2001-12-29 10:27:41 +00:00

2593 lines
65 KiB

// Image.cc for Blackbox - an X11 Window manager
// Copyright (c) 1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes (bhughes@tcac.net)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// stupid macros needed to access some functions in version 2 of the GNU C
// library
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#endif // _GNU_SOURCE
# include "../config.h"
#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include "i18n.hh"
#include "BaseDisplay.hh"
#include "Image.hh"
# include <sys/types.h>
#endif // HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H
#ifndef u_int32_t
# ifdef uint_32_t
typedef uint32_t u_int32_t;
# else
# ifdef __uint32_t
typedef __uint32_t u_int32_t;
# else
typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
# endif
# endif
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
#endif // STDC_HEADERS
# include <stdio.h>
#endif // HAVE_STDIO_H
# include <ctype.h>
#endif // HAVE_CTYPE_H
static unsigned long bsqrt(unsigned long x) {
if (x <= 0) return 0;
if (x == 1) return 1;
unsigned long r = x >> 1;
unsigned long q;
while (1) {
q = x / r;
if (q >= r) return r;
r = (r + q) >> 1;
BImage::BImage(BImageControl *c, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) {
control = c;
width = ((signed) w > 0) ? w : 1;
height = ((signed) h > 0) ? h : 1;
red = new unsigned char[width * height];
green = new unsigned char[width * height];
blue = new unsigned char[width * height];
xtable = ytable = (unsigned int *) 0;
cpc = control->getColorsPerChannel();
cpccpc = cpc * cpc;
control->getColorTables(&red_table, &green_table, &blue_table,
&red_offset, &green_offset, &blue_offset,
&red_bits, &green_bits, &blue_bits);
if (control->getVisual()->c_class != TrueColor)
control->getXColorTable(&colors, &ncolors);
BImage::~BImage(void) {
if (red) delete [] red;
if (green) delete [] green;
if (blue) delete [] blue;
Pixmap BImage::render(BTexture *texture) {
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::PARENTRELATIVE)
return ParentRelative;
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::SOLID)
return render_solid(texture);
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::GRADIENT)
return render_gradient(texture);
return None;
Pixmap BImage::render_solid(BTexture *texture) {
Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(),
control->getDrawable(), width,
height, control->getDepth());
if (pixmap == None) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageErrorCreatingSolidPixmap,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImage::render_solid: error creating pixmap\n"));
return None;
XGCValues gcv;
GC gc, hgc, lgc;
gcv.foreground = texture->getColor()->getPixel();
gcv.fill_style = FillSolid;
gc = XCreateGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap,
GCForeground | GCFillStyle, &gcv);
gcv.foreground = texture->getHiColor()->getPixel();
hgc = XCreateGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap,
GCForeground, &gcv);
gcv.foreground = texture->getLoColor()->getPixel();
lgc = XCreateGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap,
GCForeground, &gcv);
XFillRectangle(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, gc, 0, 0,
width, height);
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::INTERLACED) {
gcv.foreground = texture->getColorTo()->getPixel();
GC igc = XCreateGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap,
GCForeground, &gcv);
register unsigned int i = 0;
for (; i < height; i += 2)
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, igc,
0, i, width, i);
XFreeGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), igc);
#endif // INTERLACE
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::BEVEL1) {
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::RAISED) {
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
0, height - 1, width - 1, height - 1);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
width - 1, height - 1, width - 1, 0);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
0, 0, width - 1, 0);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
0, height - 1, 0, 0);
} else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::SUNKEN) {
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
0, height - 1, width - 1, height - 1);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
width - 1, height - 1, width - 1, 0);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
0, 0, width - 1, 0);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
0, height - 1, 0, 0);
} else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::BEVEL2) {
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::RAISED) {
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
1, height - 3, width - 3, height - 3);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
width - 3, height - 3, width - 3, 1);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
1, 1, width - 3, 1);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
1, height - 3, 1, 1);
} else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::SUNKEN) {
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
1, height - 3, width - 3, height - 3);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, hgc,
width - 3, height - 3, width - 3, 1);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
1, 1, width - 3, 1);
XDrawLine(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap, lgc,
1, height - 3, 1, 1);
XFreeGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), gc);
XFreeGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), hgc);
XFreeGC(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), lgc);
return pixmap;
Pixmap BImage::render_gradient(BTexture *texture) {
int inverted = 0;
interlaced = texture->getTexture() & BImage::INTERLACED;
#endif // INTERLACE
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::SUNKEN) {
from = texture->getColorTo();
to = texture->getColor();
if (! (texture->getTexture() & BImage::INVERT)) inverted = 1;
} else {
from = texture->getColor();
to = texture->getColorTo();
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::INVERT) inverted = 1;
control->getGradientBuffers(width, height, &xtable, &ytable);
