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Fuse.js is an Apache License open source project. Maintaining and updating it takes up a good chunk of time, and there's still plenty of work to do. To be able to provide the project with the attention it deserves, I decided to experiment with sponsorship and/or support. If this works out, I can route the chunk of time that is usually spent on lucrative endeavors to this project. If you'd like to join the list of these awesome [backers](https://github.com/krisk/Fuse/blob/master/backers.md), please consider: - [Become a backer or sponsor on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/fusejs). - [One-time donation via PayPal](https://www.paypal.me/kirorisk)

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--- ## Introduction Fuse.js is a lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript, with zero dependencies. ## Documentation To checkout out [live examples](https://fusejs.io) and docs, visit [fusejs.io](https://fusejs.io). ## Contributing ### Coding conventions Code should be run through [Standard Format](https://www.npmjs.com/package/standard-format). ### Testing Before submitting a pull request, please add relevant tests in `test/index.js`, and execute them via `npm test`.