rm the old bb src

This commit is contained in:
Dana Jansens 2003-01-03 19:36:41 +00:00
parent 660ad41ca0
commit f8ea576460
8 changed files with 60 additions and 6473 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
#ifndef __Screen_hh
#define __Screen_hh
extern "C" {
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# else // !HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
# include <time.h>
# endif // HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "otk/color.hh"
#include "otk/font.hh"
#include "otk/texture.hh"
#include "otk/image.hh"
#include "otk/strut.hh"
#include "otk/property.hh"
#include "otk/configuration.hh"
#include "otk/style.hh"
#include "timer.hh"
#include "workspace.hh"
#include "blackbox.hh"
namespace ob {
class BScreen : public otk::ScreenInfo {
bool root_colormap_installed, managed, geom_visible;
GC opGC;
Pixmap geom_pixmap;
Window geom_window;
Blackbox *blackbox;
otk::BImageControl *image_control;
otk::Configuration *config;
otk::OBProperty *xatom;
BlackboxWindowList iconList, windowList;
typedef std::vector<Window> WindowList;
WindowList specialWindowList, desktopWindowList, systrayWindowList;
Workspace *current_workspace;
unsigned int geom_w, geom_h;
unsigned long event_mask;
otk::Rect usableArea;
RectList xineramaUsableArea;
#endif // XINERAMA
typedef std::list<otk::Strut*> StrutList;
StrutList strutList;
typedef std::vector<Workspace*> WorkspaceList;
WorkspaceList workspacesList;
struct screen_resource {
otk::Style wstyle;
bool sloppy_focus, auto_raise, auto_edge_balance, ordered_dither,
opaque_move, full_max, focus_new, focus_last, click_raise,
allow_scroll_lock, window_corner_snap, aa_fonts,
ignore_shaded, ignore_maximized, workspace_warping, shadow_fonts;
int snap_to_windows, snap_to_edges;
unsigned int snap_offset;
unsigned int workspaces;
int placement_policy,
snap_threshold, row_direction, col_direction, root_scroll,
unsigned int resize_zones;
std::string strftime_format;
} resource;
std::string screenstr;
BScreen(const BScreen&);
BScreen& operator=(const BScreen&);
void updateWorkArea(void);
// XXX: temporary
void updateNetizenWorkspaceCount();
void updateNetizenWindowFocus();
enum { WindowNoSnap = 0, WindowSnap, WindowResistance };
enum { RowSmartPlacement = 1, ColSmartPlacement, CascadePlacement,
UnderMousePlacement, ClickMousePlacement, LeftRight, RightLeft,
TopBottom, BottomTop, IgnoreShaded, IgnoreMaximized };
enum { Restart = 1, RestartOther, Exit, Shutdown, Execute, Reconfigure,
WindowShade, WindowIconify, WindowMaximize, WindowClose, WindowRaise,
WindowLower, WindowStick, WindowKill, SetStyle };
enum FocusModel { SloppyFocus, ClickToFocus };
enum RootScrollDirection { NoScroll = 0, NormalScroll, ReverseScroll };
BScreen(Blackbox *bb, unsigned int scrn);
void LoadStyle(void);
inline bool isSloppyFocus(void) const { return resource.sloppy_focus; }
inline bool isRootColormapInstalled(void) const
{ return root_colormap_installed; }
inline bool doAutoRaise(void) const { return resource.auto_raise; }
inline bool doClickRaise(void) const { return resource.click_raise; }
inline bool isScreenManaged(void) const { return managed; }
inline bool doShadowFonts(void) const { return resource.shadow_fonts; }
inline bool doAAFonts(void) const { return resource.aa_fonts; }
inline bool doImageDither(void) const { return image_control->doDither(); }
inline bool doOrderedDither(void) const { return resource.ordered_dither; }
inline bool doOpaqueMove(void) const { return resource.opaque_move; }
