#include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include "render.h" #include "gradient.h" #include "font.h" #include "mask.h" #include "color.h" #include "image.h" #include "theme.h" #include <glib.h> #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include <stdlib.h> #endif static void pixel_data_to_pixmap(RrAppearance *l, gint x, gint y, gint w, gint h); void RrPaint(RrAppearance *l, Window win, gint w, gint h) { int i, transferred = 0, sw; RrPixel32 *source, *dest; Pixmap oldp; RrRect tarea; /* area in which to draw textures */ gboolean resized; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return; resized = (l->w != w || l->h != h); oldp = l->pixmap; /* save to free after changing the visible pixmap */ l->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(RrDisplay(l->inst), RrRootWindow(l->inst), w, h, RrDepth(l->inst)); g_assert(l->pixmap != None); l->w = w; l->h = h; if (l->xftdraw != NULL) XftDrawDestroy(l->xftdraw); l->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(RrDisplay(l->inst), l->pixmap, RrVisual(l->inst), RrColormap(l->inst)); g_assert(l->xftdraw != NULL); g_free(l->surface.pixel_data); l->surface.pixel_data = g_new(RrPixel32, w * h); if (l->surface.grad == RR_SURFACE_PARENTREL) { g_assert (l->surface.parent); g_assert (l->surface.parent->w); sw = l->surface.parent->w; source = (l->surface.parent->surface.pixel_data + l->surface.parentx + sw * l->surface.parenty); dest = l->surface.pixel_data; for (i = 0; i < h; i++, source += sw, dest += w) { memcpy(dest, source, w * sizeof(RrPixel32)); } } else RrRender(l, w, h); RECT_SET(tarea, 0, 0, w, h); if (l->surface.grad != RR_SURFACE_PARENTREL) { if (l->surface.relief != RR_RELIEF_FLAT) { switch (l->surface.bevel) { case RR_BEVEL_1: tarea.x += 1; tarea.y += 1; tarea.width -= 2; tarea.height -= 2; break; case RR_BEVEL_2: tarea.x += 2; tarea.y += 2; tarea.width -= 4; tarea.height -= 4; break; } } else if (l->surface.border) { tarea.x += 1; tarea.y += 1; tarea.width -= 2; tarea.height -= 2; } } for (i = 0; i < l->textures; i++) { switch (l->texture[i].type) { case RR_TEXTURE_NONE: break; case RR_TEXTURE_TEXT: if (!transferred) { transferred = 1; if (l->surface.grad != RR_SURFACE_SOLID) pixel_data_to_pixmap(l, 0, 0, w, h); } if (l->xftdraw == NULL) { l->xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(RrDisplay(l->inst), l->pixmap, RrVisual(l->inst), RrColormap(l->inst)); } RrFontDraw(l->xftdraw, &l->texture[i].data.text, &tarea); break; case RR_TEXTURE_MASK: if (!transferred) { transferred = 1; if (l->surface.grad != RR_SURFACE_SOLID) pixel_data_to_pixmap(l, 0, 0, w, h); } if (l->texture[i].data.mask.color->gc == None) RrColorAllocateGC(l->texture[i].data.mask.color); RrPixmapMaskDraw(l->pixmap, &l->texture[i].data.mask, &tarea); break; case RR_TEXTURE_RGBA: RrImageDraw(l->surface.pixel_data, &l->texture[i].data.rgba, &tarea); break; } } if (!transferred) { transferred = 1; if (l->surface.grad != RR_SURFACE_SOLID) pixel_data_to_pixmap(l, 0, 0, w, h); } XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(RrDisplay(l->inst), win, l->pixmap); XClearWindow(RrDisplay(l->inst), win); if (oldp) XFreePixmap(RrDisplay(l->inst), oldp); } RrAppearance *RrAppearanceNew(const RrInstance *inst, gint numtex) { RrAppearance *out; out = g_new0(RrAppearance, 1); out->inst = inst; out->textures = numtex; if (numtex) out->texture = g_new0(RrTexture, numtex); return out; } RrAppearance *RrAppearanceCopy(RrAppearance *orig) { RrSurface *spo, *spc; RrAppearance *copy = g_new(RrAppearance, 1); copy->inst = orig->inst; spo = &(orig->surface); spc = &(copy->surface); spc->grad = spo->grad; spc->relief = spo->relief; spc->bevel = spo->bevel; if (spo->primary != NULL) spc->primary = RrColorNew(copy->inst, spo->primary->r, spo->primary->g, spo->primary->b); else spc->primary = NULL; if (spo->secondary != NULL) spc->secondary = RrColorNew(copy->inst, spo->secondary->r, spo->secondary->g, spo->secondary->b); else