import from bb-cvs
This commit is contained in:
86 changed files with 356 additions and 537 deletions
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
$set 1 #BaseDisplay
$set 1 #BaseDisplay
$ #XError
$ #XError
# %s : X hatası : %s ( %d ) opkodlar %d/%d\n kaynak 0x%lx\n
# %s: X error: %s(%d) opcodes %d/%d\n resource 0x%lx\n
$ #SignalCaught
$ #SignalCaught
# %s : %d sinyali alındı \n
# %s: signal %d caught\n
$ #ShuttingDown
$ #ShuttingDown
# kapatılıyorum\n
# shutting down\n
$ #Aborting
$ #Aborting
# kapatılıyorum ... çöküntüyü bırakıyorum\n
# aborting... dumping core\n
$ #XConnectFail
$ #XConnectFail
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay : X sunucusuna bağlanılınamadı .\n
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay: connection to X server failed.\n
$ #CloseOnExecFail
$ #CloseOnExecFail
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay : çalıştırırken kapatmada ekrana bağlanılınamadı \n
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay: couldn't mark display connection as close-on-exec\n
$ #BadWindowRemove
$ #BadWindowRemove
# BaseDisplay::eventLoop() : eylem kuyruğundaki 'kötü' pencereyi siliyorum \n
# BaseDisplay::eventLoop(): removing bad window from event queue\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Blackbox m<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>
# Blackbox Menu
@ -1,38 +1,40 @@
$set 3 #Configmenu
$set 3 #Configmenu
$ #ConfigOptions
$ #ConfigOptions
# Ayarlar
# Config Options
$ #FocusModel
$ #FocusModel
# Foküsleme
# Focus Model
$ #WindowPlacement
$ #WindowPlacement
# Pencere yerleşimi
# Window Placement
$ #ImageDithering
$ #ImageDithering
# Resim oluşturması
# Image Dithering
$ #OpaqueMove
$ #OpaqueMove
# Ekranı içerikli taşı
# Opaque Window Moving
$ #FullMax
$ #FullMax
# Tam ekranla, vallahi
# Full Maximization
$ #FocusNew
$ #FocusNew
# Yeni pencereleri foküsle
# Focus New Windows
$ #FocusLast
$ #FocusLast
# Masaüstündeki son pencereyi foküsle
# Focus Window on Workspace Change
$ #ClickToFocus
$ #ClickToFocus
# Tıklayarak foküsle
# Click to Focus
$ #SloppyFocus
$ #SloppyFocus
# Ağır foküsle
# Sloppy Focus
$ #AutoRaise
$ #AutoRaise
# Otomatikman yükselt
# Auto Raise
$ #ClickRaise
# Click Raise
$ #SmartRows
$ #SmartRows
# Akıllı yerleşim( Sıralar )
# Smart Placement (Rows)
$ #SmartCols
$ #SmartCols
# Akıllı yerleşim( Sütunlar )
# Smart Placement (Columns)
$ #Cascade
$ #Cascade
# Cascade Placement
# Cascade Placement
$ #LeftRight
$ #LeftRight
# Soldan sağa
# Left to Right
$ #RightLeft
$ #RightLeft
# Sağdan sola
# Right to Left
$ #TopBottom
$ #TopBottom
# Üstten aşağa
# Top to Bottom
$ #BottomTop
$ #BottomTop
# Alttan üste
# Bottom to Top
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 4 #Icon
$set 4 #Icon
$ #Icons
$ #Icons
# Ikonalar
# Icons
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
$set 5 #Image
$set 5 #Image
$ #ErrorCreatingSolidPixmap
$ #ErrorCreatingSolidPixmap
# BImage::render_solid : resmi yaratamadım\n
# BImage::render_solid: error creating pixmap\n
$ #ErrorCreatingXImage
$ #ErrorCreatingXImage
# BImage::renderXImage : XImage'i yaratamadım\n
# BImage::renderXImage: error creating XImage\n
$ #UnsupVisual
$ #UnsupVisual
# BImage::renderXImage : desteklenmeyen görünüş( renk derinliği )\n
# BImage::renderXImage: unsupported visual\n
$ #ErrorCreatingPixmap
$ #ErrorCreatingPixmap
# BImage::renderPixmap : resmi yaratamadım\n
# BImage::renderPixmap: error creating pixmap\n
$ #InvalidColormapSize
$ #InvalidColormapSize
# BImageControl::BImageControl : geçersiz renk haritası büyüklüğü %d (%d/%d/%d) - azaltıyorum\n
# BImageControl::BImageControl: invalid colormap size %d (%d/%d/%d) - reducing\n
$ #ErrorAllocatingColormap
$ #ErrorAllocatingColormap
# BImageControl::BImageControl : renk haritası ayrılanamadı\n
# BImageControl::BImageControl: error allocating colormap\n
$ #ColorAllocFail
$ #ColorAllocFail
# BImageControl::BImageControl : rengi ayrırken hata oldu : %d/%d/%d\n
# BImageControl::BImageControl: failed to alloc color %d/%d/%d\n
$ #PixmapRelease
$ #PixmapRelease
# BImageControl::~BImageControl : resim arabelleği - %d resim temizlendi\n
# BImageControl::~BImageControl: pixmap cache - releasing %d pixmaps\n
$ #PixmapCacheLarge
$ #PixmapCacheLarge
# BImageControl::renderImage : arabellek büyük, temizlemeye başlıyorum\n
# BImageControl::renderImage: cache is large, forcing cleanout\n
$ #ColorParseError
$ #ColorParseError
# BImageControl::getColor : renk tarama hatası : '%s'\n
# BImageControl::getColor: color parse error: '%s'\n
$ #ColorAllocError
$ #ColorAllocError
# BImageControl::getColor : renk ayırma hatası : '%s'\n
# BImageControl::getColor: color alloc error: '%s'\n
@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
$set 6 #Screen
$set 6 #Screen
$ #AnotherWMRunning
$ #AnotherWMRunning
# BScreen::BScreen : X sunucusunu sorgularken hata oldu.\n \
# BScreen::BScreen: an error occured while querying the X server.\n \
%s ekranında başka bir pencere yöneticisi çalışıyor gibi.\n
another window manager is already running on display %s.\n
$ #ManagingScreen
$ #ManagingScreen
# BScreen::BScreen : %d ekranı, 0x%lx görünümüyle , %d derinliğiyle\n
# BScreen::BScreen: managing screen %d using visual 0x%lx, depth %d\n
$ #FontLoadFail
$ #FontLoadFail
# BScreen::LoadStyle() : '%s' yazı tipi yüklenemedi.\n
# BScreen::LoadStyle(): couldn't load font '%s'\n
$ #DefaultFontLoadFail
$ #DefaultFontLoadFail
# BScreen::LoadStyle(): önayarlı yazı tipi yüklenemedi.\n
# BScreen::LoadStyle(): couldn't load default font.\n
$ #EmptyMenuFile
$ #EmptyMenuFile
# %s : boş mönü dosyası\n
# %s: empty menu file\n
$ #xterm
$ #xterm
# X komutası
# xterm
$ #Restart
$ #Restart
# Yeniden başla
# Restart
$ #Exit
$ #Exit
# Çık
# Exit
$ #EXECError
$ #EXECError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile : [exec] hatası, mönü yaftası ve/yada komuta belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [exec] error, no menu label and/or command defined\n
$ #EXITError
$ #EXITError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile : [exit] hatası, mönü yaftası belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [exit] error, no menu label defined\n
$ #STYLEError
$ #STYLEError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile : [style] hatası, mönü yaftası ve/yada dosya adı belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [style] error, no menu label and/or filename \
$ #CONFIGError
$ #CONFIGError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [config] hatası, mönü yaftası belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [config] error, no menu label defined\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] hatası, dosya adı belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] error, no filename defined\n
$ #INCLUDEErrorReg
$ #INCLUDEErrorReg
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] hatası, '%s' vasat bir dosya değil\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] error, '%s' is not a regular file\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [submenu] hatası, mönü yaftası belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [submenu] error, no menu label defined\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [restart] hatası, mönü yaftası belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [restart] error, no menu label defined\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [reconfig] hatası, mönü yaftası belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [reconfig] error, no menu label defined\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] hatası, dizin adı belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] error, no directory defined\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] hatası, '%s' bir dizin \