inline bool doFullMax(void) const { return resource.full_max; }
inline bool doFocusNew(void) const { return resource.focus_new; }
inline bool doFocusLast(void) const { return resource.focus_last; }
inline int getWindowToWindowSnap(void) const
{ return resource.snap_to_windows; }
inline int getWindowToEdgeSnap(void) const
{ return resource.snap_to_edges; }
inline bool getWindowCornerSnap(void) const
{ return resource.window_corner_snap; }
inline bool allowScrollLock(void) const { return resource.allow_scroll_lock; }
inline bool doWorkspaceWarping(void) const
{ return resource.workspace_warping; }
inline int rootScrollDirection(void) const { return resource.root_scroll; }
inline const GC &getOpGC(void) const { return opGC; }
inline Blackbox *getBlackbox(void) { return blackbox; }
inline otk::BColor *getBorderColor(void) {
return &resource.wstyle.border_color;
inline otk::BImageControl *getImageControl(void) { return image_control; }
Workspace *getWorkspace(unsigned int index) const;
inline Workspace *getCurrentWorkspace(void) { return current_workspace; }
inline unsigned int getResizeZones(void) const
{ return resource.resize_zones; }
inline bool getPlaceIgnoreShaded(void) const
{ return resource.ignore_shaded; }
inline bool getPlaceIgnoreMaximized(void) const
{ return resource.ignore_maximized; }
inline unsigned int getCurrentWorkspaceID(void) const
{ return current_workspace->getID(); }
inline unsigned int getWorkspaceCount(void) const
{ return workspacesList.size(); }
inline unsigned int getIconCount(void) const { return iconList.size(); }
inline unsigned int getNumberOfWorkspaces(void) const
{ return resource.workspaces; }
inline int getPlacementPolicy(void) const
{ return resource.placement_policy; }
inline int getSnapOffset(void) const
{ return resource.snap_offset; }
inline int getSnapThreshold(void) const
{ return resource.snap_threshold; }
inline int getResistanceSize(void) const
{ return resource.resistance_size; }
inline int getRowPlacementDirection(void) const
{ return resource.row_direction; }
inline int getColPlacementDirection(void) const
{ return resource.col_direction; }
void changeWorkspaceCount(unsigned int new_count);
inline void setRootColormapInstalled(bool r) { root_colormap_installed = r; }
void saveSloppyFocus(bool s);
void saveAutoRaise(bool a);
void saveClickRaise(bool c);
void saveWorkspaces(unsigned int w);
void savePlacementPolicy(int p);
void saveRowPlacementDirection(int d);
void saveColPlacementDirection(int d);
void saveSnapThreshold(int t);
void saveSnapOffset(int o);
void saveResistanceSize(int s);
void saveImageDither(bool d);
void saveShadowFonts(bool f);
void saveAAFonts(bool f);
void saveOpaqueMove(bool o);
void saveFullMax(bool f);
void saveFocusNew(bool f);
void saveFocusLast(bool f);
void saveWindowToEdgeSnap(int s);
void saveWindowToWindowSnap(int s);
void saveWindowCornerSnap(bool s);
void saveResizeZones(unsigned int z);
void savePlaceIgnoreShaded(bool i);
void savePlaceIgnoreMaximized(bool i);
void saveAllowScrollLock(bool a);
void saveWorkspaceWarping(bool w);
void saveRootScrollDirection(int d);
inline const char *getStrftimeFormat(void)
{ return resource.strftime_format.c_str(); }
void saveStrftimeFormat(const std::string& format);
inline otk::Style *getWindowStyle(void) { return &resource.wstyle; }
BlackboxWindow *getIcon(unsigned int index);
// allAvailableAreas should be used whenever possible instead of this function
// as then Xinerama will work correctly.
