
help() {
  echo "Usage: $0 <revision> [lastrelease]"
  echo "  <revision>    The revision which should be used for release."
  echo "  [lastrelease] The revision of the most recent release made."
  echo "                By default it uses the most recent release-tag."
  exit 1

error() {
  echo "error: $1"
  exit 1

test -e "./openbox/openbox.c" || \
  error "must be run from the project's top level directory"

test -z "$REV" && help
RELEASE_SHA=$(git rev-parse "$REV")
test $? = 0 || error "revision $REV not found"

if test -z "$LAST"; then
    LAST=$(git describe --match 'release-*' $REV)
    test $? = 0 || \
	error "unable to find last release"

#### CHANGELOG #####
git log --no-merges $LAST..$REV --oneline|egrep '[bB][uU][Gg] #?[0-9]+'
git log --no-merges $LAST..$REV --oneline | \
  perl -n -e'/[bB][uU][Gg] #?([0-9]+)/ && print "#$1, "'
perl -e'print "\b\b \n"'

exit 0