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::DIAGONAL) dgradient();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::ELLIPTIC) egradient();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::HORIZONTAL) hgradient();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::PYRAMID) pgradient();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::RECTANGLE) rgradient();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::VERTICAL) vgradient();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::CROSSDIAGONAL) cdgradient();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::PIPECROSS) pcgradient();
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::BEVEL1) bevel1();
else if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::BEVEL2) bevel2();
if (inverted) invert();
Pixmap pixmap = renderPixmap();
return pixmap;
XImage *BImage::renderXImage(void) {
I18n *i18n = I18n::instance();
XImage *image =
control->getVisual(), control->getDepth(), ZPixmap, 0, 0,
width, height, 32, 0);
if (! image) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageErrorCreatingXImage,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImage::renderXImage: error creating XImage\n"));
return (XImage *) 0;
// insurance policy
image->data = (char *) 0;
unsigned char *d = new unsigned char[image->bytes_per_line * (height + 1)];
register unsigned int x, y, dithx, dithy, r, g, b, o, er, eg, eb, offset;
unsigned char *pixel_data = d, *ppixel_data = d;
unsigned long pixel;
o = image->bits_per_pixel + ((image->byte_order == MSBFirst) ? 1 : 0);
if (control->doDither() && width > 1 && height > 1) {
unsigned char dither4[4][4] = { {0, 4, 1, 5},
{6, 2, 7, 3},
{1, 5, 0, 4},
{7, 3, 6, 2} };
unsigned char dither8[8][8] = { { 0, 32, 8, 40, 2, 34, 10, 42 },
{ 48, 16, 56, 24, 50, 18, 58, 26 },
{ 12, 44, 4, 36, 14, 46, 6, 38 },
{ 60, 28, 52, 20, 62, 30, 54, 22 },
{ 3, 35, 11, 43, 1, 33, 9, 41 },
{ 51, 19, 59, 27, 49, 17, 57, 25 },
{ 15, 47, 7, 39, 13, 45, 5, 37 },
{ 63, 31, 55, 23, 61, 29, 53, 21 } };
switch (control->getVisual()->c_class) {
case TrueColor:
// algorithm: ordered dithering... many many thanks to rasterman
// (raster@rasterman.com) for telling me about this... portions of this
// code is based off of his code in Imlib
for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) {
dithy = y & 0x3;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) {
dithx = x & 0x3;
r = red[offset];
g = green[offset];
b = blue[offset];
er = r & (red_bits - 1);
eg = g & (green_bits - 1);
eb = b & (blue_bits - 1);
r = red_table[r];
g = green_table[g];
b = blue_table[b];
if ((dither4[dithy][dithx] < er) && (r < red_table[255])) r++;
if ((dither4[dithy][dithx] < eg) && (g < green_table[255])) g++;
if ((dither4[dithy][dithx] < eb) && (b < blue_table[255])) b++;
pixel = (r << red_offset) | (g << green_offset) | (b << blue_offset);
switch (o) {
case 8: // 8bpp
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
case 16: // 16bpp LSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
case 17: // 16bpp MSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
case 24: // 24bpp LSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
case 25: // 24bpp MSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
case 32: // 32bpp LSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24;
case 33: // 32bpp MSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line);
case StaticColor:
case PseudoColor: {
short *terr,
*rerr = new short[width + 2],
*gerr = new short[width + 2],
*berr = new short[width + 2],
*nrerr = new short[width + 2],
*ngerr = new short[width + 2],
*nberr = new short[width + 2];
int rr, gg, bb, rer, ger, ber;
int dd = 255 / control->getColorsPerChannel();
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(rerr + x) = *(red + x);
*(gerr + x) = *(green + x);
*(berr + x) = *(blue + x);
*(rerr + x) = *(gerr + x) = *(berr + x) = 0;
for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) {
dithy = y & 7;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) {
dithx = x & 7;
r = red[offset];
g = green[offset];
b = blue[offset];
er = r & (red_bits - 1);
eg = g & (green_bits - 1);
eb = b & (blue_bits - 1);
r = red_table[r];
g = green_table[g];
b = blue_table[b];
if ((dither8[dithy][dithx] < er) && (r < red_table[255])) r++;
if ((dither8[dithy][dithx] < eg) && (g < green_table[255])) g++;
if ((dither8[dithy][dithx] < eb) && (b < blue_table[255])) b++;
pixel = (r * cpccpc) + (g * cpc) + b;
*(pixel_data++) = colors[pixel].pixel;
pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line);
if (y < (height - 1)) {
int i = offset + width;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, i++) {
*(nrerr + x) = *(red + i);
*(ngerr + x) = *(green + i);
*(nberr + x) = *(blue + i);
*(nrerr + x) = *(red + (--i));
*(ngerr + x) = *(green + i);
*(nberr + x) = *(blue + i);
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
rr = rerr[x];
gg = gerr[x];
bb = berr[x];
if (rr > 255) rr = 255; else if (rr < 0) rr = 0;
if (gg > 255) gg = 255; else if (gg < 0) gg = 0;
if (bb > 255) bb = 255; else if (bb < 0) bb = 0;
r = red_table[rr];
g = green_table[gg];
b = blue_table[bb];
rer = rerr[x] - r*dd;
ger = gerr[x] - g*dd;
ber = berr[x] - b*dd;
pixel = (r * cpccpc) + (g * cpc) + b;
*pixel_data++ = colors[pixel].pixel;
r = rer >> 1;
g = ger >> 1;
b = ber >> 1;
rerr[x+1] += r;
gerr[x+1] += g;
berr[x+1] += b;
nrerr[x] += r;
ngerr[x] += g;
nberr[x] += b;
offset += width;
pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line);
terr = rerr;
rerr = nrerr;
nrerr = terr;
terr = gerr;
gerr = ngerr;
ngerr = terr;
terr = berr;
berr = nberr;
nberr = terr;
delete [] rerr;
delete [] gerr;
delete [] berr;
delete [] nrerr;
delete [] ngerr;
delete [] nberr;
break; }
case StaticGray:
case GrayScale:
for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) {
dithy = y & 0x3;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) {
dithx = x & 0x3;
r = *(red + offset);
g = *(green + offset);
b = *(blue + offset);
er = r & 0x7;
eg = g & 0x7;
eb = b & 0x7;
if ((dither[dithy][dithx] < er) && (r < (256 - 8)))
r += 8;
if ((dither[dithy][dithx] < (eg << 1)) && (g < (256 - 4)))
g += 4;
if ((dither[dithy][dithx] < eb) && (b < (256 - 8)))
b += 8;
r = *(red_table + r);
g = *(green_table + g);
b = *(blue_table + b);
g = ((r * 30) + (g * 59) + (b * 11)) / 100;
*pixel_data++ = colors[g].pixel;
pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line);
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageUnsupVisual,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImage::renderXImage: unsupported visual\n"));
delete [] d;
return (XImage *) 0;
} else {