const otk::Rect& availableArea(void) const;
const RectList& allAvailableAreas(void) const;
#endif // XINERAMA
void updateAvailableArea(void);
void addStrut(otk::Strut *strut);
void removeStrut(otk::Strut *strut);
unsigned int addWorkspace(void);
unsigned int removeLastWorkspace(void);
void changeWorkspaceID(unsigned int id);
void saveWorkspaceNames(void);
void addSystrayWindow(Window window);
void removeSystrayWindow(Window window);
void addIcon(BlackboxWindow *w);
void removeIcon(BlackboxWindow *w);
void updateClientList(void);
void updateStackingList(void);
void manageWindow(Window w);
void unmanageWindow(BlackboxWindow *w, bool remap);
void raiseWindows(Window *workspace_stack, unsigned int num);
void lowerWindows(Window *workspace_stack, unsigned int num);
void reassociateWindow(BlackboxWindow *w, unsigned int wkspc_id,
bool ignore_sticky);
void propagateWindowName(const BlackboxWindow *bw);
void prevFocus(void) const;
void nextFocus(void) const;
void raiseFocus(void) const;
void load_rc(void);
void save_rc(void);
void reconfigure(void);
void toggleFocusModel(FocusModel model);
void shutdown(void);
void showPosition(int x, int y);
void showGeometry(unsigned int gx, unsigned int gy);
void hideGeometry(void);
void buttonPressEvent(const XButtonEvent *xbutton);
void propertyNotifyEvent(const XPropertyEvent *pe);
#endif // __Screen_hh

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
// -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
#ifndef __Window_hh
#define __Window_hh
extern "C" {
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#ifdef SHAPE
# include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#endif // SHAPE
#include <string>
#include "otk/timer.hh"
#include "otk/property.hh"
#include "otk/rect.hh"
#include "otk/strut.hh"
#include "blackbox.hh"
#include "otk/util.hh"
#define MwmHintsFunctions (1l << 0)
#define MwmHintsDecorations (1l << 1)
#define MwmFuncAll (1l << 0)
#define MwmFuncResize (1l << 1)
#define MwmFuncMove (1l << 2)
#define MwmFuncIconify (1l << 3)
#define MwmFuncMaximize (1l << 4)
#define MwmFuncClose (1l << 5)
#define MwmDecorAll (1l << 0)
#define MwmDecorBorder (1l << 1)
#define MwmDecorHandle (1l << 2)
#define MwmDecorTitle (1l << 3)
#define MwmDecorMenu (1l << 4) // not used
#define MwmDecorIconify (1l << 5)
#define MwmDecorMaximize (1l << 6)
namespace ob {
// this structure only contains 3 elements... the Motif 2.0 structure contains
// 5... we only need the first 3... so that is all we will define
typedef struct MwmHints {
unsigned long flags, functions, decorations;
} MwmHints;
#define PropMwmHintsElements 3
class BWindowGroup {
Blackbox *blackbox;
Window group;
BlackboxWindowList windowList;
BWindowGroup(Blackbox *b, Window _group);
inline Window groupWindow(void) const { return group; }
inline bool empty(void) const { return windowList.empty(); }
void addWindow(BlackboxWindow *w) { windowList.push_back(w); }
void removeWindow(BlackboxWindow *w) { windowList.remove(w); }
find a window on the specified screen. the focused window (if any) is
checked first, otherwise the first matching window found is returned.
transients are returned only if allow_transients is True.
