#include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "theme.h" static Handler handlers[TOTAL_OPCODES]; static Font* f; static char testbytes[256] = "test data ya heard"; static Rune testdata[256]; void set_handler(Opcode o, Handler h) { handlers[o] = h; } static void window_redraw(Node* self) { short fheight = self->memory->editorState[0]->frame->font->height; /* TODO: tagrect's height should be multiplied by the numer of lines in the tag */ Rectangle tagrect = Rect(0,0,self->memory->img->r.max.x,fheight); Rectangle bodyrect = Rect(0,fheight,self->memory->img->r.max.x,self->memory->img->r.max.y); draw(self->memory->img, tagrect, tagcols[BACK], nil, tagrect.min); draw(self->memory->img, bodyrect, textcols[BACK], nil, bodyrect.min); } static void handle_init(void* node, void* data) { Node* self = (Node*)node; SubFrame* tag = (SubFrame*)malloc(sizeof(SubFrame)); SubFrame* body = (SubFrame*)malloc(sizeof(SubFrame)); SubFrame* shell = (SubFrame*)malloc(sizeof(SubFrame)); tag->frame = (Frame*)malloc(sizeof(Frame)); body->frame = (Frame*)malloc(sizeof(Frame)); shell->frame = (Frame*)malloc(sizeof(Frame)); self->memory->editorState[TAGF] = tag; self->memory->editorState[BODYF] = body; self->memory->editorState[SHELLF] = shell; Rectangle r = Rect(self->memory->img->r.min.x,self->memory->img->r.min.y,self->memory->img->r.max.x, self->memory->img->r.min.y + 20); Rectangle r2 = Rect(self->memory->img->r.min.x, self->memory->img->r.min.y + 20, self->memory->img->r.max.x, self->memory->img->r.max.y); set_theme(tagcols, textcols); f = openfont(display, PRIMARY_FONT); frinit(tag->frame, r, f, self->memory->img, tagcols); frinit(body->frame, r2, f, self->memory->img, textcols); window_redraw(self); Rune* rr = testdata; for (char* c = testbytes; *c; c++, rr++) { chartorune(rr, c); } frinsert(tag->frame, testdata, testdata + 8*sizeof(Rune), 0); draw(screen, self->memory->img->r, self->memory->img, nil, r.min); } Handler* get_handlers(void) { set_handler(INIT, handle_init); return handlers; }