\fIepist\fR(1) grabs its configuration and bindings from the epistrc file.
The epistrc file contains 2 sections:
All of the options for epist are contained inside an options {} clause, such as
options {
blef 5;
Bindings are specified in this format:
<key> <action> <optional parameter>;
Bindings with chains are specified in this format:
<root key> {
<key> <action> <optional parameter>;
The <key> is made up of a list of modifiers and a single key. The possible modifiers are: \fIControl\fR, \fIShift\fR, \fRMod1\fI (usually the Alt key), \fRMod2\fI, \fRMod3\fI, \fRMod4\fI (usually the "windows" key), and \fRMod5\fI. You may also specify a <key> without any modifiers.
You may also nest as many chains as you want. Some examples of bindings are:
Mod1-Tab nextWindow;
Mod1-Shift-Tab prevWindow;
Mod1-F1 changeWorkspace 1;
Mod1-F2 changeWorkspace 2;
Control-F1 execute "xterm";
Control-Mod1-x {
i iconify;
r raise;
l lower;
Runs a shell command. Takes a single string argument, in ""s.
Iconifies the currently focused window.
Raises the currently focused window to the top of the stacking order.
Lowers the currently focused window to the bottom of the stacking order.
Closes the currently focused window.
Shades and Unshades the currently focused window.
Sends the window to all workspaces, or moves it from all workspaces to the
current one.
Move the window up. Takes a single numerical parameter, which is the amount to
move the window.
Move the window down. Takes a single numerical parameter, which is the amount to
move the window.
Move the window left. Takes a single numerical parameter, which is the amount to
move the window.
Move the window right. Takes a single numerical parameter, which is the amount
to move the window.
Resizes the window's width. Takes a single numerical parameter, which is the
amount to resize the window by. A positive number enlarges the window, a
negative value shrinks the window.
Resizes the window's height. Takes a single numerical parameter, which is the
amount to resize the window by. A positive number enlarges the window, a
negative value shrinks the window.
Maximizes and Unmaxizes the currently focused window.
Maximizes and Unmaxizes the currently focused window vertically.
Maximizes and Unmaxizes the currently focused window horizontally.
Sends the currently focused window to another workspace. This takes a single
numberical parameter, which is the workspace to send the window to. Workspace
numbers begin at 1.
Cycles focus to the next window on the workspace.
Cycles focus to the previous window on the workspace.
Cycles focus to the next window on all workspaces, switching between workspaces
as neccessary.
Cycles focus to the previous window on all workspaces, switching between
workspaces as neccessary.
Cycles focus to the next window on all screens (in a multi-head setup).
Cycles focus to the previous window on all screens (in a multi-head setup).
Cycles focus to the next window of a certain class on the current workspace.
This can take a single string parameter, in ""s, specifying the class of the
window to cycle to. If the parameter is omitted, the class of the currently
focused window is used.
Cycles focus to the previous window of a certain class on the current workspace.
This can take a single string parameter, in ""s, specifying the class of the
window to cycle to. If the parameter is omitted, the class of the currently
focused window is used.
Cycles focus to the next window of a certain class on all workspaces. This can
take a single string parameter, in ""s, specifying the class of the window to
cycle to. If the parameter is omitted, the class of the currently focused
window is used.
Cycles focus to the previous window of a certain class on all workspaces. This
can take a single string parameter, in ""s, specifying the class of the window
to cycle to. If the parameter is omitted, the class of the currently focused
window is used.
Changes to a specific workspace. This takes a single numerical paramter,
specifying the number of the workspace to switch to. Workspace numbers begin at
Switches to the next workspace.
Switches to the previous workspace.
Cycles focus to the next screen (in a multi-head setup).
Cycles focus to the previous screen (in a multi-head setup).