#include "../../kernel/focus.h" #include "../../kernel/dispatch.h" #include "../../kernel/openbox.h" #include "../../kernel/event.h" #include "../../kernel/grab.h" #include "../../kernel/action.h" #include "tree.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "keysrc.h" #include "translate.h" #include <glib.h> void plugin_setup_config() { } KeyBindingTree *firstnode; static KeyBindingTree *curpos; static guint reset_key, reset_state; static gboolean grabbed; static void grab_keys(gboolean grab) { if (!grab) { ungrab_all_keys(); } else { KeyBindingTree *p = firstnode; while (p) { grab_key(p->key, p->state, GrabModeSync); p = p->next_sibling; } } } static void reset_chains() { /* XXX kill timer */ curpos = NULL; if (grabbed) { grabbed = FALSE; grab_keyboard(FALSE); } else XAllowEvents(ob_display, AsyncKeyboard, event_lasttime); } gboolean kbind(GList *keylist, Action *action) { KeyBindingTree *tree, *t; gboolean conflict; g_assert(keylist != NULL); g_assert(action != NULL); if (!(tree = tree_build(keylist))) return FALSE; if ((t = tree_find(tree, &conflict)) != NULL) { /* already bound to something */ g_warning("keychain is already bound"); tree_destroy(tree); return FALSE; } if (conflict) { g_warning("conflict with binding"); tree_destroy(tree); return FALSE; } /* grab the server here to make sure no key presses go missed */ grab_server(TRUE); grab_keys(FALSE); /* set the action */ t = tree; while (t->first_child) t = t->first_child; t->action = action; /* assimilate this built tree into the main tree. assimilation destroys/uses the tree */ tree_assimilate(tree); grab_keys(TRUE); grab_server(FALSE); return TRUE; } static void press(ObEvent *e, void *foo) { if (e->data.x.e->xkey.keycode == reset_key && e->data.x.e->xkey.state == reset_state) { reset_chains(); } else { KeyBindingTree *p; if (curpos == NULL) p = firstnode; else p = curpos->first_child; while (p) { if (p->key == e->data.x.e->xkey.keycode && p->state == e->data.x.e->xkey.state) { if (p->first_child != NULL) { /* part of a chain */ /* XXX TIMER */ if (!grabbed) { grab_keyboard(TRUE); grabbed = TRUE; XAllowEvents(ob_display, AsyncKeyboard, event_lasttime); } curpos = p; } else { if (p->action->func != NULL) { p->action->data.any.c = focus_client; g_assert(!(p->action->func == action_move || p->action->func == action_resize)); p->action->func(&p->action->data); } reset_chains(); } break; } p = p->next_sibling; } } } void plugin_startup() { dispatch_register(Event_X_KeyPress, (EventHandler)press, NULL); translate_key("C-g", &reset_state, &reset_key); keysrc_parse(); } void plugin_shutdown() { dispatch_register(0, (EventHandler)press, NULL); grab_keys(FALSE); tree_destroy(firstnode); firstnode = NULL; grab_keys(TRUE); }