case Action::moveWindowUp: window->move(window->x(), window->y() - (it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1)); return; case Action::moveWindowDown: window->move(window->x(), window->y() + (it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1)); return; case Action::moveWindowLeft: window->move(window->x() - (it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1), window->y()); return; case Action::moveWindowRight: window->move(window->x() + (it->number() != 0 ? it->number(): 1), window->y()); return; case Action::resizeWindowWidth: window->resizeRel(it->number(), 0); return; case Action::resizeWindowHeight: window->resizeRel(0, it->number()); return; case Action::toggleShade: window->shade(! window->shaded()); return; case Action::toggleMaximizeHorizontal: window->toggleMaximize(XWindow::Max_Horz); return; case Action::toggleMaximizeVertical: window->toggleMaximize(XWindow::Max_Vert); return; case Action::toggleMaximizeFull: window->toggleMaximize(XWindow::Max_Full); return; case Action::toggleDecorations: window->decorate(! window->decorated()); return; default: assert(false); // unhandled action type! break; } } } void screen::handleKeyrelease(const XEvent &) { // the only keyrelease event we care about (for now) is when we do stacked // cycling and the modifier is released if (_stacked_cycling && _cycling && nothingIsPressed()) { // all modifiers have been released. ungrab the keyboard, move the // focused window to the top of the Z-order and raise it ungrabModifiers(); if (_active != _clients.end()) { XWindow *w = *_active; bool e = _last_active == _active; _clients.remove(w); _clients.push_front(w); _active = _clients.begin(); if (e) _last_active = _active; w->raise(); } _cycling = false; } } // do we want to add this window to our list? bool screen::doAddWindow(Window window) const { assert(_managed); Atom type; if (! _xatom->getValue(window, XAtom::net_wm_window_type, XAtom::atom, type)) return True; if (type == _xatom->getAtom(XAtom::net_wm_window_type_dock) || type == _xatom->getAtom(XAtom::net_wm_window_type_menu)) return False; return True; } void screen::updateEverything() { updateNumDesktops(); updateActiveDesktop(); updateClientList(); updateActiveWindow(); } void screen::updateNumDesktops() { assert(_managed); if (! _xatom->getValue(_root, XAtom::net_number_of_desktops, XAtom::cardinal, (unsigned long)_num_desktops)) _num_desktops = 1; // assume that there is at least 1 desktop! } void screen::updateActiveDesktop() { assert(_managed); if (! _xatom->getValue(_root, XAtom::net_current_desktop, XAtom::cardinal, (unsigned long)_active_desktop)) _active_desktop = 0; // there must be at least one desktop, and it must // be the current one } void screen::updateClientList() { assert(_managed); WindowList::iterator insert_point = _active; if (insert_point != _clients.end()) ++insert_point; // get to the item client the focused client // get the client list from the root window Window *rootclients = 0; unsigned long num = (unsigned) -1; if (! _xatom->getValue(_root, XAtom::net_client_list, XAtom::window, num, &rootclients)) num = 0; WindowList::iterator it; const WindowList::iterator end = _clients.end(); unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { for (it = _clients.begin(); it != end; ++it) if (**it == rootclients[i]) break; if (it == end) { // didn't already exist if (doAddWindow(rootclients[i])) { // cout << "Added window: 0x" << hex << rootclients[i] << dec << endl; // insert new clients after the active window _clients.insert(insert_point, new XWindow(_epist, this, rootclients[i])); } } } // remove clients that no longer exist (that belong to this screen) for (it = _clients.begin(); it != end;) { WindowList::iterator it2 = it; ++it; // is on another screen? if ((*it2)->getScreen() != this) continue; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) if (**it2 == rootclients[i]) break; if (i == num) { // no longer exists // cout << "Removed window: 0x" << hex << (*it2)->window() << dec << endl; // watch for the active and last-active window if (it2 == _active) _active = _clients.end(); if (it2 == _last_active) _last_active = _clients.end(); delete *it2; _clients.erase(it2); } } if (rootclients) delete [] rootclients; } const XWindow *screen::lastActiveWindow() const { if (_last_active != _clients.end()) return *_last_active; // find a window if one exists WindowList::const_iterator it, end = _clients.end(); for (it = _clients.begin(); it != end; ++it) if ((*it)->getScreen() == this && ! (*it)->iconic() && (*it)->canFocus() && ((*it)->desktop() == 0xffffffff || (*it)->desktop() == _active_desktop)) return *it; // no windows on this screen return 0; } void screen::updateActiveWindow() { assert(_managed); Window a = None; _xatom->getValue(_root, XAtom::net_active_window, XAtom::window, a); WindowList::iterator it, end = _clients.end(); for (it = _clients.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if (**it == a) { if ((*it)->getScreen() != this) return; break; } } _active = it; if (_active != end) { /* if we're not cycling and a window gets focus, add it to the top of the * cycle stack. */ if (_stacked_cycling && !