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] error, '%s' is not a \
$ #STYLESDIRErrorNoExist
$ #STYLESDIRErrorNoExist
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] hatası, '%s' var değil\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] error, '%s' does not exist\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [workspaces] hatası, mönü yaftası belirlenmedi\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [workspaces] error, no menu label defined\n
$ #PositionLength
$ #PositionLength
# 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
# 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
$ #PositionFormat
$ #PositionFormat
# X: %4d x Y: %4d
# X: %4d x Y: %4d
$ #GeometryFormat
$ #GeometryFormat
# Y: %4d x E: %4d
# W: %4d x H: %4d
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ $set 7 #Slit
$ #SlitTitle
$ #SlitTitle
# Slit
# Slit
$ #SlitDirection
$ #SlitDirection
# Slit yönü
# Slit Direction
$ #SlitPlacement
$ #SlitPlacement
# Slit yerleþimi
# Slit Placement
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ $ #NoStrftimeTimeFormatP
$ #NoStrftimeTimeFormatA
$ #NoStrftimeTimeFormatA
# a
# a
$ #ToolbarTitle
$ #ToolbarTitle
# Blackbox çubuğu
# Toolbar
$ #EditWkspcName
$ #EditWkspcName
# Geçerli masaüstü ismini değiştir
# Edit current workspace name
$ #ToolbarPlacement
$ #ToolbarPlacement
# Blackbox çubuğunun yerleşimi
# Toolbar Placement
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow : 0x%lx'i yarat#_yorum\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: creating 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow : XGetWindowAttributres başarısız oldu\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres failed\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow : 0x%lx ana penceresi için ekranı belirleyemedim\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: cannot find screen for root window 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Isimsiz
# Unnamed
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# 0x%lx için BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent()\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() for 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# 0x%lx için BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent()\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() for 0x%lx\n
$ #ReparentNotify
$ #ReparentNotify
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: 0x%lx'i ana pencereyi boya 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to 0x%lx\n
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
$set 10 #Windowmenu
$set 10 #Windowmenu
$ #SendTo
$ #SendTo
# Gönder ...
# Send To ...
$ #Shade
$ #Shade
# Topla
# Shade
$ #Iconify
$ #Iconify
# Ikonalaştır
# Iconify
$ #Maximize
$ #Maximize
# Azamileştir
# Maximize
$ #Raise
$ #Raise
# Alçalt
# Raise
$ #Lower
$ #Lower
# Yükselt
# Lower
$ #Stick
$ #Stick
# Yapışık
# Stick
$ #KillClient
$ #KillClient
# Öldür
# Kill Client
$ #Close
$ #Close
# Kapat
# Close
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 11 #Workspace
$set 11 #Workspace
$ #DefaultNameFormat
$ #DefaultNameFormat
# Masaüstü %d
# Workspace %d
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
$set 12 #Workspacemenu
$set 12 #Workspacemenu
$ #WorkspacesTitle
$ #WorkspacesTitle
# Masaüstleri
# Workspaces
$ #NewWorkspace
$ #NewWorkspace
# Yeni bir masaüstü
# New Workspace
$ #RemoveLast
$ #RemoveLast
# Son masaüstünü sil
# Remove Last
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
$set 16 #bsetroot
$set 16 #bsetroot
$ #MustSpecify
$ #MustSpecify
# %s : hata : -solid, -mod yada -gradient'den birisini belirlemek zorundasın\n
# %s: error: must specify one of: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# %s 2.0 : Tel'if hakkı (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
# %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <metin> ekran belirlemesi\n\
-display <string> display connection\n\
-mod <x> <y> bölüşüm işlemi\n\
-mod <x> <y> modula pattern\n\
-foreground, -fg <renk> bölüşüm önalanı\n\
-foreground, -fg <color> modula foreground color\n\
-background, -bg <renk> bölüşüm ardalanı\n\n\
-background, -bg <color> modula background color\n\n\
-gradient <kaplam> geçişim kaplamı\n\
-gradient <texture> gradient texture\n\
-from <renk> geçişim başlama rengi\n\
-from <color> gradient start color\n\
-to <renk> geçişim bitiş rengi\n\n\
-to <color> gradient end color\n\n\
-solid <renk> tek renk\n\n\
-solid <color> solid color\n\n\
-help bu yardım iletisini göster ve çık\n
-help print this help text and exit\n
@ -1,35 +1,38 @@
$set 15 #Common
$set 15 #Common
$ #Yes
$ #Yes
# Evet
# Yes
$ #No
$ #No
# Hayýr
# No
$ #DirectionTitle
$ #DirectionTitle
# Yön
# Direction
$ #DirectionHoriz
$ #DirectionHoriz
# Ufki
# Horizontal
$ #DirectionVert
$ #DirectionVert
# Dikey
# Vertical
$ #AlwaysOnTop
$ #AlwaysOnTop
# Her zaman üstte
# Always on top
$ #PlacementTitle
$ #PlacementTitle
# Yerleþim
# Placement
$ #PlacementTopLeft
$ #PlacementTopLeft
# Sol üst
# Top Left
$ #PlacementCenterLeft
$ #PlacementCenterLeft
# Sol orta
# Center Left
$ #PlacementBottomLeft
$ #PlacementBottomLeft
# Sol alt
# Bottom Left
$ #PlacementTopCenter
$ #PlacementTopCenter
# Üst orta
# Top Center
$ #PlacementBottomCenter
$ #PlacementBottomCenter
# Alt orta
# BottomCenter
$ #PlacementTopRight
$ #PlacementTopRight
# Sað üst
# Top Right
$ #PlacementCenterRight
$ #PlacementCenterRight
# Sað orta
# Center Right
$ #PlacementBottomRight
$ #PlacementBottomRight
# Sað üst
# Bottom Right
$ #AutoHide
# Auto hide
@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
$set 14 #main
$set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# 错误: '-rc' 需要参数\n
# error: '-rc' requires an argument\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# 错误: '-display' 需要参数\n
# error: '-display' requires an argument\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# 警告: 不能设置环境变量 'DISPLAY'\n
# warning: could not set environment variable 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s : (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
-display <string>\t\t使用显示连接.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\t使用其他的资源文件.\n\
-version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tdisplay this help text and exit.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# 编译选项:\n\
# Compile time options:\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openboxmenu
# Blackboxmenu
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: skaber 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: skaber 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres fejlede\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres fejlede\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: kunne ikke finde skærm til hovedvinduet 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: kunne ikke finde skærm til hovedvinduet 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Intet navn
# Intet navn
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() for 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() for 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() for 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() for 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: sætter 0x%lx til hovedvinduet\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: sætter 0x%lx til 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# fejl: '-rc' kræver et argument\n