BlackboxWindow *find(BScreen *screen, bool allow_transients = False) const;
class BlackboxWindow {
enum Function { Func_Resize = (1l << 0),
Func_Move = (1l << 1),
Func_Iconify = (1l << 2),
Func_Maximize = (1l << 3),
Func_Close = (1l << 4) };
typedef unsigned char FunctionFlags;
enum Decoration { Decor_Titlebar = (1l << 0),
Decor_Handle = (1l << 1),
Decor_Border = (1l << 2),
Decor_Iconify = (1l << 3),
Decor_Maximize = (1l << 4),
Decor_Close = (1l << 5) };
typedef unsigned char DecorationFlags;
enum WindowType { Type_Desktop,
Type_Normal };
enum Corner { TopLeft,
BottomRight };
Blackbox *blackbox;
BScreen *screen;
otk::OBProperty *xatom;
otk::OBTimer *timer;
BlackboxAttributes blackbox_attrib;
Time lastButtonPressTime; // used for double clicks, when were we clicked
unsigned int window_number;
unsigned long current_state;
unsigned int mod_mask; // the mod mask used to grab buttons
enum FocusMode { F_NoInput = 0, F_Passive,
F_LocallyActive, F_GloballyActive };
FocusMode focus_mode;
struct _flags {
bool moving, // is moving?
resizing, // is resizing?
shaded, // is shaded?
visible, // is visible?
iconic, // is iconified?
focused, // has focus?
stuck, // is omnipresent?
modal, // is modal? (must be dismissed to continue)
skip_taskbar, // skipped by taskbars?
skip_pager, // skipped by pagers?
fullscreen, // a fullscreen window?
send_focus_message, // should we send focus messages to our client?
shaped; // does the frame use the shape extension?
unsigned int maximized; // maximize is special, the number corresponds
// with a mouse button
// if 0, not maximized
// 1 = HorizVert, 2 = Vertical, 3 = Horizontal
} flags;
struct _client {
Window window, // the client's window
BlackboxWindow *transient_for; // which window are we a transient for?
BlackboxWindowList transientList; // which windows are our transients?
std::string title, icon_title;
otk::Rect rect;
otk::Strut strut;
int old_bw; // client's borderwidth
unsigned int
min_width, min_height, // can not be resized smaller
max_width, max_height, // can not be resized larger
width_inc, height_inc, // increment step
#if 0 // not supported at the moment
min_aspect_x, min_aspect_y, // minimum aspect ratio
max_aspect_x, max_aspect_y, // maximum aspect ratio
base_width, base_height,
unsigned long initial_state, normal_hint_flags;
} client;
FunctionFlags functions;
* what decorations do we have?
* this is based on the type of the client window as well as user input
DecorationFlags decorations;
DecorationFlags mwm_decorations;
Corner resize_dir;
WindowType window_type;
* client window = the application's window
* frame window = the window drawn around the outside of the client window
* by the window manager which contains items like the
* titlebar and close button
* title = the titlebar drawn above the client window, it displays the
* window's name and any buttons for interacting with the window,
* such as iconify, maximize, and close
* label = the window in the titlebar where the title is drawn
* buttons = maximize, iconify, close
* handle = the bar drawn at the bottom of the window, which contains the
* left and right grips used for resizing the window
* grips = the smaller reactangles in the handle, one of each side of it.
* When clicked and dragged, these resize the window interactively
* border = the line drawn around the outside edge of the frame window,
* between the title, the bordered client window, and the handle.
* Also drawn between the grips and the handle
struct _frame {
// u -> unfocused, f -> has focus, p -> pressed
unsigned long ulabel_pixel, flabel_pixel, utitle_pixel,
ftitle_pixel, uhandle_pixel, fhandle_pixel, ubutton_pixel,
fbutton_pixel, pfbutton_pixel, pubutton_pixel,
uborder_pixel, fborder_pixel, ugrip_pixel, fgrip_pixel;
Pixmap ulabel, flabel, utitle, ftitle, uhandle, fhandle,
ubutton, fbutton, pfbutton, pubutton, ugrip, fgrip;
Window window, // the frame
plate, // holds the client
close_button, iconify_button, maximize_button, stick_button,
right_grip, left_grip;
* size and location of the box drawn while the window dimensions or
* location is being changed, ie. resized or moved
otk::Rect changing;
otk::Rect rect; // frame geometry
otk::Strut margin; // margins between the frame and client
int grab_x, grab_y; // where was the window when it was grabbed?