switch (control->getVisual()->c_class) {
case StaticColor:
case PseudoColor:
for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) {
r = red_table[red[offset]];
g = green_table[green[offset]];
b = blue_table[blue[offset]];
pixel = (r * cpccpc) + (g * cpc) + b;
*pixel_data++ = colors[pixel].pixel;
pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line);
case TrueColor:
for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) {
r = red_table[red[offset]];
g = green_table[green[offset]];
b = blue_table[blue[offset]];
pixel = (r << red_offset) | (g << green_offset) | (b << blue_offset);
switch (o) {
case 8: // 8bpp
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
case 16: // 16bpp LSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
case 17: // 16bpp MSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
case 24: // 24bpp LSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
case 25: // 24bpp MSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
case 32: // 32bpp LSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24;
case 33: // 32bpp MSB
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 24;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 16;
*pixel_data++ = pixel >> 8;
*pixel_data++ = pixel;
pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line);
case StaticGray:
case GrayScale:
for (y = 0, offset = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, offset++) {
r = *(red_table + *(red + offset));
g = *(green_table + *(green + offset));
b = *(blue_table + *(blue + offset));
g = ((r * 30) + (g * 59) + (b * 11)) / 100;
*pixel_data++ = colors[g].pixel;
pixel_data = (ppixel_data += image->bytes_per_line);
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageUnsupVisual,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImage::renderXImage: unsupported visual\n"));
delete [] d;
return (XImage *) 0;
image->data = (char *) d;
return image;
Pixmap BImage::renderPixmap(void) {
I18n *i18n = I18n::instance();
Pixmap pixmap =
control->getDrawable(), width, height, control->getDepth());
if (pixmap == None) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageErrorCreatingPixmap,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImage::renderPixmap: error creating pixmap\n"));
return None;
XImage *image = renderXImage();
if (! image) {
XFreePixmap(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap);
return None;
} else if (! image->data) {
XFreePixmap(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap);
return None;
XPutImage(control->getBaseDisplay()->getXDisplay(), pixmap,
image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
if (image->data) {
delete [] image->data;
image->data = NULL;
return pixmap;
void BImage::bevel1(void) {
if (width > 2 && height > 2) {
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
register unsigned char r, g, b, rr ,gg ,bb;
register unsigned int w = width, h = height - 1, wh = w * h;
while (--w) {
r = *pr;
rr = r + (r >> 1);
if (rr < r) rr = ~0;
g = *pg;
gg = g + (g >> 1);
if (gg < g) gg = ~0;
b = *pb;
bb = b + (b >> 1);
if (bb < b) bb = ~0;
*pr = rr;
*pg = gg;
*pb = bb;
r = *(pr + wh);
rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1);
if (rr > r) rr = 0;
g = *(pg + wh);
gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1);
if (gg > g) gg = 0;
b = *(pb + wh);
bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1);
if (bb > b) bb = 0;
*((pr++) + wh) = rr;
*((pg++) + wh) = gg;
*((pb++) + wh) = bb;
r = *pr;
rr = r + (r >> 1);
if (rr < r) rr = ~0;
g = *pg;
gg = g + (g >> 1);
if (gg < g) gg = ~0;
b = *pb;
bb = b + (b >> 1);
if (bb < b) bb = ~0;
*pr = rr;
*pg = gg;
*pb = bb;
r = *(pr + wh);
rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1);
if (rr > r) rr = 0;
g = *(pg + wh);
gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1);
if (gg > g) gg = 0;
b = *(pb + wh);
bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1);
if (bb > b) bb = 0;
*(pr + wh) = rr;
*(pg + wh) = gg;
*(pb + wh) = bb;
pr = red + width;
pg = green + width;
pb = blue + width;
while (--h) {
r = *pr;
rr = r + (r >> 1);
if (rr < r) rr = ~0;
g = *pg;
gg = g + (g >> 1);
if (gg < g) gg = ~0;
b = *pb;
bb = b + (b >> 1);
if (bb < b) bb = ~0;
*pr = rr;
*pg = gg;
*pb = bb;
pr += width - 1;
pg += width - 1;
pb += width - 1;
r = *pr;
rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1);
if (rr > r) rr = 0;
g = *pg;
gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1);
if (gg > g) gg = 0;
b = *pb;
bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1);
if (bb > b) bb = 0;
*(pr++) = rr;
*(pg++) = gg;
*(pb++) = bb;
r = *pr;
rr = r + (r >> 1);
if (rr < r) rr = ~0;
g = *pg;
gg = g + (g >> 1);
if (gg < g) gg = ~0;
b = *pb;
bb = b + (b >> 1);
if (bb < b) bb = ~0;
*pr = rr;
*pg = gg;
*pb = bb;
pr += width - 1;
pg += width - 1;
pb += width - 1;
r = *pr;
rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1);
if (rr > r) rr = 0;
g = *pg;
gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1);
if (gg > g) gg = 0;
b = *pb;
bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1);
if (bb > b) bb = 0;
*pr = rr;
*pg = gg;
*pb = bb;
void BImage::bevel2(void) {
if (width > 4 && height > 4) {
unsigned char r, g, b, rr ,gg ,bb, *pr = red + width + 1,
*pg = green + width + 1, *pb = blue + width + 1;
unsigned int w = width - 2, h = height - 1, wh = width * (height - 3);
while (--w) {
r = *pr;
rr = r + (r >> 1);
if (rr < r) rr = ~0;
g = *pg;
gg = g + (g >> 1);
if (gg < g) gg = ~0;
b = *pb;
bb = b + (b >> 1);
if (bb < b) bb = ~0;
*pr = rr;
*pg = gg;
*pb = bb;
r = *(pr + wh);
rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1);
if (rr > r) rr = 0;
g = *(pg + wh);
gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1);
if (gg > g) gg = 0;
b = *(pb + wh);
bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1);
if (bb > b) bb = 0;
*((pr++) + wh) = rr;
*((pg++) + wh) = gg;
*((pb++) + wh) = bb;
pr = red + width;
pg = green + width;
pb = blue + width;
while (--h) {
r = *pr;
rr = r + (r >> 1);
if (rr < r) rr = ~0;
g = *pg;
gg = g + (g >> 1);
if (gg < g) gg = ~0;
b = *pb;
bb = b + (b >> 1);
if (bb < b) bb = ~0;
*(++pr) = rr;
*(++pg) = gg;
*(++pb) = bb;
pr += width - 3;
pg += width - 3;
pb += width - 3;
r = *pr;
rr = (r >> 2) + (r >> 1);
if (rr > r) rr = 0;
g = *pg;
gg = (g >> 2) + (g >> 1);
if (gg > g) gg = 0;
b = *pb;
bb = (b >> 2) + (b >> 1);
if (bb > b) bb = 0;
*(pr++) = rr;
*(pg++) = gg;
*(pb++) = bb;
pr++; pg++; pb++;
void BImage::invert(void) {