# fejl: '-rc' kræver et argument\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# fejl: '-menu' kræver et argument\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# fjel: '-display' kræver et argument\n
# fjel: '-display' kræver et argument\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# advarsel: kunne ikke sætte variablen 'DISPLAY'\n
# advarsel: kunne ikke sætte variablen 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tbrug skærm tilslutning.\n\
-display <string>\t\tbrug skærm tilslutning.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tbrug alternativ resource fil.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tbrug alternativ resource fil.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tbrug alternativ menu fil.\n\
-version\t\t\tvis versionsnummer og afslut.\n\
-version\t\t\tvis versionsnummer og afslut.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tvis denne hjælp og afslut.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tvis denne hjælp og afslut.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Kompileret med:\n\
# Kompileret med:\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: ingen håndterbare skærme fundet, afslutter\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest for 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox Menu
# Blackbox Menu
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: Erstelle 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: Erstelle 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres versagt\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres versagt\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: kann keinen Bildschirm für root window 0x%lx finden\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: kann keinen Bildschirm für root window 0x%lx finden\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Ohne Titel
# Ohne Titel
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() von 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() von 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() von 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() von 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: 0x%lx nun Child des root window\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: 0x%lx nun Child des 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# Fehler: '-rc' benötigt einen Parameter\n
# Fehler: '-rc' benötigt einen Parameter\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# Fehler: '-menu' benötigt einen Parameter\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# Fehler: '-display' benötigt einen Parameter\n
# Fehler: '-display' benötigt einen Parameter\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# Achtung: konnte die Umgebungsvariable 'DISPLAY' nicht setzen\n
# Achtung: konnte die Umgebungsvariable 'DISPLAY' nicht setzen\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tDisplay Verbindung.\n\
-display <string>\t\tDisplay Verbindung.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\talternative Konfigurationsdatei.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\talternative Konfigurationsdatei.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\talternative menu.\n\
-version\t\t\tzeige Versionsnummer und Beendung.\n\
-version\t\t\tzeige Versionsnummer und Beendung.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tzeige diesen Hilfstext und Beendung.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tzeige diesen Hilfstext und Beendung.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Optionen zum Kompilationszeitpunkt:\n\
# Optionen zum Kompilationszeitpunkt:\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: keine verwaltbaren Bildschirme gefunden, Abbruch\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest von 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Menú de Openbox
# Menú de Blackbox
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: creando 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: creando 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres falló\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres falló\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: no se puede encontrar la pantalla para la ventana \
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: no se puede encontrar la pantalla para la ventana \
raíz 0x%lx\n
raíz 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Sin nombre
# Sin nombre
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() para 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() para 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() para 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() para 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: el padre nuevo para 0x%lx es la raíz\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: el padre nuevo para 0x%lx es 0x%lx\n
@ -2,25 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# error: '-rc' requiere un argumento
# error: '-rc' requiere un argumento
$ #MENURequiresArg
# error: '-menu' requiere un argumento
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# error: '-display' requiere un argumento
# error: '-display' requiere un argumento
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# cuidado: no se puede establecer la variable de ambiente 'DISPLAY'
# cuidado: no se puede establecer la variable de ambiente 'DISPLAY'
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string> conexión de despliegue.\n\
-display <string> conexión de despliegue.\n\
-rc <string> archivo alternativo de recuros.\n\
-rc <string> archivo alternativo de recuros.\n\
-menu <string> archivo alternativo de menu.\n\
-version mostrar la versión y cerrar.\n\
-version mostrar la versión y cerrar.\n\
-help mostrar este texto de ayuda y cerrar.\n\n
-help mostrar este texto de ayuda y cerrar.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Opciones durante la compilación:\n\
# Opciones durante la compilación:\n\
Información extra para depuración: %s\n\
Información extra para depuración: %s\n\
Entrelazado: %s\n\
Forma: %s\n\
Forma: %s\n\
Slit: %s\n\
8bpp simulación ordenada de colores en imágenes: %s\n\n
8bpp simulación ordenada de colores en imágenes: %s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: no encontré pantallas manejables, cerrando\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest para 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox'i Menüü
# Blackbox'i Menüü
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: loome 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: loome 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres ebaőnnestus\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres ebaőnnestus\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: ei leidnud displeid juuraknale 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: ei leidnud displeid juuraknale 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Nimeta
# Nimeta
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() 0x%lx'le\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() 0x%lx'le\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() 0x%lx'le\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() 0x%lx'le\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: 0x%lx juurele\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: 0x%lx juurele 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# viga: '-rc' vajab argumenti\n
# viga: '-rc' vajab argumenti\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# viga: '-menu' vajab argumenti\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# viga: '-display' vajab argumenti\n
# viga: '-display' vajab argumenti\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# hoiatus: ei saanud määrata keskonna muutujat 'DISPLAY'\n
# hoiatus: ei saanud määrata keskonna muutujat 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tkasuta displei ühendust.\n\
-display <string>\t\tkasuta displei ühendust.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tkasuta alternatiivseid resursse.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tkasuta alternatiivseid resursse.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tkasuta alternatiivseid menu.\n\