spc->secondary = NULL; if (spo->border_color != NULL) spc->border_color = RrColorNew(copy->inst, spo->border_color->r, spo->border_color->g, spo->border_color->b); else spc->border_color = NULL; if (spo->bevel_dark != NULL) spc->bevel_dark = RrColorNew(copy->inst, spo->bevel_dark->r, spo->bevel_dark->g, spo->bevel_dark->b); else spc->bevel_dark = NULL; if (spo->bevel_light != NULL) spc->bevel_light = RrColorNew(copy->inst, spo->bevel_light->r, spo->bevel_light->g, spo->bevel_light->b); else spc->bevel_light = NULL; spc->interlaced = spo->interlaced; spc->border = spo->border; spc->parent = NULL; spc->parentx = spc->parenty = 0; spc->pixel_data = NULL; copy->textures = orig->textures; copy->texture = g_memdup(orig->texture, orig->textures * sizeof(RrTexture)); copy->pixmap = None; copy->xftdraw = NULL; copy->w = copy->h = 0; return copy; } void RrAppearanceFree(RrAppearance *a) { if (a) { RrSurface *p; if (a->pixmap != None) XFreePixmap(RrDisplay(a->inst), a->pixmap); if (a->xftdraw != NULL) XftDrawDestroy(a->xftdraw); if (a->textures) g_free(a->texture); p = &a->surface; RrColorFree(p->primary); RrColorFree(p->secondary); RrColorFree(p->border_color); RrColorFree(p->bevel_dark); RrColorFree(p->bevel_light); g_free(p->pixel_data); g_free(a); } } static void pixel_data_to_pixmap(RrAppearance *l, gint x, gint y, gint w, gint h) { RrPixel32 *in, *scratch; Pixmap out; XImage *im = NULL; im = XCreateImage(RrDisplay(l->inst), RrVisual(l->inst), RrDepth(l->inst), ZPixmap, 0, NULL, w, h, 32, 0); g_assert(im != NULL); in = l->surface.pixel_data; out = l->pixmap; im->byte_order = LSBFirst; /* this malloc is a complete waste of time on normal 32bpp as reduce_depth just sets im->data = data and returns */ scratch = g_new(RrPixel32, im->width * im->height); im->data = (char*) scratch; RrReduceDepth(l->inst, in, im); XPutImage(RrDisplay(l->inst), out, DefaultGC(RrDisplay(l->inst), RrScreen(l->inst)), im, 0, 0, x, y, w, h); im->data = NULL; XDestroyImage(im); g_free(scratch); } void RrMinsize(RrAppearance *l, gint *w, gint *h) { gint i; gint m; *w = *h = 0; for (i = 0; i < l->textures; ++i) { switch (l->texture[i].type) { case RR_TEXTURE_NONE: break; case RR_TEXTURE_MASK: *w = MAX(*w, l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->width); *h = MAX(*h, l->texture[i].data.mask.mask->height); break; case RR_TEXTURE_TEXT: m = RrFontMeasureString(l->texture[i].data.text.font, l->texture[i].data.text.string); *w = MAX(*w, m); m = RrFontHeight(l->texture[i].data.text.font); *h += MAX(*h, m); break; case RR_TEXTURE_RGBA: *w += MAX(*w, l->texture[i].data.rgba.width); *h += MAX(*h, l->texture[i].data.rgba.height); break; } } if (l->surface.relief != RR_RELIEF_FLAT) { switch (l->surface.bevel) { case RR_BEVEL_1: *w += 2; *h += 2; break; case RR_BEVEL_2: *w += 4; *h += 4; break; } } else if (l->surface.border) { *w += 2; *h += 2; } if (*w < 1) *w = 1; if (*h < 1) *h = 1; } gboolean RrPixmapToRGBA(const RrInstance *inst, Pixmap pmap, Pixmap mask, gint *w, gint *h, RrPixel32 **data) { Window xr; gint xx, xy; guint pw, ph, mw, mh, xb, xd, i, x, y, di; XImage *xi, *xm = NULL; if (!XGetGeometry(RrDisplay(inst), pmap, &xr, &xx, &xy, &pw, &ph, &xb, &xd)) return FALSE; if (mask) { if (!XGetGeometry(RrDisplay(inst), mask, &xr, &xx, &xy, &mw, &mh, &xb, &xd)) return FALSE; if (pw != mw || ph != mh || xd != 1) return FALSE; } xi = XGetImage(RrDisplay(inst), pmap, 0, 0, pw, ph, 0xffffffff, ZPixmap); if (!xi) return FALSE; if (mask) { xm = XGetImage(RrDisplay(inst), mask, 0, 0, mw, mh, 0xffffffff, ZPixmap); if (!xm) return FALSE; } *data = g_new(RrPixel32, pw * ph); RrIncreaseDepth(inst, *data, xi); if (mask) { /* apply transparency from the mask */ di = 0; for (i = 0, y = 0; y < ph; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < pw; ++x, ++i) { if (!((((unsigned)xm->data[di + x / 8]) >> (x % 8)) & 0x1)) (*data)[i] &= ~(0xff << RrDefaultAlphaOffset); } di += xm->bytes_per_line; } } *w = pw; *h = ph; return TRUE; }