// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- #ifndef __renderstyle_hh #define __renderstyle_hh #include "rendertexture.hh" #include "rendercolor.hh" #include "font.hh" #include <string> #include <list> namespace otk { struct PixmapMask { Pixmap mask; unsigned int w, h; PixmapMask() { mask = None; w = h = 0; } }; class RenderStyle; class StyleNotify { public: //! Called when the style is changed on the same screen as the handler. virtual void styleChanged(const RenderStyle &) {} }; class RenderStyle { static RenderStyle **_styles; static std::list<StyleNotify*> *_notifies; public: static void initialize(); static void destroy(); static void registerNotify(int screen, StyleNotify *n); static void unregisterNotify(int screen, StyleNotify *n); static RenderStyle *style(int screen); enum Justify { LeftTopJustify, RightBottomJustify, CenterJustify }; private: int _screen; std::string _file; RenderColor *_root_color; RenderColor *_text_color_focus; RenderColor *_text_color_unfocus; RenderColor *_button_color_focus; RenderColor *_button_color_unfocus; RenderColor *_frame_border_color; int _frame_border_width; RenderColor *_client_border_color_focus; RenderColor *_client_border_color_unfocus; int _client_border_width; RenderTexture *_titlebar_focus; RenderTexture *_titlebar_unfocus; RenderTexture *_label_focus; RenderTexture *_label_unfocus; RenderTexture *_handle_focus; RenderTexture *_handle_unfocus; RenderTexture *_button_unpress_focus; RenderTexture *_button_unpress_unfocus; RenderTexture *_button_press_focus; RenderTexture *_button_press_unfocus; RenderTexture *_grip_focus; RenderTexture *_grip_unfocus; Font *_label_font; Justify _label_justify; PixmapMask *_max_mask; PixmapMask *_icon_mask; PixmapMask *_alldesk_mask; PixmapMask *_close_mask; int _handle_width; int _bevel_width; public: RenderStyle(int screen, const std::string &stylefile); virtual ~RenderStyle(); inline int screen() const { return _screen; } inline RenderColor *rootColor() const { return _root_color; } inline RenderColor *textFocusColor() const { return _text_color_focus; } inline RenderColor *textUnfocusColor() const { return _text_color_unfocus; } inline RenderColor *buttonFocusColor() const { return _button_color_focus; } inline RenderColor *buttonUnfocusColor() const { return _button_color_unfocus; } inline RenderColor *frameBorderColor() const { return _frame_border_color; } inline int frameBorderWidth() const { return _frame_border_width; } inline RenderColor *clientBorderFocusColor() const { return _client_border_color_focus; } inline RenderColor *clientBorderUnfocusColor() const { return _client_border_color_unfocus; } inline int clientBorderWidth() const { return _client_border_width; } inline RenderTexture *titlebarFocusBackground() const { return _titlebar_focus; } inline RenderTexture *titlebarUnfocusBackground() const { return _titlebar_unfocus; } inline RenderTexture *labelFocusBackground() const { return _label_focus; } inline RenderTexture *labelUnfocusBackground() const { return _label_unfocus;} inline RenderTexture *handleFocusBackground() const { return _handle_focus; } inline RenderTexture *handleUnfocusBackground() const { return _handle_unfocus; } inline RenderTexture *buttonUnpressFocusBackground() const { return _button_unpress_focus; } inline RenderTexture *buttonUnpressUnfocusBackground() const { return _button_unpress_unfocus; } inline RenderTexture *buttonPressFocusBackground() const { return _button_press_focus; } inline RenderTexture *buttonPressUnfocusBackground() const { return _button_press_unfocus; } inline RenderTexture *gripFocusBackground() const { return _grip_focus; } inline RenderTexture *gripUnfocusBackground() const { return _grip_unfocus; } inline Font *labelFont() const { return _label_font; } inline Justify labelTextJustify() const { return _label_justify; } inline PixmapMask *maximizeMask() const { return _max_mask; } inline PixmapMask *iconifyMask() const { return _icon_mask; } inline PixmapMask *alldesktopsMask() const { return _alldesk_mask; } inline PixmapMask *closeMask() const { return _close_mask; } inline int handleWidth() const { return _handle_width; } inline int bevelWidth() const { return _bevel_width; } }; } #endif // __rendertexture_hh