-version\t\t\tnäita versiooninumber ja välju.\n\
-version\t\t\tnäita versiooninumber ja välju.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tnäita seda abiteksti ja välju.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tnäita seda abiteksti ja välju.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Kompileerimisoptsioonid:\n\
# Kompileerimisoptsioonid:\n\
8bpp määratud teravustamine:\t%s\n\n
8bpp määratud teravustamine:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: ei leidnud hallatavaid displeisid, katkestame\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest 0x%lx'le\n
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ $ #SignalCaught
$ #ShuttingDown
$ #ShuttingDown
# arrêt du programme\n
# arrêt du programme\n
$ #Aborting
$ #Aborting
# annulation... ponte du fichier core\n
# annulation... génération du fichier core\n
$ #XConnectFail
$ #XConnectFail
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay: échec de la connexion à X\n
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay: échec de la connexion au serveur X\n
$ #CloseOnExecFail
$ #CloseOnExecFail
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay: impossible d'attribuer close-on-exec à l'affichage\n
# BaseDisplay::BaseDisplay: impossible d'attribuer close-on-exec à l'affichage\n
$ #BadWindowRemove
$ #BadWindowRemove
# BaseDisplay::eventLoop(): suppression d'une mauvaise fenêtre de la queue\n
# BaseDisplay::eventLoop(): suppression d'une mauvaise fenêtre de la queue des événements\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Menu de Openbox
# Menu de Blackbox
@ -3,25 +3,27 @@ $set 3 #Configmenu
$ #ConfigOptions
$ #ConfigOptions
# Options de configuration
# Options de configuration
$ #FocusModel
$ #FocusModel
# Mode de convergence
# Mode d'attribution du clavier
$ #WindowPlacement
$ #WindowPlacement
# Disposition des fenêtres
# Disposition des fenêtres
$ #ImageDithering
$ #ImageDithering
# Lissage d'images
# Lissage des images
$ #OpaqueMove
$ #OpaqueMove
# Déplacement opaque des fenêtres
# Déplacement opaque des fenêtres
$ #FullMax
$ #FullMax
# Maximization complète
# Maximisation complète
$ #FocusNew
$ #FocusNew
# Convergence de la nouvelle fenêtre
# Clavier à la nouvelle fenêtre
$ #FocusLast
$ #FocusLast
# Convergence de la dernière fenêtre
# Clavier à la dernière fenêtre
$ #ClickToFocus
$ #ClickToFocus
# Cliquer pour converger
# Cliquer pour obtenir le clavier
$ #SloppyFocus
$ #SloppyFocus
# Convergence souple
# Attribution du clavier souple
$ #AutoRaise
$ #AutoRaise
# Premier plan automatique
# Premier plan automatique
$ #ClickRaise
# Cliquer pour mettre au premier plan
$ #SmartRows
$ #SmartRows
# Disposition futée (Lignes)
# Disposition futée (Lignes)
$ #SmartCols
$ #SmartCols
@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ $ #ErrorCreatingSolidPixmap
$ #ErrorCreatingXImage
$ #ErrorCreatingXImage
# BImage::renderXImage: Erreur de création de XImage\n
# BImage::renderXImage: Erreur de création de XImage\n
$ #UnsupVisual
$ #UnsupVisual
# BImage::renderXImage: Image non endossée\n
# BImage::renderXImage: Mode visuel non supporté\n
$ #ErrorCreatingPixmap
$ #ErrorCreatingPixmap
# BImage::renderPixmap: Erreur de création de pixmap\n
# BImage::renderPixmap: Erreur de création de pixmap\n
$ #InvalidColormapSize
$ #InvalidColormapSize
# BImageControl::BImageControl: Taille des couleurs parentes invalide%d (%d/%d/%d) - coupe\n
# BImageControl::BImageControl: Taille de la palette de couleurs invalide%d (%d/%d/%d) - coupe\n
$ #ErrorAllocatingColormap
$ #ErrorAllocatingColormap
# BImageControl::BImageControl: Erreur d'allocation des couleurs parentes\n
# BImageControl::BImageControl: Erreur d'allocation de la palette de couleurs\n
$ #ColorAllocFail
$ #ColorAllocFail
# BImageControl::BImageControl: Echec d'allocation de couleur %d/%d/%d\n
# BImageControl::BImageControl: Echec d'allocation de couleur %d/%d/%d\n
$ #PixmapRelease
$ #PixmapRelease
# BImageControl::~BImageControl: Cache pixmap - abandon %d pixmaps\n
# BImageControl::~BImageControl: Cache pixmap - abandon %d pixmaps\n
$ #PixmapCacheLarge
$ #PixmapCacheLarge
# BImageControl::renderImage: Cache important, nettoyage conséquent\n
# BImageControl::renderImage: Occupation du cache importante, nettoyage forcé\n
$ #ColorParseError
$ #ColorParseError
# BImageControl::getColor: Erreur de lecture de couleur: '%s'\n
# BImageControl::getColor: Erreur de lecture de couleur: '%s'\n
$ #ColorAllocError
$ #ColorAllocError
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
$set 6 #Screen
$set 6 #Screen
$ #AnotherWMRunning
$ #AnotherWMRunning
# BScreen::BScreen: Occurence d'une erreur pendant une requête vers X.\n \
# BScreen::BScreen: Erreur survenue pendant une requête adressée au serveur X.\n \
Un autre gestionnaire de fenêtres est déjà lancé %s.\n
Un autre gestionnaire de fenêtres est déjà lancé %s.\n
$ #ManagingScreen
$ #ManagingScreen
# BScreen::BScreen: Gestion de l'écran %d avec le visuel 0x%lx, profondeur %d\n
# BScreen::BScreen: Gestion de l'écran %d avec le mode visuel 0x%lx, profondeur %d\n
$ #FontLoadFail
$ #FontLoadFail
# BScreen::LoadStyle(): Impossible de charger la police de caractère '%s'\n
# BScreen::LoadStyle(): Impossible de charger la police de caractères '%s'\n
$ #DefaultFontLoadFail
$ #DefaultFontLoadFail
# BScreen::LoadStyle(): Impossible de charger la police de caractère initiale.\n
# BScreen::LoadStyle(): Impossible de charger la police de caractères initiale.\n
$ #EmptyMenuFile
$ #EmptyMenuFile
# %s: Fichier de menu vide\n
# %s: Fichier de menu vide\n
$ #xterm
$ #xterm
@ -18,24 +18,24 @@ $ #Restart
$ #Exit
$ #Exit
# Sortie
# Sortie
$ #EXECError
$ #EXECError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [exec] Erreur, pas d'indication de menu &/ou de commande definie\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [exec] Erreur, pas de libellé de menu et/ou de commande definie\n
$ #EXITError
$ #EXITError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [exit] Erreur, aucune indication de menu définie\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [exit] Erreur, aucun libellé de menu défini\n
$ #STYLEError
$ #STYLEError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [style] Erreur, pas d'indication de menu &/ou de nom de fichier\
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [style] Erreur, pas libellé de menu et/ou de nom de fichier\
$ #CONFIGError
$ #CONFIGError
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [config] Erreur, aucune indication de menu définie\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [config] Erreur, aucun libellé de menu défini\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] Erreur, aucun nom de fichier défini\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] Erreur, aucun nom de fichier défini\n
$ #INCLUDEErrorReg
$ #INCLUDEErrorReg
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] Erreur, '%s' est un fichier invalide\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [include] Erreur, '%s' est un fichier invalide\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [submenu] Erreur, aucune indication de menu définie\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [submenu] Erreur, aucun libellé de menu défini\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [restart] Erreur, aucune indication de menu définie\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [restart] Erreur, aucun libellé de menu défini\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [reconfig] Erreur, aucune indication de menu définie\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [reconfig] Erreur, aucun libellé de menu défini\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] Erreur, aucun répertoire défini\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] Erreur, aucun répertoire défini\n