register unsigned int i, j, wh = (width * height) - 1;
unsigned char tmp;
for (i = 0, j = wh; j > i; j--, i++) {
tmp = *(red + j);
*(red + j) = *(red + i);
*(red + i) = tmp;
tmp = *(green + j);
*(green + j) = *(green + i);
*(green + i) = tmp;
tmp = *(blue + j);
*(blue + j) = *(blue + i);
*(blue + i) = tmp;
void BImage::dgradient(void) {
// diagonal gradient code was written by Mike Cole <mike@mydot.com>
// modified for interlacing by Brad Hughes
float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, yr = 0.0, yg = 0.0, yb = 0.0,
xr = (float) from->getRed(),
xg = (float) from->getGreen(),
xb = (float) from->getBlue();
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
unsigned int w = width * 2, h = height * 2, *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable;
register unsigned int x, y;
dry = drx = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgy = dgx = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dby = dbx = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
// Create X table
drx /= w;
dgx /= w;
dbx /= w;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) (xr);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) (xg);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) (xb);
xr += drx;
xg += dgx;
xb += dbx;
// Create Y table
dry /= h;
dgy /= h;
dby /= h;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) yr);
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) yg);
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) yb);
yr += dry;
yg += dgy;
yb += dby;
// Combine tables to create gradient
if (! interlaced) {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal dgradient
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pr++) = *(xt++) + *(yt);
*(pg++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1);
*(pb++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2);
} else {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt);
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1);
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2);
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
} else {
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt);
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1);
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2);
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
#endif // INTERLACE
void BImage::hgradient(void) {
float drx, dgx, dbx,
xr = (float) from->getRed(),
xg = (float) from->getGreen(),
xb = (float) from->getBlue();
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
register unsigned int x, y;
drx = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgx = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dbx = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
drx /= width;
dgx /= width;
dbx /= width;
if (interlaced && height > 2) {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, pr++, pg++, pb++) {
channel = (unsigned char) xr;
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*pr = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) xg;
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*pg = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) xb;
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*pb = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) xr;
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pr + width) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) xg;
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pg + width) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) xb;
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pb + width) = channel2;
xr += drx;
xg += dgx;
xb += dbx;
pr += width;
pg += width;
pb += width;
int offset;
for (y = 2; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) {
if (y & 1) offset = width; else offset = 0;
memcpy(pr, (red + offset), width);
memcpy(pg, (green + offset), width);
memcpy(pb, (blue + offset), width);
} else {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal hgradient
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pr++) = (unsigned char) (xr);
*(pg++) = (unsigned char) (xg);
*(pb++) = (unsigned char) (xb);
xr += drx;
xg += dgx;
xb += dbx;
for (y = 1; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) {
memcpy(pr, red, width);
memcpy(pg, green, width);
memcpy(pb, blue, width);
#endif // INTERLACE
void BImage::vgradient(void) {
float dry, dgy, dby,
yr = (float) from->getRed(),
yg = (float) from->getGreen(),
yb = (float) from->getBlue();
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
register unsigned int y;
dry = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgy = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dby = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
dry /= height;
dgy /= height;
dby /= height;
if (interlaced) {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) {
if (y & 1) {
channel = (unsigned char) yr;
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
memset(pr, channel2, width);
channel = (unsigned char) yg;
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
memset(pg, channel2, width);
channel = (unsigned char) yb;
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
memset(pb, channel2, width);
} else {
channel = (unsigned char) yr;
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
memset(pr, channel2, width);
channel = (unsigned char) yg;
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
memset(pg, channel2, width);
channel = (unsigned char) yb;
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
memset(pb, channel2, width);
yr += dry;
yg += dgy;
yb += dby;
} else {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal vgradient
for (y = 0; y < height; y++, pr += width, pg += width, pb += width) {
memset(pr, (unsigned char) yr, width);
memset(pg, (unsigned char) yg, width);
memset(pb, (unsigned char) yb, width);
yr += dry;
yg += dgy;
yb += dby;
#endif // INTERLACE
void BImage::pgradient(void) {
// pyramid gradient - based on original dgradient, written by
// Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org)
// adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes
float yr, yg, yb, drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby,
xr, xg, xb;
int rsign, gsign, bsign;
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
unsigned int tr = to->getRed(), tg = to->getGreen(), tb = to->getBlue(),
*xt = xtable, *yt = ytable;
register unsigned int x, y;
