/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- obt/parse.c for the Openbox window manager Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "obt/parse.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif static gboolean xdg_start; static gchar *xdg_config_home_path; static gchar *xdg_data_home_path; static GSList *xdg_config_dir_paths; static GSList *xdg_data_dir_paths; struct Callback { gchar *tag; ObtParseCallback func; gpointer data; }; struct _ObtParseInst { gint ref; GHashTable *callbacks; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr root; gchar *path; }; static void destfunc(struct Callback *c) { g_free(c->tag); g_free(c); } ObtParseInst* obt_parse_instance_new(void) { ObtParseInst *i = g_new(ObtParseInst, 1); i->ref = 1; i->callbacks = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)destfunc); i->doc = NULL; i->root = NULL; i->path = NULL; return i; } void obt_parse_instance_ref(ObtParseInst *i) { ++i->ref; } void obt_parse_instance_unref(ObtParseInst *i) { if (i && --i->ref == 0) { g_hash_table_destroy(i->callbacks); g_free(i); } } xmlDocPtr obt_parse_doc(ObtParseInst *i) { g_assert(i->doc); /* a doc is open? */ return i->doc; } xmlNodePtr obt_parse_root(ObtParseInst *i) { g_assert(i->doc); /* a doc is open? */ return i->root; } void obt_parse_register(ObtParseInst *i, const gchar *tag, ObtParseCallback func, gpointer data) { struct Callback *c; if ((c = g_hash_table_lookup(i->callbacks, tag))) { g_error("Tag '%s' already registered", tag); return; } c = g_new(struct Callback, 1); c->tag = g_strdup(tag); c->func = func; c->data = data; g_hash_table_insert(i->callbacks, c->tag, c); } static gboolean load_file(ObtParseInst *i, const gchar *domain, const gchar *filename, const gchar *root_node, GSList *paths) { GSList *it; gboolean r = FALSE; g_assert(i->doc == NULL); /* another doc isn't open already? */ for (it = paths; !r && it; it = g_slist_next(it)) { gchar *path; struct stat s; if (!domain && !filename) /* given a full path to the file */ path = g_strdup(it->data); else path = g_build_filename(it->data, domain, filename, NULL); if (stat(path, &s) >= 0) { /* XML_PARSE_BLANKS is needed apparently, or the tree can end up with extra nodes in it. */ i->doc = xmlReadFile(path, NULL, (XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS | XML_PARSE_RECOVER)); if (i->doc) { i->root = xmlDocGetRootElement(i->doc); if (!i->root) { xmlFreeDoc(i->doc); i->doc = NULL; g_message("%s is an empty XML document", path); } else if (xmlStrcmp(i->root->name, (const xmlChar*)root_node)) { xmlFreeDoc(i->doc); i->doc = NULL; i->root = NULL; g_message("XML document %s is of wrong type. Root " "node is not '%s'", path, root_node); } else { i->path = g_strdup(path); r = TRUE; /* ok! */ } } } g_free(path); } return r; } gboolean obt_parse_load_file(ObtParseInst *i, const gchar *path, const gchar *root_node) { GSList *paths; gboolean r; paths = g_slist_append(NULL, g_strdup(path)); r = load_file(i, NULL, NULL, root_node, paths); while (paths) { g_free(paths->data); paths = g_slist_delete_link(paths, paths); } return r; } gboolean obt_parse_load_config_file(ObtParseInst *i, const gchar *domain, const gchar *filename, const gchar *root_node) { GSList *it, *paths = NULL; gboolean r; for (it = xdg_config_dir_paths; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) paths = g_slist_append(paths, g_strdup(it->data)); r = load_file(i, domain, filename, root_node, paths); while (paths) { g_free(paths->data); paths = g_slist_delete_link(paths, paths); } return r; } gboolean obt_parse_load_data_file(ObtParseInst *i, const gchar *domain, const gchar *filename, const gchar *root_node) { GSList *it, *paths = NULL; gboolean r; for (it = xdg_data_dir_paths; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) paths = g_slist_append(paths, g_strdup(it->data)); r = load_file(i, domain, filename, root_node, paths); while (paths) { g_free(paths->data); paths = g_slist_delete_link(paths, paths); } return r; } gboolean obt_parse_load_theme_file(ObtParseInst *i, const gchar *theme, const gchar *domain, const gchar *filename, const gchar *root_node) { GSList *it, *paths = NULL; gboolean r; /* use ~/.themes for backwards compatibility */ paths = g_slist_append (paths, g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".themes", theme, NULL)); for (it = xdg_data_dir_paths; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) paths = g_slist_append (paths, g_build_filename(it->data, "themes", theme, NULL)); r = load_file(i, domain, filename, root_node, paths); while (paths) { g_free(paths->data); paths = g_slist_delete_link(paths, paths); } return r; } gboolean obt_parse_load_mem(ObtParseInst *i, gpointer data, guint len, const gchar *root_node) { gboolean r = FALSE; g_assert(i->doc == NULL); /* another doc isn't open already? */ i->doc = xmlParseMemory(data, len); if (i) { i->root = xmlDocGetRootElement(i->doc); if (!i->root) { xmlFreeDoc(i->doc); i->doc = NULL; g_message("Given memory is an empty document"); } else if (xmlStrcmp(i->root->name, (const xmlChar*)root_node)) { xmlFreeDoc(i->doc); i->doc = NULL; i->root = NULL; g_message("XML Document in given memory is of wrong " "type. Root node is not '%s'\n", root_node); } else r = TRUE; /* ok ! */ } return r; } void obt_parse_close(ObtParseInst *i) { if (i && i->doc) { xmlFreeDoc(i->doc); g_free(i->path); i->doc = NULL; i->root = NULL; i->path = NULL; } } void obt_parse_tree(ObtParseInst *i, xmlNodePtr node) { g_assert(i->doc); /* a doc is open? */ while (node) { struct Callback *c = g_hash_table_lookup(i->callbacks, node->name); if (c) c->func(node, c->data); node = node->next; } } void obt_parse_tree_from_root(ObtParseInst *i) { obt_parse_tree(i, i->root->children); } gchar *obt_parse_node_string(xmlNodePtr node) { xmlChar *c = xmlNodeGetContent(node); gchar *s = g_strdup(c ? (gchar*)c : ""); xmlFree(c); return s; } gint obt_parse_node_int(xmlNodePtr node) { xmlChar *c = xmlNodeGetContent(node); gint i = c ? atoi((gchar*)c) : 0; xmlFree(c); return i; } gboolean obt_parse_node_bool(xmlNodePtr node) { xmlChar *c = xmlNodeGetContent(node); gboolean b = FALSE; if (c && !xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "true")) b = TRUE; else if (c && !xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "yes")) b = TRUE; else if (c && !xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "on")) b = TRUE; xmlFree(c); return b; } gboolean obt_parse_node_contains(xmlNodePtr node, const gchar *val) { xmlChar *c = xmlNodeGetContent(node); gboolean r; r = !xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) val); xmlFree(c); return r; } xmlNodePtr obt_parse_find_node(xmlNodePtr node, const gchar *tag) { while (node) { if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) tag)) return node; node = node->next; } return NULL; } gboolean obt_parse_attr_bool(xmlNodePtr node, const gchar *name, gboolean *value) { xmlChar *c = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*) name); gboolean r = FALSE; if (c) { if (!xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "true")) *value = TRUE, r = TRUE; else if (!xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "yes")) *value = TRUE, r = TRUE; else if (!xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "on")) *value = TRUE, r = TRUE; else if (!xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "false")) *value = FALSE, r = TRUE; else if (!xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "no")) *value = FALSE, r = TRUE; else if (!xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) "off")) *value = FALSE, r = TRUE; } xmlFree(c); return r; } gboolean obt_parse_attr_int(xmlNodePtr node, const gchar *name, gint *value) { xmlChar *c = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*) name); gboolean r = FALSE; if (c) { *value = atoi((gchar*)c); r = TRUE; } xmlFree(c); return r; } gboolean obt_parse_attr_string(xmlNodePtr node, const gchar *name, gchar **value) { xmlChar *c = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*) name); gboolean r = FALSE; if (c) { *value = g_strdup((gchar*)c); r = TRUE; } xmlFree(c); return r; } gboolean obt_parse_attr_contains(xmlNodePtr node, const gchar *name, const gchar *val) { xmlChar *c = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*) name); gboolean r = FALSE; if (c) r = !xmlStrcasecmp(c, (const xmlChar*) val); xmlFree(c); return r; } static gint slist_path_cmp(const gchar *a, const gchar *b) { return strcmp(a, b); } typedef GSList* (*GSListFunc) (gpointer list, gconstpointer