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ invalide\n
$ #STYLESDIRErrorNoExist
$ #STYLESDIRErrorNoExist
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] Erreur, '%s' est inexistant\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [stylesdir/stylesmenu] Erreur, '%s' est inexistant\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [workspaces] Erreur, aucune indication de menu définie\n
# BScreen::parseMenuFile: [workspaces] Erreur, aucun libellé de menu défini\n
$ #PositionLength
$ #PositionLength
# 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
# 0: 0000 x 0: 0000
$ #PositionFormat
$ #PositionFormat
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
$set 7 #Slit
$set 7 #Slit
$ #SlitTitle
$ #SlitTitle
# Slit
# Fente
$ #SlitDirection
$ #SlitDirection
# Orientation du Slit
# Orientation de la Fente
$ #SlitPlacement
$ #SlitPlacement
# Disposition du Slit
# Disposition de la Fente
@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ $ #NoStrftimeTimeFormatA
$ #ToolbarTitle
$ #ToolbarTitle
# Barre d'outils
# Barre d'outils
$ #EditWkspcName
$ #EditWkspcName
# Bâptème du bureau courant
# Edition du nom de l'espace courant
$ #ToolbarPlacement
$ #ToolbarPlacement
# Disposition de la barre d'outils
# Disposition de la barre d'outils
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: Génération 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: Génération 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: Echec de XGetWindowAttributres\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: Echec de XGetWindowAttributres\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: Impossible de trouver l'écran de la fenêtre racine0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: Impossible de trouver l'écran de la fenêtre racine 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Inconnu
# Inconnu
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() pour 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() pour 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() pour 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() pour 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: réattribue 0x%lx à la fenêtre principale\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: réattribue 0x%lx à la 0x%lx\n
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
$set 10 #Windowmenu
$set 10 #Windowmenu
$ #SendTo
$ #SendTo
# Redirige vers...
# Envoie vers ...
$ #Shade
$ #Shade
# Ombrage
# Fantôme
$ #Iconify
$ #Iconify
# Iconifie
# Iconifie
$ #Maximize
$ #Maximize
# Maximize
# Maximise
$ #Raise
$ #Raise
# Résurrection
# Élève
$ #Lower
$ #Lower
# Réduit
# Abaisse
$ #Stick
$ #Stick
# Epingle
# Épingle
$ #KillClient
$ #KillClient
# Massacre
# Massacre
$ #Close
$ #Close
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 11 #Workspace
$set 11 #Workspace
$ #DefaultNameFormat
$ #DefaultNameFormat
# Bureau %d
# Espace de travail %d
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
$set 12 #Workspacemenu
$set 12 #Workspacemenu
$ #WorkspacesTitle
$ #WorkspacesTitle
# Bureaux
# Espaces de travail
$ #NewWorkspace
$ #NewWorkspace
# Nouveau bureau
# Nouvel espace de travail
$ #RemoveLast
$ #RemoveLast
# Supprimer le dernier
# Supprimer le dernier
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
$set 16 #bsetroot
$set 16 #bsetroot
$ #MustSpecify
$ #MustSpecify
# %s: Erreur: il faut préciser: -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
# %s: Erreur: il faut préciser : -solid, -mod, -gradient\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
# %s 2.0: (c) 1997-2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <chaîne> connexion à l'écran\n\
-display <chaîne> connexion à l'affichage\n\
-mod <x> <y> schéma\n\
-mod <x> <y> motif\n\
-foreground, -fg <couleur> couleur au premier plan\n\
-foreground, -fg <couleur> couleur d'avant plan\n\
-background, -bg <couleur> couleur au second plan\n\n\
-background, -bg <couleur> couleur d'arrière plan\n\n\
-gradient <texture> texture du dégradé\n\
-gradient <texture> texture du dégradé\n\
-from <couleur> couleur de départ du dégradé\n\
-from <couleur> couleur de départ du dégradé\n\
-to <couleur> couleur d'arrivé du dégradé\n\n\
-to <couleur> couleur d'arrivée du dégradé\n\n\
-solid <couleur> couleur pleine\n\n\
-solid <couleur> couleur uniforme\n\n\
-help affiche ce texte d'aide et quitte\n
-help affiche ce texte d'aide et quitte\n
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ $ #DirectionVert
# Vertical
# Vertical
$ #AlwaysOnTop
$ #AlwaysOnTop
# Toujours au-dessus
# Toujours au dessus
$ #PlacementTitle
$ #PlacementTitle
# Disposition
# Disposition
@ -33,3 +33,6 @@ $ #PlacementCenterRight
# Au centre à droite
# Au centre à droite
$ #PlacementBottomRight
$ #PlacementBottomRight
# En bas à droite
# En bas à droite
$ #AutoHide
# Auto disparaît
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# Erreur: '-rc' nécessite un argument\n
# Erreur: '-rc' nécessite un argument\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# Erreur: '-menu' nécessite un argument\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# Erreur: '-display' nécessite un argument\n
# Erreur: '-display' nécessite un argument\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# Attention: impossible d'attribuer la variable d'environnement 'DISPLAY'\n
# Attention: impossible d'attribuer la variable d'environnement 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <chaîne>\t\tutilise la connexion à l'affichage.\n\
-display <chaîne>\t\tutilise la connexion à l'affichage.\n\
-rc <chaîne>\t\t\tutilise un autre fichier de configuration.\n\
-rc <chaîne>\t\t\tutilise un autre fichier de configuration.\n\
-menu <chaîne>\t\t\tutilise un autre fichier de menu.\n\
-version\t\t\taffiche la version et quitte.\n\
-version\t\t\taffiche la version et quitte.\n\
-help\t\t\t\taffiche ce texte d'aide et quitte.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\taffiche ce texte d'aide et quitte.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Options de compilation:\n\
# Options de compilation:\n\
8bpp Lissage ordonné:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: Aucun écran exploitable n'a été trouvé, annulation\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest pour 0x%lx\n
@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ $ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# Figyelem: nem lehet a 'DISPLAY' környezeti változót beállítani\n
# Figyelem: nem lehet a 'DISPLAY' környezeti változót beállítani\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s : (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s: (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\thasználandó kijelzõ\n\
-display <string>\t\thasználandó kijelzõ\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tválasztható konfigurációs file.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tválasztható konfigurációs file.\n\
-version\t\t\tverziószám kijelzése és kilépés.\n\
-version\t\t\tverziószám kijelzése és kilépés.\n\
@ -18,6 +17,4 @@ $ #CompileOptions
# Fordításnál állítható lehetõségek:\n\
# Fordításnál állítható lehetõségek:\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox Menu
# Blackbox Menu
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: creazione 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: creazione 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres fallito\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres fallito\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: impossibile trovare schermo per finestra principale 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: impossibile trovare schermo per finestra principale 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Senza Nome