dry = drx = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgy = dgx = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dby = dbx = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
rsign = (drx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
xr = yr = (drx / 2);
xg = yg = (dgx / 2);
xb = yb = (dbx / 2);
// Create X table
drx /= width;
dgx /= width;
dbx /= width;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xr < 0) ? -xr : xr);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xg < 0) ? -xg : xg);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xb < 0) ? -xb : xb);
xr -= drx;
xg -= dgx;
xb -= dbx;
// Create Y table
dry /= height;
dgy /= height;
dby /= height;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yr < 0) ? -yr : yr));
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yg < 0) ? -yg : yg));
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yb < 0) ? -yb : yb));
yr -= dry;
yg -= dgy;
yb -= dby;
// Combine tables to create gradient
if (! interlaced) {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal pgradient
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pr++) = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt))));
*(pg++) = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 1))));
*(pb++) = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 2))));
} else {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
} else {
channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * (*(xt++) + *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
#endif // INTERLACE
void BImage::rgradient(void) {
// rectangle gradient - based on original dgradient, written by
// Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org)
// adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes
float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, xr, xg, xb, yr, yg, yb;
int rsign, gsign, bsign;
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
unsigned int tr = to->getRed(), tg = to->getGreen(), tb = to->getBlue(),
*xt = xtable, *yt = ytable;
register unsigned int x, y;
dry = drx = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgy = dgx = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dby = dbx = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
rsign = (drx < 0) ? -2 : 2;
gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -2 : 2;
bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -2 : 2;
xr = yr = (drx / 2);
xg = yg = (dgx / 2);
xb = yb = (dbx / 2);
// Create X table
drx /= width;
dgx /= width;
dbx /= width;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xr < 0) ? -xr : xr);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xg < 0) ? -xg : xg);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xb < 0) ? -xb : xb);
xr -= drx;
xg -= dgx;
xb -= dbx;
// Create Y table
dry /= height;
dgy /= height;
dby /= height;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yr < 0) ? -yr : yr));
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yg < 0) ? -yg : yg));
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yb < 0) ? -yb : yb));
yr -= dry;
yg -= dgy;
yb -= dby;
// Combine tables to create gradient
if (! interlaced) {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal rgradient
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pr++) = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt))));
*(pg++) = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt + 1))));
*(pb++) = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt + 2))));
} else {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
} else {
channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * max(*(xt++), *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
#endif // INTERLACE
void BImage::egradient(void) {
// elliptic gradient - based on original dgradient, written by
// Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org)
// adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes
float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, yr, yg, yb, xr, xg, xb;
int rsign, gsign, bsign;
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
unsigned int *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable,
tr = (unsigned long) to->getRed(),
tg = (unsigned long) to->getGreen(),
tb = (unsigned long) to->getBlue();
register unsigned int x, y;
dry = drx = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgy = dgx = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dby = dbx = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
rsign = (drx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
xr = yr = (drx / 2);
xg = yg = (dgx / 2);
xb = yb = (dbx / 2);
// Create X table
drx /= width;
dgx /= width;
dbx /= width;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(xt++) = (unsigned long) (xr * xr);
*(xt++) = (unsigned long) (xg * xg);
*(xt++) = (unsigned long) (xb * xb);
xr -= drx;
xg -= dgx;
xb -= dbx;
// Create Y table
dry /= height;
dgy /= height;
dby /= height;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
*(yt++) = (unsigned long) (yr * yr);
*(yt++) = (unsigned long) (yg * yg);
*(yt++) = (unsigned long) (yb * yb);
yr -= dry;
yg -= dgy;
yb -= dby;
// Combine tables to create gradient
if (! interlaced) {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal egradient
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pr++) = (unsigned char)
(tr - (rsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt))));
*(pg++) = (unsigned char)
(tg - (gsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 1))));
*(pb++) = (unsigned char)
(tb - (bsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 2))));
} else {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
channel = (unsigned char)
(tr - (rsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char)
(tg - (gsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char)
(tb - (bsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
} else {
channel = (unsigned char)
(tr - (rsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char)
(tg - (gsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char)
(tb - (bsign * control->getSqrt(*(xt++) + *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
#endif // INTERLACE
void BImage::pcgradient(void) {
// pipe cross gradient - based on original dgradient, written by
// Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org)
// adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes
