xxx_LDFLAGS place the libraries like '-lX11' or '-lXft' at the beginning of the linker command. Some systems were not able to handle the situation and this lead to a lot of unresolved symbols. Reading the documentation of automake: ... you can use LDADD to do so. This variable is used to specify additional objects or libraries to link with; it is inappropriate for specifying specific linker flags, you should use AM_LDFLAGS for this purpose. In addition we link against -lm in order to satisfy symbols refering to 'cos' and 'sin'.
21 lines
359 B
21 lines
359 B
bin_PROGRAMS += fbrun
fbrun_CPPFLAGS = \
fbrun_SOURCES = \
util/fbrun/FbRun.hh \
util/fbrun/FbRun.cc \
util/fbrun/main.cc \
fbrun_LDADD = libFbTk.a \