Known bugs and missing features that will be fixed in future version:


  * Remember menu sometimes isn't present in window menu. Probably need
    to add a signal for menu reconfigures (Screen::setupWindowActions)

  * Window handle is invisible sometimes.

  * KDE support needs attention (e.g. klipper).

  * Some menus don't close when you click on items.

  * Transparancy for the slit does not always work right.
    => is this fixed now?? (as of ResourceManager changes)

  * After startup the font of the toolbar is to big; reload config works
    around this.
    => is this fixed now?? (as of ResourceManager changes)

  * Saving of number of workspaces on restart

  * Multiple transients:
    in openoffice - focus jumps between until user does something
    in mozilla    - alt-tabbing does strange thigns with other transient
                    layer-wise (other transient flashes)

  * gaim (0.64) crashes when remembering dimensions... is this a gaim

  * Workspace switching extremely slow in some cases. Particularly, user
    has large number of [remote] xload windows.

  * Can lock up on workspace change - possibly related to above as it
    works when there aren't too many xload windows started up yet.

  * Remember-patch grouping can change order on each restart. Need to
    turn off remember functionality when restarting (only use it for
    first instance).

  * If you toggle a setting in the configuration-menu the notch does not
    indicate the change until you point to another option.

Other TODO:

FAQ items for:

  * "My window (e.g. mplayer/xmms) stops updating when I move
    windows around"
    - outline moving does this, it's not a bug, etc etc.

Fixed bugs (or not-our-fault bugs):

  * Some people get weird transparency behaviour:
    - this appears to be a problem with nvidia drivers, make sure
      RenderAccel is off (Option "RenderAccel" "false"). (thanks RJNFC
      on #fluxbox, and barlad in gentoo forums)

  * Disabling full-maximize doesn't work (fixed in cvs).

  * Workspace1... Workspace12 are disabled

  * MoveTab* actions are disabled

  * Transient windows seem to not have a X border - is this right?
    => no, they ought to have a border

  * Slit (check toolbar too) layernum isn't initialised to resource 
    value on init. Also check why Fluxbox::Layer is used rather than int.
    => Fixed by reorganising the way ResourceManager works.
       Fluxbox::Layer is used so that we can give some layers names

  * MenuAlpha (at least) isn't 'per-screen' - takes the value of the
    highest numbered screen.
    => Fixed, moved alpha setting into MenuTheme rather than static value

Core dumps and notes

Simon, 19/7/03. 
Dump on workspace change. Toolbarmode = workspace
Interesting points:
(gdb) p fluxboxwin->m_client
$2 = (class WinClient *) 0x42424141
==> the fluxboxwin is probably dead

#5  0x401ab518 in sigaction () from /lib/
#6  0x0806199d in basic_string<char, string_char_traits<char>, __default_alloc_template<true, 0> >::size (this=0x424241d5)
    at /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4/../../../../include/g++-3/std/bastring.h:156
#7  0x080aab44 in IconBar::draw (this=0x819e888, obj=0x81998e0, width=56)
#8  0x080aa842 in IconBar::exposeEvent (this=0x819e888, ee=0xbffff44c)
#9  0x080a4f23 in Toolbar::exposeEvent (this=0x8198cc8, ee=@0xbffff44c)
#10 0x080ac1ac in FbTk::EventManager::handleEvent (this=0x81406ec,
    ev=@0xbffff44c) at
#11 0x0805a63c in Fluxbox::handleEvent (this=0x8142220, e=0xbffff44c)
#12 0x08059a14 in Fluxbox::eventLoop (this=0x8142220) at