_cycling) { XWindow *win = *_active; _clients.remove(win); _clients.push_front(win); _active = _clients.begin(); _last_active = _active; } } /* cout << "Active window is now: "; if (_active == _clients.end()) cout << "None\n"; else cout << "0x" << hex << (*_active)->window() << dec << endl; */ } void screen::execCommand(const string &cmd) const { pid_t pid; if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { // disconnect the child from epist's session and the tty if (setsid() == -1) { cout << "warning: could not start a new process group\n"; perror("setsid"); } // make the command run on the correct screen if (putenv(const_cast<char*>(_info->displayString().c_str()))) { cout << "warning: couldn't set environment variable 'DISPLAY'\n"; perror("putenv()"); } execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd.c_str(), NULL); exit(-1); } else if (pid == -1) { cout << _epist->getApplicationName() << ": Could not fork a process for executing a command\n"; } } void screen::cycleWindow(unsigned int state, const bool forward, const int increment, const bool allscreens, const bool alldesktops, const bool sameclass, const string &cn) { assert(_managed); assert(increment > 0); if (_clients.empty()) return; string classname(cn); if (sameclass && classname.empty() && _active != _clients.end()) classname = (*_active)->appClass(); WindowList::const_iterator target = _active, begin = _clients.begin(), end = _clients.end(); XWindow *t = 0; for (int x = 0; x < increment; ++x) { while (1) { if (forward) { if (target == end) { target = begin; } else { ++target; } } else { if (target == begin) target = end; --target; } // must be no window to focus if (target == _active) return; // start back at the beginning of the loop if (target == end) continue; // determine if this window is invalid for cycling to t = *target; if (t->iconic()) continue; if (! allscreens && t->getScreen() != this) continue; if (! alldesktops && ! (t->desktop() == _active_desktop || t->desktop() == 0xffffffff)) continue; if (sameclass && ! classname.empty() && t->appClass() != classname) continue; if (! t->canFocus()) continue; // found a good window so break out of the while, and perhaps continue // with the for loop break; } } // phew. we found the window, so focus it. if (_stacked_cycling && state) { if (!_cycling) { // grab modifiers so we can intercept KeyReleases from them grabModifiers(); _cycling = true; } // if the window is on another desktop, we can't use XSetInputFocus, since // it doesn't imply a workspace change. if (_stacked_raise || (t->desktop() != _active_desktop && t->desktop() != 0xffffffff)) t->focus(); // raise else t->focus(false); // don't raise } else { t->focus(); } } void screen::cycleWorkspace(const bool forward, const int increment, const bool loop) const { assert(_managed); assert(increment > 0); unsigned int destination = _active_desktop; for (int x = 0; x < increment; ++x) { if (forward) { if (destination < _num_desktops - 1) ++destination; else if (loop) destination = 0; } else { if (destination > 0) --destination; else if (loop) destination = _num_desktops - 1; } } if (destination != _active_desktop) changeWorkspace(destination); } void screen::changeWorkspace(const int num) const { assert(_managed); _xatom->sendClientMessage(_root, XAtom::net_current_desktop, _root, num); } void screen::changeWorkspaceVert(const int num) const { assert(_managed); int width = 0; int num_desktops = (signed)_num_desktops; int active_desktop = (signed)_active_desktop; int wnum = 0; _config->getValue(Config::workspaceColumns, width); if (width > num_desktops || width <= 0) return; // a cookie to the person that makes this pretty if (num < 0) { wnum = active_desktop - width; if (wnum < 0) { wnum = num_desktops/width * width + active_desktop; if (wnum >= num_desktops) wnum = num_desktops - 1; } } else { wnum = active_desktop + width; if (wnum >= num_desktops) { wnum = (active_desktop + width) % num_desktops - 1; if (wnum < 0) wnum = 0; } } changeWorkspace(wnum); } void screen::changeWorkspaceHorz(const int num) const { assert(_managed); int width = 0; int num_desktops = (signed)_num_desktops; int active_desktop = (signed)_active_desktop; int wnum = 0; _config->getValue(Config::workspaceColumns, width); if (width > num_desktops || width <= 0) return; if (num < 0) { if (active_desktop % width != 0) changeWorkspace(active_desktop - 1); else { wnum = active_desktop + width - 1; if (wnum >= num_desktops) wnum = num_desktops - 1; } } else { if (active_desktop % width != width - 1) { wnum = active_desktop + 1; if (wnum >= num_desktops) wnum = num_desktops / width * width; } else wnum = active_desktop - width + 1; } changeWorkspace(wnum); } void screen::grabKey(const KeyCode keyCode, const int modifierMask) const { Display *display = _epist->getXDisplay(); int numlockMask, scrolllockMask; _epist->getLockModifiers(numlockMask, scrolllockMask); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|LockMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|scrolllockMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|numlockMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|LockMask|scrolllockMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|scrolllockMask|numlockMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|numlockMask|LockMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); XGrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|numlockMask|LockMask|scrolllockMask, _root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); } void screen::ungrabKey(const KeyCode keyCode, const int modifierMask) const { Display *display = _epist->getXDisplay(); int numlockMask, scrolllockMask; _epist->getLockModifiers(numlockMask, scrolllockMask); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask, _root); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|LockMask, _root); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|scrolllockMask, _root); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|numlockMask, _root); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|LockMask|scrolllockMask, _root); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|scrolllockMask|numlockMask, _root); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|numlockMask|LockMask, _root); XUngrabKey(display, keyCode, modifierMask|numlockMask|LockMask| scrolllockMask, _root); } void screen::grabModifiers() const { Display *display = _epist->getXDisplay(); XGrabKeyboard(display, rootWindow(), True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); } void screen::ungrabModifiers() const { Display *display = _epist->getXDisplay(); XUngrabKeyboard(display, CurrentTime); } bool screen::nothingIsPressed(void) const { char keys[32]; XQueryKeymap(_epist->getXDisplay(), keys); for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if (keys[i] != 0) return false; } return true; }