unsigned int inside_w, inside_h, // window w/h without border_w
title_h, label_w, label_h, handle_h,
button_w, grip_w, mwm_border_w, border_w,
} frame;
BlackboxWindow(const BlackboxWindow&);
BlackboxWindow& operator=(const BlackboxWindow&);
bool getState(void);
Window createToplevelWindow();
Window createChildWindow(Window parent, unsigned long event_mask,
Cursor = None);
bool getWindowType(void);
void updateStrut(void);
void getWMName(void);
void getWMIconName(void);
void getWMNormalHints(void);
void getWMProtocols(void);
void getWMHints(void);
void getNetWMHints(void);
void getMWMHints(void);
bool getBlackboxHints(void);
void getTransientInfo(void);
void setNetWMAttributes(void);
void associateClientWindow(void);
void decorate(void);
void decorateLabel(void);
void positionButtons(bool redecorate_label = False);
void positionWindows(void);
void createHandle(void);
void destroyHandle(void);
void createTitlebar(void);
void destroyTitlebar(void);
void createCloseButton(void);
void destroyCloseButton(void);
void createIconifyButton(void);
void destroyIconifyButton(void);
void createMaximizeButton(void);
void destroyMaximizeButton(void);
void createStickyButton(void);
void destroyStickyButton(void);
void redrawWindowFrame(void) const;
void redrawLabel(void) const;
void redrawAllButtons(void) const;
void redrawButton(bool pressed, Window win,
Pixmap fppix, unsigned long fppixel,
Pixmap uppix, unsigned long uppixel,
Pixmap fpix, unsigned long fpixel,
Pixmap upix, unsigned long upixel) const;
void redrawCloseButton(bool pressed) const;
void redrawIconifyButton(bool pressed) const;
void redrawMaximizeButton(bool pressed) const;
void redrawStickyButton(bool pressed) const;
void applyGravity(otk::Rect &r);
void restoreGravity(otk::Rect &r);
void setAllowedActions(void);
void setState(unsigned long new_state);
void upsize(void);
void doMove(int x_root, int y_root);
void doWorkspaceWarping(int x_root, int y_root, int &dx);
void doWindowSnapping(int &dx, int &dy);
void endMove(void);
void doResize(int x_root, int y_root);
void endResize(void);
void constrain(Corner anchor, unsigned int *pw = 0, unsigned int *ph = 0);
BlackboxWindow(Blackbox *b, Window w, BScreen *s);
virtual ~BlackboxWindow(void);
inline bool isTransient(void) const { return client.transient_for != 0; }
inline bool isFocused(void) const { return flags.focused; }
inline bool isVisible(void) const { return flags.visible; }
inline bool isIconic(void) const { return flags.iconic; }
inline bool isShaded(void) const { return flags.shaded; }
inline bool isMaximized(void) const { return flags.maximized; }
inline bool isMaximizedHoriz(void) const { return flags.maximized == 3; }
inline bool isMaximizedVert(void) const { return flags.maximized == 2; }
inline bool isMaximizedFull(void) const { return flags.maximized == 1; }
inline bool isStuck(void) const { return flags.stuck; }
inline bool isModal(void) const { return flags.modal; }
inline bool isIconifiable(void) const { return functions & Func_Iconify; }
inline bool isMaximizable(void) const { return functions & Func_Maximize; }
inline bool isResizable(void) const { return functions & Func_Resize; }
inline bool isClosable(void) const { return functions & Func_Close; }
// is a 'normal' window? meaning, a standard client application
inline bool isNormal(void) const
{ return window_type == Type_Dialog || window_type == Type_Normal ||
window_type == Type_Toolbar || window_type == Type_Utility; }
inline bool isTopmost(void) const
{ return window_type == Type_Toolbar || window_type == Type_Utility; }
inline bool isDesktop(void) const { return window_type == Type_Desktop; }