# Senza Nome
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() per 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() per 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() per 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() per 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx a root\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx a 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# errore: '-rc' richiede un argomento\n
# errore: '-rc' richiede un argomento\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# errore: '-menu' richiede un argomento\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# errore: '-display' richiede an argomento\n
# errore: '-display' richiede an argomento\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# attenzione: impossibile impostare la variabile d'ambiente 'DISPLAY'\n
# attenzione: impossibile impostare la variabile d'ambiente 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tusa connessione display.\n\
-display <string>\t\tusa connessione display.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tusa un file risorsa alternativo.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tusa un file risorsa alternativo.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tusa un file menu alternativo.\n\
-version\t\t\tmostra la versione e esci.\n\
-version\t\t\tmostra la versione e esci.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tmostra questo aiuto e esci.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tmostra questo aiuto e esci.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Opzioni in fase di compilazione:\n\
# Opzioni in fase di compilazione:\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: nessuno schermo gestibile trovatono, annullamento\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest per 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox メニュー
# Blackbox メニュー
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: 0x%lx を生成中\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: 0x%lx を生成中\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres 失敗\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres 失敗\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: ルートウィンドウ 0x%lx に対するスクリーンが\
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: ルートウィンドウ 0x%lx に対するスクリーンが\
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# 名前なし
# 名前なし
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() (0x%lx に対して)\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() (0x%lx に対して)\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() (0x%lx に対して)\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() (0x%lx に対して)\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to root\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# エラー: '-rc' オプションは引数を必要とします\n
# エラー: '-rc' オプションは引数を必要とします\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# エラー: '-menu' オプションは引数を必要とします\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# エラー: '-display' オプションは引数を必要とします\n
# エラー: '-display' オプションは引数を必要とします\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# 警告: 環境変数 'DISPLAY' を設定できませんでした\n
# 警告: 環境変数 'DISPLAY' を設定できませんでした\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\t指定ディスプレイに接続\n\
-display <string>\t\t指定ディスプレイに接続\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\t代りのリソースファイルを使用\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\t代りのリソースファイルを使用\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tuse alternate menu file\n\
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# コンパイル時オプション:\n\
# コンパイル時オプション:\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: 操作可能なスクリーンがありません、中止します\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest (0x%lx に対して)\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox menu
# Blackbox menu
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: maak window aan 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: maak window aan 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres mislukt\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres mislukt\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: kan scherm voor root window 0x%lx niet vinden\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: kan scherm voor root window 0x%lx niet vinden\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Zonder titel
# Zonder titel
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() voor 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() voor 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() voor 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() voor 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx naar root window\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx naar 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# fout: '-rc' heeft een argument nodig (bestandsnaam)\n
# fout: '-rc' heeft een argument nodig (bestandsnaam)\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# fout: '-menu' heeft een argument nodig (bestandsnaam)\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# fout: '-display' heeft een argument nodig (displaynaam)\n
# fout: '-display' heeft een argument nodig (displaynaam)\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# waarschuwing: kan omgevingsvariabele 'DISPLAY' niet instellen\n
# waarschuwing: kan omgevingsvariabele 'DISPLAY' niet instellen\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s: (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <displaynaam> gebruik aangegeven display.\n\
-display <displaynaam> gebruik aangegeven display.\n\
-rc <bestandsnaam> gebruik alternatief resource bestand.\n\
-rc <bestandsnaam> gebruik alternatief resource bestand.\n\
-menu <bestandsnaam> gebruik alternatief menu bestand.\n\
-version toon versie en stop.\n\
-version toon versie en stop.\n\
-help toon deze hulp tekst en stop.\n\n
-help toon deze hulp tekst en stop.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Gecompileerd met instellingen:\n\
# Gecompileerd met instellingen:\n\
Debugging: %s\n\
Debugging: %s\n\
Interlacing: %s\n\
Shape: %s\n\
Shape: %s\n\
Slit: %s\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering: %s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering: %s\n\
Event Clobbering: %s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: geen schermen gevonden om te managen, afgesloten\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest voor 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Menu Openbox
# Menu Blackbox
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: criando 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: criando 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres falhou\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres falhou\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: impossivel encontrar tela para janela 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: impossivel encontrar tela para janela 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Sem Nome
# Sem Nome
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() para 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() para 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() para 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() para 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to root\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# erro: '-rc' requer um argumento\n