float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, xr, xg, xb, yr, yg, yb;
int rsign, gsign, bsign;
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
unsigned int *xt = xtable, *yt = ytable,
tr = to->getRed(),
tg = to->getGreen(),
tb = to->getBlue();
register unsigned int x, y;
dry = drx = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgy = dgx = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dby = dbx = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
rsign = (drx < 0) ? -2 : 2;
gsign = (dgx < 0) ? -2 : 2;
bsign = (dbx < 0) ? -2 : 2;
xr = yr = (drx / 2);
xg = yg = (dgx / 2);
xb = yb = (dbx / 2);
// Create X table
drx /= width;
dgx /= width;
dbx /= width;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xr < 0) ? -xr : xr);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xg < 0) ? -xg : xg);
*(xt++) = (unsigned char) ((xb < 0) ? -xb : xb);
xr -= drx;
xg -= dgx;
xb -= dbx;
// Create Y table
dry /= height;
dgy /= height;
dby /= height;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yr < 0) ? -yr : yr));
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yg < 0) ? -yg : yg));
*(yt++) = ((unsigned char) ((yb < 0) ? -yb : yb));
yr -= dry;
yg -= dgy;
yb -= dby;
// Combine tables to create gradient
if (! interlaced) {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal pcgradient
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pr++) = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt))));
*(pg++) = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt + 1))));
*(pb++) = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt + 2))));
} else {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (bsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (gsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
} else {
channel = (unsigned char) (tr - (rsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tg - (gsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt + 1))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = (unsigned char) (tb - (bsign * min(*(xt++), *(yt + 2))));
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
#endif // INTERLACE
void BImage::cdgradient(void) {
// cross diagonal gradient - based on original dgradient, written by
// Mosfet (mosfet@kde.org)
// adapted from kde sources for Blackbox by Brad Hughes
float drx, dgx, dbx, dry, dgy, dby, yr = 0.0, yg = 0.0, yb = 0.0,
xr = (float) from->getRed(),
xg = (float) from->getGreen(),
xb = (float) from->getBlue();
unsigned char *pr = red, *pg = green, *pb = blue;
unsigned int w = width * 2, h = height * 2, *xt, *yt;
register unsigned int x, y;
dry = drx = (float) (to->getRed() - from->getRed());
dgy = dgx = (float) (to->getGreen() - from->getGreen());
dby = dbx = (float) (to->getBlue() - from->getBlue());
// Create X table
drx /= w;
dgx /= w;
dbx /= w;
for (xt = (xtable + (width * 3) - 1), x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(xt--) = (unsigned char) xb;
*(xt--) = (unsigned char) xg;
*(xt--) = (unsigned char) xr;
xr += drx;
xg += dgx;
xb += dbx;
// Create Y table
dry /= h;
dgy /= h;
dby /= h;
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++) {
*(yt++) = (unsigned char) yr;
*(yt++) = (unsigned char) yg;
*(yt++) = (unsigned char) yb;
yr += dry;
yg += dgy;
yb += dby;
// Combine tables to create gradient
if (! interlaced) {
#endif // INTERLACE
// normal cdgradient
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pr++) = *(xt++) + *(yt);
*(pg++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1);
*(pb++) = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2);
} else {
// faked interlacing effect
unsigned char channel, channel2;
for (yt = ytable, y = 0; y < height; y++, yt += 3) {
for (xt = xtable, x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (y & 1) {
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt);
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1);
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2);
channel2 = (channel >> 1) + (channel >> 2);
if (channel2 > channel) channel2 = 0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
} else {
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt);
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pr++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 1);
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pg++) = channel2;
channel = *(xt++) + *(yt + 2);
channel2 = channel + (channel >> 3);
if (channel2 < channel) channel2 = ~0;
*(pb++) = channel2;
#endif // INTERLACE
BImageControl::BImageControl(BaseDisplay *dpy, ScreenInfo *scrn, Bool _dither,
int _cpc, unsigned long cache_timeout,
unsigned long cmax)
I18n *i18n = I18n::instance();
basedisplay = dpy;
screeninfo = scrn;
cache_max = cmax;
if (cache_timeout) {
timer = new BTimer(basedisplay, this);
} else
timer = (BTimer *) 0;
#endif // TIMEDCACHE
colors = (XColor *) 0;
ncolors = 0;
grad_xbuffer = grad_ybuffer = (unsigned int *) 0;
grad_buffer_width = grad_buffer_height = 0;
sqrt_table = (unsigned long *) 0;
screen_depth = screeninfo->getDepth();
window = screeninfo->getRootWindow();
screen_number = screeninfo->getScreenNumber();
int count;
XPixmapFormatValues *pmv = XListPixmapFormats(basedisplay->getXDisplay(),
colormap = screeninfo->getColormap();
if (pmv) {
bits_per_pixel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (pmv[i].depth == screen_depth) {
bits_per_pixel = pmv[i].bits_per_pixel;
if (bits_per_pixel == 0)
bits_per_pixel = screen_depth;
if (bits_per_pixel >= 24)
red_offset = green_offset = blue_offset = 0;
switch (getVisual()->c_class) {
case TrueColor:
int i;
// compute color tables
unsigned long red_mask = getVisual()->red_mask,
green_mask = getVisual()->green_mask,
blue_mask = getVisual()->blue_mask;
while (! (red_mask & 1)) { red_offset++; red_mask >>= 1; }
while (! (green_mask & 1)) { green_offset++; green_mask >>= 1; }
while (! (blue_mask & 1)) { blue_offset++; blue_mask >>= 1; }
red_bits = 255 / red_mask;
green_bits = 255 / green_mask;
blue_bits = 255 / blue_mask;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
red_color_table[i] = i / red_bits;
green_color_table[i] = i / green_bits;
blue_color_table[i] = i / blue_bits;
case PseudoColor:
case StaticColor:
ncolors = colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel;
if (ncolors > (1 << screen_depth)) {
colors_per_channel = (1 << screen_depth) / 3;
ncolors = colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel;