inline bool hasTitlebar(void) const { return decorations & Decor_Titlebar; }
inline const BlackboxWindowList &getTransients(void) const
{ return client.transientList; }
BlackboxWindow *getTransientFor(void) const;
inline BScreen *getScreen(void) const { return screen; }
inline Window getFrameWindow(void) const { return frame.window; }
inline Window getClientWindow(void) const { return client.window; }
inline Window getGroupWindow(void) const { return client.window_group; }
inline const char *getTitle(void) const
{ return client.title.c_str(); }
inline const char *getIconTitle(void) const
{ return client.icon_title.c_str(); }
inline unsigned int getWorkspaceNumber(void) const
{ return blackbox_attrib.workspace; }
inline unsigned int getWindowNumber(void) const { return window_number; }
inline const otk::Rect &frameRect(void) const { return frame.rect; }
inline const otk::Rect &clientRect(void) const { return client.rect; }
inline unsigned int getTitleHeight(void) const
{ return frame.title_h; }
inline void setWindowNumber(int n) { window_number = n; }
bool validateClient(void) const;
bool setInputFocus(void);
// none of these are used by the window manager, they are here to persist
// them properly in the window's netwm state property.
inline bool skipTaskbar(void) const { return flags.skip_taskbar; }
inline void setSkipTaskbar(const bool s) { flags.skip_taskbar = s; }
inline bool skipPager(void) const { return flags.skip_pager; }
inline void setSkipPager(const bool s) { flags.skip_pager = s; }
inline bool isFullscreen(void) const { return flags.fullscreen; }
inline void setFullscreen(const bool f) { flags.fullscreen = f; }
inline void setModal(const bool m) { flags.modal = m; }
void beginMove(int x_root, int y_root);
void beginResize(int x_root, int y_root, Corner dir);
void enableDecor(bool enable);
void setupDecor();
void setFocusFlag(bool focus);
void iconify(void);
void deiconify(bool reassoc = True, bool raise = True);
void show(void);
void close(void);
void withdraw(void);
void maximize(unsigned int button);
void remaximize(void);
void shade(void);
void stick(void);
void reconfigure(void);
void grabButtons(void);
void ungrabButtons(void);
void installColormap(bool install);
void restore(bool remap);
void configure(int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh);
void setWorkspace(unsigned int n);
void changeBlackboxHints(const BlackboxHints *net);
void restoreAttributes(void);
void buttonPressEvent(const XButtonEvent *be);
void buttonReleaseEvent(const XButtonEvent *re);
void motionNotifyEvent(const XMotionEvent *me);
void destroyNotifyEvent(const XDestroyWindowEvent* /*unused*/);
void mapRequestEvent(const XMapRequestEvent *mre);
void unmapNotifyEvent(const XUnmapEvent* /*unused*/);
void reparentNotifyEvent(const XReparentEvent* /*unused*/);
void propertyNotifyEvent(const XPropertyEvent *pe);
void exposeEvent(const XExposeEvent *ee);
void configureRequestEvent(const XConfigureRequestEvent *cr);
void enterNotifyEvent(const XCrossingEvent *ce);
void leaveNotifyEvent(const XCrossingEvent* /*unused*/);
#ifdef SHAPE
void configureShape(void);
void clearShape(void);
void shapeEvent(XShapeEvent * /*unused*/);
#endif // SHAPE
static void timeout(BlackboxWindow *t);
#endif // __Window_hh

View file

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ OBBindings::OBBindings()
: _curpos(&_keytree),
(otk::OBTimeoutHandler)reset, this)
(otk::OBTimeoutHandler)resetChains, this)
_timer.setTimeout(5000); // chains reset after 5 seconds
@ -402,7 +402,14 @@ bool OBBindings::addButton(const std::string &but, MouseContext context,
bind->binding.key = b.key;
bind->binding.modifiers = b.modifiers;
// XXX GRAB the new button everywhere!
