This file is intended to provide a rough roadmap of the development 
towards the Fluxbox 1.0.0 release.

The process will involve a number of development releases in the 0.9
series until features and execution (i.e. bugs) stabilise.

Some of the interesting new features beyond 0.1.14 that we'd like to work towards are:

- Layer Support
- New action system (key/mouse bindings)
- Tabgroup rewrite (should also allow more commands to act on the whole group)
- Tabs embedded in titlebar
- Most recently used window cycling
- Toolbar modes
- Integration of remember patch (or at least the concept)
- Smarter config menus (ability to modify numeric values)
- fix Xinerama support again
- XRandr support

Some minor ones (mainly bugfixes or small things) that I feel like noting are
(many of these based on feature requests or bug reports from sourceforge):

- Key bindings for:
  -> restart
  -> specific tab numbers
  -> tabgroup keybindings
  -> menu navigation
  -> moving windows to next workspace/tabgroup
- fix up focus issues (click to focus sometimes acts like sloppy)
- proper initialisation from hints (e.g. Eterm -D 2)
- fix toggledecoration to not give tabs back etc
- snap to windows
- Pixmap buttons
- Shaped menus/toolbar/slit
- improved command line output for help option (plus include compile-time options 
        etc in output for improved bug reporting)
- layer configuration things for toolbar/slit/numlayers
- fix outline window moving

Some lower priority ones ("thoughts"/maybes):

- transparency (major)
- keybindings for directional focus moving:
  -> nextWindowLeft/Right/Up/Down
     - looks for the window left of the current one, and gives it focus
- more powerful autogrouping matching
- stop window movement by clicking on border (only on frame instead)
- mouse button "keys"
- ability to specify keybinding actions for titlebar buttons (i.e. configurable actions for titlebar buttons).

 - (optional) Unique per-workspace backgrounds
   => To be made into separate application, if time permits will try to 
      get this done before 1.0.0rc1

Known Bugs (to be looked at at some time):
 - Focus acts sloppy on window close/warp, or when decoration-less window is "focused"

Fixed known bugs:
 - Doesn't redraw properly after unshade


So, what's the plan?

- => Planned (or not applicable)
= => Started
+ => Almost done
* => Done

Release:      0.9.0
Approx Date:  23 February, 2003
Major Features:
 * Layer support                        (Simon)
 * New action system                    (Henrik)
 * Smarter config menus                 (Henrik)
Minor Features:
 * Proper initialisation from hints     (Simon)
 * layer configuration things           (Simon)
Bugfixes/lower priority:

Release:      0.9.1
Approx Date:  7 April, 2003
Major Features:
 * Toolbar modes                        (Simon)
 * Tabs embedded in titlebar            (Henrik)
 * Tabgroup rewrite                     (Henrik)
 * Most recently used window cycling    (Simon)
Minor Features:
 * fix outline window moving            (Simon)
Bugfixes/lower priority:
 * Bugs from 0.9.0                      (Both)
 * Doesn't redraw properly after unshade (Simon)

Release:      0.9.2
Approx Date:  5 May, 2003
Major Features:
 * Integration of Remember patch        (Simon)
 * Transparency                         (Henrik)
Minor Features:
 * more keybinding actions              (Both)
 * directional focus movement           (Simon)
 * fix up focus issues                  (Simon)
 * snap to windows                      (Simon)
 * improved command-line help option    (Henrik)
 * pixmap buttons                       (Henrik)
Bugfixes/lower priority:
 * Bugs from 0.9.1                      (Both)
 * stop window moving from borders      (Simon)
 * Focus acts sloppy on window close/warp (Simon)

Release:      0.9.3
Approx Date:  26 May, 2003
Major Features:
 - Xinerama                             (Simon)
 * XRandr                               (Henrik)
Minor Features:
 - Add some sort of program launch function (Simon)
 - more powerful autogroup matching     (?)
 - nls updating (layers, toolbar)       (Both)
 + Shaped menu/slit/toolbar             (Henrik)
Bugfixes/lower priority:
 - Fixes for 0.9.2 and previous         (Both)

Release:      1.0.0 rc1
Approx Date:  9 June, 2003
Major Features:
Minor Features:
Bugfixes/lower priority:
 - Fixes for 0.9.3 and previous

 - app (fbev?) for per workspace backgrounds, among other things


Release:      1.0.0
Approx Date:  30 June, 2003

Obviously any remaining bug-fixes and small tweaks