# erro: '-rc' requer um argumento\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# erro: '-menu' requer um argumento\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# erro: '-display' requer um argumento\n
# erro: '-display' requer um argumento\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# aviso: não foi possivel setar a variavel de ambiente 'DISPLAY'\n
# aviso: não foi possivel setar a variavel de ambiente 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tusar conexão com o display.\n\
-display <string>\t\tusar conexão com o display.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tusar arquivo alternativo de recursos.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tusar arquivo alternativo de recursos.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tusar arquivo alternativo de menu.\n\
-version\t\t\tmostrar versao e sair.\n\
-version\t\t\tmostrar versao e sair.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tmostrar esta ajuda e sair.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tmostrar esta ajuda e sair.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Opções em tempo de compilação:\n\
# Opções em tempo de compilação:\n\
Informações extras para problemas:\t\t\t%s\n\
Informações extras para problemas:\t\t\t%s\n\
8bpp Simulação ordenada de cores em imagens:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Simulação ordenada de cores em imagens:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: não foram encontradas telas administraveis, abortando..\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest para 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# íÅÎÀ Openbox
# íÅÎÀ BlackBox
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: ÓĎÚÄÁĹÔÓŃ 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: ÓÏÚÄÁÅÔÓÑ 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: ĐŇĎ×ÁĚĹÎ ĐŇĎĂĹÓÓ XGetWindowAttributres\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: ÐÒÏ×ÁÌÅÎ ÐÒÏÃÅÓÓ XGetWindowAttributres\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: ÎĹÔ ×ĎÚÍĎÖÎĎÓÔÉ ÎÁĘÔÉ ÜËŇÁÎ ÄĚŃ ËĎŇÎĹ×ĎÇĎ ĎËÎÁ 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: ÎÅÔ ×ÏÚÍÏÖÎÏÓÔÉ ÎÁÊÔÉ ÜËÒÁÎ ÄÌÑ ËÏÒÎÅ×ÏÇÏ ÏËÎÁ 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# 眦旛用領賄
# 眦旛用領賄
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() ÄĚŃ 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() ÄÌÑ 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() ÄĚŃ 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() ÄÌÑ 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to root\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# ошибка: '-rc' требует наличие аргумента\n
# ошибка: '-rc' требует наличие аргумента\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# ошибка: '-display' требует наличие аргумента\n
# ошибка: '-display' требует наличие аргумента\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# предупреждение: невозможно установить переменную окружения 'DISPLAY'\n
# предупреждение: невозможно установить переменную окружения 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tиспользовать заданный дисплей.\n\
-display <string>\t\tиспользовать заданный дисплей.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tиспользовать альтернативный файл ресурсов.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tиспользовать альтернативный файл ресурсов.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tuse alternate menu file.\n\
-version\t\t\tвывести номер версии и выйти.\n\
-version\t\t\tвывести номер версии и выйти.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tвывести эту подсказку и выйти.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tвывести эту подсказку и выйти.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Compile time options:\n\
# Compile time options:\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest for 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox Menu
# Blackbox Menu
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: izdelujem 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: izdelujem 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: neuspešen XGetWindowAttributres\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: neuspe¹en XGetWindowAttributres\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: zaslona za korensko okno 0x%lx ni moč najti\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: zaslona za korensko okno 0x%lx ni moè najti\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Neimenovano
# Neimenovano
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() za 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() za 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() za 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() za 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: ponovno priključeno 0x%lx korenskemu oknu\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: ponovno prikljuèeno 0x%lx korenskemu oknu 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# napaka: '-rc' zahteva argument\n
# napaka: '-rc' zahteva argument\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# napaka: '-menu' zahteva argument\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# napaka: '-display' zahteva argument\n
# napaka: '-display' zahteva argument\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# opozorilo: spremenljivke okolja 'DISPLAY' ni moè nastaviti\n
# opozorilo: spremenljivke okolja 'DISPLAY' ni moè nastaviti\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s: (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tuporabi prikazovalnik.\n\
-display <string>\t\tuporabi prikazovalnik.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tuporabi nadomestno datoteko z viri.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tuporabi nadomestno datoteko z viri.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tuse alternate menu file.\n\
-version\t\t\tprika¾i oznako razlièice in konèaj.\n\
-version\t\t\tprika¾i oznako razlièice in konèaj.\n\
-help\t\t\t\prika¾i ta navodila in konèaj.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\prika¾i ta navodila in konèaj.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Izbire pri prevajanju:\n\
# Izbire pri prevajanju:\n\
Osembitno stresanje barv:\t%s\n\n
Osembitno stresanje barv:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: ni moè najti upravljivih zaslonov, prekinitev\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest za 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openboxmeny
# Blackboxmeny
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: skapar 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: skapar 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributes misslyckades\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributes misslyckades\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: kan inte hitta skärm för rootfönster 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: kan inte hitta skärm för rootfönster 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Inget namn
# Inget namn
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() för 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() för 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() för 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() för 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: återför 0x%lx till root\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: återför 0x%lx till 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# fel: '-rc' kräver ett argument\n
# fel: '-rc' kräver ett argument\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# fel: '-menu' kräver ett argument\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# fel: '-display' kräver ett argument\n
# fel: '-display' kräver ett argument\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# varning: kunde inte sätta variabeln 'DISPLAY'\n
# varning: kunde inte sätta variabeln 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tanvänd skärmanslutning.\n\
-display <string>\t\tanvänd skärmanslutning.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tanvänd alternativ resursfil.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tanvänd alternativ resursfil.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tanvänd alternativ menu.\n\