data); static GSList* slist_path_add(GSList *list, gpointer data, GSListFunc func) { g_assert(func); if (!data) return list; if (!g_slist_find_custom(list, data, (GCompareFunc) slist_path_cmp)) list = func(list, data); else g_free(data); return list; } static GSList* split_paths(const gchar *paths) { GSList *list = NULL; gchar **spl, **it; if (!paths) return NULL; spl = g_strsplit(paths, ":", -1); for (it = spl; *it; ++it) list = slist_path_add(list, *it, (GSListFunc) g_slist_append); g_free(spl); return list; } void parse_paths_startup(void) { const gchar *path; if (xdg_start) return; xdg_start = TRUE; path = g_getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (path && path[0] != '\0') /* not unset or empty */ xdg_config_home_path = g_build_filename(path, NULL); else xdg_config_home_path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".config", NULL); path = g_getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (path && path[0] != '\0') /* not unset or empty */ xdg_data_home_path = g_build_filename(path, NULL); else xdg_data_home_path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".local", "share", NULL); path = g_getenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS"); if (path && path[0] != '\0') /* not unset or empty */ xdg_config_dir_paths = split_paths(path); else { xdg_config_dir_paths = slist_path_add(xdg_config_dir_paths, g_strdup(CONFIGDIR), (GSListFunc) g_slist_append); xdg_config_dir_paths = slist_path_add(xdg_config_dir_paths, g_build_filename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "etc", "xdg", NULL), (GSListFunc) g_slist_append); } xdg_config_dir_paths = slist_path_add(xdg_config_dir_paths, g_strdup(xdg_config_home_path), (GSListFunc) g_slist_prepend); path = g_getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); if (path && path[0] != '\0') /* not unset or empty */ xdg_data_dir_paths = split_paths(path); else { xdg_data_dir_paths = slist_path_add(xdg_data_dir_paths, g_strdup(DATADIR), (GSListFunc) g_slist_append); xdg_data_dir_paths = slist_path_add(xdg_data_dir_paths, g_build_filename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "usr", "local", "share", NULL), (GSListFunc) g_slist_append); xdg_data_dir_paths = slist_path_add(xdg_data_dir_paths, g_build_filename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, "usr", "share", NULL), (GSListFunc) g_slist_append); } xdg_data_dir_paths = slist_path_add(xdg_data_dir_paths, g_strdup(xdg_data_home_path), (GSListFunc) g_slist_prepend); } void parse_paths_shutdown(void) { GSList *it; if (!xdg_start) return; xdg_start = FALSE; for (it = xdg_config_dir_paths; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(xdg_config_dir_paths); xdg_config_dir_paths = NULL; for (it = xdg_data_dir_paths; it; it = g_slist_next(it)) g_free(it->data); g_slist_free(xdg_data_dir_paths); xdg_data_dir_paths = NULL; g_free(xdg_config_home_path); xdg_config_home_path = NULL; g_free(xdg_data_home_path); xdg_data_home_path = NULL; } gchar *parse_expand_tilde(const gchar *f) { gchar **spl; gchar *ret; if (!f) return NULL; spl = g_strsplit(f, "~", 0); ret = g_strjoinv(g_get_home_dir(), spl); g_strfreev(spl); return ret; } gboolean parse_mkdir(const gchar *path, gint mode) { gboolean ret = TRUE; g_return_val_if_fail(path != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(path[0] != '\0', FALSE); if (!g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) if (mkdir(path, mode) == -1) ret = FALSE; return ret; } gboolean parse_mkdir_path(const gchar *path, gint mode) { gboolean ret = TRUE; g_return_val_if_fail(path != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(path[0] == '/', FALSE); if (!g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { gchar *c, *e; c = g_strdup(path); e = c; while ((e = strchr(e + 1, '/'))) { *e = '\0'; if (!(ret = parse_mkdir(c, mode))) goto parse_mkdir_path_end; *e = '/'; } ret = parse_mkdir(c, mode); parse_mkdir_path_end: g_free(c); } return ret; } const gchar* parse_xdg_config_home_path(void) { return xdg_config_home_path; } const gchar* parse_xdg_data_home_path(void) { return xdg_data_home_path; } GSList* parse_xdg_config_dir_paths(void) { return xdg_config_dir_paths; } GSList* parse_xdg_data_dir_paths(void) { return xdg_data_dir_paths; }