// grab the button on all clients
for (int sn = 0; sn < Openbox::instance->screenCount(); ++sn) {
OBScreen *s = Openbox::instance->screen(sn);
OBScreen::ClientList::iterator c_it, c_end = s->clients.end();
for (c_it = s->clients.begin(); c_it != c_end; ++c_it) {
grabButton(true, bind->binding, context, *c_it);
} else
bind = *it;
Py_XDECREF(bind->callback[action]); // if it was already bound, unbind it
@ -413,23 +420,31 @@ bool OBBindings::addButton(const std::string &but, MouseContext context,
void OBBindings::removeAllButtons()
// XXX: UNGRAB shits
for (int i = i; i < NUM_MOUSE_CONTEXT; ++i) {
ButtonBindingList::iterator it, end = _buttons[i].end();
for (it = _buttons[i].begin(); it != end; ++it)
for (it = _buttons[i].begin(); it != end; ++it) {
for (int a = 0; a < NUM_MOUSE_ACTION; ++a) {
(*it)->callback[a] = 0;
// ungrab the button on all clients
for (int sn = 0; sn < Openbox::instance->screenCount(); ++sn) {
OBScreen *s = Openbox::instance->screen(sn);
OBScreen::ClientList::iterator c_it, c_end = s->clients.end();
for (c_it = s->clients.begin(); c_it != c_end; ++c_it) {
grabButton(false, (*it)->binding, (MouseContext)i, *c_it);
void OBBindings::grabButtons(bool grab, OBClient *client)
void OBBindings::grabButton(bool grab, const Binding &b, MouseContext context,
OBClient *client)
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MOUSE_CONTEXT; ++i) {
Window win;
int mode = GrabModeAsync;
switch (i) {
switch(context) {
case MC_Frame:
win = client->frame->window();
@ -439,19 +454,23 @@ void OBBindings::grabButtons(bool grab, OBClient *client)
// any other elements already get button events, don't grab on them
ButtonBindingList::iterator it, end = _buttons[i].end();
for (it = _buttons[i].begin(); it != end; ++it)
if (grab)
(*it)->binding.modifiers, win, false,
otk::OBDisplay::grabButton(b.key, b.modifiers, win, false,
ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask |
ButtonReleaseMask, mode, GrabModeAsync,
None, None, false);
(*it)->binding.modifiers, win);
otk::OBDisplay::ungrabButton(b.key, b.modifiers, win);
void OBBindings::grabButtons(bool grab, OBClient *client)
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MOUSE_CONTEXT; ++i) {
ButtonBindingList::iterator it, end = _buttons[i].end();
for (it = _buttons[i].begin(); it != end; ++it)
grabButton(grab, (*it)->binding, (MouseContext)i, client);

View file

@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ private:
typedef std::list <ButtonBinding*> ButtonBindingList;
ButtonBindingList _buttons[NUM_MOUSE_CONTEXT];
void grabButton(bool grab, const Binding &b, MouseContext context,
OBClient *client);
//! Initializes an OBBindings object

View file

@ -172,6 +172,9 @@ Openbox::~Openbox()
_state = State_Exiting; // time to kill everything
// return input focus to the root
XSetInputFocus(otk::OBDisplay::display, PointerRoot, None, CurrentTime);
std::for_each(_screens.begin(), _screens.end(), otk::PointerAssassin());
delete _bindings;
@ -180,8 +183,11 @@ Openbox::~Openbox()
XSync(otk::OBDisplay::display, False);
// close the X display

View file

@ -122,6 +122,11 @@ OBScreen::~OBScreen()
if (! _managed) return;
XSelectInput(otk::OBDisplay::display, _info->rootWindow(), NoEventMask);
XSync(otk::OBDisplay::display, False);
XDestroyWindow(otk::OBDisplay::display, _focuswindow);
// unmanage all windows
while (!clients.empty())