// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
#ifndef   __display_hh
#define   __display_hh

extern "C" {
#include <X11/Xlib.h>

#include <vector>

namespace otk {

class ScreenInfo;
class BGCCache;

//! Manages a single X11 display.
  This class is static, and cannot be instantiated.
  Use the initialize() method to open the display and ready it for use.
  Use the destroy() method to close it and clean up the class' data.
class OBDisplay
  //! The X display
  static Display *display;
  //! A List of ScreenInfo instances
  typedef std::vector<ScreenInfo> ScreenInfoList;

  //! Does the display have the Shape extention?
  static bool _shape;
  //! Base for events for the Shape extention
  static int  _shape_event_basep;

  //! Does the display have the Xinerama extention?
  static bool _xinerama;
  //! Base for events for the Xinerama extention
  static int  _xinerama_event_basep;

  //! A list of all possible combinations of keyboard lock masks
  static unsigned int _mask_list[8];

  //! The number of requested grabs on the display
  static int _grab_count;

  //! A list of information for all screens on the display
  static ScreenInfoList _screenInfoList;

  //! A cache for re-using GCs, used by the drawing objects
    @see BPen
    @see BFont
    @see BImage
    @see BImageControl
    @see BTexture
  static BGCCache *_gccache;

  //! Handles X errors on the display
    Displays the error if compiled for debugging.
  static int xerrorHandler(Display *d, XErrorEvent *e);

  //! Prevents instantiation of the class

  //! Initializes the class, opens the X display
    @see OBDisplay::display
    @param name The name of the X display to open. If it is null, the DISPLAY
                environment variable is used instead.
  static void initialize(char *name);
  //! Destroys the class, closes the X display
  static void destroy();

  //! Returns the GC cache for the application
  inline static BGCCache *gcCache() { return _gccache; }

  //! Gets information on a specific screen
    Returns a ScreenInfo class, which contains information for a screen on the
    @param snum The screen number of the screen to retrieve info on
    @return Info on the requested screen, in a ScreenInfo class
  static const ScreenInfo* screenInfo(int snum);

  //! Returns if the display has the shape extention available
  inline static bool shape() { return _shape; }
  //! Returns the shape extension's event base
  inline static int shapeEventBase() { return _shape_event_basep; }
  //! Returns if the display has the xinerama extention available
  inline static bool xinerama() { return _xinerama; }

  //! Grabs the display
  static void grab();

  //! Ungrabs the display
  static void ungrab();

  static void grabButton(unsigned int button, unsigned int modifiers,
                  Window grab_window, bool owner_events,
                  unsigned int event_mask, int pointer_mode,
                  int keyboard_mode, Window confine_to, Cursor cursor,
                  bool allow_scroll_lock);
  static void ungrabButton(unsigned int button, unsigned int modifiers,
                    Window grab_window);


#endif // __display_hh