EWMH Compliance Document:

Listed below are all the NetWM (or EWM) hints decided upon on freedesktop.org 
and Openbox's current level of compliance with the spec. Beside each hint is
the version of the spec which Openbox is compliant up to for the hint.

 compliance :
    - = none,
    / = partial,
    + = complete,
    * = Openbox is compliant, but something else needs checking
    ? = unknown

	Openbox doesn't support large desktops so these just match the
	screen size.
	Openbox doesn't support large desktops so these are just (0, 0).
	Openbox does not use virtual roots, so this is not needed.
+ _NET_WM_NAME (1.3)
	Openbox does not let windows change this hint after mapping.
+ _NET_WM_STATE (1.3)
+ _NET_WM_STRUT (1.3)
	Openbox uses these to create per-monitor struts in Xinerama setups.
	Openbox does not display icons for iconic windows.
+ _NET_WM_ICON (1.3)
- _NET_WM_PID (1.3)
	Openbox does not make use of available PIDs as I don't believe there is
	a reliable way to tell what client the window is running on.
	Openbox does not display icons for iconic windows.
	Future support would be nice.
- _NET_WM_PING (1.3)
	Openbox doesn't look for hung processes at this time.