probably it was a dumb idea all along. you're not picking the numbers yourself and you're probably not remembering which window they apply to and the focus indicator thinger is much more clever than numbers
<font place="ActiveWindow">
Valid place="" are ActiveWindow, InactiveWindow, MenuTitle, and MenuItem.
Only valid weight is "bold"
Valid slants are "italic" and "oblique"
shadowTint is a value between -100 and 100
size is the font size in points. pixelsize could possibly be added in the form of 8px, but it's not right now.
the name can contain multiple families and they will all be used to match characters
You can omit any fields and get the default for it. You can omit naming a font for a place="" and get the default font for it.
This is completely replacing theme-specified fonts, for better or for worse. Font shadowing may go back into the theme at some point, instead of in the rc.xml.
1. some random compiling/style cleanups
2. some bigfixes
- mislogic in per-window-settings and focusing new windows
- use client_can_focus rather than checking variables for directional focus
- MAYBE fix all those lock-ups forever. using event_curtime (a new variable) now instead of event_lasttime. event_lasttime is still used however when the event being processed did not have a time associated with it. this may or may not be a problem, and will be seen.
3. um.. i forget
4. oh yeah, 3rd party docks are now treated like the internal ob dock irt focus. that is, clicking on them won't pass them focus. this is going to be ratified as expected behavior in the wm-spec just now. if docks/panels want focus they can request it with _net_active_window, and then they can have all the focus they want! one day alt-tabbing around dock windows might be nice. but not until the ob dock is moved out into a separate application. going to have to add a wmapp selection and stuff for that though... ugly. who uses wmdockapps anymore !? someone must.. *sigh*