-version\t\t\tvisa version och avsluta.\n\
-version\t\t\tvisa version och avsluta.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tvisa denna hjälptext och avsluta.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tvisa denna hjälptext och avsluta.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Kompilerad med:\n\
# Kompilerad med:\n\
8bpp ordnad dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp ordnad dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: inga hanterbara skärmar hittades, avslutar\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest för 0x%lx\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox mönüsü
# Blackbox mönüsü
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ $ #NoStrftimeTimeFormatP
$ #NoStrftimeTimeFormatA
$ #NoStrftimeTimeFormatA
# a
# a
$ #ToolbarTitle
$ #ToolbarTitle
# Openbox çubuðu
# Blackbox 輹bu<EFBFBD>
$ #EditWkspcName
$ #EditWkspcName
# Geçerli masaüstü ismini değiştir
# Geçerli masaüstü ismini değiştir
$ #ToolbarPlacement
$ #ToolbarPlacement
# Openbox çubuðunun yerleþimi
# Blackbox 輹bu<EFBFBD>nun yerle<EFBFBD>imi
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow : 0x%lx'i yarat#_yorum\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow : 0x%lx'i yarat#_yorum\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow : XGetWindowAttributres baţarýsýz oldu\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow : XGetWindowAttributres baþarýsýz oldu\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow : 0x%lx ana penceresi için ekraný belirleyemedim\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow : 0x%lx ana penceresi için ekraný belirleyemedim\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# Isimsiz
# Isimsiz
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# 0x%lx için OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent()\n
# 0x%lx için BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent()\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# 0x%lx için OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent()\n
# 0x%lx için BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent()\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: 0x%lx'i ana pencereyi boya\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: 0x%lx'i ana pencereyi boya 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# hata : '-rc' bir argüman bekler\n
# hata : '-rc' bir argüman bekler\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# hata : '-menu' bir argüman bekler\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# hata : '-display' bir argüman bekler\n
# hata : '-display' bir argüman bekler\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# ikaz : 'DISPLAY' verisini oturtamadım\n
# ikaz : 'DISPLAY' verisini oturtamadım\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <metin>\t\tekranı kullan.\n\
-display <metin>\t\tekranı kullan.\n\
-rc <metin>\t\t\tbaşka bir ayarlama dosyasını kullan.\n\
-rc <metin>\t\t\tbaşka bir ayarlama dosyasını kullan.\n\
-menu <metin>\t\t\tuse alternate menu file.\n\
-version\t\t\tnesil bilgisini gösterir ve çıkar.\n\
-version\t\t\tnesil bilgisini gösterir ve çıkar.\n\
-help\t\t\t\tbu yardım iletisini gösterir ve çıkar.\n\n
-help\t\t\t\tbu yardım iletisini gösterir ve çıkar.\n\n
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# Denetleme seçenekleri :\n\
# Denetleme seçenekleri :\n\
R8b'e göre týzla:\t%s\n\n
R8b'e göre týzla:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: yönetebilinen ekran bulunamadý, bitiriliyorum\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: 0x%lx için MapRequest\n
@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ $ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s : (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s: (c) 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tÏÂÓÌÕÇÏ×Õ×ÁÔÉ ×ËÁÚÁÎÉÊ ÄÉÓÐÌÅÊ.\n\
-display <string>\t\tÏÂÓÌÕÇÏ×Õ×ÁÔÉ ×ËÁÚÁÎÉÊ ÄÉÓÐÌÅÊ.\n\
-version\t\t\t×É×ÅÓÔÉ ÎÏÍÅÒ ×ÅÒÓ¦§ ¦ ×ÉÊÔÉ.\n\
-version\t\t\t×É×ÅÓÔÉ ÎÏÍÅÒ ×ÅÒÓ¦§ ¦ ×ÉÊÔÉ.\n\
@ -20,5 +18,4 @@ $ #CompileOptions
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$set 2 #Basemenu
$set 2 #Basemenu
$ #OpenboxMenu
$ #BlackboxMenu
# Openbox 꽉데
# Blackbox 꽉데
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ $set 9 #Window
$ #Creating
$ #Creating
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: 正在创建 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: 正在创建 0x%lx\n
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
$ #XGetWindowAttributesFail
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres 失败\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: XGetWindowAttributres 失败\n
$ #CannotFindScreen
$ #CannotFindScreen
# OpenboxWindow::OpenboxWindow: cannot find screen for root window 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::BlackboxWindow: cannot find screen for root window 0x%lx\n
$ #Unnamed
$ #Unnamed
# ÎÞÃüÃû
# ÎÞÃüÃû
$ #MapRequest
$ #MapRequest
# OpenboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() for 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::mapRequestEvent() for 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotify
$ #UnmapNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() for 0x%lx\n
# BlackboxWindow::unmapNotifyEvent() for 0x%lx\n
$ #UnmapNotifyReparent
$ #ReparentNotify
# OpenboxWindow::unmapnotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to root\n
# BlackboxWindow::reparentNotifyEvent: reparent 0x%lx to 0x%lx\n
@ -2,26 +2,19 @@ $set 14 #main
$ #RCRequiresArg
$ #RCRequiresArg
# 错误: '-rc' 需要参数\n
# 错误: '-rc' 需要参数\n
$ #MENURequiresArg
# 错误: '-menu' 需要参数\n
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
# 错误: '-display' 需要参数\n
# 错误: '-display' 需要参数\n
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# 警告: 不能设置环境变量 'DISPLAY'\n
# 警告: 不能设置环境变量 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s: (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s: (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\t使用显示连接.\n\
-display <string>\t\t使用显示连接.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\t使用其他的资源文件.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\t使用其他的资源文件.\n\
-menu <string>\t\t\tuse alternate menu file.\n\
$ #CompileOptions
$ #CompileOptions
# 编译选项:\n\
# 编译选项:\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\n
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
$set 13 #openbox
$ #NoManagableScreens
# Openbox::Openbox: 没有找到可控制的屏幕,退出...\n
$ #MapRequest
# Openbox::process_event: MapRequest for 0x%lx\n
@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ $ #DISPLAYRequiresArg
$ #WarnDisplaySet
$ #WarnDisplaySet
# warning: could not set environment variable 'DISPLAY'\n
# warning: could not set environment variable 'DISPLAY'\n
$ #Usage
$ #Usage
# Openbox %s : (c) 2002 - 2002 Ben Jansens\n\
# Blackbox %s : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry\n\
\t\t\t 1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
1997 - 2000, 2002 Brad Hughes\n\n\
-display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
-display <string>\t\tuse display connection.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
-rc <string>\t\t\tuse alternate resource file.\n\
-version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
-version\t\t\tdisplay version and exit.\n\
@ -18,6 +17,4 @@ $ #CompileOptions
# Compile time options:\n\
# Compile time options:\n\
Event Clobbering:\t\t%s\n\
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
8bpp Ordered Dithering:\t%s\n\n
Reference in a new issue