if (colors_per_channel < 2 || ncolors > (1 << screen_depth)) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageInvalidColormapSize,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImageControl::BImageControl: invalid colormap size %d "
"(%d/%d/%d) - reducing"),
ncolors, colors_per_channel, colors_per_channel,
colors_per_channel = (1 << screen_depth) / 3;
colors = new XColor[ncolors];
if (! colors) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageErrorAllocatingColormap,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImageControl::BImageControl: error allocating "
throw static_cast<int>(1); //throw exit code 1
int i = 0, ii, p, r, g, b,
bits = 256 / colors_per_channel;
bits = 255 / (colors_per_channel - 1);
red_bits = green_bits = blue_bits = bits;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
red_color_table[i] = green_color_table[i] = blue_color_table[i] =
i / bits;
for (r = 0, i = 0; r < colors_per_channel; r++)
for (g = 0; g < colors_per_channel; g++)
for (b = 0; b < colors_per_channel; b++, i++) {
colors[i].red = (r * 0xffff) / (colors_per_channel - 1);
colors[i].green = (g * 0xffff) / (colors_per_channel - 1);
colors[i].blue = (b * 0xffff) / (colors_per_channel - 1);;
colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
if (! XAllocColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, &colors[i])) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageColorAllocFail,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"couldn't alloc color %i %i %i\n"),
colors[i].red, colors[i].green, colors[i].blue);
colors[i].flags = 0;
} else
colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
XColor icolors[256];
int incolors = (((1 << screen_depth) > 256) ? 256 : (1 << screen_depth));
for (i = 0; i < incolors; i++)
icolors[i].pixel = i;
XQueryColors(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, icolors, incolors);
for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
if (! colors[i].flags) {
unsigned long chk = 0xffffffff, pixel, close = 0;
p = 2;
while (p--) {
for (ii = 0; ii < incolors; ii++) {
r = (colors[i].red - icolors[i].red) >> 8;
g = (colors[i].green - icolors[i].green) >> 8;
b = (colors[i].blue - icolors[i].blue) >> 8;
pixel = (r * r) + (g * g) + (b * b);
if (pixel < chk) {
chk = pixel;
close = ii;
colors[i].red = icolors[close].red;
colors[i].green = icolors[close].green;
colors[i].blue = icolors[close].blue;
if (XAllocColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap,
&colors[i])) {
colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
case GrayScale:
case StaticGray:
if (getVisual()->c_class == StaticGray) {
ncolors = 1 << screen_depth;
} else {
ncolors = colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel;
if (ncolors > (1 << screen_depth)) {
colors_per_channel = (1 << screen_depth) / 3;
ncolors =
colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel * colors_per_channel;
if (colors_per_channel < 2 || ncolors > (1 << screen_depth)) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageInvalidColormapSize,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImageControl::BImageControl: invalid colormap size %d "
"(%d/%d/%d) - reducing"),
ncolors, colors_per_channel, colors_per_channel,
colors_per_channel = (1 << screen_depth) / 3;
colors = new XColor[ncolors];
if (! colors) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageErrorAllocatingColormap,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImageControl::BImageControl: error allocating "
throw static_cast<int>(1); // throw exit code 1
int i = 0, ii, p, bits = 255 / (colors_per_channel - 1);
red_bits = green_bits = blue_bits = bits;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
red_color_table[i] = green_color_table[i] = blue_color_table[i] =
i / bits;
for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
colors[i].red = (i * 0xffff) / (colors_per_channel - 1);
colors[i].green = (i * 0xffff) / (colors_per_channel - 1);
colors[i].blue = (i * 0xffff) / (colors_per_channel - 1);;
colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
if (! XAllocColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap,
&colors[i])) {
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageColorAllocFail,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"couldn't alloc color %i %i %i\n"),
colors[i].red, colors[i].green, colors[i].blue);
colors[i].flags = 0;
} else
colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
XColor icolors[256];
int incolors = (((1 << screen_depth) > 256) ? 256 :
(1 << screen_depth));
for (i = 0; i < incolors; i++)
icolors[i].pixel = i;
XQueryColors(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, icolors, incolors);
for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
if (! colors[i].flags) {
unsigned long chk = 0xffffffff, pixel, close = 0;
p = 2;
while (p--) {
for (ii = 0; ii < incolors; ii++) {
int r = (colors[i].red - icolors[i].red) >> 8;
int g = (colors[i].green - icolors[i].green) >> 8;
int b = (colors[i].blue - icolors[i].blue) >> 8;
pixel = (r * r) + (g * g) + (b * b);
if (pixel < chk) {
chk = pixel;
close = ii;
colors[i].red = icolors[close].red;
colors[i].green = icolors[close].green;
colors[i].blue = icolors[close].blue;
if (XAllocColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap,
&colors[i])) {
colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImageUnsupVisual,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImageControl::BImageControl: unsupported visual %d\n"),
throw static_cast<int>(1); //throw error code 1
cache = new LinkedList<Cache>;
BImageControl::~BImageControl(void) {
if (sqrt_table) {
delete [] sqrt_table;
if (grad_xbuffer) {
delete [] grad_xbuffer;
if (grad_ybuffer) {
delete [] grad_ybuffer;
if (colors) {
unsigned long *pixels = new unsigned long [ncolors];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
*(pixels + i) = (*(colors + i)).pixel;
XFreeColors(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, pixels, ncolors, 0);
delete [] colors;
if (cache->count()) {
int i, n = cache->count();
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImagePixmapRelease,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImageContol::~BImageControl: pixmap cache - "
"releasing %d pixmaps\n"), n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Cache *tmp = cache->first();
XFreePixmap(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), tmp->pixmap);
delete tmp;
if (timer) {
delete timer;
#endif // TIMEDCACHE
