
32 lines
835 B

/* tag & body colors: bg, hilight, border, text, hilighted text */
#define COLOR_TAG_BG 0x000000FF
#define COLOR_TAG_HI 0x1F9B92FF
#define COLOR_TAG_BD 0x797979FF
#define COLOR_TAG_TX 0xC9C9C9FF
#define COLOR_TAG_HT 0x000000FF
#define COLOR_BODY_BG 0x000F19FF
#define COLOR_BODY_HI 0x1F9B92FF
#define COLOR_BODY_BD 0x797979FF
#define COLOR_BODY_TX 0x93A1A1FF
#define COLOR_BODY_HT 0x000000FF
/* button colors: dirty file (mod) indicator and column handles */
#define COLOR_BTN_MD 0x1F9B92FF
#define COLOR_BTN_CO 0x002B36FF
/* button 2 and 3 selection colors */
#define COLOR_B2_HI 0x797979FF
#define COLOR_B3_HI 0x002B36FF
* fonts *
/* can use either x fonts via fontsrv or p9p fonts */
#define PRIMARY_FONT "/mnt/font/SauceCodeProNF/9a/font"
#define SECONDARY_FONT "/lib/font/bit/lucm/unicode.9.font"