delete cache;
Pixmap BImageControl::searchCache(unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
unsigned long texture,
BColor *c1, BColor *c2) {
if (cache->count()) {
LinkedListIterator<Cache> it(cache);
for (; it.current(); it++) {
if ((it.current()->width == width) &&
(it.current()->height == height) &&
(it.current()->texture == texture) &&
(it.current()->pixel1 == c1->getPixel()))
if (texture & BImage::GRADIENT) {
if (it.current()->pixel2 == c2->getPixel()) {
return it.current()->pixmap;
} else {
return it.current()->pixmap;
return None;
Pixmap BImageControl::renderImage(unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
BTexture *texture) {
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::PARENTRELATIVE) return ParentRelative;
Pixmap pixmap = searchCache(width, height, texture->getTexture(),
texture->getColor(), texture->getColorTo());
if (pixmap) return pixmap;
BImage image(this, width, height);
pixmap = image.render(texture);
if (pixmap) {
Cache *tmp = new Cache;
tmp->pixmap = pixmap;
tmp->width = width;
tmp->height = height;
tmp->count = 1;
tmp->texture = texture->getTexture();
tmp->pixel1 = texture->getColor()->getPixel();
if (texture->getTexture() & BImage::GRADIENT)
tmp->pixel2 = texture->getColorTo()->getPixel();
tmp->pixel2 = 0l;
if ((unsigned) cache->count() > cache_max) {
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef NLS
ImageSet, ImagePixmapCacheLarge,
#else // !NLS
0, 0,
#endif // NLS
"BImageControl::renderImage: cache is large, "
"forcing cleanout\n"));
#endif // DEBUG
return pixmap;
return None;
void BImageControl::removeImage(Pixmap pixmap) {
if (pixmap) {
LinkedListIterator<Cache> it(cache);
for (; it.current(); it++) {
if (it.current()->pixmap == pixmap) {
Cache *tmp = it.current();
if (tmp->count) {
if (! timer) timeout();
#else // !TIMEDCACHE
if (! tmp->count) timeout();
#endif // TIMEDCACHE
unsigned long BImageControl::getColor(const char *colorname,
unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g,
unsigned char *b)
XColor color;
color.pixel = 0;
if (! XParseColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, colorname, &color))
fprintf(stderr, "BImageControl::getColor: color parse error: \"%s\"\n",
else if (! XAllocColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, &color))
fprintf(stderr, "BImageControl::getColor: color alloc error: \"%s\"\n",
if (color.red == 65535) *r = 0xff;
else *r = (unsigned char) (color.red / 0xff);
if (color.green == 65535) *g = 0xff;
else *g = (unsigned char) (color.green / 0xff);
if (color.blue == 65535) *b = 0xff;
else *b = (unsigned char) (color.blue / 0xff);
return color.pixel;
unsigned long BImageControl::getColor(const char *colorname) {
XColor color;
color.pixel = 0;
if (! XParseColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, colorname, &color))
fprintf(stderr, "BImageControl::getColor: color parse error: \"%s\"\n",
else {
if (! XAllocColor(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, &color))
fprintf(stderr, "BImageControl::getColor: color alloc error: \"%s\"\n",
fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) Allocated color:%s", __FILE__, __LINE__, colorname);
return color.pixel;
void BImageControl::getColorTables(unsigned char **rmt, unsigned char **gmt,
unsigned char **bmt,
int *roff, int *goff, int *boff,
int *rbit, int *gbit, int *bbit) {
if (rmt) *rmt = red_color_table;
if (gmt) *gmt = green_color_table;
if (bmt) *bmt = blue_color_table;
if (roff) *roff = red_offset;
if (goff) *goff = green_offset;
if (boff) *boff = blue_offset;
if (rbit) *rbit = red_bits;
if (gbit) *gbit = green_bits;
if (bbit) *bbit = blue_bits;
void BImageControl::getXColorTable(XColor **c, int *n) {
if (c) *c = colors;
if (n) *n = ncolors;
void BImageControl::getGradientBuffers(unsigned int w,
unsigned int h,
unsigned int **xbuf,
unsigned int **ybuf)
if (w > grad_buffer_width) {
if (grad_xbuffer) {
delete [] grad_xbuffer;
grad_buffer_width = w;
grad_xbuffer = new unsigned int[grad_buffer_width * 3];
if (h > grad_buffer_height) {
if (grad_ybuffer) {
delete [] grad_ybuffer;
grad_buffer_height = h;
grad_ybuffer = new unsigned int[grad_buffer_height * 3];
*xbuf = grad_xbuffer;
*ybuf = grad_ybuffer;
void BImageControl::installRootColormap(void) {
Bool install = True;
int i = 0, ncmap = 0;
Colormap *cmaps =
XListInstalledColormaps(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), window, &ncmap);
if (cmaps) {
for (i = 0; i < ncmap; i++)
if (*(cmaps + i) == colormap)
install = False;
if (install)
XInstallColormap(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap);
void BImageControl::setColorsPerChannel(int cpc) {
if (cpc < 2) cpc = 2;
if (cpc > 6) cpc = 6;
colors_per_channel = cpc;
unsigned long BImageControl::getSqrt(unsigned int x) {
if (! sqrt_table) {
// build sqrt table for use with elliptic gradient
sqrt_table = new unsigned long[(256 * 256 * 2) + 1];
int i = 0;
for (; i < (256 * 256 * 2); i++)
*(sqrt_table + i) = bsqrt(i);
return (*(sqrt_table + x));
void BImageControl::parseTexture(BTexture *texture, char *t) {
if ((! texture) || (! t)) return;
int t_len = strlen(t) + 1, i;
char *ts = new char[t_len];
if (! ts) return;
// convert to lower case
for (i = 0; i < t_len; i++)
*(ts + i) = tolower(*(t + i));
if (strstr(ts, "parentrelative")) {
} else {
if (strstr(ts, "solid"))
else if (strstr(ts, "gradient")) {
if (strstr(ts, "crossdiagonal"))
else if (strstr(ts, "rectangle"))
else if (strstr(ts, "pyramid"))
else if (strstr(ts, "pipecross"))
else if (strstr(ts, "elliptic"))
else if (strstr(ts, "diagonal"))
else if (strstr(ts, "horizontal"))
else if (strstr(ts, "vertical"))
} else
if (strstr(ts, "raised"))
else if (strstr(ts, "sunken"))
else if (strstr(ts, "flat"))
if (! (texture->getTexture() & BImage::FLAT))
if (strstr(ts, "bevel2"))
if (strstr(ts, "interlaced"))
#endif // INTERLACE
delete [] ts;
void BImageControl::parseColor(BColor *color, char *c) {
if (! color) return;
if (color->isAllocated()) {
unsigned long pixel = color->getPixel();
XFreeColors(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), colormap, &pixel, 1, 0);
color->setRGB(0, 0, 0);
if (c) {
unsigned char r, g, b;
color->setPixel(getColor(c, &r, &g, &b));
color->setRGB(r, g, b);
void BImageControl::timeout(void) {
LinkedListIterator<Cache> it(cache);
for (; it.current(); it++) {
Cache *tmp = it.current();
if (tmp->count <= 0) {
XFreePixmap(basedisplay->getXDisplay(), tmp->pixmap);
delete tmp;